Mark is a Research Associate in the Welsh Economy Research Unit (WERU) at Cardiff Business School. WERU seeks to provide research, analysis, and evaluation on all aspects of the Welsh economy. Through considered research it aims to improve the performance of Welsh firms, organisatons, and the third sector, as well as the overall Welsh economy.
He is currently working on two research projects: Economic Intellegence Wales and CSconnected. His wider research interests relate to place-based economic, social, enviromental, and cultural sustainability.
Mark joined WERU in 2023 having previously worked as an independent researcher supporting the research and policy development activities of a wide range of public, private, and third sector organisations.
- Munday, M., Huggins, R., Lang, M. and Roberts, A. 2025. Annual Report: Compound semiconductor cluster in South Wales 2024. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: CSconnected/ Welsh Economy Research Unit. Available at: https://csconnected.com/media/t52dosq5/weru-csconnected-sipf-2024-annual-report.pdf
- Lang, M., Munday, M., Roberts, A. and Roche, N. 2024. Economic Intelligence Wales: Annual report. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: Economic Intelligence Wales. Available at: https://developmentbank.wales/sites/default/files/2024-09/EIW%20Annual%20Report%202024%20ENG_ACCESSIBLE_V1%202.pdf
- Lang, M., Munday, M., Roberts, A. and Roche, N. 2024. Covid-19 Welsh Government financial interventions: Final analysis of administrative and beneficiary survey data. Project Report. [Online]. Wrexham: Economic Intelligence Wales. Available at: https://developmentbank.wales/sites/default/files/2024-05/EIW%20Bespoke%20Report%20April2024%20Covid-19%20intervention_ENG_Accessibility1.pdf
- Munday, M., Huggins, R., Lang, M. and Roberts, A. 2024. Annual Report: Compound semiconductor cluster in South Wales. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: Welsh Economy Research Unit. Available at: https://csconnected.com/media/trijjr3n/csconnected-sipf-weru-annual-report-2023.pdf
- Lang, M. and Marsden, T. 2023. Territorialising sustainability: De-coupling and the foundational economy in Wales. Territory, Politics, Governance 11(8), pp. 1635-1648. (10.1080/21622671.2021.1941230)
- Adamson, D., Axinte, L., Lang, M. and Marsden, T. 2022. Sustainable places: Addressing social inequality and environmental crisis. Routledge Explorations in Environmental Studies. Abingdon and New York: Routledge.
- Axinte, L. and Lang, M. 2022. What next? Leveraging a new global crisis to mitigate an older one: opportunities and challenges in Romania and Britain. Territory, Politics, Governance 10(6), pp. 837-854. (10.1080/21622671.2021.1938655)
- Buchanan, J., Froud, J., Lang, M., Lloyd, C., Smith, B. and Williams, K. 2020. Enabling renewal: further education and building better citizenship, occupations and business communities in Wales. Project Report. ColegauCyrmu/CollegesWales.
- Lang, M. and Marsden, T. 2018. Rethinking growth: Towards the well-being economy. Local Economy 33(5), pp. 496-514. (10.1177/0269094218792474)
- Henley, A. and Lang, M. 2017. Self-employment in Wales: micro-business activity or the rise of the gig economy?. Welsh Economic Review 25, pp. 9-17. (10.18573/j.2017.10194)
- Lang, M. and Marsden, T. 2023. Territorialising sustainability: De-coupling and the foundational economy in Wales. Territory, Politics, Governance 11(8), pp. 1635-1648. (10.1080/21622671.2021.1941230)
- Axinte, L. and Lang, M. 2022. What next? Leveraging a new global crisis to mitigate an older one: opportunities and challenges in Romania and Britain. Territory, Politics, Governance 10(6), pp. 837-854. (10.1080/21622671.2021.1938655)
- Lang, M. and Marsden, T. 2018. Rethinking growth: Towards the well-being economy. Local Economy 33(5), pp. 496-514. (10.1177/0269094218792474)
- Henley, A. and Lang, M. 2017. Self-employment in Wales: micro-business activity or the rise of the gig economy?. Welsh Economic Review 25, pp. 9-17. (10.18573/j.2017.10194)
- Adamson, D., Axinte, L., Lang, M. and Marsden, T. 2022. Sustainable places: Addressing social inequality and environmental crisis. Routledge Explorations in Environmental Studies. Abingdon and New York: Routledge.
- Munday, M., Huggins, R., Lang, M. and Roberts, A. 2025. Annual Report: Compound semiconductor cluster in South Wales 2024. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: CSconnected/ Welsh Economy Research Unit. Available at: https://csconnected.com/media/t52dosq5/weru-csconnected-sipf-2024-annual-report.pdf
- Lang, M., Munday, M., Roberts, A. and Roche, N. 2024. Economic Intelligence Wales: Annual report. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: Economic Intelligence Wales. Available at: https://developmentbank.wales/sites/default/files/2024-09/EIW%20Annual%20Report%202024%20ENG_ACCESSIBLE_V1%202.pdf
- Lang, M., Munday, M., Roberts, A. and Roche, N. 2024. Covid-19 Welsh Government financial interventions: Final analysis of administrative and beneficiary survey data. Project Report. [Online]. Wrexham: Economic Intelligence Wales. Available at: https://developmentbank.wales/sites/default/files/2024-05/EIW%20Bespoke%20Report%20April2024%20Covid-19%20intervention_ENG_Accessibility1.pdf
- Munday, M., Huggins, R., Lang, M. and Roberts, A. 2024. Annual Report: Compound semiconductor cluster in South Wales. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: Welsh Economy Research Unit. Available at: https://csconnected.com/media/trijjr3n/csconnected-sipf-weru-annual-report-2023.pdf
- Buchanan, J., Froud, J., Lang, M., Lloyd, C., Smith, B. and Williams, K. 2020. Enabling renewal: further education and building better citizenship, occupations and business communities in Wales. Project Report. ColegauCyrmu/CollegesWales.
Previous Project Reports
Prior to joining Cardiff Business School, and whilst working as an independent socio-economic researcher, Mark authored a wide range of project reports relating to my applied client-based research. The following are a short selection of these project reports:
Adamson D and Lang M (2023). A feasibility study for the establishment of a development trust in the Cynon Valley. (Client: Welsh Government).
Lang M (2022). A new deal for the self-employed: improving the financial resilience of low-income self-employed people in Wales. (Client: Bevan Foundation).
Lang M (2022). The student cost of living crisis. (Client: NUS).
Lang M (2020). Can you get there from here? Post-16 education, social progression, and socio-economic resilience. (Client: Colegau Cymru).
Henley A and Lang M (2017). Going solo: understanding self-employment in Wales. (Client: Federation of Small Businesses).
Deep Place Studies
During 2013/14, whilst working as Senior Researcher at CREW, Mark co-developed (together with Dave Adamson) the Deep Place approach to whole-place sustinable planning. The culmination of this project work is found in: Adamson D, Axinte L, Lang M and Marsden T (2023). Sustainable Places: Addressing Social Inequality and Environmental Crisis. Abingdon: Routledge.
The programme of place-based research work informing this monograph was undertaken with various communities in the UK, Australia, and Vanuatu. The following are the UK based project reports that Mark has authored or co-authored:
Lang M (2019). The Llandovery Deep Place study: a pathway for future generations. (Sustainable Places Research Institute).
Adamson D and Lang M (2017). Lansbury Park: a Deep Place plan. (Caerphilly County Borough Council).
Lang M (2016). All around us: the Pontypool Deep Place study. (Sustainable Places Research Institute).
Adamson D and Lang M (2014). Towards a new settlement: a Deep Place approach to equitable and sustainable places. (CREW).
PhD Cardiff University
Pg. Dip Cardiff University
BSc Econ (Hons) Cardiff University
Career Overview
2023 - present: Cardiff Business School, Research Associate WERU
2023: Cardiff Metropolitan University, Lecturer Social Policy
2015 - 2023: Independent Socio-Economic Researcher
2014 - 2015: Centre for Local Economic Strategies, Associate Director (Policy)
2011 - 2014: Centre for Regeneration Excellence Wales, Senior Researcher
2008 - 2011: Cambrian Group, Director of Education
2003 - 2008: Senedd Cymru / Welsh Parliament, Researcher
Other Experience
2021 - present: Welsh Government, Volunteering Cross-Sectoral Leadership Group, Member
2013 - 2023: Cardiff University, Honorary University Associate
2018 - 2019: Institute of Welsh Affairs, Economy Policy Group, Member
2015 - 2017: Welsh Government, Future Landscapes Working Group, Member
2012 - 2016: Glandwr Cymru - The Canal and River Trust in Wales, Chair All Wales Partnership
2016: Welsh Government, Jobs Closer to Home Working Group, Member
2015: Coleg Gwent, Ebbw Vale Community Patnership, Chair
2013 - 2015: Welsh Government, First Minister's Advisory Panel on PPIW, Chair
2013 - 2016: Aneurin Bevan Community Health Council, Vice Chair