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Aditee Mitra

Dr Aditee Mitra

Research Fellow

Available for postgraduate supervision


I am a botanist by first degree, an ecologist by virtue of my MSc degree and a systems dynamics modeller of plankton ecophysiology via my PhD and research activities. My background allows me to interface with a wide science base both for research and teaching.

I have a keen interest in working at the interface of science, governance and the public. Thus, I have worked as Managing Editor for the Journal of Plankton Research (Oxford University Press), as Climate Change Research Consultant on a WLGA funded project, as Biodiversity Officer for Bridgend County Borough Council, as a British Science Association Media Fellow with BBC Countryfile.

More recently, in research, I have been a key driver of the new mixoplankton-centric paradigm in marine ecology championing the cause of nature's "Perfect Beasts". I authored a Scientific American article on the Perfect Beast (March 2018). This was selected for the Scientific American Revolutions in Science Special Issue (July 2018) as one of the "13 discoveries that could change everything". This article has also been translated into French and German.






















Book sections






I am a marine plankton ecologist. My research can be broadly classified into the following categories:

  • Stoichiometric ecology (C,N,P flows in ecology ) with an emphasis on exploring the interactions of food (prey) quality and quantity on consumer growth and thence on trophic dynamics and biogeochemistry.
  • Marine Systems Dynamics with a focus on the major drivers of life in the oceans that cover 2/3rds of our planet – namely the protist plankton.

I have been involved in various projects funded through the EU FP7 programme (e.g., Euro-BASIN), by Leverhulme Trust and RCUK investigating a variety of issues ranging from sustainable use of water to the impact of human behaviour on the global oceans. 

More recently I have been a key driver of the new mixoplankton-centric paradigm in marine ecology, which rewrites over 100 years of understanding of marine ecology. This highlights the importance of the microbial planktonic "Perfect Beasts" that photosynthesize (contributing to ca. 50% of the oxygen we breath) and also eat in the one cell. I authored a Scientific American article on the Perfect Beast (March 2018). This was then selected for the Scientific American Revolutions in Science Special Issue (July 2018) as one of "13 discoveries that could change everything". This article has since been translated into French and German.

Current grants:

MixITiN: I am the Project Coordinator of the €2.88 H2020 Marie Skłodowska Curie Actions Innovative Training Network MixITiN. This 4 year project which started in October 2017 is training an innovative team of Early Stage Researchers (ESRs) to develop new methodologies for researching, monitoring and managing our marine environment according to the recently revised paradigm for marine pelagic production. MixITiN brings together world-class European research and training centres from 9 different countries, with skillsets from molecular biology, physiology and computer modelling, to marine and coastal zone management, public and media engagement.

MixoHUB: I am the project lead on the Welsh Government funded Sêr Cymru Capacity Building Accelerator Award entitled "Living with the Perfect Beast; establishing MixoHUB, a centre of excellence for mixoplankton research in Wales". My vision is to build and establish MixoHUB as a dynamic cross-disciplinary research group of international excellence based in Cardiff University. Through establishment of a unique and impactful research group, for combined empirical and in silico research on the new mixoplankton paradigm, this project will develop national and international capability at Cardiff University, in a globally important arena. This 3 year £0.5 M project started in June 2020 and will employ two post-doctoral level researchers and also support procurement of equipment to enable establishment of the MixoHUB.

Microbial Carbon Five (MCP): I am a co-Investigator on a NERC-UK funded Microbial Carbon Pump project. This project led by Dr Luca Polimene will conduct laboratory experiments to provide the physiological information and understanding needed to develop the first ever model describing the MCP and its relationship with nutrient concentrations and temperature. This will be the first critical step towards the simulation of the MCP in present and future oceans. The project brings together a multidisciplinary team of internationally recognised scientists, from chemical analysts to system biology and ecosystem modellers. 



  • PGCertHE (2018) Distinction. Swansea University, Wales
  • PhD (2006) Zooplankton Growth Dynamics: A Modelling Study. Open University, based at Scottish Association for Marine Science Oban, Scotland. 
  • MSc (1999) Ecosystems Analysis and Governance. Warwick University. Dissertation: "Modelling conservation of species through vaccination". 
  • BSc Botany Hons. (1998) First Class; Allied subjects: Chemistry, Zoology, English First Division, Presidency College, Calcutta University, Kolkata, India 

Honours and awards

  • Yuva Rattan  Award, NRI Welfare Society India (2020) 
  • Visiting Professorship, Ecology of Aquatic Systems Group, Université Libre de Bruxelles (2018 – )
  • Visiting Fellowship, University of Technology Sydney, Australia (December 2019)
  • British Science Association Media Fellow at BBC Countryfile, Bristol, UK (2014-2015)
  • Welsh Crucible participant (2012)

Professional memberships

  • Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, FHEA

Academic positions

  • 2018 – 2019  Senior Lecturer Research, Biosciences, Swansea University, Wales UK
  • 2017 – 2015  Lecturer Research, Biosciences, Swansea University, Wales, UK
  • 2011 – 2014  Plankton Systems Dynamics Modeller FP7 project "EuroBasin", Swansea University, Wales, UK
  • 2010 – 2011  Algal BioFuels Modeller on Carbon Trust funded project based at Swansea University, Wales, UK
  • 2008 – 2010  Review of Consents Officer and Biodiversity Officer, Bridgend County Borough Council
  • 2008              Climate Change Research Consultant, Welsh Local Government Association funded project
  • 2007 – 2005  Managing Editor of the Journal of Plankton Research. Oxford University Press, UK.
  • 2006 – 2004  NERC UK RA, Quantifying & modelling growth efficiency in zooplankton. Swansea University, UK
  • 2000 – 2002  NERC-UK RA, Biological modeller; NERC special topic "Marine Productivity". The Scottish Association for Marine Science (SAMS), Oban, Scotland, UK

Committees and reviewing

  • Reviewer Grant; EC-H2020, NERC UK, BBSRC UK, NSF USA, Danish Research Council, Austrian Research Council. 
  • Journal reviewer, various including Ecology Letters, Limnology and Oceanography, Journal of Plankton Research, Biogeosciences  
  • Managing Editor, Journal of Plankton Research, Oxford University Press (2005-2007)


  • Mixoplankton Ecophysiology 
  • Marine Systems Dynamics Modelling
  • Plankton Predator-Prey Dynamics