My research interests include female remembrance and representation of the Second World War in Italy. I am particularly interested in the way in which the rise of second wave feminism the substantial developments made in the field of women’s history as well as an increased interest in the Second World War during the 1970s brought about a rewriting of the history of World War Two from a female perspective.
- Parry, D., Horrocks, S., Lynch, C. and Doe, H. 2021. Leading institutional change in digital education: from emergency response to the foundations of strategic transformation. Presented at: ALT Annual Conference 2021, Virtual, 07-09 September 2021.
- Parry, D., Horrocks, S., Lynch, C. and Doe, H. 2021. Leading institutional change in digital education: from emergency response to the foundations of strategic transformation. Presented at: ALT Annual Conference 2021, Virtual, 07-09 September 2021.
My research interests include female remembrance and representation of the Second World War in Italy. I am particularly interested in the way in which the rise of second wave feminism the substantial developments made in the field of women’s history as well as an increased interest in the Second World War during the 1970s brought about a rewriting of the history of World War Two from a female perspective.
I am currently the year 1 and year 2 language co-ordinator for Italian at beginner’s level. I am involved in teaching the Introduction to Specialised Translation Module as well as Advanced Translation Practice (Italian) and Italian for Professional Purposes. I also contribute to the modules: Innovations in European Literature and Italy: Birth of a Nation.
More widely my teaching interests lie in the field of nineteenth- and twentieth-century Italian literature, history, culture and film. In previous universities I have taught units on the culture of Italian Fascism, Italian memories of the Second World War, the unification of Italy (literary and cinematic perceptions of the Risorgimento), adaptations in European Cinema, modern Italian texts (literary and cinematic) and contemporary Italy (history, culture and society).
I graduated from University College Cork, Ireland in 2003 with a first class honours BA in Language and Culture Studies (Italian and English). I completed an MA with distinction in European Studies at Cardiff University in 2005. I was awarded my PhD in Italian Studies at the University of Bristol in 2012. My thesis explores the various ways in which Italian women remember and represent female experiences of the Second World War.
Before coming to Cardiff I worked as a Lecturer in Bangor University and as a Teaching Fellow at the University of Bristol.
I have won various prizes, and scholarships including an AHRC PhD Scholarship (2007); the ‘URQ Henriques Scholarship’, School of European Studies, Cardiff University (2004), and the ‘Etna Byrne Costigan Memorial Scholarship Prize’, Italian Department, UCC (2001).