- Hawker, C. et al. 2024. Designing & delivery of interprofessional education: Interprofessional falls simulation workshop. Presented at: Cardiff University Learning and Teaching Conference 2024 ‘How can we ensure our learning and teaching will deliver a better world for future generations?, Cardiff, Wales, 12 -13 September 2024.
- Manning, S. et al. 2024. IPE falls simulation. Presented at: the Health Education and Improvement Wales Interprofessional Placements; Cultivating Collaborative Practice in Wales Conference, Treforest, Wales, 08 July 2024.
- Hawker, C. et al. 2024. Evaluation of an interprofessional falls simulation. Presented at: Association for Simulated Practice in Healthcare (ASPiH) Transformative Simulation Conference, Edinburgh, Scotland, 03 - 05 November 2024.
- McCluskey, A. and Al-Amri, M. 2023. The potential of using virtual reality-based self-paced treadmill to assess road-crossing safety and self-evaluation with traumatic brain injuries: a series case study. Virtual Reality 27, pp. 3621-3631. (10.1007/s10055-023-00823-x)
- McCluskey, A. and Al-Amri, M. 2023. The potential of using virtual reality-based self-paced treadmill to assess road-crossing safety and self-evaluation with traumatic brain injuries: a series case study. Virtual Reality 27, pp. 3621-3631. (10.1007/s10055-023-00823-x)
- Hawker, C. et al. 2024. Designing & delivery of interprofessional education: Interprofessional falls simulation workshop. Presented at: Cardiff University Learning and Teaching Conference 2024 ‘How can we ensure our learning and teaching will deliver a better world for future generations?, Cardiff, Wales, 12 -13 September 2024.
- Manning, S. et al. 2024. IPE falls simulation. Presented at: the Health Education and Improvement Wales Interprofessional Placements; Cultivating Collaborative Practice in Wales Conference, Treforest, Wales, 08 July 2024.
- Hawker, C. et al. 2024. Evaluation of an interprofessional falls simulation. Presented at: Association for Simulated Practice in Healthcare (ASPiH) Transformative Simulation Conference, Edinburgh, Scotland, 03 - 05 November 2024.
I have research interests in the acute management and rehabilitation of traumatic brain injuries and the therapeutic application of virtual reality.
McCluskey, A.J., Al-Amri, M. 2022. A self-paced virtual reality environment as a potential tool to assess road-crossing safety and self-evaluation of performance for those with traumatic brain injuries a series case study.
Presented at: 14th International Conference on Disability, Virtual Reality & Associated Technologies, Ponta Delgada, Azores, Portugal. 6-8th September 2022.
I am currently module lead for a Level 4 module on the BSc (Hons) Occupational Therapy programme. I am part of the Practice Education Team within the Occupational Therapy faculty.
I am a lecturer in Occupational Therapy at Cardiff University. I have previously worked as an occupational therapist in both NHS and Private sectors across England and Wales.
I specialise in neurological rehabilitation with a particular interest in traumatic brain injuries.
Professional memberships
Royal College of Occupational Therapists