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David Miller  MA (Oxon), PhD, MRSC

Dr David Miller


MA (Oxon), PhD, MRSC

Senior Lecturer in Biological Chemistry and Director of Post Graduate Taught (PGT) Programmes


I am interested in the use of synthetic organic chemistry as applied to the solution of biological problems and vice versa. The understanding of how Nature's macromolecules such as proteins and DNA work and interact with one another can often be probed by use of small organic molecules. Such molecules are often not available from the natural pool and so the synthetic chemist is central to solving such problems. Similarly, synthetic chemistry although well capable of preparing the most complex and intricate of molecules can often only do so at great expense of time and resources. Natural systems, if harnessed correctly offer the opportunity to construct molecules of such complexity much more quickly and efficiently.

I offer BSc projects in education research. 




















Book sections


I am interested in the use of synthetic organic chemistry as applied to the solution of biological problems and vice versa.   The understanding of how Nature's macromolecules such as proteins and DNA work and interact with one another can often be probed by use of small organic molecules.   Such molecules are often not available from the natural pool and so the synthetic chemist is central to solving such problems.   Similarly, synthetic chemistry although well capable of preparing the most complex and intricate of molecules can often only do so at great expense of time and resources. Natural systems, if harnessed correctly offer the opportunity to construct molecules of such complexity much more quickly and efficiently.

Inositol monophoshphatase.

Inositol monophosphatase is an enzyme that is involved in a crucial signal transduction pathway within our cells that has been implicated as a target for drugs that treat bipolar disorders.   We are interested in the study of the mechanism of action of this enzyme and in the discovery of new inhibitors that may ultimately lead to better treatments for this debilitating condition.


Calpains are cysteine proteases that are activated by calcium ions.   mu-Calpain is a member of this family of enzymes that appears to have a key role in cell-membrane expansion and hence motility of white blood cells (neutrophils).   Development of potent and selective mu-calpain inhibitors may lead to a treatment for a variety of autoimmune diseases such as osteoarthritis.

Biosynthesis of terpenoids

Terpenes are the largest and most diverse group of natural products but originate from only a tiny group of prenyl diphosphate precursors.   Diversity is generated in nature by the structurally similar terpene cyclases that form many different products from each prenyl diphosphate.   By a combination of chemical synthesis, enzymology and molecular biology we seek to understand how such diversity can be created by enzymes that share a common fold.


CH5103 Foundations of Organic Chemistry

CH5130 Introduction to Drug Development 

CH3317 Engineering Biosynthesis

CHT008 Research Project

CHT214 Biocatalysis I: Modern Approaches to Biocatalysis

CHT232 Key Skills

CHT223 Biocatalysis II: Industrial Applications of Biocatalysis

CHT550 and CHT555 Applications of Research methods.

CHT327 Engineering Biosynthesis

Details of modules can be found here.


MA in Chemistry with Supplementary Quantum Chemistry, Oriel College Oxford, 1989-1993.

PhD, Southampton University (under Prof. T. D. H. Bugg) 1993-1997. 

Postdoctoral Research Assistant, University of St. Andrews 1997-1998. 

Postdoctoral Research Assistant, Birmingham University 1998-2005. 

Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Cardiff University 2005-2007. 

Research fellow in 2007.

Lecturer 2015-2022.

Senior Lecturer 2022.

Professional memberships

Member of the Royal Society of Chemistry

Contact Details


  • biosynthesis
  • biological chemistry
  • Organic chemistry
  • Pheromones and other Semiochemicals
  • Biocatalysis and enzyme technology