I teach extensively on our PGT programmes, which currently include the MSc Physics, MSc Astrophysics, MSc Data-Intensive Physics, MSc Data-Intensive Astrophysics, MSc Gravitational Wave Physics, and MSc Compound Semiconductor Physics. I have won multiple institutional, national, and international awards for excellence and innovation in teaching, and I am regularly invited to speak on physics education and teaching excellence at international conferences.
- Morreau, A., Lewis, R. and Roche, P. 2023. From TikTok to LED production kits: Making space for creativity in authentic learning. Presented at: AdvanceHE Teaching and Learning Conference 2023, Keele, UK, 4-6 July 2023.
- Cartwright, A. and Lewis, R. 2022. Video assignments: A powerful way to introduce creativity and fun into your program – A physics education story. Presented at: Cardiff University Teaching and Learning Conference 2022, Cardiff University, 29-30 June 2022.
- Lewis, R. 2022. Collegiate commentary: thoughts on "Five things that broadened our horizons from the 'Innovation in Science Teaching' series". [Online]. Teaching Matters Blog: University of Edinburgh. Available at: https://express.adobe.com/page/kyyQifDMM3wS6/#collegiate-commentary
- Morreau, A., Lewis, R. and Roche, P. 2022. From TikTok videos to instruction manuals: MSc students inspired to reach beyond the assessment framework in an authentic learning assignment – a physics education story. Presented at: Cardiff University Teaching and Learning Conference 2022, Cardiff University, 29 - 30 June 2022.
- Aker, M. et al. 2021. The design, construction, and commissioning of the KATRIN experiment. Journal of Instrumentation 16(8), article number: T08015. (10.1088/1748-0221/16/08/T08015)
- Lewis, R., Roche, P., Askey, J., Sztranyovszky, Z., Eknath, G., Norman, M. and Anderson, M. 2021. The Online Research Group teaching model – ensuring authentic and robust remote learning for MSc students. Presented at: Cardiff University Learning and Teaching Conference 2021, Virtual, 1-2 July 2021.
- Drysdale, T. D., Kelley, S., Scott, A., Dishon, V., Weightman, A., Lewis, R. J. and Watts, S. 2020. Opinion piece: non-traditional practical work for traditional campuses. Higher Education Pedagogies 5(1), pp. 210-222. (10.1080/23752696.2020.1816845)
- Drysdale, T. et al. 2019. Post-humanistic 'practices of community' for non-traditional laboratory work. Proceedings of the SEFI 47th Annual Conference, pp. 360-369.
- Lewis, R. and Drysdale, T. 2019. Simulation of research-grade physics, chemistry, and engineering experiments in LabVIEW as a flexible template for remote laboratories. Proceedings of the SEFI 47th Annual Conference, pp. 710-725.
- Lewis, R. and Roche, P. 2019. Realism in practice: Implementation, critique, and scaling of research group-based Taught Master's learning. Presented at: Institute of Physics Higher Education Community Group Meeting, Bristol, UK, 15 May 2019.
- Lewis, R. 2019. CHIP-8 virtual machine in LabVIEW: A template for development best practice, code modification and style review. National Instruments Real-World Applications
- Lewis, R. 2019. LabVIEW NXG accelerates problem- and project- based learning for MSc students. National Instruments Real-World Applications
- Drysdale, T., Weightman, A., Watts, S., Dishon, V. and Lewis, R. 2019. Remote laboratories - Requirements capture for a national pooling infrastructure. Presented at: AdvanceHE STEM Teaching and Learning Conference 2019, Birmingham, UK, 30 -31 January 2019.
- Lewis, R. 2019. Unifying MSc Physics and MSc Astrophysics problem-based learning with LabVIEW NXG: A critical review. Presented at: National Instruments Academic User Forum 2019, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK, 18 January 2019.
- Lewis, R. 2018. Transitioning MSc Physics teaching to LabVIEW NXG 2.0: from drills to DAQ-First. Presented at: National Instruments Academic User Forum 2018, Loughborough University, UK, 31 January 2018.
- Lewis, R. 2017. Reflections on LabVIEW as a common language: an effective tool for resolving the community-building : skill-embedding tension in Taught Master’s learning. Presented at: NI Days 2017, Beirut, Lebanon, 15 September 2017.
- Lewis, R. 2017. LabVIEW as a common language: resolving the community-building: Skill-embedding tension in taught Master’s learning. Presented at: NIWeek 2017, Austin, Texas, USA, 22 -27 May 2017.
- Lewis, R. 2016. MSc Physics Students Take Ownership of Their Learning With LabVIEW. [Online]. National Instruments Innovations Case Study: National Instruments. Available at: http://sine.ni.com/cs/app/doc/p/id/cs-17230#
- Lewis, R. 2016. Bringing the research group ethos into taught Master's learning. Presented at: Variety in Chemistry Education/ Physics Higher Education Conference 2016, University of Southampton, UK, 25 - 26 August 2016.
- Teh, P. S., Alam, S., Lewis, R. J. and Richardson, D. J. 2014. Single polarization picosecond fiber MOPA power scaled to beyond 500 W. Laser Physics Letters 11(8), article number: 85103. (10.1088/1612-2011/11/8/085103)
- Chen, G. Y., Codemard, C. A., Lewis, R. J., Jankowski, L., Chan, J. S., Gorman, P. M. and Zervas, M. N. 2014. Enhanced responsivity with skew ray excitation of reflection- and transmission-type refractometric sensors. Optics Letters 39(13), pp. 3822-3825. (10.1364/OL.39.003822)
- Lewis, R. J. et al. 2013. High-resolution broadly-tunable MOPA-based terahertz spectrometer to non-destructively probe and modulate protein electrodynamics. Presented at: 2013 38th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz), Rheingold Hall Mainz, Mainz, Germany, 1-6 September 2013Proceedings of the 2013 38th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz). Los Alamitos, CA: IEEE, (10.1109/IRMMW-THz.2013.6665817)
- Rowe, D. J. et al. 2013. Terahertz spectroscopy to non-destructively probe and modulate protein electrodynamics: Fundamental basis for {THz} medicine. Presented at: Bioelectrics 2013: 10th International Bioelectrics Symposium, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Karlsruhe, Germany, 16-19 September 2013.
- James, T., Schloesser, M., Lewis, R. J., Fischer, S., Bornschein, B. and Telle, H. H. 2013. Automated quantitative spectroscopic analysis combining background subtraction, cosmic ray removal, and peak fitting. Applied Spectroscopy 67(8), pp. 949-959. (10.1366/12-06766)
- James, T. M., Schlösser, M., Fischer, S., Sturm, M., Bornschein, B., Lewis, R. J. and Telle, H. H. 2013. Accurate depolarization ratio measurements for all diatomic hydrogen isotopologues. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 44(6), pp. 857-865. (10.1002/jrs.4283)
- Teh, P. S., Chan, H., Lewis, R. J., Alam, S., Shepherd, D. P. and Richardson, D. J. 2013. 200W gain-switched-diode-seeded, single-polarization, narrow-linewidth, all-fiber, picosecond MOPA. Presented at: CLEO: Science and Innovations - Single Frequency Fiber Lasers (2013) (CW3M), San Jose, CA, USA, 9-14 June 2013Proceedings of CLEO: Science and Innovations. Washington, D.C.: OSA pp. CW3M.2., (10.1364/CLEO_SI.2013.CW3M.2)
- Schlösser, M., James, T. M., Fischer, S., Lewis, R. J., Bornschein, B. and Telle, H. H. 2013. Evaluation method for Raman depolarization measurements including geometrical effects and polarization aberrations. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 44(3), pp. 453-462. (10.1002/jrs.4201)
- Teh, P. S., Lewis, R. J., Alam, S. and Richardson, D. J. 2013. 200 W Diffraction limited, single-polarization, all-fiber picosecond MOPA. Optics Express 21(22), pp. 25883-25889. (10.1364/OE.21.025883)
- Fischer, S., Sturm, M., Schlösser, M., Lewis, R. J., Bornschein, B., Drexlin, G. and Telle, H. H. 2012. Laser Raman Spectroscopy for KATRIN. Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements 229-33, pp. 492. (10.1016/j.nuclphysbps.2012.09.129)
- Gonzálvez, A. G., González Ureña, ?., Lewis, R. J. and van der Zwan, G. 2012. Spectroscopy and kinetics of tyrosinase catalyzed trans-resveratrol oxidation. Journal of Physical Chemistry B 116(8), pp. 2553-2560. (10.1021/jp209753q)
- Schlösser, M., James, T. M., Fischer, S., Lewis, R., Telle, H. H. and Bornschein, B. 2012. Accurate depolarization measurements of all six hydrogen isotopologues. Presented at: DPG-Frühjahrstagung der Sektion AMOP (SAMOP), Fachverband Molekülphysik, Stuttgart, Germany, 12-16 March 2012. Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft
- Schloesser, M., Fischer, S., Sturm, M., Bornschein, B., Lewis, R. J. and Telle, H. H. 2011. Design implications for laser Raman measurement systems for tritium sample-analysis, accountancy or process-control applications. Fusion Science and Technology 60(3), pp. 976-981.
- Fischer, S. et al. 2011. Monitoring of tritium purity during long-term circulation in the KATRIN test experiment LOOPINO using laser Raman spectroscopy. Fusion Science and Technology 60(3), pp. 925-930.
- Schlösser, M., James, T., Lewis, R. and Telle, H. H. 2011. Methoden zur Prozessierung von Ramanspektren. Presented at: Frühjahrstagung DPG, Fachverband Quantenoptik und Photonik, Dresden, Germany, 13-18 March 2011. Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft
- Sturm, M., Schlösser, M., Lewis, R. J., Bornschein, B., Drexlin, G. and Telle, H. H. 2010. Monitoring of all hydrogen isotopologues at tritium laboratory Karlsruhe using Raman spectroscopy. Laser Physics 20(2), pp. 493-507. (10.1134/S1054660X10030163)
- Fischer, S. et al. 2010. Monitoring of tritium purity during long-term ciculation in the KATRIN test experiment LOOPINO using laser Raman spectroscopy. Presented at: 9th International Conference on Tritium Science and Technology (TRITIUM 2010), Nara, Japan, 24-29 October 2010.
- Schlösser, M., Fischer, S., Sturm, M., Bornschein, B., Lewis, R. and Telle, H. H. 2010. Laser Raman measurements on tritium mixtures and implications for the design of systems for tritium accountancy of process control applications. Presented at: 9th International Conference on Tritium Science and Technology (TRITIUM 2010), Nara, Japan, 24-29 October 2010. pp. -.
- Schlösser, M., Sturm, M., Fischer, S., Bornschein, B. and Lewis, R. 2010. Online Laser-Raman-Spektroskopie an Tritium für KATRIN. Presented at: Frühjahrstagung DPG, Fachverband Quantenoptik und Photonen, Hannover, Germany, 8-12 March 2010. Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft
- Fischer, S., Sturm, M., Schlösser, M., Lewis, R., Bornschein, B., Drexlin, G. and Telle, H. H. 2010. Tritium accountancy with laser Raman spectroscopy for KATRIN. Presented at: 30th International Symposium on Physics in Collision (PIC 2010), Karlsruhe, Germany, 1-4 September 2010.
- Lewis, R. J., Telle, H. H., Bornschein, B., Kazachenko, O., Kernert, N. and Sturm, M. 2008. Dynamic Raman spectroscopy of hydrogen isotopomer mixtures in-line at TILO. Laser Physics Letters 5(7), pp. 522-531. (10.1002/lapl.200810026)
- Charlton, M., van der Werf, D. P., Lewis, R. J., Watkeys, P. R. and Kerrigan, S. J. 2006. Three-body effects in positron annihilation on molecules [Letter]. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 39(17), pp. L329-L334. (10.1088/0953-4075/39/17/L03)
- Aker, M. et al. 2021. The design, construction, and commissioning of the KATRIN experiment. Journal of Instrumentation 16(8), article number: T08015. (10.1088/1748-0221/16/08/T08015)
- Drysdale, T. D., Kelley, S., Scott, A., Dishon, V., Weightman, A., Lewis, R. J. and Watts, S. 2020. Opinion piece: non-traditional practical work for traditional campuses. Higher Education Pedagogies 5(1), pp. 210-222. (10.1080/23752696.2020.1816845)
- Drysdale, T. et al. 2019. Post-humanistic 'practices of community' for non-traditional laboratory work. Proceedings of the SEFI 47th Annual Conference, pp. 360-369.
- Lewis, R. and Drysdale, T. 2019. Simulation of research-grade physics, chemistry, and engineering experiments in LabVIEW as a flexible template for remote laboratories. Proceedings of the SEFI 47th Annual Conference, pp. 710-725.
- Lewis, R. 2019. CHIP-8 virtual machine in LabVIEW: A template for development best practice, code modification and style review. National Instruments Real-World Applications
- Lewis, R. 2019. LabVIEW NXG accelerates problem- and project- based learning for MSc students. National Instruments Real-World Applications
- Teh, P. S., Alam, S., Lewis, R. J. and Richardson, D. J. 2014. Single polarization picosecond fiber MOPA power scaled to beyond 500 W. Laser Physics Letters 11(8), article number: 85103. (10.1088/1612-2011/11/8/085103)
- Chen, G. Y., Codemard, C. A., Lewis, R. J., Jankowski, L., Chan, J. S., Gorman, P. M. and Zervas, M. N. 2014. Enhanced responsivity with skew ray excitation of reflection- and transmission-type refractometric sensors. Optics Letters 39(13), pp. 3822-3825. (10.1364/OL.39.003822)
- James, T., Schloesser, M., Lewis, R. J., Fischer, S., Bornschein, B. and Telle, H. H. 2013. Automated quantitative spectroscopic analysis combining background subtraction, cosmic ray removal, and peak fitting. Applied Spectroscopy 67(8), pp. 949-959. (10.1366/12-06766)
- James, T. M., Schlösser, M., Fischer, S., Sturm, M., Bornschein, B., Lewis, R. J. and Telle, H. H. 2013. Accurate depolarization ratio measurements for all diatomic hydrogen isotopologues. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 44(6), pp. 857-865. (10.1002/jrs.4283)
- Schlösser, M., James, T. M., Fischer, S., Lewis, R. J., Bornschein, B. and Telle, H. H. 2013. Evaluation method for Raman depolarization measurements including geometrical effects and polarization aberrations. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 44(3), pp. 453-462. (10.1002/jrs.4201)
- Teh, P. S., Lewis, R. J., Alam, S. and Richardson, D. J. 2013. 200 W Diffraction limited, single-polarization, all-fiber picosecond MOPA. Optics Express 21(22), pp. 25883-25889. (10.1364/OE.21.025883)
- Fischer, S., Sturm, M., Schlösser, M., Lewis, R. J., Bornschein, B., Drexlin, G. and Telle, H. H. 2012. Laser Raman Spectroscopy for KATRIN. Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements 229-33, pp. 492. (10.1016/j.nuclphysbps.2012.09.129)
- Gonzálvez, A. G., González Ureña, ?., Lewis, R. J. and van der Zwan, G. 2012. Spectroscopy and kinetics of tyrosinase catalyzed trans-resveratrol oxidation. Journal of Physical Chemistry B 116(8), pp. 2553-2560. (10.1021/jp209753q)
- Schloesser, M., Fischer, S., Sturm, M., Bornschein, B., Lewis, R. J. and Telle, H. H. 2011. Design implications for laser Raman measurement systems for tritium sample-analysis, accountancy or process-control applications. Fusion Science and Technology 60(3), pp. 976-981.
- Fischer, S. et al. 2011. Monitoring of tritium purity during long-term circulation in the KATRIN test experiment LOOPINO using laser Raman spectroscopy. Fusion Science and Technology 60(3), pp. 925-930.
- Sturm, M., Schlösser, M., Lewis, R. J., Bornschein, B., Drexlin, G. and Telle, H. H. 2010. Monitoring of all hydrogen isotopologues at tritium laboratory Karlsruhe using Raman spectroscopy. Laser Physics 20(2), pp. 493-507. (10.1134/S1054660X10030163)
- Lewis, R. J., Telle, H. H., Bornschein, B., Kazachenko, O., Kernert, N. and Sturm, M. 2008. Dynamic Raman spectroscopy of hydrogen isotopomer mixtures in-line at TILO. Laser Physics Letters 5(7), pp. 522-531. (10.1002/lapl.200810026)
- Charlton, M., van der Werf, D. P., Lewis, R. J., Watkeys, P. R. and Kerrigan, S. J. 2006. Three-body effects in positron annihilation on molecules [Letter]. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 39(17), pp. L329-L334. (10.1088/0953-4075/39/17/L03)
- Morreau, A., Lewis, R. and Roche, P. 2023. From TikTok to LED production kits: Making space for creativity in authentic learning. Presented at: AdvanceHE Teaching and Learning Conference 2023, Keele, UK, 4-6 July 2023.
- Cartwright, A. and Lewis, R. 2022. Video assignments: A powerful way to introduce creativity and fun into your program – A physics education story. Presented at: Cardiff University Teaching and Learning Conference 2022, Cardiff University, 29-30 June 2022.
- Morreau, A., Lewis, R. and Roche, P. 2022. From TikTok videos to instruction manuals: MSc students inspired to reach beyond the assessment framework in an authentic learning assignment – a physics education story. Presented at: Cardiff University Teaching and Learning Conference 2022, Cardiff University, 29 - 30 June 2022.
- Lewis, R., Roche, P., Askey, J., Sztranyovszky, Z., Eknath, G., Norman, M. and Anderson, M. 2021. The Online Research Group teaching model – ensuring authentic and robust remote learning for MSc students. Presented at: Cardiff University Learning and Teaching Conference 2021, Virtual, 1-2 July 2021.
- Lewis, R. and Roche, P. 2019. Realism in practice: Implementation, critique, and scaling of research group-based Taught Master's learning. Presented at: Institute of Physics Higher Education Community Group Meeting, Bristol, UK, 15 May 2019.
- Drysdale, T., Weightman, A., Watts, S., Dishon, V. and Lewis, R. 2019. Remote laboratories - Requirements capture for a national pooling infrastructure. Presented at: AdvanceHE STEM Teaching and Learning Conference 2019, Birmingham, UK, 30 -31 January 2019.
- Lewis, R. 2019. Unifying MSc Physics and MSc Astrophysics problem-based learning with LabVIEW NXG: A critical review. Presented at: National Instruments Academic User Forum 2019, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK, 18 January 2019.
- Lewis, R. 2018. Transitioning MSc Physics teaching to LabVIEW NXG 2.0: from drills to DAQ-First. Presented at: National Instruments Academic User Forum 2018, Loughborough University, UK, 31 January 2018.
- Lewis, R. 2017. Reflections on LabVIEW as a common language: an effective tool for resolving the community-building : skill-embedding tension in Taught Master’s learning. Presented at: NI Days 2017, Beirut, Lebanon, 15 September 2017.
- Lewis, R. 2017. LabVIEW as a common language: resolving the community-building: Skill-embedding tension in taught Master’s learning. Presented at: NIWeek 2017, Austin, Texas, USA, 22 -27 May 2017.
- Lewis, R. 2016. Bringing the research group ethos into taught Master's learning. Presented at: Variety in Chemistry Education/ Physics Higher Education Conference 2016, University of Southampton, UK, 25 - 26 August 2016.
- Lewis, R. J. et al. 2013. High-resolution broadly-tunable MOPA-based terahertz spectrometer to non-destructively probe and modulate protein electrodynamics. Presented at: 2013 38th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz), Rheingold Hall Mainz, Mainz, Germany, 1-6 September 2013Proceedings of the 2013 38th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz). Los Alamitos, CA: IEEE, (10.1109/IRMMW-THz.2013.6665817)
- Rowe, D. J. et al. 2013. Terahertz spectroscopy to non-destructively probe and modulate protein electrodynamics: Fundamental basis for {THz} medicine. Presented at: Bioelectrics 2013: 10th International Bioelectrics Symposium, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Karlsruhe, Germany, 16-19 September 2013.
- Teh, P. S., Chan, H., Lewis, R. J., Alam, S., Shepherd, D. P. and Richardson, D. J. 2013. 200W gain-switched-diode-seeded, single-polarization, narrow-linewidth, all-fiber, picosecond MOPA. Presented at: CLEO: Science and Innovations - Single Frequency Fiber Lasers (2013) (CW3M), San Jose, CA, USA, 9-14 June 2013Proceedings of CLEO: Science and Innovations. Washington, D.C.: OSA pp. CW3M.2., (10.1364/CLEO_SI.2013.CW3M.2)
- Schlösser, M., James, T. M., Fischer, S., Lewis, R., Telle, H. H. and Bornschein, B. 2012. Accurate depolarization measurements of all six hydrogen isotopologues. Presented at: DPG-Frühjahrstagung der Sektion AMOP (SAMOP), Fachverband Molekülphysik, Stuttgart, Germany, 12-16 March 2012. Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft
- Schlösser, M., James, T., Lewis, R. and Telle, H. H. 2011. Methoden zur Prozessierung von Ramanspektren. Presented at: Frühjahrstagung DPG, Fachverband Quantenoptik und Photonik, Dresden, Germany, 13-18 March 2011. Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft
- Fischer, S. et al. 2010. Monitoring of tritium purity during long-term ciculation in the KATRIN test experiment LOOPINO using laser Raman spectroscopy. Presented at: 9th International Conference on Tritium Science and Technology (TRITIUM 2010), Nara, Japan, 24-29 October 2010.
- Schlösser, M., Fischer, S., Sturm, M., Bornschein, B., Lewis, R. and Telle, H. H. 2010. Laser Raman measurements on tritium mixtures and implications for the design of systems for tritium accountancy of process control applications. Presented at: 9th International Conference on Tritium Science and Technology (TRITIUM 2010), Nara, Japan, 24-29 October 2010. pp. -.
- Schlösser, M., Sturm, M., Fischer, S., Bornschein, B. and Lewis, R. 2010. Online Laser-Raman-Spektroskopie an Tritium für KATRIN. Presented at: Frühjahrstagung DPG, Fachverband Quantenoptik und Photonen, Hannover, Germany, 8-12 March 2010. Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft
- Fischer, S., Sturm, M., Schlösser, M., Lewis, R., Bornschein, B., Drexlin, G. and Telle, H. H. 2010. Tritium accountancy with laser Raman spectroscopy for KATRIN. Presented at: 30th International Symposium on Physics in Collision (PIC 2010), Karlsruhe, Germany, 1-4 September 2010.
- Lewis, R. 2022. Collegiate commentary: thoughts on "Five things that broadened our horizons from the 'Innovation in Science Teaching' series". [Online]. Teaching Matters Blog: University of Edinburgh. Available at: https://express.adobe.com/page/kyyQifDMM3wS6/#collegiate-commentary
- Lewis, R. 2016. MSc Physics Students Take Ownership of Their Learning With LabVIEW. [Online]. National Instruments Innovations Case Study: National Instruments. Available at: http://sine.ni.com/cs/app/doc/p/id/cs-17230#
- Teh, P. S., Alam, S., Lewis, R. J. and Richardson, D. J. 2014. Single polarization picosecond fiber MOPA power scaled to beyond 500 W. Laser Physics Letters 11(8), article number: 85103. (10.1088/1612-2011/11/8/085103)
- Chen, G. Y., Codemard, C. A., Lewis, R. J., Jankowski, L., Chan, J. S., Gorman, P. M. and Zervas, M. N. 2014. Enhanced responsivity with skew ray excitation of reflection- and transmission-type refractometric sensors. Optics Letters 39(13), pp. 3822-3825. (10.1364/OL.39.003822)
- Lewis, R. J. et al. 2013. High-resolution broadly-tunable MOPA-based terahertz spectrometer to non-destructively probe and modulate protein electrodynamics. Presented at: 2013 38th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz), Rheingold Hall Mainz, Mainz, Germany, 1-6 September 2013Proceedings of the 2013 38th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz). Los Alamitos, CA: IEEE, (10.1109/IRMMW-THz.2013.6665817)
- Rowe, D. J. et al. 2013. Terahertz spectroscopy to non-destructively probe and modulate protein electrodynamics: Fundamental basis for {THz} medicine. Presented at: Bioelectrics 2013: 10th International Bioelectrics Symposium, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Karlsruhe, Germany, 16-19 September 2013.
- James, T., Schloesser, M., Lewis, R. J., Fischer, S., Bornschein, B. and Telle, H. H. 2013. Automated quantitative spectroscopic analysis combining background subtraction, cosmic ray removal, and peak fitting. Applied Spectroscopy 67(8), pp. 949-959. (10.1366/12-06766)
- James, T. M., Schlösser, M., Fischer, S., Sturm, M., Bornschein, B., Lewis, R. J. and Telle, H. H. 2013. Accurate depolarization ratio measurements for all diatomic hydrogen isotopologues. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 44(6), pp. 857-865. (10.1002/jrs.4283)
- Teh, P. S., Chan, H., Lewis, R. J., Alam, S., Shepherd, D. P. and Richardson, D. J. 2013. 200W gain-switched-diode-seeded, single-polarization, narrow-linewidth, all-fiber, picosecond MOPA. Presented at: CLEO: Science and Innovations - Single Frequency Fiber Lasers (2013) (CW3M), San Jose, CA, USA, 9-14 June 2013Proceedings of CLEO: Science and Innovations. Washington, D.C.: OSA pp. CW3M.2., (10.1364/CLEO_SI.2013.CW3M.2)
- Schlösser, M., James, T. M., Fischer, S., Lewis, R. J., Bornschein, B. and Telle, H. H. 2013. Evaluation method for Raman depolarization measurements including geometrical effects and polarization aberrations. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 44(3), pp. 453-462. (10.1002/jrs.4201)
- Teh, P. S., Lewis, R. J., Alam, S. and Richardson, D. J. 2013. 200 W Diffraction limited, single-polarization, all-fiber picosecond MOPA. Optics Express 21(22), pp. 25883-25889. (10.1364/OE.21.025883)
- Fischer, S., Sturm, M., Schlösser, M., Lewis, R. J., Bornschein, B., Drexlin, G. and Telle, H. H. 2012. Laser Raman Spectroscopy for KATRIN. Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements 229-33, pp. 492. (10.1016/j.nuclphysbps.2012.09.129)
- Gonzálvez, A. G., González Ureña, ?., Lewis, R. J. and van der Zwan, G. 2012. Spectroscopy and kinetics of tyrosinase catalyzed trans-resveratrol oxidation. Journal of Physical Chemistry B 116(8), pp. 2553-2560. (10.1021/jp209753q)
- Schloesser, M., Fischer, S., Sturm, M., Bornschein, B., Lewis, R. J. and Telle, H. H. 2011. Design implications for laser Raman measurement systems for tritium sample-analysis, accountancy or process-control applications. Fusion Science and Technology 60(3), pp. 976-981.
- Fischer, S. et al. 2011. Monitoring of tritium purity during long-term circulation in the KATRIN test experiment LOOPINO using laser Raman spectroscopy. Fusion Science and Technology 60(3), pp. 925-930.
- Sturm, M., Schlösser, M., Lewis, R. J., Bornschein, B., Drexlin, G. and Telle, H. H. 2010. Monitoring of all hydrogen isotopologues at tritium laboratory Karlsruhe using Raman spectroscopy. Laser Physics 20(2), pp. 493-507. (10.1134/S1054660X10030163)
- Lewis, R. J., Telle, H. H., Bornschein, B., Kazachenko, O., Kernert, N. and Sturm, M. 2008. Dynamic Raman spectroscopy of hydrogen isotopomer mixtures in-line at TILO. Laser Physics Letters 5(7), pp. 522-531. (10.1002/lapl.200810026)
- Charlton, M., van der Werf, D. P., Lewis, R. J., Watkeys, P. R. and Kerrigan, S. J. 2006. Three-body effects in positron annihilation on molecules [Letter]. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 39(17), pp. L329-L334. (10.1088/0953-4075/39/17/L03)
- Module Organiser: LabVIEW Programming for Physicists (MSc)
- Deputy Module Organiser: Advanced Study and Research Skills (MSc)
- Deputy Module Organiser: Advanced Techniques in Physics and Astrophysics (MSc)
- Deputy Module Organiser: Research Project (MSc)
I am a Reader and National Teaching Fellow at Cardiff University School of Physics and Astronomy. I have previously held lecturing positions at Cardiff University School of Biosciences and Swansea University Department of Physics and research fellowships at the University of Southampton and Complutense University of Madrid. I completed my PhD in physics entitled "Development of a Raman System for In-Line Monitoring of Tritium at the Karlsruhe Tritium Neutrino (KATRIN) Experiment" at Swansea University in 2007.
I am a Member and Chartered Physicist of the Institute of Physics and a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.
Honours and awards
- 2019: National Teaching Fellowship (Advance HE)
- 2019: Best Tutor Award (Cardiff University, School of Physics and Astronomy)
- 2017: Excellence in Engineering Education Award (National Instruments)
- 2016: Engineering Impact Award (National Instruments, Education)
- 2016: Outstanding Contribution Award (Cardiff University)
- 2023: Enriching Student Life Award (Cardiff University Students' Union, Most Engaging Staff Member)
- 2023: Enriching Student Life Award (Cardiff University Students' Union, Most Uplifting Staff Member)
- 2022: Enriching Student Life Award (Cardiff University Students' Union, Most Uplifting Staff Member)
- 2021: Enriching Student Life Award (Cardiff University Students' Union, Most Uplifting Staff Member)
- 2019: Excellence in Engineering Education Award (National Instruments)
- 2019: Enriching Student Life Award (Cardiff University Students' Union, Most Uplifting Staff Member)
- 2016: National Teaching Fellowship (Advance HE)
- 2016: Enriching Student Life Award (Cardiff University Students' Union, Most Effective Teacher)
- 2015: Enriching Student Life Award (Cardiff University Students' Union, Personal Tutor of the Year)
Professional memberships
- 2016: Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA)
- 2011: Chartered Physicist of the Institute of Physics (CPhys)
- 2008: Member of the Institute of Physics (MInstP)
Academic positions
- 2020–present: Reader (T&S), School of Physics and Astronomy, Cardiff University
- 2017–2020: Senior Lecturer (T&S), School of Physics and Astronomy, Cardiff University
- 2015–2017: Lecturer (T&S), School of Physics and Astronomy, Cardiff University
- 2013–2015: Lecturer, School of Biosciences, Cardiff University
- 2012–2013: Research Fellow, Optoelectronics Research Centre, University of Southampton
- 2011–2012: Research Scientist, Lasers and Molecular Beams Unit, Complutense University of Madrid
- 2007–2011: Lecturer, Department of Physics, Swansea University
- 2007: Research Assistant, Department of Physics, Swansea University
- 2003–2006: Postgraduate Laboratory Demonstrator, Swansea University
Contact Details
+44 29208 75433
Queen's Buildings - West Building Extension, Room 2.10, 5 The Parade, Newport Road, Cardiff, CF24 3AA