Dr Maria Kyriakidou
School of Journalism, Media and Culture
- KyriakidouM@cardiff.ac.uk
- +44 29225 10737
- Two Central Square, Central Square, Cardiff, CF10 1FS
- Available for postgraduate supervision
I am a Reader at the School of Journalism, Media and Culture. I am currently the Course Director for the MA in Journalism, Media and Communications.
My research broadly engages with audience studies, with a particular focus on the mediation of global crises, including humanitarian news and disinformation. I have published work on disinformation and fact-checking, audience engagement with distant disasters, the mediation of the Euro crisis, and global media events.
I teach on Media, Globalisation and Culture (BA) and Debates and Concepts in Media and Communications (MA).
Before joining Cardiff, I was a lecturer in Media, Cultural Politics and Communications at the University of East Anglia. I hold an MSc in Social and Public Communication and a PhD in Media and Communications from the London School of Economics.
Current research:
Crisis reporting beyond television news: A cross-platform analysis of British broadcasters' coverage of the Israel-Palestine conflict, funded by the The BA/Leverhulme Small Research Grants (2024-2025)
Past reseach:
'Countering disinformation: enhancing journalistic legitimacy in public service media' , funded by the AHRC (2020-2022)
- Morani, M., Hughes, C., Cushion, S. and Kyriakidou, M. 2024. Why media platforms police the boundaries of impartiality: a comparative analysis of television news and fact-checking in the UK. Journalism (10.1177/14648849241273599)
- Mulki, H., Alabdullah, S., Halil, A., Al-Ali, N., Kyriakidou, M. and Stavinoha, L. 2024. Online toxicity against Syrians in Turkish Twitter: Analysis and implications. International Journal of Communication 18, pp. 191-218.
- Kyriakidou, M. 2024. Audiences and ethics in times of crises. In: Rothenberg, L., Löffelholz, M. and Weaver, D. H. eds. The Palgrave Handbook of Cross-Border Journalism. London: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 349-362., (10.1007/978-3-031-23023-3_22)
- Kyriakidou, M., Morani, M., Cushion, S. and Hughes, C. 2023. Audience understandings of disinformation: navigating news media through a prism of pragmatic scepticism. Journalism 24(11), pp. 2379-2396. (10.1177/14648849221114244)
- Kyriakidou, M., Cushion, S., Hughes, C. and Morani, M. 2023. Questioning fact-checking in the fight against disinformation: An audience perspective. Journalism Practice 17(10), pp. 2123-3139. (10.1080/17512786.2022.2097118)
- Hughes, C., Morani, M., Cushion, S. and Kyriakidou, M. 2023. Does the political context shape how "due impartiality" is interpreted? An analysis of BBC reporting of the 2019 UK and 2020 US election campaigns. Journalism Studies 24(14), pp. 1715-1733. (10.1080/1461670X.2023.2173956)
- Soo, N., Morani, M., Kyriakidou, M. and Cushion, S. 2023. Reflecting party agendas, challenging claims: An analysis of editorial judgements and fact-checking journalism during the 2019 UK general election campaign. Journalism Studies 24(4), pp. 460-478. (10.1080/1461670X.2023.2169190)
- Morani, M., Cushion, S., Kyriakidou, M. and Soo, N. 2022. Expert voices in the news reporting of the coronavirus pandemic: A study of UK television news bulletins and their audiences. Journalism 23(12), pp. 2513-2532. (10.1177/14648849221127629)
- Cushion, S., Morani, M., Kyriakidou, M. and Soo, N. 2022. (Mis)understanding the coronavirus and how it was handled in the UK: An analysis of public knowledge and the information environment. Journalism Studies 23(5-6), pp. 703-721. (10.1080/1461670X.2021.1950564)
- Cushion, S., Morani, M., Kyriakidou, M. and Soo, N. 2022. Why media systems matter: A fact-checking study of UK television news during the Coronavirus pandemic. Digital Journalism 10(5), pp. 698-716. (10.1080/21670811.2021.1965490)
- Kyriakidou, M., Morani, M. and Willmington, L. 2022. Representing diversity during COVID-19: Minority and migrant communities in UK television news. In: Trandafoiu, R. ed. Border Crossings and Mobilities on Screen. London: Routledge, pp. 49-60.
- Kyriakidou, M., Morani, M., Soo, N. and Cushion, S. 2021. Reporting from the front line: the role of health workers in UK television news reporting of COVID-19. In: Lewis, M., Govender, E. and Holland, K. eds. Communicating COVID-19: Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 41-58., (10.1007/978-3-030-79735-5_3)
- Kyriakidou, M. 2021. The audience of humanitarian communication. In: Chouliaraki, L. ed. Routledge Handbook of Humanitarian Communication. Routledge International Handbooks Abingdon and New York: Routledge, pp. 88-103.
- Kyriakidou, M. and Garcia-Blanco, I. 2021. Introduction: Innovations, transformations and the future of journalism. Journalism Practice 15(6), pp. 723-727. (10.1080/17512786.2021.1935301)
- Kyriakidou, M. and Cushion, S. 2021. Journalistic responses to misinformation. In: The Routledge Companion to Media Disinformation and Populism. Routledge, (10.4324/9781003004431-55)
- Kyriakidou, M. 2021. Hierarchies of deservingness and the limits of hospitality in the 'refugee crisis'. Media, Culture and Society 43(1), pp. 133-149. (10.1177/0163443720960928)
- Morani, M., Kyriakidou, M., Soo, N. and Cushion, S. 2020. The 'hospectacle' of reporting from ICUs: what does the public want to see?. [Online]. LSE COVID-19 Blog: London School of Economics and Political Science. Available at: https://blogs.lse.ac.uk/covid19/2020/05/29/the-hospectacle-of-reporting-from-icus-what-does-the-public-want-to-see/
- Kyriakidou, M., Morani, M., Soo, N. and Cushion, S. 2020. Government and media misinformation about COVID-19 is confusing the public. [Online]. LSE Blogs: LSE. Available at: https://blogs.lse.ac.uk/covid19/2020/05/07/government-and-media-misinformation-about-covid-19-is-confusing-the-public/
- Soo, N., Morani, M., Kyriakidou, M. and Cushion, S. 2020. Research suggests UK public can spot fake news about COVID-19, but don’t realise the UK’s death toll is far higher than in many other countries. [Online]. LSE Blogs: LSE. Available at: https://blogs.lse.ac.uk/covid19/2020/04/28/research-suggests-uk-public-can-spot-fake-news-about-covid-19-but-dont-realise-the-uks-death-toll-is-far-higher-than-in-many-other-countries/
- Prentoulis, M. and Kyriakidou, M. 2019. Media and collective action in Greece: from indignation to solidarity. International Journal of Communication 13, pp. 22-40.
- Kyriakidou, M. 2019. The audience of distant suffering and the question of (in)action. In: Paulmann, J. ed. Humanitarianism and the Media, 1900-2015. New German Historical Perspectives Berghahn, pp. 281-298.
- Kyriakidou, M., Skey, M., Uldam, J. and McCurdy, P. 2018. Media events and cosmopolitan fandom: 'Playful nationalism' in the Eurovision Song Contest. International Journal of Cultural Studies 21(6), pp. 603-618., article number: 136787791772023. (10.1177/1367877917720238)
- Kyriakidou, M. and Garcia-Blanco, I. 2018. Safeguarding the status quo: the press and the emergence of a new left in Greece and Spain. In: Bausu, L., Schifferes, S. and Knowles, S. eds. The Media and Austerity: Comparative Perspectives. London and New York: Routledge, pp. 128-139.
- Kyriakidou, M., Olivas Osuna, J. and Hanska-Ahy, M. 2018. The Indignados in the European press: beyond the protest paradigm?. In: Wimmer, J. et al. eds. (Mis)Understanding Political Participation: Digital Practices, New Forms of Participation and the Renewal of Democracy. Routledge
- Kyriakidou, M. and Olivas Osuna, J. J. 2017. The Indignados protests in the Spanish and Greek press: moving beyond the 'protest paradigm'?. European Journal of Communication 32(5), pp. 457-472. (10.1177/0267323117720342)
- Kyriakidou, M. 2017. Remembering global disasters and the construction of cosmopolitan memory. Communication, Culture and Critique 10(1), pp. 93-111. (10.1111/cccr.12142)
- Kaun, A., Kyriakidou, M. and Uldam, J. 2016. Political agency at the digital crossroads?. Media and Communication 4(4), pp. 1-7. (10.17645/mac.v4i4.690)
- Skey, M., Kyriakidou, M., McCurdy, P. and Uldam, J. 2016. Staging and engaging with media events: A study of the 2014 Eurovision Song Contest. International Journal of Communication 10, pp. 3381-3399.
- Kyriakidou, M. 2015. Media witnessing: exploring the audience of distant suffering. Media, Culture and Society 37(2), pp. 215-231. (10.1177/0163443714557981)
- Kyriakidou, M. and Olivas Osuna, J. J. 2014. Press coverage and civic engagement during the euro crisis: Reporting the Indignados. International Journal of Media and Cultural Politics 10(2), pp. 213-220. (10.1386/macp.10.2.213_3)
- Kyriakidou, M. 2014. Distant suffering in audience memory: the moral hierarchy of remembering. International Journal of Communication 8, pp. 1474-1494.
- Kyriakidou, M. 2009. Imagining ourselves beyond the nation? Exploring cosmopolitanism in relation to media coverage of distant suffering. Studies in Ethnicity and Nationalism 9(3), pp. 481-496. (10.1111/j.1754-9469.2009.01062.x)
- Kyriakidou, M. 2008. Rethinking media events in the context of a global public sphere: Exploring the audience of global disasters in Greece. Communications 33(3), pp. 273-291. (10.1515/COMM.2008.018)
- Kyriakidou, M. 2008. Mediated cosmopolitanism: Global disasters and the emergence of cosmopolitan solidarity. Global Studies Journal 1(3), pp. 123-130. (10.18848/1835-4432/CGP/v01i03/40954)
- Kyriakidou, M. 2008. Feeling the pain of others: Exploring cosmopolitan empathy in relation to distant suffering. In: Olsson, T. et al. eds. Democracy, Journalism, and Technology: New Developments in an Enlarged Europe. The intellectual work of ECREA's 2008 European media and communication doctoral summer school. Tartu University Press
- Morani, M., Hughes, C., Cushion, S. and Kyriakidou, M. 2024. Why media platforms police the boundaries of impartiality: a comparative analysis of television news and fact-checking in the UK. Journalism (10.1177/14648849241273599)
- Mulki, H., Alabdullah, S., Halil, A., Al-Ali, N., Kyriakidou, M. and Stavinoha, L. 2024. Online toxicity against Syrians in Turkish Twitter: Analysis and implications. International Journal of Communication 18, pp. 191-218.
- Kyriakidou, M., Morani, M., Cushion, S. and Hughes, C. 2023. Audience understandings of disinformation: navigating news media through a prism of pragmatic scepticism. Journalism 24(11), pp. 2379-2396. (10.1177/14648849221114244)
- Kyriakidou, M., Cushion, S., Hughes, C. and Morani, M. 2023. Questioning fact-checking in the fight against disinformation: An audience perspective. Journalism Practice 17(10), pp. 2123-3139. (10.1080/17512786.2022.2097118)
- Hughes, C., Morani, M., Cushion, S. and Kyriakidou, M. 2023. Does the political context shape how "due impartiality" is interpreted? An analysis of BBC reporting of the 2019 UK and 2020 US election campaigns. Journalism Studies 24(14), pp. 1715-1733. (10.1080/1461670X.2023.2173956)
- Soo, N., Morani, M., Kyriakidou, M. and Cushion, S. 2023. Reflecting party agendas, challenging claims: An analysis of editorial judgements and fact-checking journalism during the 2019 UK general election campaign. Journalism Studies 24(4), pp. 460-478. (10.1080/1461670X.2023.2169190)
- Morani, M., Cushion, S., Kyriakidou, M. and Soo, N. 2022. Expert voices in the news reporting of the coronavirus pandemic: A study of UK television news bulletins and their audiences. Journalism 23(12), pp. 2513-2532. (10.1177/14648849221127629)
- Cushion, S., Morani, M., Kyriakidou, M. and Soo, N. 2022. (Mis)understanding the coronavirus and how it was handled in the UK: An analysis of public knowledge and the information environment. Journalism Studies 23(5-6), pp. 703-721. (10.1080/1461670X.2021.1950564)
- Cushion, S., Morani, M., Kyriakidou, M. and Soo, N. 2022. Why media systems matter: A fact-checking study of UK television news during the Coronavirus pandemic. Digital Journalism 10(5), pp. 698-716. (10.1080/21670811.2021.1965490)
- Kyriakidou, M. and Garcia-Blanco, I. 2021. Introduction: Innovations, transformations and the future of journalism. Journalism Practice 15(6), pp. 723-727. (10.1080/17512786.2021.1935301)
- Kyriakidou, M. 2021. Hierarchies of deservingness and the limits of hospitality in the 'refugee crisis'. Media, Culture and Society 43(1), pp. 133-149. (10.1177/0163443720960928)
- Prentoulis, M. and Kyriakidou, M. 2019. Media and collective action in Greece: from indignation to solidarity. International Journal of Communication 13, pp. 22-40.
- Kyriakidou, M., Skey, M., Uldam, J. and McCurdy, P. 2018. Media events and cosmopolitan fandom: 'Playful nationalism' in the Eurovision Song Contest. International Journal of Cultural Studies 21(6), pp. 603-618., article number: 136787791772023. (10.1177/1367877917720238)
- Kyriakidou, M. and Olivas Osuna, J. J. 2017. The Indignados protests in the Spanish and Greek press: moving beyond the 'protest paradigm'?. European Journal of Communication 32(5), pp. 457-472. (10.1177/0267323117720342)
- Kyriakidou, M. 2017. Remembering global disasters and the construction of cosmopolitan memory. Communication, Culture and Critique 10(1), pp. 93-111. (10.1111/cccr.12142)
- Kaun, A., Kyriakidou, M. and Uldam, J. 2016. Political agency at the digital crossroads?. Media and Communication 4(4), pp. 1-7. (10.17645/mac.v4i4.690)
- Skey, M., Kyriakidou, M., McCurdy, P. and Uldam, J. 2016. Staging and engaging with media events: A study of the 2014 Eurovision Song Contest. International Journal of Communication 10, pp. 3381-3399.
- Kyriakidou, M. 2015. Media witnessing: exploring the audience of distant suffering. Media, Culture and Society 37(2), pp. 215-231. (10.1177/0163443714557981)
- Kyriakidou, M. and Olivas Osuna, J. J. 2014. Press coverage and civic engagement during the euro crisis: Reporting the Indignados. International Journal of Media and Cultural Politics 10(2), pp. 213-220. (10.1386/macp.10.2.213_3)
- Kyriakidou, M. 2014. Distant suffering in audience memory: the moral hierarchy of remembering. International Journal of Communication 8, pp. 1474-1494.
- Kyriakidou, M. 2009. Imagining ourselves beyond the nation? Exploring cosmopolitanism in relation to media coverage of distant suffering. Studies in Ethnicity and Nationalism 9(3), pp. 481-496. (10.1111/j.1754-9469.2009.01062.x)
- Kyriakidou, M. 2008. Rethinking media events in the context of a global public sphere: Exploring the audience of global disasters in Greece. Communications 33(3), pp. 273-291. (10.1515/COMM.2008.018)
- Kyriakidou, M. 2008. Mediated cosmopolitanism: Global disasters and the emergence of cosmopolitan solidarity. Global Studies Journal 1(3), pp. 123-130. (10.18848/1835-4432/CGP/v01i03/40954)
Book sections
- Kyriakidou, M. 2024. Audiences and ethics in times of crises. In: Rothenberg, L., Löffelholz, M. and Weaver, D. H. eds. The Palgrave Handbook of Cross-Border Journalism. London: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 349-362., (10.1007/978-3-031-23023-3_22)
- Kyriakidou, M., Morani, M. and Willmington, L. 2022. Representing diversity during COVID-19: Minority and migrant communities in UK television news. In: Trandafoiu, R. ed. Border Crossings and Mobilities on Screen. London: Routledge, pp. 49-60.
- Kyriakidou, M., Morani, M., Soo, N. and Cushion, S. 2021. Reporting from the front line: the role of health workers in UK television news reporting of COVID-19. In: Lewis, M., Govender, E. and Holland, K. eds. Communicating COVID-19: Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 41-58., (10.1007/978-3-030-79735-5_3)
- Kyriakidou, M. 2021. The audience of humanitarian communication. In: Chouliaraki, L. ed. Routledge Handbook of Humanitarian Communication. Routledge International Handbooks Abingdon and New York: Routledge, pp. 88-103.
- Kyriakidou, M. and Cushion, S. 2021. Journalistic responses to misinformation. In: The Routledge Companion to Media Disinformation and Populism. Routledge, (10.4324/9781003004431-55)
- Kyriakidou, M. 2019. The audience of distant suffering and the question of (in)action. In: Paulmann, J. ed. Humanitarianism and the Media, 1900-2015. New German Historical Perspectives Berghahn, pp. 281-298.
- Kyriakidou, M. and Garcia-Blanco, I. 2018. Safeguarding the status quo: the press and the emergence of a new left in Greece and Spain. In: Bausu, L., Schifferes, S. and Knowles, S. eds. The Media and Austerity: Comparative Perspectives. London and New York: Routledge, pp. 128-139.
- Kyriakidou, M., Olivas Osuna, J. and Hanska-Ahy, M. 2018. The Indignados in the European press: beyond the protest paradigm?. In: Wimmer, J. et al. eds. (Mis)Understanding Political Participation: Digital Practices, New Forms of Participation and the Renewal of Democracy. Routledge
- Kyriakidou, M. 2008. Feeling the pain of others: Exploring cosmopolitan empathy in relation to distant suffering. In: Olsson, T. et al. eds. Democracy, Journalism, and Technology: New Developments in an Enlarged Europe. The intellectual work of ECREA's 2008 European media and communication doctoral summer school. Tartu University Press
- Morani, M., Kyriakidou, M., Soo, N. and Cushion, S. 2020. The 'hospectacle' of reporting from ICUs: what does the public want to see?. [Online]. LSE COVID-19 Blog: London School of Economics and Political Science. Available at: https://blogs.lse.ac.uk/covid19/2020/05/29/the-hospectacle-of-reporting-from-icus-what-does-the-public-want-to-see/
- Kyriakidou, M., Morani, M., Soo, N. and Cushion, S. 2020. Government and media misinformation about COVID-19 is confusing the public. [Online]. LSE Blogs: LSE. Available at: https://blogs.lse.ac.uk/covid19/2020/05/07/government-and-media-misinformation-about-covid-19-is-confusing-the-public/
- Soo, N., Morani, M., Kyriakidou, M. and Cushion, S. 2020. Research suggests UK public can spot fake news about COVID-19, but don’t realise the UK’s death toll is far higher than in many other countries. [Online]. LSE Blogs: LSE. Available at: https://blogs.lse.ac.uk/covid19/2020/04/28/research-suggests-uk-public-can-spot-fake-news-about-covid-19-but-dont-realise-the-uks-death-toll-is-far-higher-than-in-many-other-countries/
Academic mentor for Cara, the Council for At-Risk Academics
I have been working as an academic mentor on Cara's Syria Programme since February 2021. I have suppofted a team of Syrian academics in Turkey through the December 2020 Funding Call, providing mentorship throughout all stages of their research project, from the funding application to the writing up and publication of an academic paper. I continue as a mentor for the April 2023 Funding Call.
'Have you got news for us?' Understanding disinformation through marginalised communities, funded by the HEFCW Research Wales Innovation Fund (2021-2022)
The project was a collaboration with the Newport charity Our Chartist Heritage. It consisted of workshops with marginalised communities, discussing their understanding of disinformation in relation to their informational needs. We conducted workshops with Polish migrants, Ukrainian refugees, older people, and young people with learning difficulties.
Tiger Bay: Retelling the story of one of Britain's oldest and most diverse multicultural communities, funded by the HEFCW Research Wales Innovation Fund (2022) (with Co-Is Tom Allbeson and Linda Mitchell)
The project was a collaboration with the charity Heritage and Cultural Exchange in Cardiff. The project aimed at supporting the charity strengthen its links to the community, and enriching its photographic and oral history archive of the area of Tiger Bay. It entailed oral history interviews with older members of the community, some of them conducted by student volunteers, who had received appropriate training, as well as photographic memory workshops conducted weekly at the Butetown community centre.