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Syed Mashruk

Dr Syed Mashruk


Available for postgraduate supervision


2024-Present: Zero Carbon Fuels Theme Lead in the Net Zero Innovation Institute (NZII). Working within the institute to mitigate emissions through the use of zero carbon fuels (e.g. ammonia, hydrogen etc.). 

2023-Present: Lecturer in Thermofluids & Combustion Science. Teaching activities across the school in the topics of Energy Systems, Heat Transfer and Fluid Mechanics. Supervising several final year projects for undergraduate and Master Level students related to ammonia/hydrogen blends for aerospace, marine and fertilizing applications, as well as research-based PhD students in the field of Combustion research. Actively working towards securing several funding for Cardiff University, in collaboration with other top tier universities, research institutions and industry partners through various proposals including Clear Sky, Clean Water and LES reactivity.

2020-23: Research Associate - Cardiff University. Worked at the University’s Thermofluids Lab at School of Engineering. Responsible for looking at different species formations in methane-ammonia-hydrogen flames to achieve safe and efficient power generation with alternative fuels and low emissions. Actively participating within the research group, communicating and presenting research at meetings, through publications and other recognised avenues as appropriate, ensuring information is communicated to internal and external partners. Also participating in School Administration and activities to promote the School and to the wider University and outside world.

2015-20: PhD Mechanical Engineering. Thesis Title: Nitric Oxide Formation Analysis Using Chemical Reactor Modelling and LIF Measurements on Industrial Swirl Flames. Cardiff University, Wales, United Kingdom. Studies in laser induced fluorescence (LIF), flashback, flame stability, combustion of alternative and conventional fuels in gas turbines for emissions reduction.

2013-14: MSc Themal Power (Gas Turbine Technology). Cranfield University, UK. Modules included: Gas Turbine Theory and Performance(95%) |Mechanical Design of Turbomachinery(73%) | Simulation and Diagnostics(78%) | Management For Technology(75%) | Turbomachinery(63%) |Jet Engine Control(86%) | Engine Systems(70%) | Combustors(74%). Thesis title: Sizing of Combined Cycle Components and Advanced 3D Design of Marine Power Plant.

2008-11: BEng (Hons) Aerospace Systems Engineering. University of Hertfordshire, UK. Modules included: Aerospace performance, Propulsion and Design| Aerodynamics | Aircraft Systems | Avionics Systems | Stability and Control of Aircraft | Mechanical science |Aerospace Technology and Business| Analytical Technique | Dynamics, Instrumentation and Control Systems | Control Systems. Distinction, First Class Graduate.










Book sections




Syed is currently working as a Lecturer in Thermofluids and Combustion Science at Cardiff University’s School of Engineering. He is also the Zero Carbon Fuels Theme Lead of the Net Zero Innovation Institute (NZII). He has received his PhD from Cardiff University and his MSc and BEng with 1st class honours from Cranfield University and University of Hertfordshire, respectively. His PhD research was focused on NO formation and measurements using laser diagnostics in various fuel blends. His research is focused on experimental and numerical characterisation of alternative, low carbon fuels for power generation, as well as in aviation and transport industries. He specialises in advanced optical and laser diagnostics systems. He has authored and co-authored various journal/conference publications on the topic of ammonia as an alternative fuel.


Alternative fuels, Ammonia, Hydrogen, NOx emissions, Laser and optical diagnostics

Current supervision

Ali Alnasif

Ali Alnasif

Graduate Demonstrator

Jordan Davies

Jordan Davies

Research student

Contact Details

Telephone +44 29208 75907
Campuses Queen's Buildings - Central Building, Room C/4.03, 5 The Parade, Newport Road, Cardiff, CF24 3AA