Dr Isaac Myers
Teams and roles for Isaac Myers
School of Biosciences
Research student
School of Biosciences
I lecture in Anatomy and Biomedical Sciences and am one of two academic leads for Student Experience in the School of Biosciences. I am a qualified medical doctor (MB BCh) with a background in Cellular and Molecular Pathology and Cancer Biology and Therapeutics, and am passionate about enhancing student experience.
Within Cardiff University, I predominantly teach anatomy to a range of undergraduate and postgraduate students across medical, dental, and biosicences courses. Within my role as Student Experience (Learning Community) Lead, I work with a diverse team to enhance the Bioscience learning community, and sit on a number of teams responsible for management of the School's undergraduate and postgraduate programmes.
Research and Educational Interests
I have biological, educational and pastoral interests. In my educational research, I am interested in the cultivation of engagement and in enriching student experience through a partnership-based approach. I am a strong advocate for a constructivist pedagogical framework which incorporates flipped classroom approaches, interactive elements, peer-learning, and novel educational tools which empower learners and make the learning experience deep, enjoyable, and effective. I also have an interest in the development of professionalism and academic skills (eg. teamwork, leadership, empathy, communication) which are a vital component of early clinical training in particular. Pastorally, my greatest passion lies in enhancing staff and student health and wellbeing. I am especially interested in bolstering peer-connectedness among academic learning communities (particularly during the Covid-19 pandemic), and developing strategies to improve health and wellbeing.
- Lecturer in Anatomy and Biomedical Sciences
- Academic Lead for Student Experience (Community), School of Biosciences
- Year 1 Coordinator
- Academic Partner for Implementation of the Student Voice Framework, Cardiff Learning and Teaching Academy
- Skills For Science (BI1001) Deputy Module Leader
- Student Mentoring Coordinator
Contact Details
+44 29208 76808
Sir Martin Evans Building, Room C/1.28, Museum Avenue, Cardiff, CF10 3AX