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Mr Philip Markham


Data Manager


Data Manager at the Centre for Trials Research (CTR), currently working on the following trials:

  • SCOPE2

I started working at the CTR in May 2016 as a Pharmacovigilance & Safety Administrator.

I was the Data Manager for ROCS (PDF link) from June 2017-trial completion and PIN (awaiting publication) from August 2018 until present.

I started my current role in June 2017.

  • Biomedical Science (Cell Pathology) MSc (Cardiff Metropolitan University 2014-2015, graduating year 2016). A short summary of my dissertation (The effect of thymoquinone on cervical cancer cell lines) was published in SCAN, a magazine of the British Association of Cytopathology, in April 2016 (Volume 27:1, PDF link).
  • Biomedical Science (Physiology) BSc (Cardiff University 2010-2013).

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