Dr Qiang Li
- Available for postgraduate supervision
Teams and roles for Qiang Li
The research of my group at Cardiff University can be broadly divided into four areas: Epitaxy of quantum dots for lasers; Nanowires and quantum materials; Tunnel epitaxy for Si photonics integration; Type-II superlattice infrared detectors.
We work closely with the Institute for Compound Semiconductors (ICS) and EPSRC Future Compound Semiconductor Manufacturing Hub.
MOCVD Research Group Website
- Brown, R. et al. 2025. 13 µm cutoff InAs/GaSb type-II superlattice nBn detectors with high quantum efficiency grown by MOCVD. APL Photonics 10(1), article number: 16102. (10.1063/5.0231448)
- Dear, C. et al. 2025. The effect of rapid thermal annealing on 1.55 μm InAs/InP quantum dots. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 58, article number: 125104. (10.1088/1361-6463/adabf1)
- Yan, Z., Zhang, W., Ebert, M., Ratiu, B., Reed, G. T., Thomson, D. J. and Li, Q. 2024. Large-area uniform III-V membranes grown on silicon-on-insulator by lateral tunnel epitaxy. Presented at: 2024 IEEE Photonics Conference (IPC), Rome, Italy, 1-14 November 20242024 IEEE Photonics Conference (IPC). IEEE, (10.1109/IPC60965.2024.10799698)
- Yuan, J. et al. 2024. Indium-flush technique for C-band InAs/InP quantum dots. APL Materials 12(12), article number: 121109. (10.1063/5.0239360)
- Temu, B., Yan, Z., Ratiu, B., Oh, S. S. and Li, Q. 2024. Room temperature lasing from InGaAs quantum well nanowires on silicon-on-insulator substrates. Applied Physics Letters 125(22), article number: 223501. (10.1063/5.0237589)
- Liu, S. et al. 2024. Effective InAsP dislocation filtering layers for InP heteroepitaxy on CMOS-standard (001) silicon. Applied Physics Letters 125(8), article number: 82102. (10.1063/5.0219507)
- Yan, Z. and Li, Q. 2024. Recent progress in epitaxial growth of dislocation tolerant and dislocation free III-V lasers on silicon. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 57(21), article number: 213001. (10.1088/1361-6463/ad26cd)
- Yan, Z. et al. 2023. Lateral tunnel epitaxy of GaAs in lithographically defined cavities on 220 nm silicon-on-insulator. Crystal Growth and Design 23(11), pp. 7821-7828. (10.1021/acs.cgd.3c00633)
- Ratiu, B. et al. 2023. Curved InGaAs nanowire array lasers grown directly on silicon-on-insulator. Optics Express 31(22), pp. 36668-36676. (10.1364/OE.499696)
- Jia, H. et al. 2023. Long-wavelength InAs/InAlGaAs quantum dot microdisk lasers on InP (001) substrate. Applied Physics Letters 122(11), article number: 111108. (10.1063/5.0142391)
- Messina, C. et al. 2023. Deformed honeycomb lattices of InGaAs nanowires grown on silicon-on-insulator for photonic crystal surface-emitting lasers. Advanced Optical Materials 11(5), article number: 2201809. (10.1002/adom.202201809)
- Brown, R. et al. 2022. Mid-infrared InAs/InAsSb Type-II superlattices grown on silicon by MOCVD. Journal of Crystal Growth 598, article number: 126860. (10.1016/j.jcrysgro.2022.126860)
- Gong, Y., Messina, C., Wong, S., Abouzaid, O., Ratiu, B., Li, Q. and Oh, S. S. 2022. Topological lasers with epitaxially grown InGaAs nanowires on a SOI substrate. Presented at: Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, QELS_Fundamental Science 2022, San Jose, US, 15–20 May 2022Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics. Technical Digest Series San Jose, US: Optica Publishing Group, (10.1364/CLEO_QELS.2022.FF2C.1)
- Chen, B. et al. 2020. Low dark current high gain InAs quantum dot avalanche photodiodes monolithically grown on Si. ACS Photonics 7(2), pp. 528–533. (10.1021/acsphotonics.9b01709)
- Wan, Y. et al. 2020. Low threshold quantum dot lasers directly grown on unpatterned quasi-nominal (001) Si. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 26, article number: 1900409. (10.1109/JSTQE.2020.2964381)
- Kim, H. et al. 2019. Electrically injected 164µm emitting In065Ga035As 3-QW laser diodes grown on mismatched substrates by MOVPE. Optics Express 27(23), pp. 33205-33216. (10.1364/OE.27.033205)
- Shang, C. et al. 2019. Low-threshold epitaxially grown 1.3 μm InAs quantum dot lasers on patterned (001) Si. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 25(6), article number: 1502207. (10.1109/JSTQE.2019.2927581)
- Shi, B., Han, Y., Li, Q. and Lau, K. M. 2019. 1.55 μm lasers epitaxially grown on silicon. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 25(6), article number: 1900711. (10.1109/JSTQE.2019.2927579)
- Huang, J. et al. 2019. Defect characterization of InAs/InGaAs quantum dot p-i-n photodetector grown on GaAs-on-V-grooved-Si substrate. ACS Photonics 6(5), pp. 1100-1105. (10.1021/acsphotonics.8b01707)
- Han, Y., Ng, W., Xue, Y., Li, Q., Wong, K. S. and Lau, K. M. 2019. Telecom InP/InGaAs nanolaser array directly grown on (001) silicon-on-insulator. Optics Letters 44(4), pp. 767-770. (10.1364/OL.44.000767)
- Rajeev, A. et al. 2019. III-V Superlattices on InP/Si metamorphic buffer Layers for λ≈4.8 μm quantum cascade lasers. physica status solidi (a) 216(1), article number: 1800493. (10.1002/pssa.201800493)
- Huynh, S. H., Kim, H., Gong, Y., Azizur-Rahman, K., Li, Q. and Huffaker, D. 2019. Catalyst-free selective-area metalorganic chemical vapour deposition of InGaAs/InGaP core-shell nanowire arrays. Presented at: UK Semiconductors 2019 Conference, Sheffield, United Kingdom, 10-11 July 2019.
- Han, Y., Zhu, S., Shi, B., Li, Q. and Lau, K. M. 2019. III-V lasers emitting at 1.3 to 1.5 µm grown on (001) silicon by MOCVD (invited). Presented at: CLEO: Science and Innovations 2019, San Jose, California, USA, 5–10 May 2019Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, OSA Technical Digest (Optical Society of America, 2019). OSA Publishing, (10.1364/CLEO_SI.2019.STh3N.5)
- Shang, C. et al. 2019. Triple reduction of threshold current for 1.3 ?m InAs quantum dot lasers on patterned, on-axis (001) Si. Presented at: CLEO: Science and Innovations 2019, San Jose, California, USA, 5–10 May 2019Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, OSA Technical Digest (Optical Society of America, 2019). OSA Publishing pp. -., (10.1364/CLEO_SI.2019.STu3N.1)
- Zhu, S., Shi, B., Li, Q. and Lau, K. M. 2018. 1.5 μm quantum-dot diode lasers directly grown on CMOS-standard (001) silicon. Applied Physics Letters 113(22), article number: 221103. (10.1063/1.5055803)
- Vaisman, M. et al. 2018. GaAs solar Ccells on nanopatterned Si substrates. IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics 8(6), pp. 1635-1640. (10.1109/JPHOTOV.2018.2871423)
- Han, Y. et al. 2018. Room-temperature InP/InGaAs nano-ridge lasers grown on Si and emitting at telecom bands. Optica 5(8), pp. 918-923. (10.1364/OPTICA.5.000918)
- Han, Y., Li, Q., Ng, K. W., Zhu, S. and Lau, K. M. 2018. InGaAs/InP quantum wires grown on silicon with adjustable emission wavelength at telecom bands. Nanotechnology 29(22), article number: 225601. (10.1088/1361-6528/aab53b)
- Zhu, S., Shi, B., Li, Q. and Lau, K. M. 2018. Room-temperature electrically-pumped 15 ?m InGaAs/InAlGaAs laser monolithically grown on on-axis (001) Si. Optics Express 26(11), pp. 14514-14523. (10.1364/OE.26.014514)
- Shi, B., Li, Q. and Lau, K. M. 2018. Epitaxial growth of high quality InP on Si substrates: The role of InAs/InP quantum dots as effective dislocation filters. Journal of Applied Physics 123(19), article number: 193104. (10.1063/1.5029255)
- Hu, Y., Jiang, H., Lau, K. M. and Li, Q. 2018. Chemical vapor deposited monolayer MoS2 top-gate MOSFET with atomic-layer-deposited ZrO2 as gate dielectric. Semiconductor Science and Technology 33(4), article number: 45004. (10.1088/1361-6641/aaaa5f)
- Hu, Y., Yip, P. S., Tang, C. W., Lau, K. M. and Li, Q. 2018. Interface passivation and trap reduction via hydrogen fluoride for molybdenum disulfide on silicon oxide back-gate transistors. Semiconductor Science and Technology 33(4), article number: 45005. (10.1088/1361-6641/aaa224)
- Shi, B., Zhu, S., Li, Q., Wan, Y., Hu, E. L. and Lau, K. M. 2018. Continuous-wave optically pumped 1.55 μm InAs/InAlGaAs quantum dot microdisk lasers epitaxially grown on silicon. ACS Photonics 4(2), pp. 204-210. (10.1021/acsphotonics.6b00731)
- Li, Q. and Lau, K. M. 2017. Epitaxial growth of highly mismatched III-V materials on (001) silicon for electronics and optoelectronics. Progress in Crystal Growth and Characterization of Materials 63(4), pp. 105-120. (10.1016/j.pcrysgrow.2017.10.001)
- Han, Y., Li, Q., Zhu, S., Ng, K. W. and Lau, K. M. 2017. Continuous-wave lasing from InP/InGaAs nanoridges at telecommunication wavelengths. Applied Physics Letters 111(21), article number: 212101. (10.1063/1.5005173)
- Li, Q., Lai, B. and Lau, K. M. 2017. Epitaxial growth of GaSb on V-grooved Si (001) substrates with an ultrathin GaAs stress relaxing layer. Applied Physics Letters 111(17), article number: 172103. (10.1063/1.5000100)
- Wan, Y. et al. 2017. O-band electrically injected quantum dot micro-ring lasers on on-axis (001) GaP/Si and V-groove Si. Optics Express 25(22), pp. 26853-26860. (10.1364/OE.25.026853)
- Han, Y., Li, Q. and Lau, K. M. 2017. Tristate memory cells using double-peaked fin-array III-V tunnel diodes monolithically grown on (001) silicon substrates. IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices 64(10), pp. 4078-4083. (10.1109/TED.2017.2738675)
- Wan, Y. et al. 2017. Monolithically integrated InAs/InGaAs quantum dot photodetectors on silicon substrates. Optics Express 25(22), pp. 27715-27723. (10.1364/OE.25.027715)
- Wan, Y. et al. 2017. 1.3 μm submilliamp threshold quantum dot micro-lasers on Si. Optica 4(8), pp. 940-944. (10.1364/OPTICA.4.000940)
- Han, Y., Li, Q. and Lau, K. M. 2017. Fin-array tunneling trigger with tunable hysteresis on (001) silicon substrate. IEEE Electron Device Letters 38(5), pp. 556-559. (10.1109/LED.2017.2689027)
- Shi, B., Zhu, S., Li, Q., Tang, C. W., Wan, Y., Hu, E. L. and Lau, K. M. 2017. 1.55 lm room-temperature lasing from subwavelength quantum-dot microdisks directly grown on (001) Si. Applied Physics Letters 110(12), article number: 121109. (10.1063/1.4979120)
- Norman, J. et al. 2017. Electrically pumped continuous wave quantum dot lasers epitaxially grown on patterned, on-axis (001) Si. Optics Express 25(4), pp. 3927-3934. (10.1364/OE.25.003927)
- Li, Q., Jiang, H. and Lau, K. M. 2016. Coalescence of planar GaAs nanowires into strain-free three-dimensional crystals on exact (001) silicon. Journal of Crystal Growth 454, pp. 19-24. (10.1016/j.jcrysgro.2016.08.051)
- Li, Q., Wan, Y., Liu, A. Y., Gossard, A. C., Bowers, J. E., Hu, E. L. and Lau, K. M. 2016. 1.3-μm InAs quantum-dot micro-disk lasers on V-groove patterned and unpatterned (001) silicon. Optics Express 24(18), pp. 21038-21045. (10.1364/OE.24.021038)
- Han, Y., Li, Q., Chang, S., Hsu, W. and Lau, K. M. 2016. Growing InGaAs quasi-quantum wires inside semi-rhombic shaped planar InP nanowires on exact (001) silicon. Applied Physics Letters 108(24), pp. 242105. (10.1063/1.4953839)
- Han, Y., Li, Q. and Lau, K. M. 2016. Monolithic integration of tunnel diode based inverters on exact (001) Si substrates. IEEE Electron Device Letters 37(6), pp. 717-720. (10.1109/LED.2016.2552219)
- Wan, Y. et al. 2016. Sub-wavelength InAs quantum dot micro-disk lasers epitaxially grown on exact Si (001) substrates. Applied Physics Letters 108(22), article number: 221101. (10.1063/1.4952600)
- Wan, Y., Li, Q., Liu, A. Y., Gossard, A. C., Bowers, J. E., Hu, E. L. and Lau, K. M. 2016. Optically pumped 1.3 μm room-temperature InAs quantum-dot micro-disk lasers directly grown on (001) silicon. Optics Letters 41(7), pp. 1664-1667. (10.1364/OL.41.001664)
- Li, Q., Han, Y., Lu, X. and Lau, K. M. 2016. GaAs-InGaAs-GaAs fin-array tunnel diodes on (001) Si substrates with room-temperature peak-to-valley current ratio of 5.4. IEEE Electron Device Letters 37(1), pp. 24-27. (10.1109/LED.2015.2499603)
- Li, Q., Ng, K. W. and Lau, K. M. 2015. Growing antiphase-domain-free GaAs thin films out of highly ordered planar nanowire arrays on exact (001) silicon. Applied Physics Letters 106(7), article number: 72105. (10.1063/1.4913432)
- Wang, Y., Li, Q., Geng, Y., Shi, B. and Lau, K. M. 2015. InAs/GaAs quantum dots on GaAs-on-V-grooved-Si substrate with high optical quality in the 1.3 μm band. Applied Physics Letters 107(8), article number: 81106. (10.1063/1.4929441)
- Li, Q., Tang, C. W. and Lau, K. M. 2014. Growth of ultra-high mobility In0.52Al0.48As/InxGa1−xAs (x ≥ 53%) quantum wells on Si substrates using InP/GaAs buffers by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition. Applied Physics Express 7(4), article number: 45502. (10.7567/APEX.7.045502)
- Brown, R. et al. 2025. 13 µm cutoff InAs/GaSb type-II superlattice nBn detectors with high quantum efficiency grown by MOCVD. APL Photonics 10(1), article number: 16102. (10.1063/5.0231448)
- Dear, C. et al. 2025. The effect of rapid thermal annealing on 1.55 μm InAs/InP quantum dots. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 58, article number: 125104. (10.1088/1361-6463/adabf1)
- Yuan, J. et al. 2024. Indium-flush technique for C-band InAs/InP quantum dots. APL Materials 12(12), article number: 121109. (10.1063/5.0239360)
- Temu, B., Yan, Z., Ratiu, B., Oh, S. S. and Li, Q. 2024. Room temperature lasing from InGaAs quantum well nanowires on silicon-on-insulator substrates. Applied Physics Letters 125(22), article number: 223501. (10.1063/5.0237589)
- Liu, S. et al. 2024. Effective InAsP dislocation filtering layers for InP heteroepitaxy on CMOS-standard (001) silicon. Applied Physics Letters 125(8), article number: 82102. (10.1063/5.0219507)
- Yan, Z. and Li, Q. 2024. Recent progress in epitaxial growth of dislocation tolerant and dislocation free III-V lasers on silicon. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 57(21), article number: 213001. (10.1088/1361-6463/ad26cd)
- Yan, Z. et al. 2023. Lateral tunnel epitaxy of GaAs in lithographically defined cavities on 220 nm silicon-on-insulator. Crystal Growth and Design 23(11), pp. 7821-7828. (10.1021/acs.cgd.3c00633)
- Ratiu, B. et al. 2023. Curved InGaAs nanowire array lasers grown directly on silicon-on-insulator. Optics Express 31(22), pp. 36668-36676. (10.1364/OE.499696)
- Jia, H. et al. 2023. Long-wavelength InAs/InAlGaAs quantum dot microdisk lasers on InP (001) substrate. Applied Physics Letters 122(11), article number: 111108. (10.1063/5.0142391)
- Messina, C. et al. 2023. Deformed honeycomb lattices of InGaAs nanowires grown on silicon-on-insulator for photonic crystal surface-emitting lasers. Advanced Optical Materials 11(5), article number: 2201809. (10.1002/adom.202201809)
- Brown, R. et al. 2022. Mid-infrared InAs/InAsSb Type-II superlattices grown on silicon by MOCVD. Journal of Crystal Growth 598, article number: 126860. (10.1016/j.jcrysgro.2022.126860)
- Chen, B. et al. 2020. Low dark current high gain InAs quantum dot avalanche photodiodes monolithically grown on Si. ACS Photonics 7(2), pp. 528–533. (10.1021/acsphotonics.9b01709)
- Wan, Y. et al. 2020. Low threshold quantum dot lasers directly grown on unpatterned quasi-nominal (001) Si. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 26, article number: 1900409. (10.1109/JSTQE.2020.2964381)
- Kim, H. et al. 2019. Electrically injected 164µm emitting In065Ga035As 3-QW laser diodes grown on mismatched substrates by MOVPE. Optics Express 27(23), pp. 33205-33216. (10.1364/OE.27.033205)
- Shang, C. et al. 2019. Low-threshold epitaxially grown 1.3 μm InAs quantum dot lasers on patterned (001) Si. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 25(6), article number: 1502207. (10.1109/JSTQE.2019.2927581)
- Shi, B., Han, Y., Li, Q. and Lau, K. M. 2019. 1.55 μm lasers epitaxially grown on silicon. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 25(6), article number: 1900711. (10.1109/JSTQE.2019.2927579)
- Huang, J. et al. 2019. Defect characterization of InAs/InGaAs quantum dot p-i-n photodetector grown on GaAs-on-V-grooved-Si substrate. ACS Photonics 6(5), pp. 1100-1105. (10.1021/acsphotonics.8b01707)
- Han, Y., Ng, W., Xue, Y., Li, Q., Wong, K. S. and Lau, K. M. 2019. Telecom InP/InGaAs nanolaser array directly grown on (001) silicon-on-insulator. Optics Letters 44(4), pp. 767-770. (10.1364/OL.44.000767)
- Rajeev, A. et al. 2019. III-V Superlattices on InP/Si metamorphic buffer Layers for λ≈4.8 μm quantum cascade lasers. physica status solidi (a) 216(1), article number: 1800493. (10.1002/pssa.201800493)
- Zhu, S., Shi, B., Li, Q. and Lau, K. M. 2018. 1.5 μm quantum-dot diode lasers directly grown on CMOS-standard (001) silicon. Applied Physics Letters 113(22), article number: 221103. (10.1063/1.5055803)
- Vaisman, M. et al. 2018. GaAs solar Ccells on nanopatterned Si substrates. IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics 8(6), pp. 1635-1640. (10.1109/JPHOTOV.2018.2871423)
- Han, Y. et al. 2018. Room-temperature InP/InGaAs nano-ridge lasers grown on Si and emitting at telecom bands. Optica 5(8), pp. 918-923. (10.1364/OPTICA.5.000918)
- Han, Y., Li, Q., Ng, K. W., Zhu, S. and Lau, K. M. 2018. InGaAs/InP quantum wires grown on silicon with adjustable emission wavelength at telecom bands. Nanotechnology 29(22), article number: 225601. (10.1088/1361-6528/aab53b)
- Zhu, S., Shi, B., Li, Q. and Lau, K. M. 2018. Room-temperature electrically-pumped 15 ?m InGaAs/InAlGaAs laser monolithically grown on on-axis (001) Si. Optics Express 26(11), pp. 14514-14523. (10.1364/OE.26.014514)
- Shi, B., Li, Q. and Lau, K. M. 2018. Epitaxial growth of high quality InP on Si substrates: The role of InAs/InP quantum dots as effective dislocation filters. Journal of Applied Physics 123(19), article number: 193104. (10.1063/1.5029255)
- Hu, Y., Jiang, H., Lau, K. M. and Li, Q. 2018. Chemical vapor deposited monolayer MoS2 top-gate MOSFET with atomic-layer-deposited ZrO2 as gate dielectric. Semiconductor Science and Technology 33(4), article number: 45004. (10.1088/1361-6641/aaaa5f)
- Hu, Y., Yip, P. S., Tang, C. W., Lau, K. M. and Li, Q. 2018. Interface passivation and trap reduction via hydrogen fluoride for molybdenum disulfide on silicon oxide back-gate transistors. Semiconductor Science and Technology 33(4), article number: 45005. (10.1088/1361-6641/aaa224)
- Shi, B., Zhu, S., Li, Q., Wan, Y., Hu, E. L. and Lau, K. M. 2018. Continuous-wave optically pumped 1.55 μm InAs/InAlGaAs quantum dot microdisk lasers epitaxially grown on silicon. ACS Photonics 4(2), pp. 204-210. (10.1021/acsphotonics.6b00731)
- Li, Q. and Lau, K. M. 2017. Epitaxial growth of highly mismatched III-V materials on (001) silicon for electronics and optoelectronics. Progress in Crystal Growth and Characterization of Materials 63(4), pp. 105-120. (10.1016/j.pcrysgrow.2017.10.001)
- Han, Y., Li, Q., Zhu, S., Ng, K. W. and Lau, K. M. 2017. Continuous-wave lasing from InP/InGaAs nanoridges at telecommunication wavelengths. Applied Physics Letters 111(21), article number: 212101. (10.1063/1.5005173)
- Li, Q., Lai, B. and Lau, K. M. 2017. Epitaxial growth of GaSb on V-grooved Si (001) substrates with an ultrathin GaAs stress relaxing layer. Applied Physics Letters 111(17), article number: 172103. (10.1063/1.5000100)
- Wan, Y. et al. 2017. O-band electrically injected quantum dot micro-ring lasers on on-axis (001) GaP/Si and V-groove Si. Optics Express 25(22), pp. 26853-26860. (10.1364/OE.25.026853)
- Han, Y., Li, Q. and Lau, K. M. 2017. Tristate memory cells using double-peaked fin-array III-V tunnel diodes monolithically grown on (001) silicon substrates. IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices 64(10), pp. 4078-4083. (10.1109/TED.2017.2738675)
- Wan, Y. et al. 2017. Monolithically integrated InAs/InGaAs quantum dot photodetectors on silicon substrates. Optics Express 25(22), pp. 27715-27723. (10.1364/OE.25.027715)
- Wan, Y. et al. 2017. 1.3 μm submilliamp threshold quantum dot micro-lasers on Si. Optica 4(8), pp. 940-944. (10.1364/OPTICA.4.000940)
- Han, Y., Li, Q. and Lau, K. M. 2017. Fin-array tunneling trigger with tunable hysteresis on (001) silicon substrate. IEEE Electron Device Letters 38(5), pp. 556-559. (10.1109/LED.2017.2689027)
- Shi, B., Zhu, S., Li, Q., Tang, C. W., Wan, Y., Hu, E. L. and Lau, K. M. 2017. 1.55 lm room-temperature lasing from subwavelength quantum-dot microdisks directly grown on (001) Si. Applied Physics Letters 110(12), article number: 121109. (10.1063/1.4979120)
- Norman, J. et al. 2017. Electrically pumped continuous wave quantum dot lasers epitaxially grown on patterned, on-axis (001) Si. Optics Express 25(4), pp. 3927-3934. (10.1364/OE.25.003927)
- Li, Q., Jiang, H. and Lau, K. M. 2016. Coalescence of planar GaAs nanowires into strain-free three-dimensional crystals on exact (001) silicon. Journal of Crystal Growth 454, pp. 19-24. (10.1016/j.jcrysgro.2016.08.051)
- Li, Q., Wan, Y., Liu, A. Y., Gossard, A. C., Bowers, J. E., Hu, E. L. and Lau, K. M. 2016. 1.3-μm InAs quantum-dot micro-disk lasers on V-groove patterned and unpatterned (001) silicon. Optics Express 24(18), pp. 21038-21045. (10.1364/OE.24.021038)
- Han, Y., Li, Q., Chang, S., Hsu, W. and Lau, K. M. 2016. Growing InGaAs quasi-quantum wires inside semi-rhombic shaped planar InP nanowires on exact (001) silicon. Applied Physics Letters 108(24), pp. 242105. (10.1063/1.4953839)
- Han, Y., Li, Q. and Lau, K. M. 2016. Monolithic integration of tunnel diode based inverters on exact (001) Si substrates. IEEE Electron Device Letters 37(6), pp. 717-720. (10.1109/LED.2016.2552219)
- Wan, Y. et al. 2016. Sub-wavelength InAs quantum dot micro-disk lasers epitaxially grown on exact Si (001) substrates. Applied Physics Letters 108(22), article number: 221101. (10.1063/1.4952600)
- Wan, Y., Li, Q., Liu, A. Y., Gossard, A. C., Bowers, J. E., Hu, E. L. and Lau, K. M. 2016. Optically pumped 1.3 μm room-temperature InAs quantum-dot micro-disk lasers directly grown on (001) silicon. Optics Letters 41(7), pp. 1664-1667. (10.1364/OL.41.001664)
- Li, Q., Han, Y., Lu, X. and Lau, K. M. 2016. GaAs-InGaAs-GaAs fin-array tunnel diodes on (001) Si substrates with room-temperature peak-to-valley current ratio of 5.4. IEEE Electron Device Letters 37(1), pp. 24-27. (10.1109/LED.2015.2499603)
- Li, Q., Ng, K. W. and Lau, K. M. 2015. Growing antiphase-domain-free GaAs thin films out of highly ordered planar nanowire arrays on exact (001) silicon. Applied Physics Letters 106(7), article number: 72105. (10.1063/1.4913432)
- Wang, Y., Li, Q., Geng, Y., Shi, B. and Lau, K. M. 2015. InAs/GaAs quantum dots on GaAs-on-V-grooved-Si substrate with high optical quality in the 1.3 μm band. Applied Physics Letters 107(8), article number: 81106. (10.1063/1.4929441)
- Li, Q., Tang, C. W. and Lau, K. M. 2014. Growth of ultra-high mobility In0.52Al0.48As/InxGa1−xAs (x ≥ 53%) quantum wells on Si substrates using InP/GaAs buffers by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition. Applied Physics Express 7(4), article number: 45502. (10.7567/APEX.7.045502)
- Yan, Z., Zhang, W., Ebert, M., Ratiu, B., Reed, G. T., Thomson, D. J. and Li, Q. 2024. Large-area uniform III-V membranes grown on silicon-on-insulator by lateral tunnel epitaxy. Presented at: 2024 IEEE Photonics Conference (IPC), Rome, Italy, 1-14 November 20242024 IEEE Photonics Conference (IPC). IEEE, (10.1109/IPC60965.2024.10799698)
- Gong, Y., Messina, C., Wong, S., Abouzaid, O., Ratiu, B., Li, Q. and Oh, S. S. 2022. Topological lasers with epitaxially grown InGaAs nanowires on a SOI substrate. Presented at: Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, QELS_Fundamental Science 2022, San Jose, US, 15–20 May 2022Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics. Technical Digest Series San Jose, US: Optica Publishing Group, (10.1364/CLEO_QELS.2022.FF2C.1)
- Huynh, S. H., Kim, H., Gong, Y., Azizur-Rahman, K., Li, Q. and Huffaker, D. 2019. Catalyst-free selective-area metalorganic chemical vapour deposition of InGaAs/InGaP core-shell nanowire arrays. Presented at: UK Semiconductors 2019 Conference, Sheffield, United Kingdom, 10-11 July 2019.
- Han, Y., Zhu, S., Shi, B., Li, Q. and Lau, K. M. 2019. III-V lasers emitting at 1.3 to 1.5 µm grown on (001) silicon by MOCVD (invited). Presented at: CLEO: Science and Innovations 2019, San Jose, California, USA, 5–10 May 2019Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, OSA Technical Digest (Optical Society of America, 2019). OSA Publishing, (10.1364/CLEO_SI.2019.STh3N.5)
- Shang, C. et al. 2019. Triple reduction of threshold current for 1.3 ?m InAs quantum dot lasers on patterned, on-axis (001) Si. Presented at: CLEO: Science and Innovations 2019, San Jose, California, USA, 5–10 May 2019Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, OSA Technical Digest (Optical Society of America, 2019). OSA Publishing pp. -., (10.1364/CLEO_SI.2019.STu3N.1)
- Li, Q., Lai, B. and Lau, K. M. 2017. Epitaxial growth of GaSb on V-grooved Si (001) substrates with an ultrathin GaAs stress relaxing layer. Applied Physics Letters 111(17), article number: 172103. (10.1063/1.5000100)
- Wan, Y., Li, Q., Liu, A. Y., Gossard, A. C., Bowers, J. E., Hu, E. L. and Lau, K. M. 2016. Optically pumped 1.3 μm room-temperature InAs quantum-dot micro-disk lasers directly grown on (001) silicon. Optics Letters 41(7), pp. 1664-1667. (10.1364/OL.41.001664)
- Li, Q., Han, Y., Lu, X. and Lau, K. M. 2016. GaAs-InGaAs-GaAs fin-array tunnel diodes on (001) Si substrates with room-temperature peak-to-valley current ratio of 5.4. IEEE Electron Device Letters 37(1), pp. 24-27. (10.1109/LED.2015.2499603)
- Li, Q., Ng, K. W. and Lau, K. M. 2015. Growing antiphase-domain-free GaAs thin films out of highly ordered planar nanowire arrays on exact (001) silicon. Applied Physics Letters 106(7), article number: 72105. (10.1063/1.4913432)
Research interest |
Active Research Grants |
Completed Research Grants |
Lab supervisor for PX1150 Experimental Physics
Co-organiser PX3242 Semiconductor Devices and Applications (from 24/25)
Deputy Module Organiser for PX4131/PXT301 Semiconductor Fabrication
Year 3 Project: Low dimensional III-V compound semiconductor structures
Year 4/MPhys Project: Epitaxial quantum dot lasers on silicon for telecommunications and 3D sensing applications
Year 4/MPhys Project: III-V nanowires on silicon-on-insulator for advanced photonic devices
Ph.D., Electronic and Computer Engineering, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, 2014
B.S., Microelectronics, Peking University, 2009
Academic positions
- 2024 - present: Reader, Cardiff University
- 2021 - 2024: Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor), Cardiff University
- 2018 - 2021: Lecturer, Cardiff University
- 2015 - 2018: Research Assistant Professor, Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Speaking engagements
Seminars and Invited Talks |
03/2025, Seminar, The University of Sheffield, UK 02/2025, Invited talk, Bremen-Cardiff alliance “Semiconductor Physics” Workshop, Cardiff 01/2025, invited talk, Photonics West, San Francisco USA 11/2024, Seminar, Chinese academy of sciences, Beijing 08/2024, Seminar, Global Mentoring Conference, UST Korea 05/2024, Rump Session, ICMOVPE XXI conference, Las Vegas, USA 08/2023, Invited talk, ACCGE-23/OMVPE-21, Tucson USA
I am interested in supervising PhD students in the areas of:
- Semiconductor epitaxy
- Compound semiconductor materials and devices
Current supervision
Contact Details
+44 29208 74665
Translational Research Hub, Room 1.02, Maindy Road, Cathays, Cardiff, CF24 4HQ