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Kefu Liao

Kefu Liao


Teaching Associate / Research Student

School of Geography and Planning


Kefu Liao is a PhD candidate in Financial Econometrics at Cardiff Business School. He holds MSc in Financial Economics (distinction) and MSc in Social Science Research Methods (distinction) from Cardiff University. His research interests are financial econometrics, especially in volatility measurment, modelling and forecasting. He obtained an associate fellowship status under the UK Higher Education Academy in 2022. He also present his work in most influential global conferences in fianncial econometrcis such as SoFiE.


Conference papers

Good and bad volatility estimation for drift-diffusion process and the impact of signed jumps on volatility forecasting
Fifteenth Annual SoFiE (The Society for Financial Econometrics) Conference, Sungkyunkwan University, Seoul, June 2023
Asian Meeting of the Econometric Society, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, July 2023
International Association for Applied Econometrics Conference 2024, University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, Greece, June 2024
Frontiers of Factor Investing 2024 Conference, Lancaster University, Lancaster, April 2024 
Accounting & Finance section seminar 2024, Cardiff University, Cardiff, February 2024
Tri-University Annual Conference 2024, Cardiff University, Cardiff, July 2024
Welsh Post-Graduate Research Conference (WPGRC), Cardiff, June 2023
Drift bursts, volatility forecasting, and the variance risk premium
Financial Econometrics Conference, Lancaster University, March 2023 
Accounting & Finance section seminar 2024, Cardiff University, June 2024
Empirical evidence of stock codrift bursts and its implications to market variance prediction
The 6th International Conference on Econometrics and Statistics, EcoSta, June 2023)
The 25th International Conference on Computational Statistics, London, COMPSTAT, August 2023
The 17th International Conference on Computational and Financial Econometrics, CFE, December 2023, Berlin 
Cardiff Fintech conference 2023, Cardiff University, November 2023
Accounting & Finance section seminar 2023, Cardiff University, November 2023 
The role of jumps in anticipating volatility
European Financial Management Association Annual Conference, Cardiff University, June 2023
British Accounting & Finance Association Annual Conference, the University of Sheffield, April 2023
Research project
Reserch asistant in the research project of Cardiff University 2023-2024: Using science data to predict spinout survival
Prject works are presented in Entrepreneurial Ecosystems in Cities and Regions conference, Kellogg college, Oxford University, May 2024
Journal article peer review

Peer review for Economic Modeling 2024



Participate in Fourth Annual Volatility and Risk Institute Conference Managing Compound Risks in a Polycrisis World 2023, New York Univeristy Stern School of Business


BS1501 Applied Stats and Maths in ECON and Business (Tutorial) (Undergraduate, year 1)

BS3577 Corporate Finance and Strategy (Tutorial) (Undergraduate, year 3)

CP0255 Developing Research Methods II (Tutorial) (Undergraduate, year 2)

CP0273 Developing Research Methods II (Tutorial) (Undergraduate, year 2)

BS2508: Corporate Financial Management (Tutorial) (Undergraduate, year 2)