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Svetlana Mira

Dr Svetlana Mira


Reader in Finance, Deputy Head of Section (Learning and Teaching), Director of the Cardiff Corporate Governance Research Group

Available for postgraduate supervision



Svetlana Mira is a Reader in Finance at Cardiff Business School. She is also the Deputy Head of Section (Learning and Teaching), the Director of the Cardiff Corporate Governance Research Group, an Associate Editor of the International Review of Economics and Finance, a Fellow of the UK Higher Education Academy, and a member of the Fintech Research Group at Cardiff Business School.

Formerly, Svetlana has started her academic career at Cardiff University and she was a Programme Director on MSc Finance leading the Programme through a successful major refreshment.

Prior to academia, Svetlana was a management consultant. She holds a PhD in Finance and an MBA with a finance concentration, both from Cardiff University.


Svetlana’s academic research spans several areas in the finance field with interests including corporate governance, financial markets and forecasting. Within these areas, her recent research focuses on family firms, financial analysts, mergers and acquisitions, board independence and diversity. Svetlana work investigates family firms in terms of CEO successions, earnings management and board independence. She also researched the herding behaviour of financial analysts and the impact of board diversity, in terms of gender, age and professional expertise, on innovation and survival of IPO firms.

Her journal publications cover finance/accounting  (Journal of Corporate Finance, Journal of Forecasting, European Financial Management, British Accounting Review, Accounting and Finance) and management (British Journal of Management). Svetlana has conducted paper reviews for the British Journal of Management, Journal of Banking and Finance, European Management Journal, Accounting and Finance, and International Review of Finance amongst other journals. Her work has been disseminated on international electronic blogs such as Columbia Law School’s Blue Sky (US) and European Corporate Governance Institute (ECGI).


Svetlana is also very passionate about her teaching. She has an extensive teaching experience at the UG, PG and PhD levels in finance. Typically, Svetlana’s teaching includes courses in corporate finance, research methods in finance, financial markets and institutions and finance investigation. She is passionate about teaching innovations and students value her teaching.














Research Interests

  • Corporate governance, ownership and control structure, board structure
  • Family firms: CEO successions, earnings management, board independence
  • IPOs and board diversity: evolution, IPO survival and innovation
  • Mergers and acquisitions: performance and labour market for directors
  • Forecasting: earnings forecasts and herding behaviour of financial analysts
  • Financial technology, big data and social media
  • Intangible assets, valuation and implication for financial analysts

Selected (Latest) Conference Presentations 

‘c’ indicates presentation by co-author

  • Cardiff Corporate Governance Research Group Conference, 2021
  • International Research Forum on Mittelstand, Mannheim, 2020, c
  • ECGI-SSI Riga Conference in Stockholm, Virtual, 2020
  • BAFA Annual Conference, Birmingham, 2019, c
  • BAFA South-West Area Group, 2019
  • Cardiff-Xiamen-Newcastle Conference, Xiamen, 2018
  • Cardiff Corporate Governance Research Group Conference, 2018
  • EAA Conference, Valencia, 2017
  • Annual International Conference on Accounting and Finance, Singapore, 2017


Current and past teaching includes the below modules with diverse class sizes and student backgrounds:

  • Corporate Finance (MSc Finance, MSc Accounting and Finance/MSc Financial Economics, module leader)
  • Research Methods in Finance (MSc Finance, module leader)
  • Accounting and Finance Dissertation (UG, module leader)
  • Financial Markets and Institutions (UG, module leader)
  • Advanced Research Issues in Banking, Finance and Accounting (PhD)
  • Adhoc teaching on selected research methods in finance (PhD)

I led successfully the MSc Finance from 2018 to 2021 and responsible for 80 to 140 students each year. During this period, I have led major initiatives at the Programme/School level to tackle over-assessment and to conduct a major refreshment of the Programme in line with the educational strategy and Public Value ethos of the School. As a Programme Director, I actively participated at the Informal Learning and Teaching Committee and Programme Director Forum with direct input into developing educational strategies to deal with challenges brought by the pandemic, including switching to remote learning and online examinations. I have also successfully led the Student-Staff Panel on MSc Finance. 100 percent student satisfaction and high praise from the External Examiner achieved on MSc Finance in 2021.



  • PCUTL, Successfully Completed, Cardiff University
  • PhD in Finance, Classification 1, Cardiff University
  • Research Diploma, Distinction, Cardiff University
  • Master of Business Administration, Distinction, Cardiff University

Current and past administrative duties

  • MSc Finance Programme Director
  • Postgraduate Unfair Practice Co-ordinator
  • Member of the Extenuating Circumstances Committee
  • Member of the Research Committee
  • PhD co-ordinator for the Accounting and Finance Section

Honours and awards

  • Successful bid for two SEEDCORN applications from Cardiff University
  • Merit Scholarship Award from Cardiff University (PhD)
  • Merit Scholarship Award from Cardiff University (Research Diploma)
  • Merit Scholarship Award from Cardiff University (MBA)


I am interested in advising PhD projects in the following broad areas:

  • Corporate governance
  • Mergers and acquisitions
  • ESG and sustainable investing
  • Financial technology and big data in finance
  • Other innovative areas of research

Current PhD students

Yanchen Dai, Cardiff University, 2020- Topic: Social Effects in Fintech

Former PhD students

Ruth Sagay, 2017-2022 (first supervisor)

Topic: Essays on Board Diversity Current position: Completed Viva with no corrections in February 2022. Current position: Lecturer in Accounting and Finance, Swansea University, UK.

Iram Ansari, 2009-2014 (second supervisor)

Topic: CEO successions in listed family firms. Current position: Assistant Professor of Finance, College of Economics & Political Science, Sultan Qaboos, Oman.

Current supervision

Contact Details

Telephone +44 29208 76439
Campuses Aberconway Building, Room T24, Colum Road, Cathays, Cardiff, CF10 3EU