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Sarah MacDonald

Dr Sarah MacDonald


Research Fellow, DECIPHer


I am a Research Fellow in the DECIPHer research centre where my research draws on qualitative methods to explore children and young people's health and wellbeing, focusing on the way in which different systems and settings interact. My PhD research focussed on the interactions between primary schools and family settings for children's food and eating practices, and more recent interests centre on the interactions between school and community settings for young people's mental health. 

I am currently completing a Health & Care Research Wales funded study on wellbeing support in secondary schools and Further Education colleges, for care-experienced children and young people. This follows completion of a NIHR funded systemtatic review of mental health interventions for children and young people in care. 






















Current research interests: 

  • Care-experienced children and young people's mental health
  • Carers', schools' and professionals' experiences of mental health provision for children and young people
  • Interactions between systems and settings for children and young people
  • Qualitative research methods with children, young people and families. 


Undergraduate teaching:

Experiments in Knowing (3rd Year): Lecturer

Dissertation: Supervisor and Assessor

Masters teaching:

MA Social Policy: Lecturer

MA Social Work: Dissertation Supervisor and Assessor

Postgraduate supervision: 

Lucy Treby, Professional Doctorate, Social Work. 



Current post (from September 2012) Research Associate, DECIPHer, Cardiff University School of Social Sciences

October 2003 - August 2012 Research Associate, Cardiff Institute of Society, Health and Ethics (CISHE), Cardiff University School of Social Sciences

1999 – September 2003 Research Consultant, SQW Ltd, Economic Development Consultants

1998 - 1999 Secondary school teacher, Caerphilly, South Wales

Education and qualifications:

PhD Social Sciences, Cardiff University

PGCE, Secondary Geography, Aberstwyth University

BA (Hons) Geography, Aberystwyth University. 

Honours and awards

Grants Held:

Mental health provision for children and young people in schools and FE colleges (11-25 years) with experiences of care: Mixed methods study of implementation, aceptability, need and priority outcomes, Health and Care Research Wales, £255,000 (2022-2024) (Co-Principal Applicant)

Mental Health and Wellbeing Interventions for Care-experienced Children and Young People: Systematic review of intervention theories, process, effect and equity, NIHR PHR £277, 789 (2020-2022) (co-applicant)

Self-HARm provision in Emergency Services (SHARES study). Children and young people's experience of short-term management and prevention provision following presentation for self-harm: Systematic review and qualitative study, Health and Care Research Wales. £245,509. (2017-2019) (co-applicant)

Primary schoolchildren’s perceptions of e-cigarettes and exposure to e-cigarettes and tobacco smoke. Cancer Research UK Tobacco Action Group. £127,000. (2017-2019) (co-Principal Applicant)

Department of Health and NHS R&D, and the Wales Office of Research and Development for Health and Social Care. Families, households and health improvement: Exploring roles and responsibilities (co PI with Williams G, Murphy S). £214,035. (2006-2010).

Wales Office of Research & Development in Health and Social Care. Public Health Improvement Research Network (Moore L.. PI with others). £360,000. (2005 - 2008).

Wales Office of Research & Development in Health and Social Care. Public Health Improvement Research Network, Scoping Study (Moore L.. PI with others). £10,400. (2005).

Welsh Assembly Government Public Health Improvement Division. Evaluation of Community Food Co-ops (Elliott E PI, with Moore L, Tapper K, Murphy S) £39,676. (2005-2006).

Welsh Assembly Government Public Health Improvement Division. Evaluation of Health Challenge Wales (Murphy S PI, with Elliott E, Williams G). £85,000. (2005).

Welsh Assembly Government Health Promotion Division. Evaluation of EU funded adolescent smoking cessation - pilot project (Moore L. PI, with Geesink I, Holliday J, Burgess S). £39,825. (2005-2006).

Welsh Assembly Government Health Promotion Division. Evaluation of EU funded adolescent smoking cessation - pilot project (Moore L. PI, with Elliott E, Holliday J). £35,769. (2004-2005).

Welsh Assembly Government Public Health Strategy Division. Evaluation of Equity Training and Advocacy Grants Programme (Moore L. PI, with Williams G, Elliott E) £20,175 (2003-2004).

Academic positions

Contact Details

Telephone +44 29225 10097
Campuses sbarc|spark, Room Room 1.15, 1-3 Museum Place, Maindy Road, Cathays, Cardiff, CF24 4HQ