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Monjur Mourshed  BArch PhD FBCS FHEA

Professor Monjur Mourshed


University Dean of Environmental Sustainability and Professor of Sustainable Engineering

Available for postgraduate supervision


Prof Mourshed's research interests lie in the broader field of smart, resilient and sustainable buildings and cities. As an interdisciplinary academic, he works in the cross-cutting areas linking climate, energy, and environment—underpinned by methods from building physics, information technology, and environmental psychology—with the end goal being the development of new methods, processes, and tools to enhance the policy and practice of sustainable development.

Before moving to Cardiff, he was a lecturer at Loughborough University (2007-2013) where he investigated relationships between physical environments, projected increases in ambient temperature, and occupant health and wellbeing, as part of the £11M EPSRC-funded Health and Care Infrastructure Research and Innovation Centre (HaCIRIC). He was a Co-I in the EPSRC project that developed a simulation-based optimisation tool for minimising building carbon emissions and water use. He was PI of two grants from the British Council and Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) on adaptable cities and 2050 energy pathways for Bangladesh respectively.

At Cardiff, I led the DECC-funded development of 2050 national energy, emissions and food pathways for Bangladesh (, in association with industry, academia and the governments of UK and Bangladesh. The research focused on the socioeconomic evolution of energy demand and how the increasing demand can be met in a without affecting energy security and carbon intensity. Key innovations include the open-source release of the entire underlying model and dataset for an energy-informed debate on policies. I secured four grants from the European Commission (H2020 and FP7), as a PI and Co-I, primarily focussing on resource efficiency (energy and water) in the built environment. In MAS2TERING, I am leading the development of a multi-agent systems platform for optimal management of the electricity generated by prosumers in a district, enabling new business model for 'house as a power plant', in association with European utilities and research organisations. THERMOSS takes the concept further to include district heating systems. In PERFORMER and WISDOM projects, the focus is on improving the understanding of the interactions between users, buildings and energy systems, as well as on the development of resource-efficient and resilient built environment.

Service: Prof Mourshed is Associate Editor of five academic journals: PLoS ONE, IEEE Access, Frontiers in Energy Research, Frontiers in Mechanical Engineering and Frontiers in Built Environment. He serves on the board of Energy & Environment journal. He has also served on various energy and climate committees of professional organisations: IEEE, ASHRAE and CIBSE, and chaired the IEEE-PES sub-committee on Smart Buildings.

Affiliation: Prof Mourshed is Fellow of British Computer Society and Higher Education Academy.

Note for prospective students: I welcome enquiries on PhD research focusing on energy and environmental modelling for sustainability.























Book sections



Research theme: Energy and Environment

Research grants and contracts

Ongoing and past research grants and contracts are grouped into four research focus, as follows.

Smart and sustainable energy grids, buildings and cities


DRiVE: Demand Response Integration tEchnologies: unlocking the demand response potential in the distribution grid

European Commission 
(Horizon 2020)
Mourshed M, and Rezgui Y£283,26112/2017-11/2020

TABEDE: TowArds Building rEady for Demand rEsponse

European Commission
(Horizon 2020)
Mourshed M, and Rezgui Y£291,29511/2017-10/2020

piSCES: Smart cluster energy system for the fish processing industry

Welsh European Funding OfficeRezgui Y, and Mourshed M£377,0304/2017-3/2020

PENTAGON: Unlocking European grid local flexibility through augmented energy capabilities at district-level

European Commission 
(Horizon 2020)
Rezgui Y, and Mourshed M£234,05712/2016- 11/2019

THERMOSS: Building and district thermal retrofit and management solutions

European Commission 
(Horizon 2020)
Rezgui Y, and Mourshed M£228,1319/2016-8/2020

MAS2TERING: Multi-agent systems and secured coupling of telecom and energy grids for next generation smart grid services

European Commission: Framework Programme 7 (FP7)Mourshed M, Rezgui Y, Cipcigan L, and Rana O£305,2749/2014-12/2017

PERFORMER: Portable, exhaustive, reliable, flexible and optimized approach to monitoring and evaluation of building performance

European Commission: Framework Programme 7 (FP7)Rezgui Y, Mourshed M and Li H£459,5059/2013-8/2017

FutureCities: Future cities energy management of districts/estates via ICT based BIM

Building Research Establishment (BRE) TrustRezgui Y, Li H, Mourshed M£60,0009/2012-3/2015

ARUBE: Adaptable and resilient urban built environments

British CouncilMourshed M, Mallick F and Wilby R£44,9821/2011- 1/2014

Optimise: A simulation-based optimisation tool for the minimisation of building carbon emissions and water usage

Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC)Wright J and Mourshed M£182,6268/2010- 8/2012

Energy and emissions pathways

Engineering sustainability

  • WISDOM: Water analytics and intelligent sensing for demand optimised management. European Commission: Framework Programme 7 (FP7). Rezgui Y, Kwan A, Li H, Mourshed M and Beach T. £352,687. 2/2014 - 1/2017.
  • EHW: Energy from household waste. British Council. Rahman H and Mourshed M. £20,000. 3/2012 – 2/2013.
  • Safety Strategy VI for UK Highways Agency. UK Highways Agency. Quddus M, Pitfield D and Mourshed M. £120,000. 5/2012 – 4/2013.

Health and wellbeing in buildings



Teaching qualifications

Journal editorial board

Research council  

  • Grant reviewer (2022-) Research and Innovation Foundation (RIF), Cyprus.
  • Grant reviewer (2019-) Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF), Switzerland.
  • Panel member (2019-) Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), UK.
  • Grant reviewer and panel member (2018-) European Commission, Belgium.
  • Grant reviewer (2017-) Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC), UK.
  • Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), UK.

Honours and awards

Turing Fellow (2024-) The Alan Turing Institute, UK.

Professional memberships

Academic positions

Committees and reviewing

External committees

Conference co-chair

  • Building Simulation and Optimization (BSO12) – An IBPSA England Conference, in association with CIBSE and Loughborough University. Loughborough, UK, 10-12 September 2012.
  • Global Built Environment: Towards an Integrated Approach for Sustainability (GBEN 2006) – Jointly organised by the Global Built Environment Network, University College Cork, Edgehill University and University of Central Lancashire. 11-12 September 2006.

Chair: workshops and special sessions

  • Special session chair, CASE: Collective and Adaptive Smart Energy management in districts and neighborhoods, In: IEEE Second International Smart Cities Conference (ISC2 2016). Trento, Italy, 12-15 September 2016. Co-chair: A Bucchiarone (FBK, IT).
  • Workshop chair, Security, flexibility and demand management in smart low voltage grids, In: 1st EAI International Conference on Smart Grid Inspired Future Technologies (SmartGIFT). Liverpool, UK, 19-20 May 2016. Co-chairs: M Anbar (Engie, FR), T Messervey (R2M, IT), and M Vinyals (CEA, FR)

Conference organising committee

  • Member, International Conference on the Developments in Renewable Energy Technology (ICDRET). Technical Co-Sponsor: IEEE Power & Energy Society.
    • ICDRET’16. 7–9 January, 2016. Dhaka, Bangladesh.
    • ICDRET’14. 29–31 May, 2014. Dhaka, Bangladesh.
    • ICDRET’12. 5–7 January, 2012. Dhaka, Bangladesh.
    • ICDRET’09. 17–19 December, 2009. Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Conference reviewer/ Member of scientific committee

  • 2nd eCAS Workshop on Engineering Collective Adaptive Systems at the 11th IEEE international conference on Self-Adaptive Self-Organizing Conference (SASO 2017). Tucson, Arizona, USA, 18–22 September 2017.
  • Building Simulation – Biennial Conference of the International Building Performance Simulation Association (IBPSA).
    • 15th Building Simulation, San Francisco, California, 7–9 August 2017.
    • 14th Building Simulation, Hyderabad, India, 7–9 December 2015.
    • 13th Building Simulation, Chambéry, France, 26–28 August 2013.
    • 12th Building Simulation, Sydney, Australia, 14-16 November 2011.
    • 11th Building Simulation, Glasgow, UK, 27–30 July 2009.
  • IEEE Second International Smart Cities Conference (ISC2 2016). Sponsored by the IEEE Smart Cities Initiative. Trento, Italy, 12-15 September 2016.
  • Building Simulation and Optimisation – Biennial Conference of the International Building Performance Simulation Association (IBPSA) England.
    • BSO 2016, Newcastle, UK, 12–14 September 2016.
    • BSO 2012, Loughborough, UK, 10–11 September 2012.
  • 19th Power Systems Computation Conference (PSCC2016). Sponsored by the IEEE Power & Energy Society. Genoa, Italy, 20–24 June 2016.
  • 1st EAI International Conference on Smart Grid Inspired Future Technologies (SmartGIFT). Liverpool, UK, 19–20 May 2016.
  • Sustainable Places (SP 2015). Savona, Italy, 16–18 September 2015.
  • 7th International Conference on Applied Energy (ICAE 2015). Dubai, UAE, 28–31 March 2015.
  • Annual Conference of the Association of Researchers in Construction Management (ARCOM).
    • 31st ARCOM, Birmingham, UK, 7–9 September 2015.
    • 28th ARCOM, Edinburgh, UK, 3–5 September 2012.
    • 27th ARCOM, Bristol, UK, 5–7 September 2011.
    • 26th ARCOM, Leeds, UK, 6–8 September 2010.
    • 25th ARCOM, Nottingham, UK, 7–9 September 2009.
  • Second International Conference on Whole Life Urban Sustainability and its Assessment (SUEMoT). Loughborough, UK, 22-24 April 2009.
  • SimBuild 2008: 3rd National Conference of IBPSA-USA. Berkeley, CA, 30 July - 1 August 2008.


I am interested in supervising PhD students in the areas of:

  • Decarbonisation and net zero
  • Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML)
  • Climate change and built environment
  • Energy and environmental sustainability
  • Urban sustainability
  • Smart buildings, cities and grid
  • Building simulation and optimization

Current supervision

Past projects

Completed PhD projects:

  1. Amin OA Amin (2023) Stochastic community domestic energy modelling.
  2. Salem Algarni (2022) Machine learning for improved detection and segmentation of building boundary.
  3. Kui Weng (2021) Data-driven model predictive control of buildings.
  4. Balsam A Shallal (2020) Domestic Energy Use and Suppressed Energy Demand in Hot Arid Climate.
  5. Arif T Almutairi (2019) Coastal Community Resilience Assessment Framework of Maritime Disasters Management for Saudi Arabia.
  6. Corentin Kuster (2019) A real time urban sustainability assessment framework for the smart city paradigm.
  7. Kumar B Debnath (2018) Decarbonisation cost of Bangladesh’s energy sector: Influence of corruption.
  8. Nada MSM Kadhim (2017) Creating 3D City Models from Satellite Imagery for the Integrated Assessment and Forecasting of Solar Energy.
  9. Raed FM Ameen (2017) A Framework for Sustainability Assessment of Urban Design and Development in Iraq.
  10. Riyad Al-Shaqi (2016). Ambient assisted living systems for older people with Alzheimer’s.
  11. Eissa Alreshidi (2016). Towards facilitating team collaboration during construction project via the development of cloud-based BIM governance solution.
  12. Shariful Shikder (2018) Adaptation strategies to prevent overheating in dwellings occupied by older people
  13. Fiona Hamilton-MacLaren (2013) Alternative, more sustainable, wall construction techniques than brick and block, for new housing in England and Wales.
  14. Yisong Zhao (2013). Evidence-based design in healthcare: Integrating user perception in automated space layout planning.
  15. Abdul Murad Zainal Abidin (2012). Minimising energy use and mould growth risk in tropical hospitals.
  16. Md Ashikur Rahman Joarder (2011). Incorporation of therapeutic effect of daylight in the architectural design of in-patient rooms to reduce patient length of stay (LoS) in hospitals.
  17. Manthilake MID Manthilake (2011). Evolutionary building layout optimisation.

Completed MPhil project:

  1. Eman MA El-Alwani (2016) Modelling the embodied energy of the UK housing stock for shallow refurbishment.

Contact Details

Telephone +44 29208 74847
Campuses Queen's Buildings - South Building, Room S/1.44, 5 The Parade, Newport Road, Cardiff, CF24 3AA
Main Building, Park Place, Cardiff, CF10 3AT


  • Environmental sustainability
  • Artificial intelligence
  • Decarbonisation and net zero
  • Building simulation