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Loretta Newman-Ford

Ms Loretta Newman-Ford

Head of Education Development


Role responsibilities

As Head of Education Development, I am primarily responsible for providing education development services and (re)designing and continuously developing curriculum across the university. The aim is to raise the profile of learning and teaching and pedagogical excellence, build capacity for good practice in curriculum development and delivery, and support innovation in education.

Key work/specialties

  • Manage the Education Development Team, which includes curriculum development specialists and a team of staff who coordinate and deliver Cardiff Fellowship Programmes accredited by Advanced HE.
  • Business Lead for the Education Development Project, one of eleven strategic portfolio projects, and oversee three other projects.
  • Co-leads the planning and delivery of the Academy's annual programme of learning and teaching CPD events
  • Member of the Academy's Senior Management Team, formulates the Academy's methods and services in response to organizational and strategic priorities.


Chapters in books

  • Newman-Ford, L., Leslie, S. and Tangney, S. (2020), "The Development of an Education for Sustainable Development Self-Evaluation Tool to Support Staff and Student Development", Sengupta, E., Blessinger, P. and Yamin, T.S. (Gol.) Introduction to Sustainable Development Leadership and Strategies in Higher Education (Innovations in Higher Education Teaching and Learning, Vol. 22), Emerald Publishing Limited, Bingley, pp. 100-100. 117-133.
  • Newman-Ford, L.E. (2018) Managing and Setting Expectations in Matheson, R., Tangney, S., and Sutcliffe, M. (eds.) Transition in, Through and Out of Higher Education: International Case Studies and Best Practice, London: Taylor and Francis, pp.49-81.

Journal Articles

  • Tangney, S., Newman-Ford, L.E. and Leslie, S. (2019) How Internationalised Is Your Curriculum? A Reflective Tool Aimed at Enhancing Students' Intercultural Understanding, Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 55(6), pp.640-649.
  • Kerrigan, M., Walker, S., Gamble, M., Lindsay, S., Reader, K., Papaefthimiou, M., Newman-Ford, L., Clements, M. and Saunders, G. (2012) The Making Assessment Count (MAC) Consortium - Maximising Assessment and Feedback Design by Working Together, Research in Learning Technology, 19 (1), pp.43-56.
  • Newman-Ford, L.E., Lloyd, S., and Thomas, S (2010) Impacts of a Bursary and Attendance        Monitoring on the retention of widening participation students during the Early Years of Engineering, Technology and Mathematics Degree Courses. (In print) Journal of Widening Participation and Lifelong Learning.
  • Newman-Ford, L.E. (2009), Work based learning at Glamorgan: raising skills and enrolments in engineering, Journal of the Engineering Education Scheme in Wales. Issue 13, p.11.
  • Newman-Ford, L.E., Fitzgibbon, K., Lloyd, S., and Thomas, S. (2008) A large-scale investigation into the relationship between attendance and attainment: a study using an innovative, electronic attendance monitoring system. Studies in Higher Education, 33 (6), 699–717.
  • Newman-Ford, L.E., Lloyd, S., and Thomas, S. (2008) An investigation into the effects of gender, prior academic achievement, place of residence, age and attendance on first-year undergraduate attainment. Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education, 1 (1), 13–28.
  • Newman-Ford, L.E. (2008) Network75: Raising the skills and employability of undergraduate engineers. Journal of the Engineering Education Scheme in Wales. Issue 12. p.16.
  • Newman-Ford, L.E, Lloyd, S., and Thomas, S. (2007) Evaluating the performance of engineering undergraduates who entered without A-level mathematics via a specialist six-week "bridging technology" programme. Journal of the Higher Education Academy Engineering subject Centre, 2, (2), 33–43.
  • Bowen, E., Newman-Ford, L.E, Lloyd, S., a Thomas, S. (2007) Engineering more Engineers - Bridging the Mathematics and Careers Advice Gap. Journal of the Higher Education Academy Engineering Subject Centre. 1 (2) 23-32.

Conference papers

  • Leslie, S., Newman-Ford, L.E., and Hendy, J. (2018) Evaluating Student-Led Institutional Change Projects. The 15th Enhancement Conference: Evaluation, Evidence and Enhancement: Inspiring Staff & Students, Glasgow Caledonian University.
  • Newman-Ford, L.E. and Sutcliffe, M. (2017) The Teaching Excellence Framework, Graduate Attributes and the capturing of Learning Gain, Advances in Management and Informatics Research and Enterprise Conference, Cardiff Metropolitan University.
  • Newman-Ford, L.E. (2016) Recording and developing professional competencies using e-portfolios. Academy of Higher Education (HEA) Conference Stretching your practice: How flexible can you be? Cardiff Metropolitan University.
  • Newman-Ford, L.E., Haldane, A. a Toole, T. (2013) Embedding the Work-Based Learning Maturity Toolkit in Wales, Future Directions, Future Directions for Skills and Employability, a joint Conference by the Higher Education Academy, the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education and the Higher Education Funding Council for Wales. University of South Wales.
  • Saunders, G., Kerrigan, M., Reader, K., Papaefthimiou, M., Newman-Ford, L., Clements, M. and Saunders, G. (2013) The Making Assessment Count (MAC) framework: cross-institutional evaluation. ALT-C: Building New Cultures of Learning, University of Nottingham.
  • Newman-Ford, L.E. (2013) A strategic and purposeful approach to developing good practice in Technology Enhanced Learning at Cardiff Metropolitan University.   Quality Assurance Agency and the Higher Education Academy. Future Directions: Learning from the Review of Foundation Degrees in Wales Conference, University of South Wales.
  • Kerrigan, M., Walker, S., Gamble, M., Lindsay, S., Reader, K., Papaefthimiou, M., Newman-Ford, L., Clements, M. a Saunders, G. (2012), Evaluation of a framework for action on feedback – Making Assessment Count. ALT-C: A confrontation with reality, University of Manchester.
  • Kerrigan, M., Walker, S., Gamble, M., Lindsay, S., Reader, K., Papaefthimiou, M., Newman- Ford, L.E., Clements, M. and Saunders, G. (2011) The Making Assessment Count (MAC) consortium–maximising assessment and feedback design by working together.   Association of Learning Technologies Conference (ALT-C) 2011: Thriving in a colder and more challenging climate, University of Leeds.
  • Newman-Ford, L.E, Lloyd, S., Thomas, S. and Prior, J (2009) Electronic Attendance Monitoring: An academic perspective and a practical solution. Attendance Matters? Purpose, Policy and Practice. University of Southampton Solent.
  • Newman-Ford, L.E., & Hawker, S.L. (2007), Network75: A combined work and study route. CRAC: The Career Development Organisation, Warwickshire.

Academic Articles

  • Newman-Ford, L.E. (2008) Improving the performance and progression of Business degree students using electronic attendance monitoring The Higher Education Academy Business, Management, Accountancy and Finance Magazine. Issue 6, p.3-5.
  • Newman-Ford, L.E. (2007) Enhancing the employability of Business graduates: an EU -funded work placement programme. The Higher Education Academy Business, Management, Accountancy and Finance Magazine. Issue 3, p.8-10.


  • Newman-Ford, L.E. (2012) Developing a Professional Community Engagement Environment for Alumni, Case Study for the Joint Information Systems Committee.
  • HoneyBee: Evaluating Glamorgan's Work-Based Learning Initiative (2009). A Guidebook of Best Practice in Work Based Learning for the Higher Education Academy (awaiting publication).


Loretta began her career in higher education in 2006 researching a range of themes related to the student experience. This included authentic and experiential learning, employability and engagement. Since then, Loretta has held many roles in learning, teaching and student experience including Student Retention Officer, Learning Technologist and Academic Development Specialist. As an Academic Development Specialist, Loretta led a range of learning and teaching activities at an institutional level. These aimed to improve teaching practice across all areas of the University to improve students' learning experience and achievement, including:

  • an institutional virtual learning environment bridging project, which won the Vice-Chancellor's Award;
  • develop and implement new policies and methods for electronic assessment and feedback as well as student engagement;
  • a project to design and integrate a new set of graduate qualities into each academic curriculum;
  • a revamped, academically led induction programme that puts the student first.
  • develop and implement an education self-evaluation tool for sustainable development, as well as an associated CPD programme.
  • create and deliver an online personal tutoring resource for staff, and related staff development events to create consistency and best practices in personal training.
  • design and deliver professional development activities, events and resources for academic staff and those supporting learning and teaching across a range of themes relating to learning, teaching and assessment. This included a Postgraduate Certificate for Teaching in Higher Education workshops.
  • The in-house National Teaching Fellowships Scheme and the Collaborative Award for Teaching Excellence

She has also been a panelist for validation and revalidation events and has led and/or contributed to a series of national projects and initiatives designed to raise the profile and quality of learning and teaching.

Loretta is a Senior Fellow of Advance AU, holds a Postgraduate Certificate in Teaching in Higher Education, a postgraduate qualification in Mentoring and Coaching, and is a qualified Executive Learning Sets facilitator. He has published a wide range of papers, articles and book chapters across a number of learning and teaching themes, as well as co-authoring the UK Quality Assurance Agency Advice and Guidance for the Assessment of UK Quality Codes 2018.

Loretta joined Cardiff University in 2019, and is currently Head of Education Development at the Academy of Learning and Teaching. He is responsible for overseeing Academy-led academic development activities and (re)curriculum design.

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