I am an Irish ethnomusicologist with a specialist interest in cultural history. I have recently completed a monograph on music and commemoration as it relates to the Gallipoli Campaign from the perspective of the Australians and the Turks, the British and the Germans, amongst others (see O’Connell 2017). I also explore the issues of militarism and orientalism with respect to Irish recruits in the military catastrophe, my own family in particular having an ongoing connection with the Ottoman Empire. Some of my ancestors were administrators and soldiers in Ottoman territories, and others were diplomats and doctors in the Ottoman capital (see Figure 1). Significantly, a number of my relatives were either killed or wounded in the Gallipoli Campaign (see Figure 2).
This research builds upon my established interest in the music of the Middle East. It also draws upon my continued research on music in conflict zones. These academic strands have resulted in significant outputs in the form of a monograph (see O’Connell 2013) and a collection (see O’Connell Ed. 2010) respectively. I recently completed (with Susan H. Motherway) a project that concerns staged folklore in Ireland. I am currently undertaking research on Ottoman music in Egypt during the nineteenth century. In addition, I have conducted impact related research in the Muslim world in association with the Aga Khan Humanities Project (see O’Connell 2015) and the Arts and Humanities Research Council (2014).
Forthcoming Publications:
O’Connell, John M. 2023. ‘A Tale of Two Ṭarabs: Intercultural Music in the late-Ottoman Empire (1908-1922)’. In Michael Frishkopf, Scott Marcus and Dwight Reynolds Eds. Ṭarab: Music, Ecstasy, Emotion and Performance. Austin, TX: University of Texas Press.
O’Connell, John M. 2023. ‘Colonial Ambiguities: Military Music in Egypt (1798-1848)’. In Erin Johnson Williams, Roe-Min Kok and Yvonne Liao Eds. The Oxford Handbook of Music Colonialism. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
- O'Connell, J. 2023. Üstâd-ı Cihân: Ottoman music and Turkish musicians in Khedival Egypt. In: Güray, C. ed. Üstâd-ı Cihân: Tanbûrî Cemil Bey. Anadolu Müzik Kültürleri, pp. 32-47.
- O'Connell, J. 2023. Münir Nureddin Selçuk’un Yurt içi ve Yurt dışı Konser Turneleri (1929-1939). In: Bertuğ, ?. and Kıyak, H. eds. İstanbul’un Engin Sesi: 40 Yılın Ardından Münir Nureddin Selçuk. Kubbealtı Neşriyatı, pp. 163-185.
- O'Connell, J. M. 2023. Alaturka: Türk Müziginde Bir Üslup [Alaturka: A Style in Turkish Music]. Albaraka Yayinlari.
- O'Connell, J. 2022. Sik bir gazel oldu: Style and taste in Turkish classical music under Atatürk. Turkish Area Studies Review 40, pp. 3-8.
- O'Connell, J. M. 2022. Folklore in stages: theorising tradition. In: O'Connell, J. M. ed. Staged Folklore: The National Folk Theatre of Ireland 1968-1998. Cork: Cork University Press, pp. 81-96.
- O'Connell, J. M. 2022. From stage to page: Fadó Fadó and the Kerry tradition. In: O'Connell, J. M. ed. Staged Folklore: The National Folk Theatre of Ireland 1968-1998. Cork: Cork University Press, pp. 155-170.
- O'Connell, J. M. and Motherway, S. H. eds. 2022. Staged folklore: the national folk theatre of Ireland 1968-1998. Cork: Cork University Press.
- O'Connell, J. M. 2021. Free radical: music, violence and radicalism. Journal of Popular Music Studies 33(1), pp. 155-162. (10.1525/jpms.2021.33.1.155)
- O'Connell, J. M. 2021. Conflict after conflict: music in the memorialisation of the Gallipoli Campaign. Ethnomusicology Forum 30(2), pp. 283-301. (10.1080/17411912.2021.1957700)
- O'Connell, J. 2021. Sir William Jones: Welsh Orientalist and comparative Musicologist. In: Morgan, W. J., Bowie, F. and O'Connell, J. eds. Social Anthropologies of the Welsh: Past and Present. The Royal Anthropological Institute's Country Series Sean Kingston Publishing, pp. 56-79.
- O'Connell, J. M. 2020. Sound bites: music as violence. Transposition 9(2) (10.4000/transposition.4524)
- O'Connell, J. M. 2020. E pluribus unum. Querelles d’hymnes dans l’Empire ottoman, 1908-1918. Gradhiva 31, pp. 56-73. (10.4000/gradhiva.4967)
- O'Connell, J. M. 2018. Bedî Mensî: Arel ve Ahenk. In: Turan, I. F., Temel, E. and Kurban, E. eds. 2017 Arel Sempozyumu bildirileri: Uluslararası Hüseyin Sadettin Arel ve Türk Müziği Sempozyumu (13-14 Aralık 2017)., Vol. 5247. Istanbul: Türkiyat Araştırmaları Enstitüsü, pp. 341-350.
- O'Connell, J. 2017. Kâr-ı nev: Elongation and elaboration in recordings of a Turkish classic. In: Harris, R. and Stokes, M. eds. Theory and Practice in the Music of the Islamic World: Essays in Honour of Owen Wright. SOAS Musicology Series Abingdon and New York: Routledge, pp. 125-145., (10.4324/9781315191461-7)
- O'Connell, J. M. 2017. Commemorating Gallipoli through music: remembering and forgetting. Lexington Books.
- O'Connell, J. M. 2017. A concert platform: a space for a style in Turkish music. In: Frishkopf, M. and Spinetti, F. eds. Music, Sound, and Architecture in Islam. Austin, TX: University of Texas Press, pp. 59-84.
- O'Connell, J. M. 2017. Usûlsüz: a matter of meter in the concerts of Münir Nurettin Selçuk. Presented at: Rhythmic Cycles and Structures in the Art Music of the Middle East, Munster, Germany, 27-28 February 2014 Presented at Helvacı, Z., Olley, J. and Jäger, R. M. eds.Rhythmic Cycles and Structures in the Art Music of the Middle East. Ergon Verlag
- O'Connell, J. M. 2015. Iranian classical music: the discourse and practice of creativity. By Laudan Nooshin [Book Review]. Music and Letters 96(4), pp. 677-679. (10.1093/ml/gcv080)
- O'Connell, J. M. 2015. Gazel. In: Jankowsky, R. C. ed. Bloomsbury Encyclopedia of Popular Music of the World., Vol. 10. Encyclopedia of Popular Music of the World Bloomsbury Academic, pp. 35-37.
- O'Connell, J. M. 2015. Modal trails, model trials: Musical migrants and mystical critics in Turkey. In: Davis, R. ed. Musical Exodus: Al-Andalus and its Jewish Diasporas. Europea: Ethnomusicologies and Modernities Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, pp. 101-124.
- O'Connell, J. M. 2015. Music and humanism in the Aga Khan Humanities Project. In: Pettan, S. and Titon, J. T. eds. The Oxford Handbook of Applied Ethnomusicology. Oxford Handbooks Oxford University Press, pp. 602-638.
- O'Connell, J. M. 2015. The classical style: modal analysis of vocal improvisation in Turkey. In: Agayeva, S. ed. Space of Maugham. Şerq-Qerb, pp. 124-139.
- O'Connell, J. M. 2013. Alaturka: Style in Turkish music (1923-1938). SOAS Musicology Series. Aldershot: Ashgate.
- O'Connell, J. M. 2013. Beste. In: Fleet, K. et al. eds. Encyclopaedia of Islam, Three. Brill, pp. 52-53., (10.1163/1573-3912_ei3_COM_24017)
- O'Connell, J. M. 2013. Pir Sultan Abdal. In: Fleet, K. et al. eds. Encyclopaedia of Islam, Three. Brill, pp. 135-136., (10.1163/1573-3912_ei3_COM_23910)
- O'Connell, J. M. 2011. Music in war, music for peace: A review article. Ethnomusicology 55(1), pp. 112-127. (10.5406/ethnomusicology.55.1.0112)
- O'Connell, J. M. 2010. Alabanda: Brass bands and musical methods in Turkey. In: Spinetti, F. ed. Giuseppe Donizetti Pasha: Musical and Historical Trajectories between Italy and Turkey [Giuseppe Donizetti Pascià: Traiettorie Musicali e Storiche tra Italia e Turchia]. Saggi e Monografie Vol. 7. Bergamo, Italy: Fondazione Donizetti, pp. 19-37.
- O'Connell, J. M. 2010. A staged fright: Musical hybridity and religious intolerance in Turkey, 1923-38. twentieth-century music 7(1), pp. 3-28. (10.1017/S147857221100003X)
- O'Connell, J. M. 2010. Music and the play of power in the Middle East, North Africa and Central Asia. Laudan Nooshin, ed. [Book Review]. Ethnomusicology 54(2), pp. 347-351. (10.5406/ethnomusicology.54.2.0347)
- O'Connell, J. M. and El-Shawan Castelo-Branco, S. eds. 2010. Music and Conflict. Urbana and Chicago: University of Illinois Press.
- O'Connell, J. M. 2010. Introduction: an ethnomusicological approach to music and conflict. In: O'Connell, J. M. and El-Shawan Castelo-Branco, S. eds. Music and Conflict. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, pp. 1-14.
- O'Connell, J. M. 2010. Music in war. In: O'Connell, J. M. and El-Shawan Castelo-Branco, S. eds. Music and Conflict. University of Illinois Press, pp. 15-16.
- O'Connell, J. M. 2009. Ayin. In: Fleet, K. et al. eds. Encyclopaedia of Islam, Three. Brill, pp. 86-87., (10.1163/1573-3912_ei3_COM_23036)
- O'Connell, J. M. 2008. War of the Waves: Cypriot Broadcasting in Great Britain. In: Hemetek, U. and Sağlam, H. eds. Music from Turkey in the Diaspora. Klanglese Vol. 5. Vienna: Institut für Volksmusikforschung und Ethnomusikologie, pp. 119-130.
- O'Connell, J. M. 2007. International symposium in European ethnomusicology. Bulletin of the International Council for Traditional Music 111(Octobe), pp. 50-52.
- O'Connell, J. M. 2007. Timothy D. Taylor, Beyond exoticism: Western music and the world (Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2007), ISBN 978 0 8223 9571 (hb), 978 0 8223 3968 7 (pb) [Book Review]. Twentieth-Century Music 4(2), pp. 261-265. (10.1017/S1478572208000546)
- O'Connell, J. M. 2007. Falak: the voice of destiny: traditional, popular and symphonic music of Tajikistan. Compiled by Federico Spinetti [Musical Recording Review]. Ethnomusicology Forum 16(1), pp. 179-181. (10.1080/17411910701273101)
- O'Connell, J. M. 2006. National symposium: towards a national ethnomusicology. Bulletin of the International Council for Traditional Music 109, pp. 61-62.
- O'Connell, J. M. 2006. 'The mermaid of the Meyhane: the legend of a Greek singer in a Turkish tavern'. In: Linda, P. A. and Inna, N. eds. Music of the Sirens. Indiana University Press, pp. 273-293.
- O'Connell, J. M. 2005. The Edvâr of Demetrius Cantemir: recent publications. Ethnomusicology Forum 14(2), pp. 235-239. (10.1080/17411910500415887)
- O'Connell, J. M. 2005. In the time of Alaturka: Identifying difference in musical discourse. Ethnomusicology 49(2), pp. 177-205.
- O'Connell, J. M. and Smith, T. 2005. Liaison officer report: Ireland. Bulletin of the International Council for Traditional Music 106, pp. 65-67.
- O'Connell, J. M. 2005. The 15th ICTM colloquium: identifying conflict in music, resolving conflict through music. Bulletin of the International Council for Traditional Music 106, pp. 55-57.
- O'Connell, J. M. 2005. 'Sound sense: mediterranean music from a Turkish perspective'. In: Cooper, D. and Dawe, K. eds. The Mediterranean in Music. Scarecrow Press, pp. 3-25.
- O'Connell, J. M. 2004. Liaison officer report: Ireland. Bulletin of the International Council for Traditional Music 105, pp. 24-27.
- O'Connell, J. M. 2004. The tale of Crazy Harman: the musician and the concept of music in the Türkmen epic tale, Harman Däli by Sławomira Żerańska-Kominek [Book Review]. Yearbook for Traditional Music 36, pp. 171-175.
- O'Connell, J. M. 2004. Sustaining difference: theorizing minority musics in Badakhshan. In: Hemetek, U. et al. eds. Manifold Identites. Cambridge Scholars Press, pp. 1-19.
- O'Connell, J. M. 2003. A resounding issue: Greek recordings of Turkish music, 1923-1938. Middle East Studies Association Bulletin 37(2), pp. 200-216.
- O'Connell, J. M. 2003. Music of the Ottoman court: makam, composition and the early Ottoman instrumental repertoire by Walter Feldman [Book Review]. Edebiyât 13(2), pp. 260-263. (10.1080/0364650032000143283)
- O'Connell, J. M. 2003. Song cycle: the life and death of the Turkish gazel: a review essay [Musical Recordings Review]. Ethnomusicology 47(3), pp. 399-414. (10.2307/3113948)
- O'Connell, J. M. 2002. From Empire to Republic: vocal style in twentieth century Turkey. In: Danielson, V., Marcus, S. and Reynolds, D. eds. The Garland Encyclopedia of World Music: The Middle East., Vol. 6. Routledge, pp. 781-787.
- O'Connell, J. M. 2002. Snapshot: Tanburî Cemil Bey. In: Danielson, V., Marcus, S. and Reynolds, D. eds. The Garland Encyclopedia of World Music: The Middle East. Routledge, pp. 757-758.
- O'Connell, J. M. 2001. Fine art, fine music: Controlling Turkish taste at the Fine Arts Academy in 1926. Yearbook for Traditional Music 32, pp. 117-142. (10.2307/3185245)
- O'Connell, J. M. 2001. Münir Nurettin Selçuk. In: Sadie, S. and Tyrrell, J. eds. The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians. Oxford University Press, pp. 55-56.
- O'Connell, J. M. 2001. Major minorities: towards an ethnomusicology of Irish minority musics. In: Pettan, S., Reyes, A. and Komavec, M. eds. Music and Minorities. ZRC Publishing, pp. 165-182.
- O'Connell, J. M. 1998. The Arab in Arabesk: style and stereotype in Turkish vocal performance. In: Wharton, B. and Adawy, N. eds. The Limerick Anthology of Arab Affairs. University of Limerick Press, pp. 87-103.
- O'Connell, J. M. 1991. Die musik der Araber (The music of the Arabs) by Habib Hasan Touma [Book Review]. Asian Music 22(1), pp. 154-156. (10.2307/834296)
- O'Connell, J. M. 1989. Jean During. La musique traditionnelle de I'Azerbayjan et la science des muqâms [Book Review]. Pacific Review of Ethnomusicology 5, pp. 130-132.
Adrannau llyfrau
- O'Connell, J. 2023. Üstâd-ı Cihân: Ottoman music and Turkish musicians in Khedival Egypt. In: Güray, C. ed. Üstâd-ı Cihân: Tanbûrî Cemil Bey. Anadolu Müzik Kültürleri, pp. 32-47.
- O'Connell, J. 2023. Münir Nureddin Selçuk’un Yurt içi ve Yurt dışı Konser Turneleri (1929-1939). In: Bertuğ, ?. and Kıyak, H. eds. İstanbul’un Engin Sesi: 40 Yılın Ardından Münir Nureddin Selçuk. Kubbealtı Neşriyatı, pp. 163-185.
- O'Connell, J. M. 2022. Folklore in stages: theorising tradition. In: O'Connell, J. M. ed. Staged Folklore: The National Folk Theatre of Ireland 1968-1998. Cork: Cork University Press, pp. 81-96.
- O'Connell, J. M. 2022. From stage to page: Fadó Fadó and the Kerry tradition. In: O'Connell, J. M. ed. Staged Folklore: The National Folk Theatre of Ireland 1968-1998. Cork: Cork University Press, pp. 155-170.
- O'Connell, J. 2021. Sir William Jones: Welsh Orientalist and comparative Musicologist. In: Morgan, W. J., Bowie, F. and O'Connell, J. eds. Social Anthropologies of the Welsh: Past and Present. The Royal Anthropological Institute's Country Series Sean Kingston Publishing, pp. 56-79.
- O'Connell, J. M. 2018. Bedî Mensî: Arel ve Ahenk. In: Turan, I. F., Temel, E. and Kurban, E. eds. 2017 Arel Sempozyumu bildirileri: Uluslararası Hüseyin Sadettin Arel ve Türk Müziği Sempozyumu (13-14 Aralık 2017)., Vol. 5247. Istanbul: Türkiyat Araştırmaları Enstitüsü, pp. 341-350.
- O'Connell, J. 2017. Kâr-ı nev: Elongation and elaboration in recordings of a Turkish classic. In: Harris, R. and Stokes, M. eds. Theory and Practice in the Music of the Islamic World: Essays in Honour of Owen Wright. SOAS Musicology Series Abingdon and New York: Routledge, pp. 125-145., (10.4324/9781315191461-7)
- O'Connell, J. M. 2017. A concert platform: a space for a style in Turkish music. In: Frishkopf, M. and Spinetti, F. eds. Music, Sound, and Architecture in Islam. Austin, TX: University of Texas Press, pp. 59-84.
- O'Connell, J. M. 2015. Gazel. In: Jankowsky, R. C. ed. Bloomsbury Encyclopedia of Popular Music of the World., Vol. 10. Encyclopedia of Popular Music of the World Bloomsbury Academic, pp. 35-37.
- O'Connell, J. M. 2015. Modal trails, model trials: Musical migrants and mystical critics in Turkey. In: Davis, R. ed. Musical Exodus: Al-Andalus and its Jewish Diasporas. Europea: Ethnomusicologies and Modernities Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, pp. 101-124.
- O'Connell, J. M. 2015. Music and humanism in the Aga Khan Humanities Project. In: Pettan, S. and Titon, J. T. eds. The Oxford Handbook of Applied Ethnomusicology. Oxford Handbooks Oxford University Press, pp. 602-638.
- O'Connell, J. M. 2015. The classical style: modal analysis of vocal improvisation in Turkey. In: Agayeva, S. ed. Space of Maugham. Şerq-Qerb, pp. 124-139.
- O'Connell, J. M. 2013. Beste. In: Fleet, K. et al. eds. Encyclopaedia of Islam, Three. Brill, pp. 52-53., (10.1163/1573-3912_ei3_COM_24017)
- O'Connell, J. M. 2013. Pir Sultan Abdal. In: Fleet, K. et al. eds. Encyclopaedia of Islam, Three. Brill, pp. 135-136., (10.1163/1573-3912_ei3_COM_23910)
- O'Connell, J. M. 2010. Alabanda: Brass bands and musical methods in Turkey. In: Spinetti, F. ed. Giuseppe Donizetti Pasha: Musical and Historical Trajectories between Italy and Turkey [Giuseppe Donizetti Pascià: Traiettorie Musicali e Storiche tra Italia e Turchia]. Saggi e Monografie Vol. 7. Bergamo, Italy: Fondazione Donizetti, pp. 19-37.
- O'Connell, J. M. 2010. Introduction: an ethnomusicological approach to music and conflict. In: O'Connell, J. M. and El-Shawan Castelo-Branco, S. eds. Music and Conflict. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, pp. 1-14.
- O'Connell, J. M. 2010. Music in war. In: O'Connell, J. M. and El-Shawan Castelo-Branco, S. eds. Music and Conflict. University of Illinois Press, pp. 15-16.
- O'Connell, J. M. 2009. Ayin. In: Fleet, K. et al. eds. Encyclopaedia of Islam, Three. Brill, pp. 86-87., (10.1163/1573-3912_ei3_COM_23036)
- O'Connell, J. M. 2008. War of the Waves: Cypriot Broadcasting in Great Britain. In: Hemetek, U. and Sağlam, H. eds. Music from Turkey in the Diaspora. Klanglese Vol. 5. Vienna: Institut für Volksmusikforschung und Ethnomusikologie, pp. 119-130.
- O'Connell, J. M. 2006. 'The mermaid of the Meyhane: the legend of a Greek singer in a Turkish tavern'. In: Linda, P. A. and Inna, N. eds. Music of the Sirens. Indiana University Press, pp. 273-293.
- O'Connell, J. M. 2005. 'Sound sense: mediterranean music from a Turkish perspective'. In: Cooper, D. and Dawe, K. eds. The Mediterranean in Music. Scarecrow Press, pp. 3-25.
- O'Connell, J. M. 2004. Sustaining difference: theorizing minority musics in Badakhshan. In: Hemetek, U. et al. eds. Manifold Identites. Cambridge Scholars Press, pp. 1-19.
- O'Connell, J. M. 2002. From Empire to Republic: vocal style in twentieth century Turkey. In: Danielson, V., Marcus, S. and Reynolds, D. eds. The Garland Encyclopedia of World Music: The Middle East., Vol. 6. Routledge, pp. 781-787.
- O'Connell, J. M. 2002. Snapshot: Tanburî Cemil Bey. In: Danielson, V., Marcus, S. and Reynolds, D. eds. The Garland Encyclopedia of World Music: The Middle East. Routledge, pp. 757-758.
- O'Connell, J. M. 2001. Münir Nurettin Selçuk. In: Sadie, S. and Tyrrell, J. eds. The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians. Oxford University Press, pp. 55-56.
- O'Connell, J. M. 2001. Major minorities: towards an ethnomusicology of Irish minority musics. In: Pettan, S., Reyes, A. and Komavec, M. eds. Music and Minorities. ZRC Publishing, pp. 165-182.
- O'Connell, J. M. 1998. The Arab in Arabesk: style and stereotype in Turkish vocal performance. In: Wharton, B. and Adawy, N. eds. The Limerick Anthology of Arab Affairs. University of Limerick Press, pp. 87-103.
- O'Connell, J. M. 2017. Usûlsüz: a matter of meter in the concerts of Münir Nurettin Selçuk. Presented at: Rhythmic Cycles and Structures in the Art Music of the Middle East, Munster, Germany, 27-28 February 2014 Presented at Helvacı, Z., Olley, J. and Jäger, R. M. eds.Rhythmic Cycles and Structures in the Art Music of the Middle East. Ergon Verlag
- O'Connell, J. 2022. Sik bir gazel oldu: Style and taste in Turkish classical music under Atatürk. Turkish Area Studies Review 40, pp. 3-8.
- O'Connell, J. M. 2021. Free radical: music, violence and radicalism. Journal of Popular Music Studies 33(1), pp. 155-162. (10.1525/jpms.2021.33.1.155)
- O'Connell, J. M. 2021. Conflict after conflict: music in the memorialisation of the Gallipoli Campaign. Ethnomusicology Forum 30(2), pp. 283-301. (10.1080/17411912.2021.1957700)
- O'Connell, J. M. 2020. Sound bites: music as violence. Transposition 9(2) (10.4000/transposition.4524)
- O'Connell, J. M. 2020. E pluribus unum. Querelles d’hymnes dans l’Empire ottoman, 1908-1918. Gradhiva 31, pp. 56-73. (10.4000/gradhiva.4967)
- O'Connell, J. M. 2015. Iranian classical music: the discourse and practice of creativity. By Laudan Nooshin [Book Review]. Music and Letters 96(4), pp. 677-679. (10.1093/ml/gcv080)
- O'Connell, J. M. 2011. Music in war, music for peace: A review article. Ethnomusicology 55(1), pp. 112-127. (10.5406/ethnomusicology.55.1.0112)
- O'Connell, J. M. 2010. A staged fright: Musical hybridity and religious intolerance in Turkey, 1923-38. twentieth-century music 7(1), pp. 3-28. (10.1017/S147857221100003X)
- O'Connell, J. M. 2010. Music and the play of power in the Middle East, North Africa and Central Asia. Laudan Nooshin, ed. [Book Review]. Ethnomusicology 54(2), pp. 347-351. (10.5406/ethnomusicology.54.2.0347)
- O'Connell, J. M. 2007. International symposium in European ethnomusicology. Bulletin of the International Council for Traditional Music 111(Octobe), pp. 50-52.
- O'Connell, J. M. 2007. Timothy D. Taylor, Beyond exoticism: Western music and the world (Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2007), ISBN 978 0 8223 9571 (hb), 978 0 8223 3968 7 (pb) [Book Review]. Twentieth-Century Music 4(2), pp. 261-265. (10.1017/S1478572208000546)
- O'Connell, J. M. 2007. Falak: the voice of destiny: traditional, popular and symphonic music of Tajikistan. Compiled by Federico Spinetti [Musical Recording Review]. Ethnomusicology Forum 16(1), pp. 179-181. (10.1080/17411910701273101)
- O'Connell, J. M. 2006. National symposium: towards a national ethnomusicology. Bulletin of the International Council for Traditional Music 109, pp. 61-62.
- O'Connell, J. M. 2005. The Edvâr of Demetrius Cantemir: recent publications. Ethnomusicology Forum 14(2), pp. 235-239. (10.1080/17411910500415887)
- O'Connell, J. M. 2005. In the time of Alaturka: Identifying difference in musical discourse. Ethnomusicology 49(2), pp. 177-205.
- O'Connell, J. M. and Smith, T. 2005. Liaison officer report: Ireland. Bulletin of the International Council for Traditional Music 106, pp. 65-67.
- O'Connell, J. M. 2005. The 15th ICTM colloquium: identifying conflict in music, resolving conflict through music. Bulletin of the International Council for Traditional Music 106, pp. 55-57.
- O'Connell, J. M. 2004. Liaison officer report: Ireland. Bulletin of the International Council for Traditional Music 105, pp. 24-27.
- O'Connell, J. M. 2004. The tale of Crazy Harman: the musician and the concept of music in the Türkmen epic tale, Harman Däli by Sławomira Żerańska-Kominek [Book Review]. Yearbook for Traditional Music 36, pp. 171-175.
- O'Connell, J. M. 2003. A resounding issue: Greek recordings of Turkish music, 1923-1938. Middle East Studies Association Bulletin 37(2), pp. 200-216.
- O'Connell, J. M. 2003. Music of the Ottoman court: makam, composition and the early Ottoman instrumental repertoire by Walter Feldman [Book Review]. Edebiyât 13(2), pp. 260-263. (10.1080/0364650032000143283)
- O'Connell, J. M. 2003. Song cycle: the life and death of the Turkish gazel: a review essay [Musical Recordings Review]. Ethnomusicology 47(3), pp. 399-414. (10.2307/3113948)
- O'Connell, J. M. 2001. Fine art, fine music: Controlling Turkish taste at the Fine Arts Academy in 1926. Yearbook for Traditional Music 32, pp. 117-142. (10.2307/3185245)
- O'Connell, J. M. 1991. Die musik der Araber (The music of the Arabs) by Habib Hasan Touma [Book Review]. Asian Music 22(1), pp. 154-156. (10.2307/834296)
- O'Connell, J. M. 1989. Jean During. La musique traditionnelle de I'Azerbayjan et la science des muqâms [Book Review]. Pacific Review of Ethnomusicology 5, pp. 130-132.
- O'Connell, J. M. 2023. Alaturka: Türk Müziginde Bir Üslup [Alaturka: A Style in Turkish Music]. Albaraka Yayinlari.
- O'Connell, J. M. and Motherway, S. H. eds. 2022. Staged folklore: the national folk theatre of Ireland 1968-1998. Cork: Cork University Press.
- O'Connell, J. M. 2017. Commemorating Gallipoli through music: remembering and forgetting. Lexington Books.
- O'Connell, J. M. 2013. Alaturka: Style in Turkish music (1923-1938). SOAS Musicology Series. Aldershot: Ashgate.
- O'Connell, J. M. and El-Shawan Castelo-Branco, S. eds. 2010. Music and Conflict. Urbana and Chicago: University of Illinois Press.
My research concerns the musical traditions of the Muslim world, with a secondary area of expertise in the musical traditions of Europe. Other areas of interest include the significance of hermeneutic theory and historical ethnography for ethnomusicology. In 2013, I published a monograph on Turkish style in the early-Republican period (1923-1938). In 2010, I edited a scholarly collection that concerns music and conflict in a global perspective. Further, I have recently published chapters on music and humanism, music and classicism, and music and architecture. In 2017, I completed my latest monograph on music and commemoration as it relates to the Gallipoli Campaign (1915-1916). I am currently looking at Turkish music in Khedival Egypt during the late-Ottoman Empire.
I have acted as a music consultant for a number of international organizations, being awarded a Senior Fulbright Fellowship in association with the Aga Khan Humanities Project (2002) and a Getty Foundation Grant to participate in its International Summer Institute (2006). I was also awarded an AHRC fellowship (2014) for a project entitled ‘The God Article’. I have hosted a variety of international conferences including the 15th ICTM International Colloquium (2004) and the annual conference of the British Forum for Ethnomusicology (2008). I was reviews editor for the journal Ethnomusicology. I am currently a member of the editorial boards for the SOAS Musicology Series, Ethnomusicology Forum and the Journal of the Ottoman and Turkish Studies Association, amongst others.
I offer a range of lectures and seminars. At an undergraduate level, I teach the following lectures: 'Music in Human Life' (Year 1), 'Music in Cross-Cultural Perspective' (Year 2) and 'Project in Ethnomusicology' (Year 3). At a postgraduate level, I teach the following seminars: 'The Anthropology of Music', 'Methods in Ethnomusicology', 'The World of Music', 'Doing Ethnomusicology', 'The Language of Music' and 'Music and Discourse'. I also offer specialist seminars that concern music in the Middle East and music in the Celtic world. My doctoral students are currently completing research on musical topics in the Celtic world, the Balkans, and Turkey.
- 1996: PhD (Ethnomusicology) UCLA, USA
- 1992: MA (Music) UCLA, USA
- 1986: AGSM (Performance) Guildhall School of Music, UK
- 1985: MA (Geography) Oxford University, UK
- 1982: BA (Geography) Oxford University, UK
Fellowships: Selected
- 2006: Getty Foundation Internship, Koç Üniversitesi, Turkey
- 2002: Fulbright Senior Scholar Award, Brown University, USA
- 2001: Music Consultant, Aga Khan Humanities Project, Tajikistan
- 1992: Turkish Government Fellowship, İstanbul Üniversitesi, Turkey
- 1991: Graduate Distinguished Scholar, UCLA, USA
- 1990: DAAD Fellowship, Freie Universität, Germany
- 1988: Graduate Fellowship, UCLA, USA
- 1987: Research Associate, York University, UK
Academic positions
Permanent Appointments:
- Otago University (Lecturer)
- University of Limerick (Senior Lecturer)
- Cardiff University (Professor)
Visiting Appointments:
- Queen's University (Visiting Lecturer)
- Brown University (Visiting Professor)
- Haverford College (Distinguished Visiting Professor), among others