I have an international reputation for excellence in both fundamental and policy-oriented research on money laundering, corruption, cybercrimes, fraud, transnational organised crime and white-collar crimes. This is reflected in major lifetime achievement awards from the British, European and American Societies of Criminology, the Lifetime Tackling Economic Crime Award, and the Al Thani Rule of Law Committee/UNODC Corruption Research and Education prize.
I have played an advisory role both internationally (with the European Commission and Parliament, Europol, Council of Europe, UN and World Economic Forum) and nationally (with the UK Home Office and Cabinet Office, and with the Crime Statistics Advisory Committee).
- Doig, A., Levi, M. and Luker, J. 2025. Will the future policing of fraud be ‘a fundamental shift in our approach to tackling fraud’ or largely more of the same? Reviewing the 2023 UK fraud strategy through evidence on the ground. Security Journal 38(1), article number: 8. (10.1057/s41284-024-00454-0)
- Lord, N. and Levi, M. 2025. Organising white-collar and corporate crimes: Understanding the organization of white-collar crime. London: Routledge.
- Lord, N. and Levi, M. 2024. Enhancing corporate accountability through covert situational integrity testing (CSIT). Griffith Law Review (10.1080/10383441.2024.2439366)
- Lusthaus, J., Kleemans, E., Leukfeldt, R., Levi, M. and Holt, T. 2024. Cybercriminal networks in the UK and Beyond: Network structure, criminal cooperation and external interactions. Trends in Organized Crime 27, pp. 364-387. (10.1007/s12117-022-09476-9)
- Lord, N. and Levi, M. 2023. Economic crime, economic criminology, and serious crimes for economic gain: On the conceptual and disciplinary (dis)order of the object of study. Journal of Economic Criminology 1, article number: 100014. (10.1016/j.jeconc.2023.100014)
- Krambia Kapardis, M. and Levi, M. 2023. Fraud and corruption in football: lessons from a survey of match-fixing in Cyprus. Journal of Financial Crime 30(4), pp. 891-907. (10.1108/JFC-03-2023-0046)
- Levi, M. 2023. Pandemics and Fraud: Learning from the Coronavirus pandemic and Its antecedents. In: Smith, R. G. et al. eds. Cybercrime in the Pandemic Digital Age and Beyond. Palgrave Studies in Cybercrime and Cybersecurity Palgrave Macmillan Cham, pp. 31-56., (10.1007/978-3-031-29107-4_3)
- Cook, S., Giommoni, L., Trajtenberg Pareja, N., Levi, M. and Williams, M. L. 2023. Fear of economic cybercrime across Europe: a multilevel application of routine activity theory. British Journal of Criminology 63(2), pp. 384-406. (10.1093/bjc/azac021)
- Levi, M. and Smith, R. G. 2022. Fraud and pandemics. Journal of Financial Crime 29(2), pp. 413-432. (10.1108/JFC-06-2021-0137)
- Levi, M. 2022. Lawyers as money laundering enablers? An evolving and contentious relationship. Global Crime 23(2), pp. 126-147. (10.1080/17440572.2022.2089122)
- Benson, M. L., Messner, S. F., Levi, M., Farrall, S. and Karstedt, S. 2021. Review symposium: respectable citizens—shady practices: the economic morality of the middle classes. British Journal of Criminology 61(3), pp. 872–885. (10.1093/bjc/azab012)
- Levi, M. and Smith, R. G. 2021. Fraud and its relationship to pandemics and economic crises: from Spanish flu to COVID-19. Australian Institute of Criminology. Available at: https://www.aic.gov.au/publications/rr/rr19
- Levi, M. 2021. Making sense of professional enablers' involvement in laundering organized crime proceeds and of their regulation. Trends in Organized Crime 24, pp. 96-110. (10.1007/s12117-020-09401-y)
- Levi, M. and Antonopoulos, G. A. 2021. 'Through a glass darkly': organised crime and money laundering policy reflections - an introduction to the special issue. Trends in Organized Crime 24, pp. 1-5. (10.1007/s12117-020-09403-w)
- Levi, M. 2020. Evaluating the control of money laundering and its underlying offences: the search for meaningful data. Asian Journal of Criminology 15, pp. 301-320. (10.1007/s11417-020-09319-y)
- Levi, M. and Doig, A. 2020. Exploring the ‘shadows’ in the implementation processes for national anti-fraud strategies at the local level: aims, ownership and impact. European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research 26, pp. 313-333. (10.1007/s10610-019-09422-6)
- Halliday, T., Levi, M. and Reuter, P. 2020. Why do transnational legal orders persist? The curious case of money-laundering controls. In: Shaffer, G. and Aaronson, E. eds. Transnational Legal Ordering of Criminal Justice. Cambridge Studies in Law and Society Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 51-83., (10.1017/9781108873994.002)
- Levi, M. and Soudijn, M. 2020. Understanding the laundering of organized crime money. Crime and Justice 49, pp. 579-631. (10.1086/708047)
- Lord, N., Doig, A., Levi, M., van Wingerde, K. and Benson, K. 2020. Implementing a divergent response? The UK approach to bribery in international and domestic contexts. Public Money and Management 40(5), pp. 349-359. (10.1080/09540962.2020.1714212)
- Doig, A. and Levi, M. 2020. Editorial: The dynamics of the fight against fraud and bribery: reflections on core issues in this PMM theme. Public Money and Management 40(5), pp. 343-348. (10.1080/09540962.2020.1752547)
- Levi, M. 2019. Combatting financial crimes, misconduct and mistrust in Australia: Some reflections on what criminologists can contribute. In: Chaikin, D. and Coshott, D. eds. Markets, Misconduct and the Technological Age. Australian Scholarly Publishing, pp. 86-112.
- Williams, M. L., Levi, M., Burnap, P. and Gundur, R. V. 2019. Under the corporate radar: examining insider business cybercrime victimization through an application of routine activities theory. Deviant Behavior 40(9), pp. 1119-1131. (10.1080/01639625.2018.1461786)
- Halliday, T., Levi, M. and Reuter, P. 2019. Anti-money laundering: an inquiry into a disciplinary transnational legal order. UCI Journal of International, Transnational, and Comparative Law 4(1)
- Prieger, J. et al. 2019. The Impact of E-Cigarette regulation on the illicit trade in tobacco products in the European Union. SSRN. Available at: https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3435177
- Levi, M. 2019. Fraud and corruption in the EU - the need for a more multi-faceted approach. European Court of Auditors Journal 2019(2), pp. 8-12.
- Anderson, R. et al. 2019. Measuring the changing cost of cybercrime. Presented at: The 2019 Workshop on the Economics of Information Security, Boston, US, 3-4 Jun 2019.
- Levi, M. 2018. Green with envy: Environmental crimes and black money. In: Spapens, T. et al. eds. Green Crimes and Dirty Money. London: Routledge, pp. 179-196., (10.4324/9781351245746-10)
- Levi, M., Reuter, P. and Haliday, T. 2018. Can the AML/CTF systems be evaluated without better data?. Crime, Law and Social Change 69, pp. 307-328. (10.1007/s10611-017-9757-4)
- Nelken, D. and Levi, M. 2018. Sir Philip Green and the unacceptable face of capitalism. King's Law Journal 29(1), pp. 36-57. (10.1080/09615768.2018.1480886)
- Dalley, G., Gilhooly, M., Gilhooly, K., Levi, M. and Harries, P. 2017. Researching the financial abuse of individuals lacking mental capacity. The Journal of Adult Protection 19(6), pp. 394-405. (10.1108/JAP-05-2017-0022)
- Williams, M. L. and Levi, M. 2017. Cybercrime prevention. In: Sidebottom, A. and Tilley, N. eds. Handbook of Crime Prevention and Community Safety (2nd edition). London: Routledge, (10.4324/9781315724393-21)
- Lord, N. and Levi, M. 2017. Organizing the finances for and the finances from transnational corporate bribery. European Journal of Criminology 14(3), pp. 365-389. (10.1177/1477370816661740)
- Innes, M. and Levi, M. 2017. Making and managing terrorism and counter-terrorism. In: Liebling,, A., Maruna, S. and McAra, L. eds. The Oxford Handbook of Criminology : Sixth edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 455-477.
- Whitty, M. et al. 2017. Ethical and social challenges with developing automated methods to detect and warn potential victims of Mass-Marketing Fraud (MMF). Presented at: 26th International Conference on World Wide Web, Perth, Australia, 3-7 April 2017WWW '17: Companion Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on World Wide Web Companion. Republic and Canton of Geneva, Switzerland: International World Wide Web Conferences Steering Committee pp. 1311-1314., (10.1145/3041021.3053891)
- Dalley, G., Gilhooly, M., Gilhooly, K. and Levi, M. 2017. Exploring financial abuse as a feature of family life: an analysis of Court of Protection cases. Elder Law Journal 7(1)
- Levi, M., Doig, A., Gundur, R., Wall, D. and Williams, M. 2017. Cyberfraud and the implications for effective risk-based responses: themes from UK research. Crime, Law and Social Change 67(1), pp. 77-96. (10.1007/s10611-016-9648-0)
- Levi, M. 2017. Assessing the trends, scale and nature of economic cybercrimes: overview and issues. Crime, Law and Social Change 67(1), pp. 3-20. (10.1007/s10611-016-9645-3)
- Lord, N. and Levi, M. 2017. O processo criminal de graves crimes de colarinho branco. In: Carlen, P. and Ayres Franca, L. eds. Criminologias alternativas. Canal Ciências Criminais, pp. 325-344.
- Levi, M. 2017. Punishing banks, their clients and their clients' clients. In: The Handbook of Criminal and Terrorism Financing Law. Palgrave MacMillan
- Levi, M. 2016. The impacts of organised crime in the EU: some preliminary thoughts on measurement difficulties. Contemporary Social Science 11(4), pp. 392-402. (10.1080/21582041.2015.1090802)
- Levi, M. 2016. Overview. Crime, Law and Social Change 67(1), pp. 1-2. (10.1007/s10611-016-9657-z)
- Manoli, A. E., Antonopoulos, G. A. and Levi, M. 2016. Football clubs and financial crimes in Greece. Journal of Financial Crime 23(3), pp. 559-573. (10.1108/JFC-06-2015-0030)
- Schuchter, A. and Levi, M. 2016. The fraud triangle revisited. Security Journal 29(2), pp. 107-121. (10.1057/sj.2013.1)
- Levi, M., Doig, A., Gundur, R., Wall, D. and Williams, M. L. 2016. The implications of economic cybercrime for policing. Project Report. [Online]. London: City of London Corporation. Available at: https://www.cityoflondon.gov.uk/business/economic-research-and-information/research-publications/Documents/Research-2015/Economic-Cybercrime-FullReport.pdf
- Levi, M. 2016. Chapter 28: sentencing respectable offenders. In: van Slyke, S. R., Benson, M. L. and Cullen, F. T. eds. Oxford Handbook of White - Collar Crime. Oxford University Press, pp. 582-602.
- Artingstall, D., Dove, N., Howell, J. and Levi, M. 2016. Drivers & impacts of derisking: A study of representative views and data in the UK, by John Howell & Co. Ltd. for the Financial Conduct Authority. Project Report. [Online]. Surrey: John Howell & Co. Ltd. Available at: https://www.fca.org.uk/publication/research/drivers-impacts-of-derisking.pdf
- Levi, M. and Schuchter, A. 2015. Beyond the fraud triangle: Swiss and Austrian elite fraudsters. Accounting Forum 39(3), pp. 176-187. (10.1016/j.accfor.2014.12.001)
- Middleton, D. and Levi, M. 2015. Let sleeping lawyers lie: organized crime, lawyers and the regulation of legal services. British Journal of Criminology 55(4), pp. 647-668. (10.1093/bjc/azv001)
- Levi, M. 2015. Money for crime and money from crime: financing crime and laundering crime proceeds. European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research 21(2), pp. 275-297. (10.1007/s10610-015-9269-7)
- Lord, N. and Levi, M. 2015. Determining the adequate enforcement of white-collar and corporate crimes in Europe. In: Erp, J. v., Huisman, W. and Walle, G. V. eds. The Routledge Handbook of White-Collar and Corporate Crime in Europe. Routledge, pp. 39-56.
- Levi, M. 2015. Qualitative research on elite frauds, ordinary frauds and "organized crime". In: Copes, H. and Miller, J. M. eds. Handbook of Qualitative Criminology. Routledge, pp. 215-235.
- Williams, M. L. and Levi, M. 2015. Perceptions of the eCrime controllers: modelling the influence of cooperation and data source factors. Security Journal 28(3), pp. 252-271. (10.1057/sj.2012.47)
- Levi, M. and CGD Working Group, . 2015. Unintended consequences of anti-money laundering policies for poor countries. Project Report. [Online]. Washington DC: Centre for Global Development. Available at: http://www.cgdev.org/publication/unintended-consequences-anti-money-laundering-policies-poor-countries
- Levi, M., Antonopoulos, G. A., Hall, A. and Rusev, A. 2015. Understanding criminal finances: policy and methodological framework. In: Shentov, O. and Levi, M. eds. Financing of Organised Crime. Center for the Study of Democracy, pp. 11-28.
- Levi, M. 2015. Understanding the U.S. illicit tobacco market: characteristics, policy context, and lessons from international experiences. Washington, DC:: National Academies Press.
- Levi, M. 2015. Some reflections on the evolution of financial and economic crimes. In: Rider, B. ed. Research Handbook on International Financial Crime. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. xxviii-xxxvi.
- Levi, M. 2014. Organized fraud. In: Paoli, L. ed. The Oxford Handbook of Organised Crime. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 460-481.
- Levi, M. 2014. Money laundering. In: Paoli, L. ed. The Oxford Handbook of Organised Crime. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 419-443.
- Levi, M. 2014. Thinking about organised crime. The RUSI Journal 159(1), pp. 6-14. (10.1080/03071847.2014.895253)
- Levi, M. and Williams, M. L. 2014. Launch of the eCrime partnership mapping study. Presented at: HMG Parliamentary Information Technology Committee, London, UK, 2012.
- Levi, M., Halliday, T. and Reuter, P. 2014. Global surveillance of dirty money: assessing assessments of regimes to control money-laundering and combat the financing of terrorism. Project Report. [Online]. Center on Law and Globalization. Available at: http://www.lexglobal.org/files/Report_Global%20Surveillance%20of%20Dirty%20Money%201.30.2014.pdf
- Levi, M. 2014. Fighting organised crime and threats to business. In: Martin, G. ed. The Handbook of Security (2nd Edition). Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 256-278.
- Levi, M. 2014. Regulating fraud revisited. In: Davies, P., Francis, P. and Wyatt, T. eds. Invisible Crimes and Social Harms. Critical Criminological Perspectives Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 221-243.
- Levi, M. 2014. The bureau de change. In: Thrift, N. et al. eds. Globalization in Practice. Oxford University Press, pp. 114-118.
- Levi, M. and Williams, M. L. 2013. Multi-agency partnerships in cybercrime reduction: Mapping the UK information assurance network cooperation space. Information Management & Computer Security 21(5), pp. 420-443. (10.1108/IMCS-04-2013-0027)
- Levi, M. 2013. Who are the criminals?: The politics of crime policy from the age of Roosevelt to the age of Reagan [Commentary]. Contemporary Sociology: A Journal of Reviews 42(5), pp. 683-686. (10.1177/0094306113499534d)
- Levi, M. and Horlick-Jones, T. E. 2013. Interpreting the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear incident: some questions for corporate criminology. Crime, Law and Social Change 59(5), pp. 487-500. (10.1007/s10611-013-9432-3)
- Doig, A. and Levi, M. 2013. A case of arrested development? Delivering the UK National Fraud Strategy within competing policing policy priorities. Public Money and Management 33(2), pp. 145-152. (10.1080/09540962.2013.763435)
- Levi, M. 2013. Regulating fraud: White-collar crime and the criminal process. Routledge Revivals. London: Routledge.
- Levi, M., Innes, M., Reuter, P. and Gundur, R. V. 2013. The economic, financial & social impacts of organised crime in the European Union. Brussels: European Parliament. Available at: http://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes/etudes/join/2013/493018/IPOL-JOIN_ET%282013%29493018_EN.pdf
- Levi, M. 2013. Drug law enforcement and financial investigation strategies, modernising drug law enforcement. Project Report. London: International Drug Policy Consortium.
- Levi, M. 2012. States, frauds, and the threat of transnational organized crime. Journal of International Affairs 66(1), pp. 37-48.
- Levi, M. 2012. Mafias on the Move: How Organized Crime Conquers New Territories. By Federico Varese. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 2011. Pp. x+278. $35.00. [Book Review]. American Journal of Sociology 117(5), pp. 1554-1556. (10.1086/664060)
- Levi, M. 2012. How well do anti-money laundering controls work in developing countries?. In: Reuter, P. ed. Draining Development?: Controlling Flows of Illicit Funds From Developing Countries. Washington, DC: World Bank, pp. 373-414.
- Levi, M. and Williams, M. L. 2012. eCrime reduction partnership mapping study: final report. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff University. Available at: http://www.cardiff.ac.uk/socsi/resources/Levi%20Williams%20eCrime%20Reduction%20Partnership%20Mapping%20Study.pdf
- Levi, M. and Williams, M. L. 2011. Mapping cybercrime and its control. Presented at: eCrime Reduction Partnership Business/Government Roundtable, Department for Business, Innovation and Skills, London, UK, 2011.
- Levi, M. 2010. Serious tax fraud and noncompliance: a review of evidence on the differential impact of criminal and noncriminal proceedings. Criminology & Public Policy 9(3), pp. 493-513. (10.1111/j.1745-9133.2010.00645.x)
- Levi, M. 2010. Combating the financing of terrorism: a history and assessment of the control of 'threat finance'. British Journal of Criminology 50(4), pp. 650-669. (10.1093/bjc/azq025)
- Levi, M. 2010. Financial crimes in comparative context. In: Shoham, S. G., Knepper, P. and Kett, M. eds. International Handbook of Criminology. Boca Raton: CRC Press, pp. 309-342.
- Levi, M. 2010. E-gaming and money laundering risks: a European overview. ERA Forum 10(4), pp. 533-546. (10.1007/s12027-009-0143-2)
- Levi, M. 2010. Hitting the suite spot: sentencing frauds. Journal of Financial Crime 17(1), pp. 116-132. (10.1108/13590791011009400)
- Levi, M. 2010. Credit fraud. In: Brookman, F. et al. eds. Handbook on Crime. Cullompton, Devon: Willan Publishing, pp. 153-171.
- Levi, M., Karstedt, S. and Ruggiero, V. 2010. Introduction to the BJC special issue on terrorism. British Journal of Criminology 50(4), pp. 617-621. (10.1093/bjc/azq024)
- Levi, M. 2010. Public and private policing of financial crimes: the struggle for co-ordination. Varstvoslovje / Journal of Criminal Justice and Security 12(4), pp. 343-354.
- Levi, M. 2009. 'Corruption and Money Laundering' by D. Chaikin and J. C. Sharman [Book Review]. Journal of Law and Society 36(4), pp. 589-591. (10.1111/j.1467-6478.2009.00486.x)
- Levi, M. 2009. Money-laundering risks and e-gaming: a European overview and assessment. Discussion Paper. European Gaming and Betting Association. Available at: http://www.egba.eu/pdf/Levi_Final_Money_Laundering_Risks_egaming%20280909.pdf
- Levi, M. and Van Duyne, P. 2009. Drugs en geld: Misdaadgeld-beheer en drugsmarkten in Europa. [Drugs and money: managing the drug trade and crime money in Europe].Levi, M. and Van Duyne, P. Oisterwijk, Netherlands: Wolf Legal Publishers.
- Levi, M. 2009. Financial crimes. In: Tonry, M. ed. The Oxford Handbook of Crime and Public Policy. Oxford Handbooks in Criminology and Criminal Justice New York: Oxford University Press USA, pp. 223-246.
- Levi, M. 2009. Suite revenge? The shaping of folk devils and moral panics about white-collar crimes. British Journal of Criminology 49(1), pp. 48-67. (10.1093/bjc/azn073)
- Levi, M. 2009. McMAFIA: crime without frontiers. By Misha Glenny. London: Bodley Head. 2008. [Book Review]. Trends in Organized Crime 12(1), pp. 78-80. (10.1007/s12117-008-9047-8)
- Dorn, N., Levi, M., Artingstall, D. and Howell, J. 2009. Impacts of financial crimes and amenability to control by the FSA : proposed framework for generating data in a comparative manner. Project Report. [Online]. London: Financial Services Authority. Available at: http://www.fsa.gov.uk/pubs/other/scale_and_impact_paper.pdf
- Levi, M. 2009. Suite revenge? Policing the economic crisis. Crime, Law, and Deviance Spring, pp. 4-5.
- Doig, A. and Levi, M. 2009. Inter-agency work and the UK public sector investigation of fraud, 1996–2006: Joined-up rhetoric and disjointed reality. Policing and Society: An International Journal of Research and Policy 19(3), pp. 199-215. (10.1080/10439460902863311)
- Levi, M. 2009. Ethnicity, nationality and fraud networks. In: Brants, C., van der Poel, S. and Bovenkerk, F. eds. Diverse kwesties. Pompe reeks Vol. 56. Utrecht: Willem Pompe Instituut voor Strafwetenschappen, pp. 205-212.
- Levi, M. 2009. White-collar crimes and the fear of crime: a review. In: Simpson, S. S. and Weisburd, D. eds. The Criminology of White-collar Crime. New York: Springer, pp. 79-110., (10.1007/978-0-387-09502-8_5)
- Levi, M. and Reuter, P. 2009. Money laundering. In: Tonry, M. ed. The Oxford Handbook of Crime and Public Policy. Oxford Handbooks in Criminology and Criminal Justice New York: Oxford University Press, pp. 356-380.
- Edwards, A. M. and Levi, M. 2008. Researching the organization of serious crimes. Criminology and Criminal Justice 8(4), pp. 363-388. (10.1177/1748895808097403)
- Edwards, A. M. and Levi, M. 2008. Preface: the organization of serious crimes: developments in research and theory. Criminology and Criminal Justice 8(4), pp. 359-361. (10.1177/1748895808097402)
- Levi, M. 2008. Organized fraud and organizing frauds: unpacking research on networks and organization. Criminology and Criminal Justice 8(4), pp. 389-419. (10.1177/1748895808096470)
- Levi, M. 2008. Alan Doig Fraud Cullompton: Willan, 2006. 254 pp. 19.50 ISBN 101843921723 (pbk) [Book Review]. Criminology and Criminal Justice 8(4), pp. 509-510. (10.1177/1748895808096785)
- Levi, M. 2008. Misha Glenny McMAFIA: Crime without Frontiers London: Bodley Head Ltd, 2008. 432 pp. ISBN10: 0224075039 (hbk) [Book Review]. Criminology and Criminal Justice 8(4), pp. 513-515. (10.1177/17488958080080040603)
- Dorn, N. and Levi, M. 2008. Private-public or public-private? Strategic dialogue on serious crime and terrorism in the EU. Security Journal 22(4), pp. 302-316. (10.1057/palgrave.sj.8350086)
- Levi, M. 2008. White-collar, organised and cyber crimes in the media: some contrasts and similarities. Crime, Law and Social Change 49(5), pp. 365-377. (10.1007/s10611-008-9111-y)
- Levi, M. 2008. Policing fraud and organised crime. In: Newburn, T. ed. Handbook of policing. Cullompton, Devon: Willan Publishing, pp. 522-552.
- Levi, M. 2008. Combating identity and other forms of payment fraud in the UK: an analytical history. In: McNally, M. M. and Newman, G. R. eds. Perspectives on identity theft. Crime prevention studies Vol. 23. Monsey, NY: Criminal Justice Press, pp. 111-132.
- Levi, M. 2008. Fraud, honesty and markets. In: Cane, P. and Conaghan, J. eds. The new Oxford companion to law. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 473-475.
- Levi, M. 2008. The phantom capitalists: the organisation and control of long-firm fraud. Andover: Ashgate.
- Levi, M. 2008. White-collar, organised and cyber crimes in the media: some contrasts and similarities. In: Cane, P. and Conaghan, J. eds. The New Oxford Companion to Law. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, pp. 1244-1245.
- Dorn, N., Levi, M. and White, S. 2008. Do European procurement rules generate or prevent crime?. Journal of Financial Crime 15(3), pp. 243-260. (10.1108/13590790810882847)
- Levi, M. 2008. Organised crime threat assessments - from an academic's scientific but not wholly theoretical perspective. Presented at: Annual European Police Research and Science Conferences, Vienna, Austria, 24 November 2008.
- Dorn, N. and Levi, M. 2007. East meets West in anti-money laundering and anti-terrorist finance: policy dialogue and differentiation on security, the timber trade and "alternative" banking. Asian Journal of Criminology 3(1), pp. 91-110. (10.1007/s11417-007-9041-0)
- Belousov, K. et al. 2007. Any port in a storm: fieldwork difficulties in dangerous and crisis-ridden settings. Qualitative Research 7(2), pp. 155-175. (10.1177/1468794107076019)
- Levi, M. 2007. Sentencing frauds: a comparative perspective. Monatsschrift für Kriminologie und Strafrechtsreform 90(2/3), pp. 158-174.
- Levi, M., Burrows, J., Fleming, M., Hopkins, M. and Matthews, K. G. P. 2007. The nature, extent and economic impact of fraud in the UK. Technical Report.
- Levi, M. and Burrows, J. 2007. Measuring the impact of fraud in the UK: a conceptual and empirical journey. British Journal of Criminology 48(3), pp. 293-318. (10.1093/bjc/azn001)
- Dorn, N. and Levi, M. 2007. European private security, corporate investigation and military services: collective security, market regulation and structuring the public sphere. Policing and Society 17(3), pp. 213-238. (10.1080/10439460701497303)
- Dorn, N. and Levi, M. 2006. From Delphi to Brussels, the policy context: crime prophecy, proofing, assessment. European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research 12(3-4), pp. 213-220. (10.1007/s10610-006-9021-4)
- Levi, M. and Dorn, N. 2006. Regulation and corporate crime: managers and auditors. European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research 12(3-4), pp. 229-255. (10.1007/s10610-006-9023-2)
- Levi, M. and Reuter, P. 2006. Money Laundering. Crime and Justice: an Annual Review of Research 34, pp. 289-375.
- Dorn, N. and Levi, M. 2006. Regulation of insurance and corporate security: Integrating crime and terrorism seriousness into the analysis. European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research 12(3-4), pp. 257-277. (10.1007/s10610-006-9024-1)
- Karstedt, S., Levi, M. and Godfrey, B. 2006. Introduction. British Journal of Criminology 46(6), pp. 971-975. (10.1093/bjc/azl077)
- Levi, M. 2006. The media construction of financial white-collar crimes. British Journal of Criminology 46(6), pp. 1037-1057. (10.1093/bjc/azl079)
- Middleton, D. J. and Levi, M. 2005. The role of solicitors in facilitating 'Organized Crime': Situational crime opportunities and their regulation. Crime, Law and Social Change 42(2-3), pp. 123-161. (10.1007/s10611-005-5655-2)
- Levi, M., Nelen, H. and Lankhorst, F. 2005. Lawyers as crime facilitators in Europe: An introduction and overview. Crime, Law and Social Change 42(2-3), pp. 117-121. (10.1007/s10611-005-5654-3)
- Levi, M. and Van Duyne, P. 2004. Drugs and money: Managing the drug trade and crime-money in Europe. Organizational Crime. London: Routledge.
- Levi, M. and Maguire, E. M. W. 2004. Reducing and Preventing Organised Crime: An Evidence-Based Critique. Crime, Law and Social Change 41(5), pp. 397-469. (10.1023/B:CRIS.0000039600.88691.af)
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Adrannau llyfrau
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- Honess, T. M., Levi, M. and Charman, E. A. 1998. Juror competence in processing complex information: Implications from a simulation of the Maxwell trial. Criminal Law Review 1998(Nov), pp. 763-773.
- Levi, M. 1997. Evaluating the 'new policing': Attacking the money trail of organized crime. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Criminology 30(1), pp. 1-25. (10.1177/000486589703000101)
- Lord, N. and Levi, M. 2025. Organising white-collar and corporate crimes: Understanding the organization of white-collar crime. London: Routledge.
- Levi, M. 2015. Understanding the U.S. illicit tobacco market: characteristics, policy context, and lessons from international experiences. Washington, DC:: National Academies Press.
- Levi, M. 2013. Regulating fraud: White-collar crime and the criminal process. Routledge Revivals. London: Routledge.
- Levi, M. and Van Duyne, P. 2009. Drugs en geld: Misdaadgeld-beheer en drugsmarkten in Europa. [Drugs and money: managing the drug trade and crime money in Europe].Levi, M. and Van Duyne, P. Oisterwijk, Netherlands: Wolf Legal Publishers.
- Levi, M. 2008. The phantom capitalists: the organisation and control of long-firm fraud. Andover: Ashgate.
- Levi, M. and Van Duyne, P. 2004. Drugs and money: Managing the drug trade and crime-money in Europe. Organizational Crime. London: Routledge.
- Levi, M. ed. 1999. Fraud: Organization, motivation and control, Volumes I and II. The International Library of Criminology, Criminal Justice and Penology Vol. 35. Hampshire: Ashgate Dartmouth.
- Levi, M. and Nelken, D. eds. 1996. The corruption of politics and the politics of corruption. Oxford: Blackwell.
- Gold, M. and Levi, M. eds. 1994. Money laundering in the UK: An appraisal of suspicion-based reporting. London & Cardiff: Police Foundation & University of Wales.
- Levi, M. 1993. The investigation, prosecution, and trial of serious fraud. Royal Commission on Criminal Justice Research Study Vol. 14. London: HMSO.
- Levi, M. 1991. Customer confidentiality, money-laundering, and police-bank relationships: English law and practice in a global environment. London: Police Foundation.
- Levi, M. ed. 1990. Reflections on organised crime: Patterns and control. Howard Journal of Criminal Justice Vol. 37/4. Oxford: Blackwell.
- Levi, M. 1987. Regulating fraud: white-collar crime and the criminal process. London: Tavistock Publications.
- Levi, M. 1981. The phantom capitalists: the organisation and control of long-firm fraud. Cambridge Studies in Criminology Vol. 44. London: Heinemann Educational.
- Levi, M. and Smith, R. G. 2021. Fraud and its relationship to pandemics and economic crises: from Spanish flu to COVID-19. Australian Institute of Criminology. Available at: https://www.aic.gov.au/publications/rr/rr19
- Prieger, J. et al. 2019. The Impact of E-Cigarette regulation on the illicit trade in tobacco products in the European Union. SSRN. Available at: https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3435177
- Levi, M., Doig, A., Gundur, R., Wall, D. and Williams, M. L. 2016. The implications of economic cybercrime for policing. Project Report. [Online]. London: City of London Corporation. Available at: https://www.cityoflondon.gov.uk/business/economic-research-and-information/research-publications/Documents/Research-2015/Economic-Cybercrime-FullReport.pdf
- Artingstall, D., Dove, N., Howell, J. and Levi, M. 2016. Drivers & impacts of derisking: A study of representative views and data in the UK, by John Howell & Co. Ltd. for the Financial Conduct Authority. Project Report. [Online]. Surrey: John Howell & Co. Ltd. Available at: https://www.fca.org.uk/publication/research/drivers-impacts-of-derisking.pdf
- Levi, M. and CGD Working Group, . 2015. Unintended consequences of anti-money laundering policies for poor countries. Project Report. [Online]. Washington DC: Centre for Global Development. Available at: http://www.cgdev.org/publication/unintended-consequences-anti-money-laundering-policies-poor-countries
- Levi, M., Halliday, T. and Reuter, P. 2014. Global surveillance of dirty money: assessing assessments of regimes to control money-laundering and combat the financing of terrorism. Project Report. [Online]. Center on Law and Globalization. Available at: http://www.lexglobal.org/files/Report_Global%20Surveillance%20of%20Dirty%20Money%201.30.2014.pdf
- Levi, M., Innes, M., Reuter, P. and Gundur, R. V. 2013. The economic, financial & social impacts of organised crime in the European Union. Brussels: European Parliament. Available at: http://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes/etudes/join/2013/493018/IPOL-JOIN_ET%282013%29493018_EN.pdf
- Levi, M. 2013. Drug law enforcement and financial investigation strategies, modernising drug law enforcement. Project Report. London: International Drug Policy Consortium.
- Levi, M. and Williams, M. L. 2012. eCrime reduction partnership mapping study: final report. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff University. Available at: http://www.cardiff.ac.uk/socsi/resources/Levi%20Williams%20eCrime%20Reduction%20Partnership%20Mapping%20Study.pdf
- Levi, M. 2009. Money-laundering risks and e-gaming: a European overview and assessment. Discussion Paper. European Gaming and Betting Association. Available at: http://www.egba.eu/pdf/Levi_Final_Money_Laundering_Risks_egaming%20280909.pdf
- Dorn, N., Levi, M., Artingstall, D. and Howell, J. 2009. Impacts of financial crimes and amenability to control by the FSA : proposed framework for generating data in a comparative manner. Project Report. [Online]. London: Financial Services Authority. Available at: http://www.fsa.gov.uk/pubs/other/scale_and_impact_paper.pdf
- Levi, M., Burrows, J., Fleming, M., Hopkins, M. and Matthews, K. G. P. 2007. The nature, extent and economic impact of fraud in the UK. Technical Report.
- Bloor, M., Pentsov, D., Levi, M. and Horlick-Jones, T. 2004. Problems of global governance of seafarers' health and safety [Project Report]. Project Report. Seafarers International Research Centre.
- Levi, M. and Osofsky, L. 1995. Investigating, seizing, and confiscating the proceeds of crime. Working paper. London: Home Office Police Research Group. Available at: http://webarchive.nationalarchives.gov.uk/20110218135832/http:/rds.homeoffice.gov.uk/rds/prgpdfs/fcdps61.pdf
Current and Recent Research:
2021-22 A Public Health Approach to Fraud (West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner)
2021-22 Fraud and its relationship to Pandemics and Economic Crises from 1850 to the Present (British Academy)
2020-23 Digital Security by Design Futures Social Sciences Hub+, (Challenge Research Fellow and Co-investigator, UK Research and Innovation)
2021-22 Joint Intelligence Programme Evaluation (Co-Investigator, HM Prison & Probation Service)
2019-20 How online technologies are transforming transnational organised crime, (Economic and Social Research Council, Principal Investigator)
2018-9 Evaluating Criminal Transactional Methods in Cyberspace as understood in an International Context, (Home Office, co-Investigator with Flinders and Georgia State Universities)
2018-20 Case by Case: Building a Database on Cybercriminal Business Models, (Home Office, co-Investigator with Oxford, VU Amsterdam, NSCR Amsterdam, and Michigan State)
2016- Detecting and Preventing Mass-Marketing Fraud, EPSRC (Co-I, with Leicester, UCL and Warwick)
2016- Economic Crime Learning Centre, College of Policing (co-I, with City of London Police, Portsmouth and Warwick)
2016- Demystifying the Corruption Paradox by Exploring Bribery ‘at Home’, British Academy/ Leverhulme Small Grant (coI, with Manchester, Utrecht)
2015 Cyber-Related Economic Crime and Implications for Policing Approaches (PI, City of London Corporation)
2013- What Works Centre for Crime Reduction (ESRC/ College of Policing)
2013 The Economic, Financial & Social Impacts of Organised Crime in the European Union (European Parliament)
2013- Identifying and Modelling Victim, Business, Regulatory and Malware Behaviours in a Changing Cyberthreat Landscape (Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council)
2013- Corporate Insider Threat Detection (Oxford, Leicester and Cardiff University joint project, Centre for the Protection of National Infrastructure)
2011-3 Evaluating Country Performance in Anti-Money Laundering: the Search for Rationality and Legitimacy (American Bar Foundation and British Academy, in collaboration with IMF)
2012 The Protection of Whistleblowers: the feasibility of a legal instrument on the protection of employees who make disclosures in the public interest (Stephenson, P. and Levi, M.) (European Committee on Legal Co-operation, Council of Europe)
2011-2 eCrime Reduction Partnership Mapping Study (Nominet Trust)
Professor Michael Levi takes 30 seconds out to talk to SOCSI TV about his research activity. Watch the video here.
Criminology and Policing at undergraduate and postgraduate level
Career Overview
- 1991- Professor of Criminology, Cardiff University;
- 1989-1991: Reader in Criminology, University of Wales, Cardiff;
- 1987-1989: Senior Lecturer in Criminology, University College, Cardiff;
- 1975-1987: Lecturer in Criminology, University College Cardiff.
Education and Qualifications
2007 DSc (Econ.) Cardiff University (Higher Doctorate)
1979 PhD Southampton University
1972 Postgraduate Diploma in Criminology Cambridge University
1971 BA Oxford University
Honours and awards
- Al Thani Rule of Law & Anti-Corruption Center Award for Corruption Research and Education 2020
- American Society of Criminology 2019, Gilbert Geis Lifetime Achievement Award, Division of White-Collar & Corporate Crime, .
- British Society of Criminology 2019, Outstanding Achievement Award,
- Tackling Economic Crime Awards 2019, Lifetime Achievement Award, .
- American Society of Criminology Sellin-Glueck Award 2014 for contributions to comparative and international research on white-collar and organised crime
- International Association for the Study of Organized Crime (IASOC) 2013 Distinguished Scholar Award
- American Society of Criminology 2001, Distinguished Research Award, Division of International Criminology
- ESRC Professorial Fellowship 2007-2010
- 2007 D.Sc. (Econ.) Cardiff University
Professional memberships
Learned Societies
- Elected Fellow of Learned Society of Wales
- Elected Fellow of Association for Learned Societies in Social Sciences (2006-)
- Member of Executive Committee and Council, British Society of Criminology 1990-2005
- Member, Council of Europe Criminological and Scientific Council
- Chair Wales & the West branch, British Society of Criminology (1995-2005; co-chair 2014-present)
- Elected to Board of European Society of Criminology 2006-8; 2016--7
- Programme Planning Committee, American Society of Criminology 2006-7
- Fellows Committee, American Society of Criminology, 2006-7
Other "Evidence of Esteem":
2015- Member, UK Cabinet Office Counter-Fraud Cross Sector Advisory Board
2015- Committee Member, European Criminal Law Association – ECLA (UK)
2015 Member, Center for Global Development Working Group on Illicit Money Flows.
2014- Advisory Group Member, Internet-Facilitated Organised Crime Threat Assessment, EC3, Europol
2014- Member, RCUK's Partnership in Conflict, Crime & Security Research Strategic Advisory Group
- 2014 Honorary Fellow, CIPFA
- 2014 Associate Fellow, Royal United Services Institute (currently Senior Associate Fellow at RUSI)
2013 Senior Research Fellow, RAND Europe
2013 Scientific Expert, Ad hoc Drafting Group on Transnational Organised Crime (PC-GR-COT), Council of Europe
2013-4 Member, US National Academy of Sciences Committee, Illicit Tobacco Market: Collection and Analysis of the International Experience
2012- President, US National White-Collar Crime Research Consortium
- 2011- Member, Group of Experts on Corruption, European Commission
- 2011- Non-executive member, Independent Crime Statistics Advisory Committee, UK Statistics Authority and ONS
- 2011- Advisory Board, Transparency International National Integrity Study
- 2011- Member, Economics and Resource Analysis Unit Advisory Panel on Security and Civil Liberties, Home Office
- 2010- Member, Organised Crime Council, World Economic Forum
- 2010- Member, Peer Review College, Economic and Social Research Council
- 2010- Advisor, Identity Crime Strategic Threat Assessment, National Fraud Authority
- 2009- Member, Economics and Resource Analysis Unit Advisory Panel on Crime and Policing, Home Office
- 2009- Member, Expert Group for Review of Serious Organised Crime, Prime Minister's Strategy Unit, UK
- 2009- Advisory Panel, Audit Commission review of Protecting the Public Purse
- 2008-2010 Advisory Panel, UK Drug Policy Commission
- 2007-2008 Member, EC Money Laundering Statistics Sub-Group
- 2007- Member, EC Proceeds of Crime Confiscation Expert Working Group and Asset Recovery Office Working Group
- Awarded the American Society of Criminology Division of International Criminology's Outstanding Achievement Award
- ESRC representative on ESRC/EPSRC team assessing research proposals on technology and crime reduction (MIAP initiative)
- Editor in chief, Criminology and Criminal Justice (official journal of British Society of Criminology)
- Senior criminology editor, Crime, Law and Social Change.
- Editorial board member: British Journal of Criminology; European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research; Global Crime; Howard Journal of Criminal Justice; and Security Journal
- Reviewer of research proposals for international research councils
- External Member, Cambridge Institute of Criminology Teaching and Learning Review
- External adviser, LSE Promotions Committee
- Chair, Wales & West of England Branch, Executive Committee and Council, British Society of Criminology
- Adviser to Prime Minister's Strategy Unit on confiscation of proceeds of crime.
- Elected sole British member of Council of Europe's Criminological and Scientific Research Committee
- Member, Council of Europe Reflections Committee on the 1990 Money-Laundering Convention
- Consultant to the Commission for Africa on the prevention and recovery of the proceeds of corruption
- Organised academic seminars for senior management of Serious and Organised Crime Agency
- Senior policy adviser on law enforcement issues, Transparency International
- Member of Law Society Money Laundering Task Force
- Specialist Parliamentary Adviser, Welsh Affairs Committee, on Policing and Anti-Social Behaviour in Wales
- Member, Home Office Consultative Group on Identity Fraud
- National Audit Office panel for the National Audit Office and HM Treasury Guide: Good Practice in Tackling External Fraud
- Fraud Advisory Panel's Sub-Committee Reviewing Anti-Money Laundering Initiatives in the UK
- Expert Advisory Group to UK Information Commissioner
Academic positions
- 1989-1991: Reader in Criminology, University of Wales, Cardiff;
- 1987-1989: Senior Lecturer in Criminology, University College, Cardiff;
- 1975-1987: Lecturer in Criminology, Cardiff College University.
Committees and reviewing
2021- EC Supra National Risk Assessment (SNRA) 2021 – Member, Horizontal working group
2021- European Research Council, ERC StG SH2 evaluation panel
2019- Member, Law Society Money Laundering Task Force
Area Editor, Criminology and Psychology, Journal of Cybersecurity
Senior Editor, Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Criminology and Criminal Justice.
Editorial Board, Journal of White-Collar and Corporate Crime, I nternational Journal for Crime and Justice, Global Crime, J ournal of Financial Crime, Security Journal, European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research, Crime, Law, and Social Change.
2006-9 Editor—In-Chief, Criminology and Criminal Justice.
2004-12 Editorial Board member, British Journal of Criminology
Fomerly Editorial board, Champ Pénal, J ournal of Law and Society, and Consultant Editor, Company Lawyer.
Reviewerof research proposals and studies and of elite research posts for Australian,British,Canadian, Dutch, Flemish,Hong Kong,Irish, Israeli, Norwegian and Swiss Humanities and Social Science Research Councils;for the US National Science Foundation;for the UK Home Office; and for the European Commission.Regular reviewer of articles for other journals, including Australian & New Zealand Journal of Criminology, American Sociological Review, Asian Journal of Criminology,CanadianJournal of Sociology,Criminology,Criminology & PublicPolicy,International Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice, Journal of Quantitative Criminology,Regulation and Governance,Law & Policy,Law & Society Review,Law & Social Inquiry, Corporate Governance,Journal of Financial Crime and Public Administration,World Development.
Reviewer of proposals and manuscripts for publishers, including Oxford University Press (UK and US), Cambridge University Press, Cornell University Press, Princeton University Press, Queen's Ontario UP, Stanford University Press, Toronto UP, Yale University Press, and non-University presses such as Ashgate, Edward Elgar, Policy Press, Routledge, Sage, Springer.
The criminological, socio-legal and economic dimensions of the following crime areas and their control:
- Money Laundering
- fraud
- organised crime
- Cybercrime
- Terror Finance
Contact Details
Research themes
- Criminology
- Crime policy
- fraud
- Organised crime
- money laundering