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Josef Lossl

Professor Josef Lossl

Available for postgraduate supervision

Teams and roles for Josef Lossl


Research interests

  • Late antique religious and intellectual culture and its legacy

Research projects

  • Kommentar zu frühchristlichen Apologeten (Tatian, Oration to the Greeks)
  • Critical debates in global Late Antiquity (race and empire)
  • Demons and demonologies in ancient Judaism and Christianity
  • Coping with grief: the western tradition
  • Origins of political concepts in early Christian thought

Editorial activities

Research groups



  • Lossl, J. 2025. Julian of Aeclanum as a biblical exegete. In: Dupont, A., Malavasi, G. and Matz, B. eds. The Oxford Handbook of the Pelagian Controversy. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 296-314.






















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My research is in the field of Greek and Latin Patristics and in Early Christian studies. My interest is in the way early Christian and Patristic texts convey historical, biblical, philological, philosophical, theological and scientific learning. I am also interested in the rhetorical and literary forms and transformations of these texts. I am pursuing, among others, the following themes and projects:

Julian of Aeclanum and the Second Pelagian Controversy

Having already published extensively on Julian of Aeclanum I am continuing to undertake research on various aspects of his life, writings, thought, and reception with the aim of producing a comprehensive study of this fascinating figure of late-antique Latin Christianity. My most recent publication in this area is in The Oxford Handbook on the Pelagian Controversy (2025) where I discuss Julian of Aeclanum as a biblical exegete.

Tatian, Ad Graecos / To the Greeks. Translation with introduction and commentary

The aim of this project in the field of early Christian literary and intellectual culture is to produce a commentary, with introduction and new translation, of a second-century Greek apology in the series Kommentar zu frühchristlichen Apologeten (KfA). As part of the project I was awarded a Leverhulme International Academic Fellowship to visit the Institute of New Testament Studies at the Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany, during the academic year 2019/20, and I was invited back as a Visiting Professor at the Faculty of Theology during the academic year 2024/25.

Biblical and Philosophical Exegesis in Late-Antique Latin

This project emerged from a longterm project of comparing Latin and Syriac commentarial literature. It constitutes the Latin part of that project and consists of a number of ongoing projects on biblical and philosophical exegetes and their work including Jerome, Marius Victorinus, Victorinus of Pettau, Augustine, Pelagius and Julian of Aeclanum, and aims at a comprehensive study of late-antique biblical and philosophical exegesis in Latin.

Classical and Early Christian Historiography

This project is closely linked with my contribution (as sub-editor for Antiquity and Late Antiquity) to the Encyclopedia of the Medieval Chronicle-project. I am interested in the origins of historiography and in links between ancient classical, biblical, early Christian and late-antique historiography and between 'histories', 'chronicles' and other forms of historiography (including 'lives', 'letters', 'commentaries' etc.).

Themes in Early Christian and Late-Antique Intellectual Culture

I am also engaged in a number of studies, some already published, some awaiting publication, or being in preparation, which touch upon a variety of issues concerning religion in Late Antiquity, and especially Christianity:

  • Consolation: The transformation of a genre in Late Antiquity
  • Narrative, system and ritual in ancient cosmologies and their reception
  • Demons and demonology in early Christian thought and doctrine
  • Social ethical themes in early Christian and late-antique thought
  • Political concepts and their origins in late-antique thought
  • The role of memory in the formation of Christian identity
  • Education and intellectual formation in early Christianity
  • History and prophecy


I am a member of the following research groups and centres:


Teaching profile

I am currently on research leave.

Postgraduate students

I am currently supervising the following PhD project:

  • Ewan Davies, Photius of Constantinople's Teaching on the Trinity


Education and qualifications

  • PhD Theology (Historical Theology), University of Regensburg (1996)
  • PhD Habil. History of the Early Church, Patristics and Christian Archaeology, University of Münster (2001)
  • Certificate in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education, University College London (2003)

Career overview

  • 2010-       Professor, Historical Theology, Intellectual History (Patristics and Late Antiquity), Cardiff University
  • 2006-2010 Reader, Religious Studies and Theology (Patristics and Late Antiquity), Cardiff University
  • 2006-2006 Senior Lecturer, Religious Studies and Theology (Patristics and Late Antiquity), Cardiff University
  • 2003-2006 Lecturer, Religious Studies and Theology (Patristics and Late Antiquity), Cardiff University
  • 2002-2003 Humboldt Research Fellow, Classics (School of Greek and Latin), University College London
  • 2000-2002 Junior Research Fellow, Theology (Patristics and Church History), Catholic University Leuven
  • 1996-2000 Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Theology (Early Christianity and Patristics), King's College London
  • 1993-1996 PhD Research Student, Theology (Early Christianity), University of Regensburg

Honours and awards

  • Leverhulme International Academic Fellowship, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg im Breisgau, 2019
  • Cardiff University, AHSS Research Leave Award, 2013
  • Visiting Senior Fellowship, Excellenz-Cluster 'Religion und Politik', University of Münster, 2010
  • Alexander-von-Humboldt Fellowship (Feodor Lynen), University College London, 2002
  • Visiting Junior Fellowship, Catholic University Leuven, 2000
  • Postdoctoral Overseas Award, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), King's College London, 1997
  • OBAG (EON) Prize for outstanding PhD of the year, University of Regensburg, 1996

Professional memberships

  • Senior Fellowship, Higher Education Academy (HEA)
  • Fellowship, Alexander-von-Humboldt Foundation
  • UK Representative, Association internationale des études patristiques (AIEP)
  • Director, International Patristics Conference, Oxford

Academic positions

  • 2010-       Professor, Historical Theology, Intellectual History (Patristics and Late Antiquity), Cardiff University
  • 2006-2010 Reader, Religious Studies and Theology (Patristics and Late Antiquity), Cardiff University
  • 2006-2006 Senior Lecturer, Religious Studies and Theology (Patristics and Late Antiquity), Cardiff University
  • 2003-2006 Lecturer, Religious Studies and Theology (Patristics and Late Antiquity), Cardiff University
  • 2002-2003 Humboldt Research Fellow, Classics (School of Greek and Latin), University College London
  • 2000-2002 Junior Research Fellow, Theology (Patristics and Church History), Catholic University Leuven
  • 1996-2000 Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Theology (Early Christianity and Patristics), King's College London
  • 1993-1996 PhD Research Student, Theology (Early Christianity), University of Regensburg

Committees and reviewing

  • Executive Editor, Vigiliae Christianae: A Review of Early Christian Life and Language (De Gruyter - Brill)
  • Associate Editor, Journal of Late Antiquity (Johns Hopkins University Press)
  • Managing Editor, Journal for Late Antique Religion and Culture (Cardiff University Press)
  • Editorial Board, Vigiliae Christianae Supplements (De Gruyter - Brill)
  • Editorial Board, Critical Debates in Global Late Antiquity (Routledge)
  • Editorial Board, Vetus Testamentum Patristicum (De Gruyter - Brill)
  • Editorial Board, Brepols Library of Christian Sources (Brepols)
  • Editorial Board, Studia Patristica (Peeters)
  • Peer reviewer, The Journal of Theological Studies, The Journal of Ecclesiastical History, Journal of Early Christian Studies, Journal of Ancient Christianity, Augustinian Studies, Augustinianum, Augustiniana (Leuven), Adamantius, Millennium-Studien, Oxford University Press, Cambridge University Press, Bloomsbury Academic, Edinburgh University Press, De Gruyter - Brill


Current supervision

Contact Details

Telephone +44 29208 75499
Campuses John Percival Building, Room John Percival Building, Room 5.28, Colum Drive, Cardiff, CF10 3EU