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Gareth Morgan

Mr Gareth Morgan

Senior Lecturer: Occupational Therapy


Other Roles

HCARE Associate Lecturer Scheme Manager, School Eco Champion, International & Erasmus Coordinator (Occupational Therapy)

Research Interests

I am currently researching into the experiences of international students at the clinical interface.








  • Barker, S. and Morgan, G. 2016. The care practitioner. In: Barker, S. ed. Psychology for Nursing and Healthcare Professionals. London: SAGE Publications Inc., pp. 117-141.


Book sections

  • Barker, S. and Morgan, G. 2016. The care practitioner. In: Barker, S. ed. Psychology for Nursing and Healthcare Professionals. London: SAGE Publications Inc., pp. 117-141.


Refereed journal articles:

Morgan, G. 2017 Allied Healthcare Undergraduate education: international students at the clinical interface. Journal of Further and Higher Education Vol .41 Issue 3.PP 286-300

Chapters in books:

Morgan G. 2018 Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults in: Clouston TJ, Westcott, L and Whitcombe SW, Transitions for Practice: Essential Concepts for Health and Social Care Practitioners, Keswick: M &K Books

Barker, S. and Morgan, G. 2016. The Care Practitioner In: Barker, S. ed. Psychology for Nursing and Healthcare Professionals.  London:  SAGE Publications Inc.,

Stead, P. Morgan, G. and Roberts, S.S.R.  2010 Becoming Lifelong Learners in Health and Social Care in: Clouston T ed.  Problem based learners in Health and Social Care. London: John Wiley


Prior to my present position I was a paediatric hospital social worker and, thereafter, worked for 13 years as a senior lecturer in the Further Education sector in social/health related areas. I established a HND access course for mature students in health and social care. I had a developmental role as a Senior lecturer which involved supporting lecturers who were new to the profession and those whom found the art a little difficult to master.

In addition to my college role I was appointed as an Inspector of tertiary colleges for health and social care.

Currently, I teach: social policy, ethics and law on the MSc, and BSc degree programmes in the School of Healthcare Studies.

Professional memberships

Member of the Wales History of Medicine Society

Contact Details