Dr Jamie Lewis
BSc (Hons), MSc, PhD
- Available for postgraduate supervision
I am a Reader in Sociology in the School of Social Sciences. My research is mainly situated in the Sociology of Science and Technology Studies (STS), but also extends to the public understanding of science (PUS) and medical sociology. With Professor Robert Evans and Dr Nick Hacking, I am presently conducting work on a Expert Citizen Science project as part of the ESRC WISERD centre grant. I am also working with Dr Andrew Bartlett (University of York) on a book examining the development and stabilisation of Bigfoot research. My area of interests include:
- developments in qualitative research;
- the boundaries between science, pseudo-science and non-science
- the sociology of biomedical knowledge with particular emphasis on the social implications of new genetic and stem cell technologies;
- issues of culture, interdisciplinarity and collaboration in big science;
- public engagement and public understanding of risk;
- aspects of practical accomplishment and modelling in the laboratory;
- science, activism and civic repair.
I am an editor of the journal Qualitative Research.
I am the director of our postgraduate taught (PGT) programme. I also co-convene the 3rd year Dissertation module and teach on various modules including the Sociology of Disasters.
- Dimond, R. and Lewis, J. 2025. “My full-time unpaid role”: Understanding the (extra)ordinary work of founders of rare disease organisations. Social Science and Medicine, article number: 117958. (10.1016/j.socscimed.2025.117958)
- Brookfield, C. and Lewis, J. 2025. Completing your research project: A guide for the social sciences. London: SAGE.
- Quinn, K. and Lewis, J. 2025. The lanyard. In: Woods, A. and Fitzgerald, D. eds. Constructing Sites: Surveying Scenes of Interdisciplinary Collaboration. London: Bloomsbury
- Lewis, J. and Atkinson, P. 2025. Documents and documentation. In: Silverman, D. ed. Qualitative Research., Vol. 6. London: Sage
- Lewis, J. and Atkinson, P. 2025. Anonymity and pseudonyms in ethnographic work. In: Ryen, A. ed. A Research Agenda for Ethics and Qualitative Research. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing
- Hacking, N., Lewis, J. and Evans, R. 2024. Mapping approaches to ‘citizen science’ and ‘community science’ and everything in-between: The evolution of new epistemic territory?. Minerva 62(4), pp. 549-572. (10.1007/s11024-024-09529-z)
- Lewis, J. and Bartlett, A. 2024. The shape of Bigfoot: Transmuting absences into credible knowledge claims. Cultural Sociology (10.1177/17499755241264879)
- Hacking, N., Evans, R. and Lewis, J. 2024. Expertise, trading zones and the planning system: a case study of an energy-from-biomass plant. Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space 7(3), pp. 1418-1435. (10.1177/25148486231212083)
- Quinn, K. and Lewis, J. 2024. Igniting the social sciences: A report to the central SPARK/Sbarc team and management board. Project Report. Cardiff: SPARK.
- Hacking, N., Lewis, J. and Evans, R. 2023. It is time to rethink what citizen science really is. The Conversation 2023(28 Mar)
- Evans, R., Hacking, N. and Lewis, J. 2023. Expanding citizen science: community action without primary data collection. Citizen Science: Theory and Practice 8(1), pp. 1-12., article number: 11. (10.5334/cstp.503)
- Lewis, J., Bartlett, A., Riesch, H. and Stephens, N. 2023. Why we need a public understanding of social science. Public Understanding of Science 32(5), pp. 658-672. (10.1177/09636625221141862)
- Dimond, R., Lewis, J. and Sumner, A. 2023. The unexpected and unanticipated announcement of the ‘world’s first’ gene edited babies: breaching, repairing and strengthening community boundaries. New Genetics and Society 42(1), article number: e2155124. (10.1080/14636778.2022.2155124)
- Brookfield, C. and Lewis, J. 2022. Plan your dissertation. Super Quick Skills. London: SAGE Publications.
- Riesch, H., Vrikki, P., Stephens, N., Lewis, J. and Martin, O. 2021. 'A moment of science please' activism, community and humour at the March for Science. Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 41(2-3), pp. 46-57. (10.1177/02704676211042252)
- Evans, R., Lewis, J. and Hacking, N. 2021. Tackling air quality monitoring with a citizen science group. [Online]. Wiserd Blogs: WISERD. Available at: https://wiserd.ac.uk/news/tackling-air-quality-monitoring-citizen-science-group
- Dimond, R., Lewis, J. and Thomas, G. 2021. Editorial: Themed issue: Understanding the technical and social landscape of gene editing. New Genetics and Society 40(4), pp. 361-366. (10.1080/14636778.2021.2004032)
- Arribas-Ayllon, M., Bartlett, A. and Lewis, J. 2019. Psychiatric genetics: from hereditary madness to big biology. Genetics and Society. London: Routledge.
- Bartlett, A., Lewis, J., Reyes-Galindo, L. and Stephens, N. 2019. Big Data and the making of legitimate knowledge claims. [Online]. Backchannels: Society for Social Studies of Science. Available at: https://www.4sonline.org/blog/post/big_data_and_the_making_of_legitimate_knowledge_claims
- Lewis, J. 2019. Nelson, N.C. (2018) Model behaviour: animal experiments, complexity and the genetics of psychiatric disorders: London: The University of Chicago Press Ltd ISBN-13: 978-o-226-54608-7 [Book Review]. Sociology of Health and Illness 41(2), pp. 445-446. (10.1111/1467-9566.12839)
- Lewis, J. and Bartlett, A. 2019. Losing bigfoot. In: Smith, R. and Delamont, S. eds. The lost ethnographies: Methodological insights from projects that never were., Vol. 17. Studies in Qualitative Methodology Bingley: Emerald, pp. 47-63., (10.1108/s1042-319220190000017007)
- Stephens, N. and Lewis, J. 2019. Laboratory ethnography. In: Atkinson, P., Delamont, S. and Williams, M. eds. The SAGE Encyclopedia of Social Science Research Methods (online handbook). Los Angeles, CA.: Sage
- Bartlett, A., Lewis, J., Reyes-Galindo, L. and Stephens, N. 2018. The locus of legitimate interpretation in Big Data sciences: lessons for computational social science from -omic biology and high-energy physics. Big Data and Society 5(1), pp. 1-15. (10.1177/2053951718768831)
- Watermeyer, R. and Lewis, J. T. 2018. Institutionalizing public engagement through research in UK universities: Perceptions, predictions and paradoxes concerning the state of the art. Studies in Higher Education 43(9), pp. 1612-1624. (10.1080/03075079.2016.1272566)
- Hillman, A., Lewis, J. and Elwyn, G. 2017. Pathways and prospects in cancer research: Securing futures and negotiating boundaries. BioSocieties 12 (10.1057/s41292-017-0036-5)
- Lewis, J. and Thomas, J. M. 2017. From 'trading zones' to 'buffer zones': Art and metaphor in the communication of psychiatric genetics to publics. In: Reyes-Galindo, L. and Duarte, T. eds. Intercultural Communication and Science and Technology Studies.. Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan, pp. 175-206.
- Bevan Jones, R., Thomas, J., Lewis, J. T., Read, S. M. and Jones, I. 2017. Translation: From bench to brain – Using the visual arts and metaphors to engage and educate. Research for All 1(2), pp. 265-283. (10.18546/RFA.01.2.04)
- Bartlett, A., Penders, B. and Lewis, J. T. 2017. Bioinformatics: indispensable, yet hidden in plain sight?. BMC Bioinformatics 18, article number: 311. (10.1186/s12859-017-1730-9)
- Dimond, R. and Lewis, J. T. 2017. Paul Atkinson Festschrift: editorial. Qualitative Research 17(2), pp. 139-142. (10.1177/1468794116688414)
- Stephens, N. and Lewis, J. T. 2017. Doing laboratory ethnography: reflections on method in scientific workplaces. Qualitative Research 17(2), pp. 202-216. (10.1177/1468794116678040)
- Watermeyer, R. and Lewis, J. 2017. Why universities and academics should bother with public engagement. The Conversation
- Lewis, J. T., Bisson, S., Swaden Lewis, K., Reyes-Galindo, L. and Baldwin, A. J. 2017. Cardiff sciSCREEN: A model for using film screenings to engage publics in University research. Research for All 1(1), pp. 106-120. (10.18546/RFA.01.1.08)
- Lewis, J., Bartlett, A. and Atkinson, P. 2016. Hidden in the middle: culture, value and reward in bioinformatics. Minerva 54, pp. 471-490. (10.1007/s11024-016-9304-y)
- Bartlett, A., Lewis, J. and Williams, M. L. 2016. Generations of interdisciplinarity in bioinformatics. New Genetics and Society 35(2), pp. 186-209. (10.1080/14636778.2016.1184965)
- Lewis, J. T. 2016. Ethnography in a Laboratory Setting [VIDEO]. [Online]. Sage Videos: Sage Publishers. Available at: http://methods.sagepub.com/video/ethnography-in-a-laboratory-setting
- Watermeyer, R. and Lewis, J. T. 2016. Public engagement in Higher Education: state of the art. In: Case, J. and Huisman, J. eds. Researching Higher Education: International Perspective on Theory, Policy and Practice. Research into Higher Education London: Routledge/SRHE, pp. 42-60.
- Dimond, R., Bartlett, A. and Lewis, J. 2015. What binds biosociality? The collective effervescence of the parent-led conference. Social Science and Medicine 126, pp. 1-8. (10.1016/j.socscimed.2014.12.005)
- Lewis, J. 2015. Architecture of the private and the public [VIDEO]. [Online]. Cardiff Attic. Available at: https://atticblogsite.wordpress.com/resources/
- Lewis, J. 2015. Bioscience and the arts: a wider domain [VIDEO]. [Online]. National Centre for Mental Health. Available at: http://ncmh.info/videos/jamie-lewis/
- Lewis, J. 2015. Breaking down stigma [VIDEO]. [Online]. National Centre for Mental Health. Available at: http://ncmh.info/videos/jamie-lewis/
- Power, S., Taylor, C. and Lewis, J. 2015. Independent review of assessment and the national curriculum (the Donaldson Review). Analysis of questionnaire responses. The final report:. Technical Report.
- Lewis, J. T. and Bartlett, A. 2015. How UK psychiatric geneticists understand and talk about engaging the public. New Genetics and Society 34(1), pp. 89-111. (10.1080/14636778.2014.998817)
- Lewis, J. T. 2015. Dealing with qualitative questionnaire data: studying an online Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) support group. [Online]. Sage Datasets: Sage Publishers. Available at: http://methods.sagepub.com/dataset/qualitative-survey-ibs
- Watermeyer, R. and Lewis, J. T. 2015. Public engagement: hidden costs for research careers?. The Times Higher Education
- Lewis, J., Hughes, J. and Atkinson, P. 2014. Relocation, realignment and standardisation: circuits of translation in Huntington’s disease. Social Theory and Health 12, pp. 396-415. (10.1057/sth.2014.13)
- Lewis, J. T. 2014. Prawns, pests and matter out of place. [Online]. Cardiff sciSCREEN. Available at: http://www.cardiffsciscreen.co.uk/article/district-9-prawns-pests-and-matter-out-place
- Lewis, J. T. 2014. Surveillance and the Search in The Hunger Games. [Online]. Cardiff sciSCREEN. Available at: http://www.cardiffsciscreen.co.uk/article/surveillance-and-search-hunger-games
- Lewis, J. T. 2013. No one is so brave that (s)he is not disturbed by something unexpected. [Online]. Cardiff Ethnography Blog. Available at: http://cardiffethnography.blogspot.co.uk/2013/10/no-one-is-so-brave-that-she-is-not_4.html
- Lewis, J. T., Atkinson, P. A., Harrington, J. and Featherstone, K. 2013. Representation and practical accomplishment in the laboratory: when is an animal model good-enough?. Sociology 47(4), pp. 776-792. (10.1177/0038038512457276)
- Stephens, N. J., Lewis, J. T. and Atkinson, P. A. 2013. Closing the regulatory regress: GMP accreditation in stem cell laboratories. Sociology of Health & Illness 35(3), pp. 345-360. (10.1111/j.1467-9566.2012.01482.x)
- Lewis, J. T. and Bartlett, A. 2013. Inscribing a discipline: tensions in the field of bioinformatics. New Genetics and Society 32(3), pp. 243-263. (10.1080/14636778.2013.773172)
- Gunnarsdottir, K., Chadwick, R., Hughes, J., Lewis, J. T., O'Connor, A. and Stephens, N. 2012. Cesagen response to Nuffield Council on bioethics consultation on novel neurotechnologies: intervening in the brain. Technical Report.
- Lewis, J. T. and Atkinson, P. A. 2011. The surveillance of cellular scientists' practice. BioSocieties 6(4), pp. 381-400. (10.1057/biosoc.2011.18)
- Power, S. A., Taylor, C. M., Lewis, J. T., Connolly, M., Thomas, G. and Jones, S. W. 2010. Realizing the ‘learning country'? Research activity and capacity within Welsh local authorities. Contemporary Wales 23(1), pp. 71-92.
- Lewis, J. T. 2010. Matchmaking mechanisms: collaborative arrangements in proteomics and bioinformatics. In: Parker, J. N., Vermeulen, N. and Penders, B. eds. Collaboration in the New Life Sciences. Farnham: Ashgate, pp. 179-200.
- Stephens, N., Chekar, C. K. and Lewis, J. 2009. Global issues, regional engagement: ‘discussing stem cells in context’ event hosted at the National Assembly for Wales. ESRC Genomics Network Newsletter.
- Power, S., Lewis, J. T., Taylor, C., Connolly, M., Thomas, G. and Wyn Jones, S. 2009. Local authorities and education research in Wales. The final report of LINK-Wales: the learning in Wales network. Technical Report.
- Lewis, J. T. 2008. Computing genomic science: bioinformatics and standardisation in proteomics. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
- Bartlett, A. and Lewis, J. T. 2007. Rowena Murray, Writing for Academic Journals; Judith Bell, Doing your Research Project: A Guide for First-Time Researchers in Education, Health and Social Science; Estelle M. Phillips and Derek S. Pugh, How to get a PhD: A Handbook for Students and their Supervisors [BOOK REVIEW]. Qualitative Research 7(2), pp. 269-270. (10.1177/1468794107076024)
- Lewis, J. T. 2006. Making order out of a contested disorder: the utilisation of online support groups in social science research. Qualitative Researcher 3, pp. 4-7.
- Bartlett, A., Lewis, J. T. and Holme, I. 2005. Postgraduate forum on genetics and society: report on the ninth colloquium. Genomics Society and Policy 1(3), pp. 82-86.
- Fitz, J., Taylor, C., Pugsley, L., Madden, L., Stephens, N., Lewis, J. T. and Smith, M. 2005. Attitudes towards participation in higher education in Wales. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff University. Available at: https://www.bangor.ac.uk/finance/fo/RR5.pdf
- Power, S. A. R., Moss, G., Lewis, J. T., Witty, G. and Edwards, T. 2005. Staying in touch? The potential of 'Friends Reunited' as a research tool. Research Intelligence 92, pp. 6-8.
- Gorard, S., Lewis, J. T. and Smith, E. 2004. Disengagement in Wales: educational, social and economic issues. The Welsh Journal of Education 13(1), pp. 118-147.
- Harris, P., Lewis, J. T. and Adam, B. E. 2004. Time, sustainable transport and the politics of speed. World Transport Policy and Practice 10(2), pp. 5-11.
- Dimond, R. and Lewis, J. 2025. “My full-time unpaid role”: Understanding the (extra)ordinary work of founders of rare disease organisations. Social Science and Medicine, article number: 117958. (10.1016/j.socscimed.2025.117958)
- Hacking, N., Lewis, J. and Evans, R. 2024. Mapping approaches to ‘citizen science’ and ‘community science’ and everything in-between: The evolution of new epistemic territory?. Minerva 62(4), pp. 549-572. (10.1007/s11024-024-09529-z)
- Lewis, J. and Bartlett, A. 2024. The shape of Bigfoot: Transmuting absences into credible knowledge claims. Cultural Sociology (10.1177/17499755241264879)
- Hacking, N., Evans, R. and Lewis, J. 2024. Expertise, trading zones and the planning system: a case study of an energy-from-biomass plant. Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space 7(3), pp. 1418-1435. (10.1177/25148486231212083)
- Hacking, N., Lewis, J. and Evans, R. 2023. It is time to rethink what citizen science really is. The Conversation 2023(28 Mar)
- Evans, R., Hacking, N. and Lewis, J. 2023. Expanding citizen science: community action without primary data collection. Citizen Science: Theory and Practice 8(1), pp. 1-12., article number: 11. (10.5334/cstp.503)
- Lewis, J., Bartlett, A., Riesch, H. and Stephens, N. 2023. Why we need a public understanding of social science. Public Understanding of Science 32(5), pp. 658-672. (10.1177/09636625221141862)
- Dimond, R., Lewis, J. and Sumner, A. 2023. The unexpected and unanticipated announcement of the ‘world’s first’ gene edited babies: breaching, repairing and strengthening community boundaries. New Genetics and Society 42(1), article number: e2155124. (10.1080/14636778.2022.2155124)
- Riesch, H., Vrikki, P., Stephens, N., Lewis, J. and Martin, O. 2021. 'A moment of science please' activism, community and humour at the March for Science. Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 41(2-3), pp. 46-57. (10.1177/02704676211042252)
- Dimond, R., Lewis, J. and Thomas, G. 2021. Editorial: Themed issue: Understanding the technical and social landscape of gene editing. New Genetics and Society 40(4), pp. 361-366. (10.1080/14636778.2021.2004032)
- Lewis, J. 2019. Nelson, N.C. (2018) Model behaviour: animal experiments, complexity and the genetics of psychiatric disorders: London: The University of Chicago Press Ltd ISBN-13: 978-o-226-54608-7 [Book Review]. Sociology of Health and Illness 41(2), pp. 445-446. (10.1111/1467-9566.12839)
- Bartlett, A., Lewis, J., Reyes-Galindo, L. and Stephens, N. 2018. The locus of legitimate interpretation in Big Data sciences: lessons for computational social science from -omic biology and high-energy physics. Big Data and Society 5(1), pp. 1-15. (10.1177/2053951718768831)
- Watermeyer, R. and Lewis, J. T. 2018. Institutionalizing public engagement through research in UK universities: Perceptions, predictions and paradoxes concerning the state of the art. Studies in Higher Education 43(9), pp. 1612-1624. (10.1080/03075079.2016.1272566)
- Hillman, A., Lewis, J. and Elwyn, G. 2017. Pathways and prospects in cancer research: Securing futures and negotiating boundaries. BioSocieties 12 (10.1057/s41292-017-0036-5)
- Bevan Jones, R., Thomas, J., Lewis, J. T., Read, S. M. and Jones, I. 2017. Translation: From bench to brain – Using the visual arts and metaphors to engage and educate. Research for All 1(2), pp. 265-283. (10.18546/RFA.01.2.04)
- Bartlett, A., Penders, B. and Lewis, J. T. 2017. Bioinformatics: indispensable, yet hidden in plain sight?. BMC Bioinformatics 18, article number: 311. (10.1186/s12859-017-1730-9)
- Dimond, R. and Lewis, J. T. 2017. Paul Atkinson Festschrift: editorial. Qualitative Research 17(2), pp. 139-142. (10.1177/1468794116688414)
- Stephens, N. and Lewis, J. T. 2017. Doing laboratory ethnography: reflections on method in scientific workplaces. Qualitative Research 17(2), pp. 202-216. (10.1177/1468794116678040)
- Watermeyer, R. and Lewis, J. 2017. Why universities and academics should bother with public engagement. The Conversation
- Lewis, J. T., Bisson, S., Swaden Lewis, K., Reyes-Galindo, L. and Baldwin, A. J. 2017. Cardiff sciSCREEN: A model for using film screenings to engage publics in University research. Research for All 1(1), pp. 106-120. (10.18546/RFA.01.1.08)
- Lewis, J., Bartlett, A. and Atkinson, P. 2016. Hidden in the middle: culture, value and reward in bioinformatics. Minerva 54, pp. 471-490. (10.1007/s11024-016-9304-y)
- Bartlett, A., Lewis, J. and Williams, M. L. 2016. Generations of interdisciplinarity in bioinformatics. New Genetics and Society 35(2), pp. 186-209. (10.1080/14636778.2016.1184965)
- Dimond, R., Bartlett, A. and Lewis, J. 2015. What binds biosociality? The collective effervescence of the parent-led conference. Social Science and Medicine 126, pp. 1-8. (10.1016/j.socscimed.2014.12.005)
- Lewis, J. T. and Bartlett, A. 2015. How UK psychiatric geneticists understand and talk about engaging the public. New Genetics and Society 34(1), pp. 89-111. (10.1080/14636778.2014.998817)
- Watermeyer, R. and Lewis, J. T. 2015. Public engagement: hidden costs for research careers?. The Times Higher Education
- Lewis, J., Hughes, J. and Atkinson, P. 2014. Relocation, realignment and standardisation: circuits of translation in Huntington’s disease. Social Theory and Health 12, pp. 396-415. (10.1057/sth.2014.13)
- Lewis, J. T., Atkinson, P. A., Harrington, J. and Featherstone, K. 2013. Representation and practical accomplishment in the laboratory: when is an animal model good-enough?. Sociology 47(4), pp. 776-792. (10.1177/0038038512457276)
- Stephens, N. J., Lewis, J. T. and Atkinson, P. A. 2013. Closing the regulatory regress: GMP accreditation in stem cell laboratories. Sociology of Health & Illness 35(3), pp. 345-360. (10.1111/j.1467-9566.2012.01482.x)
- Lewis, J. T. and Bartlett, A. 2013. Inscribing a discipline: tensions in the field of bioinformatics. New Genetics and Society 32(3), pp. 243-263. (10.1080/14636778.2013.773172)
- Lewis, J. T. and Atkinson, P. A. 2011. The surveillance of cellular scientists' practice. BioSocieties 6(4), pp. 381-400. (10.1057/biosoc.2011.18)
- Power, S. A., Taylor, C. M., Lewis, J. T., Connolly, M., Thomas, G. and Jones, S. W. 2010. Realizing the ‘learning country'? Research activity and capacity within Welsh local authorities. Contemporary Wales 23(1), pp. 71-92.
- Bartlett, A. and Lewis, J. T. 2007. Rowena Murray, Writing for Academic Journals; Judith Bell, Doing your Research Project: A Guide for First-Time Researchers in Education, Health and Social Science; Estelle M. Phillips and Derek S. Pugh, How to get a PhD: A Handbook for Students and their Supervisors [BOOK REVIEW]. Qualitative Research 7(2), pp. 269-270. (10.1177/1468794107076024)
- Lewis, J. T. 2006. Making order out of a contested disorder: the utilisation of online support groups in social science research. Qualitative Researcher 3, pp. 4-7.
- Bartlett, A., Lewis, J. T. and Holme, I. 2005. Postgraduate forum on genetics and society: report on the ninth colloquium. Genomics Society and Policy 1(3), pp. 82-86.
- Power, S. A. R., Moss, G., Lewis, J. T., Witty, G. and Edwards, T. 2005. Staying in touch? The potential of 'Friends Reunited' as a research tool. Research Intelligence 92, pp. 6-8.
- Gorard, S., Lewis, J. T. and Smith, E. 2004. Disengagement in Wales: educational, social and economic issues. The Welsh Journal of Education 13(1), pp. 118-147.
- Harris, P., Lewis, J. T. and Adam, B. E. 2004. Time, sustainable transport and the politics of speed. World Transport Policy and Practice 10(2), pp. 5-11.
Book sections
- Quinn, K. and Lewis, J. 2025. The lanyard. In: Woods, A. and Fitzgerald, D. eds. Constructing Sites: Surveying Scenes of Interdisciplinary Collaboration. London: Bloomsbury
- Lewis, J. and Atkinson, P. 2025. Documents and documentation. In: Silverman, D. ed. Qualitative Research., Vol. 6. London: Sage
- Lewis, J. and Atkinson, P. 2025. Anonymity and pseudonyms in ethnographic work. In: Ryen, A. ed. A Research Agenda for Ethics and Qualitative Research. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing
- Lewis, J. and Bartlett, A. 2019. Losing bigfoot. In: Smith, R. and Delamont, S. eds. The lost ethnographies: Methodological insights from projects that never were., Vol. 17. Studies in Qualitative Methodology Bingley: Emerald, pp. 47-63., (10.1108/s1042-319220190000017007)
- Stephens, N. and Lewis, J. 2019. Laboratory ethnography. In: Atkinson, P., Delamont, S. and Williams, M. eds. The SAGE Encyclopedia of Social Science Research Methods (online handbook). Los Angeles, CA.: Sage
- Lewis, J. and Thomas, J. M. 2017. From 'trading zones' to 'buffer zones': Art and metaphor in the communication of psychiatric genetics to publics. In: Reyes-Galindo, L. and Duarte, T. eds. Intercultural Communication and Science and Technology Studies.. Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan, pp. 175-206.
- Watermeyer, R. and Lewis, J. T. 2016. Public engagement in Higher Education: state of the art. In: Case, J. and Huisman, J. eds. Researching Higher Education: International Perspective on Theory, Policy and Practice. Research into Higher Education London: Routledge/SRHE, pp. 42-60.
- Lewis, J. T. 2010. Matchmaking mechanisms: collaborative arrangements in proteomics and bioinformatics. In: Parker, J. N., Vermeulen, N. and Penders, B. eds. Collaboration in the New Life Sciences. Farnham: Ashgate, pp. 179-200.
- Brookfield, C. and Lewis, J. 2025. Completing your research project: A guide for the social sciences. London: SAGE.
- Brookfield, C. and Lewis, J. 2022. Plan your dissertation. Super Quick Skills. London: SAGE Publications.
- Arribas-Ayllon, M., Bartlett, A. and Lewis, J. 2019. Psychiatric genetics: from hereditary madness to big biology. Genetics and Society. London: Routledge.
- Quinn, K. and Lewis, J. 2024. Igniting the social sciences: A report to the central SPARK/Sbarc team and management board. Project Report. Cardiff: SPARK.
- Power, S., Taylor, C. and Lewis, J. 2015. Independent review of assessment and the national curriculum (the Donaldson Review). Analysis of questionnaire responses. The final report:. Technical Report.
- Gunnarsdottir, K., Chadwick, R., Hughes, J., Lewis, J. T., O'Connor, A. and Stephens, N. 2012. Cesagen response to Nuffield Council on bioethics consultation on novel neurotechnologies: intervening in the brain. Technical Report.
- Stephens, N., Chekar, C. K. and Lewis, J. 2009. Global issues, regional engagement: ‘discussing stem cells in context’ event hosted at the National Assembly for Wales. ESRC Genomics Network Newsletter.
- Power, S., Lewis, J. T., Taylor, C., Connolly, M., Thomas, G. and Wyn Jones, S. 2009. Local authorities and education research in Wales. The final report of LINK-Wales: the learning in Wales network. Technical Report.
- Fitz, J., Taylor, C., Pugsley, L., Madden, L., Stephens, N., Lewis, J. T. and Smith, M. 2005. Attitudes towards participation in higher education in Wales. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff University. Available at: https://www.bangor.ac.uk/finance/fo/RR5.pdf
- Lewis, J. T. 2008. Computing genomic science: bioinformatics and standardisation in proteomics. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
- Evans, R., Lewis, J. and Hacking, N. 2021. Tackling air quality monitoring with a citizen science group. [Online]. Wiserd Blogs: WISERD. Available at: https://wiserd.ac.uk/news/tackling-air-quality-monitoring-citizen-science-group
- Bartlett, A., Lewis, J., Reyes-Galindo, L. and Stephens, N. 2019. Big Data and the making of legitimate knowledge claims. [Online]. Backchannels: Society for Social Studies of Science. Available at: https://www.4sonline.org/blog/post/big_data_and_the_making_of_legitimate_knowledge_claims
- Lewis, J. T. 2016. Ethnography in a Laboratory Setting [VIDEO]. [Online]. Sage Videos: Sage Publishers. Available at: http://methods.sagepub.com/video/ethnography-in-a-laboratory-setting
- Lewis, J. 2015. Architecture of the private and the public [VIDEO]. [Online]. Cardiff Attic. Available at: https://atticblogsite.wordpress.com/resources/
- Lewis, J. 2015. Bioscience and the arts: a wider domain [VIDEO]. [Online]. National Centre for Mental Health. Available at: http://ncmh.info/videos/jamie-lewis/
- Lewis, J. 2015. Breaking down stigma [VIDEO]. [Online]. National Centre for Mental Health. Available at: http://ncmh.info/videos/jamie-lewis/
- Lewis, J. T. 2015. Dealing with qualitative questionnaire data: studying an online Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) support group. [Online]. Sage Datasets: Sage Publishers. Available at: http://methods.sagepub.com/dataset/qualitative-survey-ibs
- Lewis, J. T. 2014. Prawns, pests and matter out of place. [Online]. Cardiff sciSCREEN. Available at: http://www.cardiffsciscreen.co.uk/article/district-9-prawns-pests-and-matter-out-place
- Lewis, J. T. 2014. Surveillance and the Search in The Hunger Games. [Online]. Cardiff sciSCREEN. Available at: http://www.cardiffsciscreen.co.uk/article/surveillance-and-search-hunger-games
- Lewis, J. T. 2013. No one is so brave that (s)he is not disturbed by something unexpected. [Online]. Cardiff Ethnography Blog. Available at: http://cardiffethnography.blogspot.co.uk/2013/10/no-one-is-so-brave-that-she-is-not_4.html
Qualitative Research Methods, Sociology of Science and Technology Studies, Sociology of Health and Illness, Public Understanding of Science and Impact.
My research straddles the sociology of Science and Technology Studies, the Sociology of Health and Illness and the Public Understanding of Science. This has included writing about practical accomplishment in the laboratory and animal house, the public understanding and engagement of psychiatric genetics, interdisciplinarity and collaboration in big science especially bioinformatics, translational research and standardisation, and collective effervescence and biosociality. My work is mostly ethnographic or interview based.
I teach on both undergraduate and post graduate programmes in the School of Social Sciences. More specifically, I teach a set of lectures on Brains and Bodies on the Sociology, Society and Social Change module, lectures on ethnography, interviews, images and document on the Introduction to Social Science Research module, a module on Public Engagement with Science and Technology on the Science Media and Communication MSc, a programme which I also convene, and lectures in Key Ideas. As well as this, I work with Gareth Thomas teaching sociology in the School of Medicine.
Academic positions
October 2014 - September 2016: SAGE postdoctoral research associate,
August 2014 - October 2014: Independent Review of Assessment and the National Curriculum: the Donaldson Review. Wales Institute for Social & Economic Research, Data and Methods (WISERD),
August 2009 - August 2014: Research Associate - Public Engagement, MRC Centre for Neuropsychiatric Genetics and Genomics, School of Medicine, Cardiff University.,
February 2009 - July 2009: Research Post for Welsh Education Research Network – LINK project, Cardiff School of Social Sciences, Cardiff University.,
October 2007 - January 2009: Post-Doctoral Research Fellow: Stem Cell Science in Practice, ESRC Cesagen, Cardiff University.,
August 2004 - December 2004: Two Research Assistant Jobs: ESRC funded Destined for Success and Rees Report for the National Assembly of Wales, Cardiff School of Social Sciences, Cardiff University.,
September 2001 - December 2003: (Part Time) Research Assistant for European Union 5th Framework 'Foresight for Transport' Project, Cardiff School of Social Sciences, Cardiff University.
Committees and reviewing
2016- Present: I am member of the Public Understanding of Science University/Museum committee.
2015 - Present: I co-convene the Ethnography Group in the School of Social Sciences.
Current supervision
Patricia Jimenez

Andrea Beetles
Contact Details
+44 29208 76140
Glamorgan Building, Room Rm 2.35, King Edward VII Avenue, Cardiff, CF10 3WA