Dr Philip Lewis
Research Fellow and Electron Microscopy Specialist
Research Overview
To understand and model corneal transparency at the cellular and fibrillar level taking advantage of new developments in three dimensional ultrastuctural imaging by Serial Block Face Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy
The development of biological artificial corneal replacements.
Understanding the structural basis for loss of transparency or refractive function in the pathological cornea.
Corneal development.
Three dimensional structure of the proteoglycans in the cornea and how it controls corneal transparency.
Other Duties
I currently manage the Structural Biophysics groups Zeiss Sigma VP Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope with 3view 2 (Gatan) and Jeol 1010 100Kv Transmission Electron Microscope. As an experienced electron microscopist I also provide training in electron microscopy, EM sample preparation and ultramicrotomy to students within the Biophysics group.
Selected Publications
Structural interactions between collagen and proteoglycans are elucidated by three-dimensional electron tomography of bovine cornea.
Lewis P, Pinali C, Young RD, Quantock AJ, Meek KM, Knupp C.
Structure 18, 1-7, February 10, 2010
Structural Basis for Corneal Transparency
Knupp C. Pinali C, Lewis P, Young RD, Parfitt G, Quantock AJ, Meek KM,
Advances in Protein Chemistry and Structural Biology Volume 87, Dec 2009
Three-dimensional reconstruction of collagen-proteoglycan
interactions in the mouse corneal stroma.
Parfitt GJ, Pinali C, Lewis PN, Young RD, Quantock AJ, Knupp C.
Journal of Structural Biology. 170(2):392-7. (2010)
Three Dimensional Reconstruction of the Cornea by Electron Tomography.
Geraint Parfitt, Pinali C, Philip Lewis, Young RD, Quantock AJ, Knupp C.
Microscopy and Analysis 24(2), 17-19.
Matrix morphogenesis in cornea is mediated by the modification of keratan sulfate by GlcNAc 6-O-sulfotransferase.
Hayashida Y, Akama TO, Beecher N, Lewis P, Young RD, Meek KM, Kerr B, Hughes CE, Caterson B, Tanigami A, Nakayama J, Fukada MN, Tano Y, Nishida K, Quantock AJ.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2006 Sep 5;103(36):13333-8. Epub 2006 Aug 25.
Sulphated Proteoglycans in the Cornea Stroma of Chst5-Null Mice
Philip N Lewis,1 Yasutaka Hayashida,2 Robert D. Young,1 Tomoya O. Akama,3 Michiko N. Fukada,3 Bruce Caterson,4 Kohji Nishida,5 & Andrew J. Quantock.1
Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 2006;47: E-Abstract 2998.
Matrix Alterations in the Corneas of Chst5 Null Mice
A.J. Quantock1,A, Y. Hayashida2, N. Beecher1,A, P.N. Lewis 1,A, B. Caterson1,B, A. Tanigami3, T.O. Akama4, M.N. Fukada4, Y. Tano2 and K. Nishida2
Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 2005;46: E-Abstract 3560.
- Maeno, S., Lewis, P. N., Young, R. D., Oie, Y., Nishida, K. and Quantock, A. J. 2024. Imaging pathology in archived cornea with Fuchs' endothelial corneal dystrophy including tissue reprocessing for volume electron microscopy.. Scientific Reports 14(1), article number: 31786. (10.1038/s41598-024-82888-5)
- Meek, K. M., Knupp, C., Lewis, P. N., Morgan, S. R. and Hayes, S. 2024. Structural control of corneal transparency, refractive power and dynamics. Eye (10.1038/s41433-024-02969-7)
- Bains, K. K., Young, R. D., Koudouna, E., Lewis, P. N. and Quantock, A. J. 2023. Cell–cell and cell–matrix interactions at the presumptive stem cell niche of the chick corneal limbus. Cells 12(19), article number: 2334. (10.3390/cells12192334)
- de Souza, R. B. et al. 2023. Extracellular matrix and vascular dynamics in the kidney of a murine model for Marfan syndrome. PLoS ONE 18(5), article number: e0285418. (10.1371/journal.pone.0285418)
- Rumney, B. M. et al. 2022. Characterisation of carapace composition in developing and adult ostracods (Skogsbergia lerneri) and its potential for biomaterials. Marine Biology 169(6), article number: 78. (10.1007/s00227-022-04047-6)
- Rumney, B. M. et al. 2022. The ultrastructural development and 3D reconstruction of the transparent carapace of the ostracod Skogsbergia lerneri. Marine Biology 169, article number: 35. (10.1007/s00227-021-04006-7)
- Lewis, P. N., Young, R. D., Souza, R. B., Quantock, A. J. and Meek, K. M. 2021. Contrast-enhanced tissue processing of fibrillin-rich elastic fibres for 3D visualization by volume scanning electron microscopy. Methods and Protocols 4(3), article number: 56. (10.3390/mps4030056)
- Simpson, F. C. et al. 2021. Collagen analogs with phosphorylcholine are inflammation-suppressing scaffolds for corneal regeneration from alkali burns in mini-pigs. Communications Biology 4(1), article number: 608. (10.1038/s42003-021-02108-y)
- Morgan, S. R. et al. 2020. Establishment of long-term ostracod epidermal culture. In Vitro Cellular and Developmental Biology - Animal 56(9), pp. 760-772. (10.1007/s11626-020-00508-8)
- McTiernan, C. D. et al. 2020. LiQD Cornea: Pro-regeneration collagen mimetics as patches and alternatives to corneal transplantation. Science Advances 6(25), article number: eaba2187. (10.1126/sciadv.aba2187)
- Feneck, E. M., Lewis, P. N. and Meek, K. M. 2020. Identification of a primary stroma and novel endothelial cell projections in the developing human cornea. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 61(6), article number: 5. (10.1167/iovs.61.6.5)
- Feneck, E. M., Souza, R. B., Lewis, P. N., Hayes, S., Pereira, L. V. and Meek, K. M. 2020. Developmental abnormalities in the cornea of a mouse model for Marfan syndrome. Experimental Eye Research 194, article number: 108001. (10.1016/j.exer.2020.108001)
- Morgan, S. R. et al. 2020. Controlled in vitro delivery of voriconazole and diclofenac to the cornea using contact lenses for the treatment of Acanthamoeba keratitis. International Journal of Pharmaceutics 579, article number: 119102. (10.1016/j.ijpharm.2020.119102)
- Hewitt, M. G. et al. 2020. In Vitro Topical Delivery of Chlorhexidine to the Cornea: Enhancement Using Drug-Loaded Contact Lenses and β-Cyclodextrin Complexation, and the Importance of Simulating Tear Irrigation. Molecular Pharmaceutics 17(4), pp. 1428-1441. (10.1021/acs.molpharmaceut.0c00140)
- Feneck, E. M., Lewis, P. N. and Meek, K. M. 2019. Three-dimensional imaging of the extracellular matrix and cell interactions in the developing prenatal mouse cornea. Scientific Reports 9, article number: 11277. (10.1038/s41598-019-47653-z)
- Lewis, P., White, T., Feneck, E., Young, R. and Meek, K. 2019. Elastin content and distribution in endothelial keratoplasty tissue determines direction of scrolling. American Journal of Ophthalmology 197, pp. 181-182. (10.1016/j.ajo.2018.08.047)
- Feneck, E. M., Lewis, P. N., Ralphs, J. and Meek, K. M. 2018. A comparative study of the elastic fibre system within the mouse and human cornea. Experimental Eye Research 177, pp. 35-44. (10.1016/j.exer.2018.07.024)
- Feneck, E. M., Lewis, P. N., Ralphs, J. and Meek, K. M. 2018. A comparative study of the mouse and human corneal elastic system [Abstract]. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 59(9), article number: 5722.
- Jangamreddy, J. R. et al. 2018. Short peptide analogs as alternatives to collagen in pro-regenerative corneal implants. Acta Biomaterialia 69, pp. 120-130. (10.1016/j.actbio.2018.01.011)
- Islam, M. M. et al. 2018. Biomaterials-enabled cornea regeneration in patients at high risk for rejection of donor tissue transplantation. npj Regenerative Medicine 3, article number: 2. (10.1038/s41536-017-0038-8)
- White, T., Lewis, P., Young, R. D., Kitazawa, K., Inatomi, T., Kinoshita, S. and Meek, K. M. A. 2017. Elastic microfibril distribution in the cornea: Differences between normal and keratoconic stroma. Experimental Eye Research 159, pp. 40-48. (10.1016/j.exer.2017.03.002)
- White, T. et al. 2017. The structural role of elastic fibres in the cornea investigated using a mouse model for Marfan syndrome. Investigative Ophthalmology and Vision Science 58(4), pp. 2106-2116. (10.1167/iovs.16-21358)
- Parfitt, G., Lewis, P. N., Young, R. D., Richardson, A., Lyons, J., Di Girolamo, N. and Jester, J. 2016. Renewal of the holocrine meibomian glands by label-retaining, unipotent epithelial progenitors. Stem Cell Reports 7(3), pp. 399-410. (10.1016/j.stemcr.2016.07.010)
- Lewis, P., White, T., Young, R. D., Bell, J. S., Winlove, C. P. and Meek, K. M. A. 2016. Three-dimensional arrangement of elastic fibers in the human corneal stroma. Experimental Eye Research 146, pp. 43-53. (10.1016/j.exer.2015.12.006)
- Yamada, K. et al. 2015. Mesenchymal-epithelial cell interactions and proteoglycan matrix composition in the presumptive stem cell niche of the rabbit corneal limbus. Molecular Vision 21, pp. 1328-1329.
- White, T., Lewis, P., Young, R., Meek, K. and Bell, J. 2014. 3D structural studies of the cornea. Presented at: British Congress of Optometry and Vision Science, Cardiff, 01 November 2014. , (10.1111/opo.12160)
- Lewis, P., Pinali, C., Young, R. D., Meek, K. M. A., Quantock, A. J. and Knupp, C. 2010. Structural interactions between collagen and proteoglycans are elucidated by three-dimensional electron tomography of bovine cornea. Structure 18(2), pp. 239-245. (10.1016/j.str.2009.11.013)
- Knupp, C., Pinali, C., Lewis, P., Parfitt, G. J., Young, R. D., Meek, K. M. A. and Quantock, A. J. 2009. The architecture of the cornea and structural basis of its transparency. In: McPherson, A. ed. Advances in Protein Chemistry and Structural Biology., Vol. 78. London: Academic Press, pp. 25-49., (10.1016/S1876-1623(08)78002-7)
- Hayashida, Y. et al. 2006. Matrix morphogenesis in cornea is mediated by the modification of keratan sulfate by GlcNAc 6-O-sulfotransferase. PNAS 103(36), pp. 13333-13338. (10.1073/pnas.0605441103)
Adrannau llyfrau
- Knupp, C., Pinali, C., Lewis, P., Parfitt, G. J., Young, R. D., Meek, K. M. A. and Quantock, A. J. 2009. The architecture of the cornea and structural basis of its transparency. In: McPherson, A. ed. Advances in Protein Chemistry and Structural Biology., Vol. 78. London: Academic Press, pp. 25-49., (10.1016/S1876-1623(08)78002-7)
- White, T., Lewis, P., Young, R., Meek, K. and Bell, J. 2014. 3D structural studies of the cornea. Presented at: British Congress of Optometry and Vision Science, Cardiff, 01 November 2014. , (10.1111/opo.12160)
- Maeno, S., Lewis, P. N., Young, R. D., Oie, Y., Nishida, K. and Quantock, A. J. 2024. Imaging pathology in archived cornea with Fuchs' endothelial corneal dystrophy including tissue reprocessing for volume electron microscopy.. Scientific Reports 14(1), article number: 31786. (10.1038/s41598-024-82888-5)
- Meek, K. M., Knupp, C., Lewis, P. N., Morgan, S. R. and Hayes, S. 2024. Structural control of corneal transparency, refractive power and dynamics. Eye (10.1038/s41433-024-02969-7)
- Bains, K. K., Young, R. D., Koudouna, E., Lewis, P. N. and Quantock, A. J. 2023. Cell–cell and cell–matrix interactions at the presumptive stem cell niche of the chick corneal limbus. Cells 12(19), article number: 2334. (10.3390/cells12192334)
- de Souza, R. B. et al. 2023. Extracellular matrix and vascular dynamics in the kidney of a murine model for Marfan syndrome. PLoS ONE 18(5), article number: e0285418. (10.1371/journal.pone.0285418)
- Rumney, B. M. et al. 2022. Characterisation of carapace composition in developing and adult ostracods (Skogsbergia lerneri) and its potential for biomaterials. Marine Biology 169(6), article number: 78. (10.1007/s00227-022-04047-6)
- Rumney, B. M. et al. 2022. The ultrastructural development and 3D reconstruction of the transparent carapace of the ostracod Skogsbergia lerneri. Marine Biology 169, article number: 35. (10.1007/s00227-021-04006-7)
- Lewis, P. N., Young, R. D., Souza, R. B., Quantock, A. J. and Meek, K. M. 2021. Contrast-enhanced tissue processing of fibrillin-rich elastic fibres for 3D visualization by volume scanning electron microscopy. Methods and Protocols 4(3), article number: 56. (10.3390/mps4030056)
- Simpson, F. C. et al. 2021. Collagen analogs with phosphorylcholine are inflammation-suppressing scaffolds for corneal regeneration from alkali burns in mini-pigs. Communications Biology 4(1), article number: 608. (10.1038/s42003-021-02108-y)
- Morgan, S. R. et al. 2020. Establishment of long-term ostracod epidermal culture. In Vitro Cellular and Developmental Biology - Animal 56(9), pp. 760-772. (10.1007/s11626-020-00508-8)
- McTiernan, C. D. et al. 2020. LiQD Cornea: Pro-regeneration collagen mimetics as patches and alternatives to corneal transplantation. Science Advances 6(25), article number: eaba2187. (10.1126/sciadv.aba2187)
- Feneck, E. M., Lewis, P. N. and Meek, K. M. 2020. Identification of a primary stroma and novel endothelial cell projections in the developing human cornea. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 61(6), article number: 5. (10.1167/iovs.61.6.5)
- Feneck, E. M., Souza, R. B., Lewis, P. N., Hayes, S., Pereira, L. V. and Meek, K. M. 2020. Developmental abnormalities in the cornea of a mouse model for Marfan syndrome. Experimental Eye Research 194, article number: 108001. (10.1016/j.exer.2020.108001)
- Morgan, S. R. et al. 2020. Controlled in vitro delivery of voriconazole and diclofenac to the cornea using contact lenses for the treatment of Acanthamoeba keratitis. International Journal of Pharmaceutics 579, article number: 119102. (10.1016/j.ijpharm.2020.119102)
- Hewitt, M. G. et al. 2020. In Vitro Topical Delivery of Chlorhexidine to the Cornea: Enhancement Using Drug-Loaded Contact Lenses and β-Cyclodextrin Complexation, and the Importance of Simulating Tear Irrigation. Molecular Pharmaceutics 17(4), pp. 1428-1441. (10.1021/acs.molpharmaceut.0c00140)
- Feneck, E. M., Lewis, P. N. and Meek, K. M. 2019. Three-dimensional imaging of the extracellular matrix and cell interactions in the developing prenatal mouse cornea. Scientific Reports 9, article number: 11277. (10.1038/s41598-019-47653-z)
- Lewis, P., White, T., Feneck, E., Young, R. and Meek, K. 2019. Elastin content and distribution in endothelial keratoplasty tissue determines direction of scrolling. American Journal of Ophthalmology 197, pp. 181-182. (10.1016/j.ajo.2018.08.047)
- Feneck, E. M., Lewis, P. N., Ralphs, J. and Meek, K. M. 2018. A comparative study of the elastic fibre system within the mouse and human cornea. Experimental Eye Research 177, pp. 35-44. (10.1016/j.exer.2018.07.024)
- Feneck, E. M., Lewis, P. N., Ralphs, J. and Meek, K. M. 2018. A comparative study of the mouse and human corneal elastic system [Abstract]. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 59(9), article number: 5722.
- Jangamreddy, J. R. et al. 2018. Short peptide analogs as alternatives to collagen in pro-regenerative corneal implants. Acta Biomaterialia 69, pp. 120-130. (10.1016/j.actbio.2018.01.011)
- Islam, M. M. et al. 2018. Biomaterials-enabled cornea regeneration in patients at high risk for rejection of donor tissue transplantation. npj Regenerative Medicine 3, article number: 2. (10.1038/s41536-017-0038-8)
- White, T., Lewis, P., Young, R. D., Kitazawa, K., Inatomi, T., Kinoshita, S. and Meek, K. M. A. 2017. Elastic microfibril distribution in the cornea: Differences between normal and keratoconic stroma. Experimental Eye Research 159, pp. 40-48. (10.1016/j.exer.2017.03.002)
- White, T. et al. 2017. The structural role of elastic fibres in the cornea investigated using a mouse model for Marfan syndrome. Investigative Ophthalmology and Vision Science 58(4), pp. 2106-2116. (10.1167/iovs.16-21358)
- Parfitt, G., Lewis, P. N., Young, R. D., Richardson, A., Lyons, J., Di Girolamo, N. and Jester, J. 2016. Renewal of the holocrine meibomian glands by label-retaining, unipotent epithelial progenitors. Stem Cell Reports 7(3), pp. 399-410. (10.1016/j.stemcr.2016.07.010)
- Lewis, P., White, T., Young, R. D., Bell, J. S., Winlove, C. P. and Meek, K. M. A. 2016. Three-dimensional arrangement of elastic fibers in the human corneal stroma. Experimental Eye Research 146, pp. 43-53. (10.1016/j.exer.2015.12.006)
- Yamada, K. et al. 2015. Mesenchymal-epithelial cell interactions and proteoglycan matrix composition in the presumptive stem cell niche of the rabbit corneal limbus. Molecular Vision 21, pp. 1328-1329.
- Lewis, P., Pinali, C., Young, R. D., Meek, K. M. A., Quantock, A. J. and Knupp, C. 2010. Structural interactions between collagen and proteoglycans are elucidated by three-dimensional electron tomography of bovine cornea. Structure 18(2), pp. 239-245. (10.1016/j.str.2009.11.013)
- Hayashida, Y. et al. 2006. Matrix morphogenesis in cornea is mediated by the modification of keratan sulfate by GlcNAc 6-O-sulfotransferase. PNAS 103(36), pp. 13333-13338. (10.1073/pnas.0605441103)
Educational and Professional Qualifications:
- PhD Aquatic Pathobiology Institute of Aquaculture Stirling University 2002
- MSc Aquatic Resource Management King's Collage London University 1994
- BSc (Hons) Zoology (Marine Biology) Aberdeen University 1993
Academic positions
- Cambridge University, Cavendish Laboratory 2011-2013. Post- Doctoral Research Associate. Biological and Soft System Sector, Electron Microscopy, GSK funded. Bioglass interactions with dentine. Using Fib SEM, Cryo Fib, STEM, TEM, ESEM and associate techniques including EDS and EDX
- Cardiff University (2011) Post-Doctoral Research Associate, Structural Biophysics Research Group, School of Optometry and Vision Sciences. EPSRC funded project. On the structural architecture of the developing corneal stroma using cryo EM techniques and 3D cellular tomography.
- Oxford University 2008-(2010) Post Doctoral Research Associate, Division of Structural Biology. Wellcome Trust funded project. On Human T-cell leukaemia virus type-1 (HTLV-1) retrovirus Virological synapse formation using 3D cellular tomography.
- Cardiff University (2006-2008) Post Doctoral Research Associate Structural Biophysics Research Group, School of Optometry and Vision sciences. BBSRC funded project. On 3D structure of proteoglycans in the Cornea and how it controls corneal transparency.
- Cardiff University (2004-2005) Post Doctoral Research Associate Structural Biophysics Research Group, School of Optometry and Vision sciences. BBSRC funded project. Investigation of Keratan Sulfate proteoglycan sulfation in sulfur transferase Knockout mouse using Immuno electron microscopy