Dr Ryan Olley
Senior Clinical Lecturer in Restorative Dentistry
I am a Dentist, Specialist in Prosthodontics (Fixed, Removable and Implant), Senior Lecturer and Honorary Consultant in Restorative Dentistry. I completed specialist clinical training in Restorative Dentistry and Prosthodontics with Distinction.
I have been teaching for over 15 years. I also undertake research and have experience of working within industry.
I have received several awards including National and International 1st Prizes, Grants and Publications for Tissue Research and Developmental Biology, Clinical Trials and Public Health. I have lectured internationally.
I undertook extensive Research to improve Oral and Dental Health, including in Craniofacial Science and Tooth Tissue Regeneration, Public Health and Clinical Trials at King's College London. I continue to undertake multiple further collaborative Clinical and Scientific studies. An ongoing project is dental management of an Ageing population.
I completed my clinical PhD within two years in Tooth Wear and Dentine Hypersensitivity. I have particular expertise in Tooth Wear and have continued research and clinical work on Tooth Wear for over 13 years.
I have written over 39 publications and books.
I am also a RC Psychiatry accredited Positive Mental Health and Wellbeing Practitioner.
Dr Ryan Olley PhD (KCL) BDS BSc Hons (Lond) GCAP (KCL) AFHEA MJDF MClinDent Hons (Lond) MPROS RCS (Edin)
- Sen, N. and Olley, R. C. 2024. Retrospective evaluation of factors affecting long-term clinical performance of CAD-CAM laminate veneers. International Journal of Prosthodontics 37(4), pp. 411-416. (10.11607/ijp.8499)
- Rose, C. and Olley, R. C. 2024. Patient preventive advice to mitigate signs and symptoms of tooth wear. Dental Update 51(6), pp. 422-426. (10.12968/denu.2024.51.6.422)
- Olley, R. C., Renton, T. F. and Frost, P. M. 2021. 15-year unique observational study of intraligamentary local anaesthesia for posterior mandibular extractions. British Dental Journal (10.1038/s41415-020-2350-8)
- Olley, R. C., Mohsen, B. M., Alhaij, S. and Appleton, P. L. 2020. Measurement of eroded dentine tubule patency and roughness following novel dab-on or brushing abrasion. Journal of Dentistry 98, article number: 103358. (10.1016/j.jdent.2020.103358)
- Olley, R., Alhaij, S., Mohsen, B. M., Appleton, P. L., Chadwick, R. G. and Ball, G. 2020. Novel Confocal-Laser-Scanning-Microscopy and conventional measures investigating eroded dentine following dentifrice dab-on and brushing abrasion. Heliyon 6(3), article number: e03282. (10.1016/j.heliyon.2020.e03282)
- Olley, R. C., Renton, T. F. and Frost, P. M. 2020. Intraligamentary local anaesthesia for posterior mandibular extractions. Dental Update 47(3), pp. 213-216. (10.12968/denu.2020.47.3.213)
- Ak, G., Gunay, A. Y., Olley, R. C. and Sen, N. 2020. Managing emerging challenges of Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in dentistry. European Oral Research 54(2), pp. 101-107. (10.26650/eor.20200056)
- Olley, R. C. and Frost BEM, P. M. 2019. Clinical and academic recommendations for primary dental care prosthodontics. British Dental Journal 227(6), pp. 451-455. (10.1038/s41415-019-0785-6)
- Frost, P. and Olley, R. 2019. Observational 16-year study of posterior tooth fracture in dental practice. Presented at: International Association for Dental Research 2019 Continental European and Scandinavian Divisions Meeting, Madrid, Spain, 19-21 September 2019.
- Olley, R. C., Andiappan, M. and Frost, P. M. 2018. An up to 50-year follow-up of crown and veneer survival in a dental practice. Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry 119(6), pp. 935-941. (10.1016/j.prosdent.2017.06.009)
- Olley, R. C. and Sehmi, H. 2017. The rise of dentine hypersensitivity and tooth wear in an ageing population. British Dental Journal 223(4), pp. 293-297. (10.1038/sj.bdj.2017.715)
- Olley, R. C., Renton, T. and Frost, P. M. 2017. Observational study investigating tooth extraction and the shortened dental arch approach. Journal of Oral Rehabilitation 44(8), pp. 610-616. (10.1111/joor.12523)
- Mullan, F., Paraskar, S., Bartlett, D. and Olley, R. 2017. Effects of tooth-brushing force with a desensitising dentifrice on dentine tubule patency and surface roughness. Journal of Dentistry 60, pp. 50-55. (10.1016/j.jdent.2017.02.015)
- Sehmi, H. and Olley, R. 2015. The effect of toothbrush abrasion force on dentine hypersensitivity in-vitro. Journal of Dentistry 43(12), pp. 1442-1447. (10.1016/j.jdent.2015.10.014)
- Olley, R. C., Moazzez, R. and Bartlett, D. 2015. Effects of dentifrices on subsurface dentin tubule occlusion: An in situ study. International Journal of Prosthodontics 28(2), pp. 181-187. (10.11607/ijp.4154)
- Olley, R. C., Moazzez, R. and Bartlett, D. 2015. The relationship between incisal/occlusal wear, dentine hypersensitivity and time after the last acid exposure in vivo. Journal of Dentistry 43(2), pp. 248-252. (10.1016/j.jdent.2014.11.002)
- Olley, R. 2015. Corrigendum to: Expression analysis of candidate genes regulating successional tooth formation in the human embryo. [Front. Physiol. 5, (2014), 445]. DOI: 10.3389/fphys.2014.00445. Frontiers in Physiology 6 (10.3389/fphys.2015.00041)
- Olley, R. and Bartlett, D. 2015. Aetiology and clinical features of dentine hypersensitivity. In: Gillam, D. G. ed. Dentine Hypersensitivity: Advances in Diagnosis, Management, and Treatment. Springer, Cham, pp. 49-62., (10.1007/978-3-319-14577-8_4)
- Sehmi, H., Bartlett, D. and Olley, R. 2015. The effect of toothbrush abrasion force on dentine hypersensitivity in-vitro. Presented at: International Association for Dental Research British Division Meeting, Cardiff, Wales, 16 September 2015.
- Olley, R. C., Xavier, G., Seppala, M., Volponi, A., Geoghegan, F., Sharpe, P. and Cobourne, M. 2014. Expression analysis of candidate genes regulating successional tooth formation in the human embryo. Frontiers in Physiology 5, article number: 445. (10.3389/fphys.2014.00445)
- Olley, R. C., Parkinson, C. R., Wilson, R., Moazzez, R. and Bartlett, D. 2014. A novel method to quantify dentine tubule occlusion applied to in situ model samples. Caries Research 48(1), pp. 69-72. (10.1159/000354654)
- Olley, R., Wilson, R., Bartlett, D. and Moazzez, R. 2014. Validation of the basic erosive wear examination. Caries Research 48(1), pp. 51-56. (10.1159/000351872)
- Frost, P. and Olley, R. 2014. Observational 13-year study of posterior tooth fracture in dental practice. Presented at: International Association of Dental Research Pan European Meeting, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 25-28 June 2014.
- Olley, R., Moazzez, R. and Bartlett, D. 2014. Tooth wear, dentine hypersensitivity and time since dietary acid in-vivo. Presented at: International Association of Dental Research Pan European Meeting, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 25-28 June 2014.
- Olley, R., Wilson, R., Moazzez, R. and Bartlett, D. 2013. Validation of a Cumulative Hypersensitivity Index (CHI) for dentine hypersensitivity severity. Journal of Clinical Periodontology 40(10), pp. 942-947. (10.1111/jcpe.12144)
- Frost, P. and Olley, R. 2013. Reasons for the extraction of teeth in one dental practice. Presented at: BSODR 2013 British Division Meeting, Bath, England, 9 Sep 2013. SAGE Publications
- Olley, R. C., Parkinson, C. P., Moazzez, R. and Bartlett, D. 2013. An in-situ study investigating sub-surface dentine tubule occlusion of dentifrices following an acidic challenge (number 75). Presented at: 60th ORCA Congress 2013, Liverpool, England, 3-6 July 2013. , (10.1159/000350670)
- Abualsaoud, D., Sipahi Ogretme, M., Olley, R. C. and Hosey, M. 2013. Children treated under conscious sedation: their parents' views on oral-health promotion. Presented at: 24th Congress of the International Association of Pediatric Dentistry, Seoul, South Korea, 12-15 June 2013. Wiley
- Ray-Chaudhuri, A., Olley, R. C., Austin, R. S. and Gallagher, J. E. 2012. The oral health needs of older people in general medical practice: an overview. Innovait 5(10), pp. 614-619. (10.1093/innovait/inr216)
- Olley, R., Wilson, R., Parkinson, C., Moazzez, R. and Bartlett, D. 2012. New methods for in-situ quantitative measurement of dentine tubule occlusion. Presented at: 2012 IADR Pan European Region Meeting, Helisinki, Finland, 12-15 September 2012. SAGE Publications
- Olley, R. C., Pilecki, P., Hughes, N., Jeffery, P., Austin, R. S., Moazzez, R. and Bartlett, D. 2012. An in situ study investigating dentine tubule occlusion of dentifrices following acid challenge. Journal of Dentistry 40(7), pp. 585-593. (10.1016/j.jdent.2012.03.008)
- Olley, R., Wilson, R., Moazzez, R., Austin, R. and Bartlett, D. 2012. Validation of the basic erosive wear examination for tooth wear. Presented at: 2012 IADR/LAR General Session, Iguaçu Falls, Brazil, 20-23 June 2012. SAGE Publications
- Olley, R. 2012. Measuring erosive enamel loss in vitro after single-application surface treatments. Presented at: 2012 IADR/LAR General Session, Iguaçu Falls, Brazil, 20-23 June 2012. SAGE Publications
- Olley, R., Pilecki, P., Austin, R., Hughes, N. L., Jeffery, P., Moazzez, R. and Bartlett, D. 2011. An in-situ study investigating dentine tubule occlusion. Presented at: IADR 2011 British Division Meeting, Sheffield, England, September 2011. SAGE Publications
- Austin, R., Olley, R., Ray-Chaudhuri, A. and Gallagher, J. 2011. Oral disease prevention for older people.. Primary dental care : journal of the Faculty of General Dental Practitioners (UK) 18(3), pp. 101-106.
- Olley, R. C., Hosey, M. T., Renton, T. and Gallagher, J. 2011. Summary of: Why are children still having preventable extractions under general anaesthetic? A service evaluation of the views of parents of a high caries risk group of children. British Dental Journal 210(8), pp. 360-361., article number: E13. (10.1038/sj.bdj.2011.289)
- Olley, R., Hosey, M., Renton, T. and Gallagher, J. 2011. Why are children still having preventable extractions under general anaesthetic? A service evaluation of the views of parents of a high caries risk group of children. British Dental Journal 210(8), article number: E13. (10.1038/sj.bdj.2011.313)
- Pau, A., Olley, R., Murray, S., Chana, B. and Gallagher, J. 2011. Dental hygienists' self-reported performance of tobacco cessation activities. Oral Health and Preventive Dentistry 9(1), pp. 29-36.
- Olley, R. C. and Gallagher, J. E. 2010. Tobacco usage and control: information and advice for primary dental care practitioners.. Dental Update 37(1) (10.12968/denu.2010.37.1.40)
- Olley, R. 2008. The role of sonic hedgehog signalling in tooth root development. Presented at: American Dental Association Annual Meeting 2008, San Antonio, TX, United States, 16-19 Octover 2008.
- Sen, N. and Olley, R. C. 2024. Retrospective evaluation of factors affecting long-term clinical performance of CAD-CAM laminate veneers. International Journal of Prosthodontics 37(4), pp. 411-416. (10.11607/ijp.8499)
- Rose, C. and Olley, R. C. 2024. Patient preventive advice to mitigate signs and symptoms of tooth wear. Dental Update 51(6), pp. 422-426. (10.12968/denu.2024.51.6.422)
- Olley, R. C., Renton, T. F. and Frost, P. M. 2021. 15-year unique observational study of intraligamentary local anaesthesia for posterior mandibular extractions. British Dental Journal (10.1038/s41415-020-2350-8)
- Olley, R. C., Mohsen, B. M., Alhaij, S. and Appleton, P. L. 2020. Measurement of eroded dentine tubule patency and roughness following novel dab-on or brushing abrasion. Journal of Dentistry 98, article number: 103358. (10.1016/j.jdent.2020.103358)
- Olley, R., Alhaij, S., Mohsen, B. M., Appleton, P. L., Chadwick, R. G. and Ball, G. 2020. Novel Confocal-Laser-Scanning-Microscopy and conventional measures investigating eroded dentine following dentifrice dab-on and brushing abrasion. Heliyon 6(3), article number: e03282. (10.1016/j.heliyon.2020.e03282)
- Olley, R. C., Renton, T. F. and Frost, P. M. 2020. Intraligamentary local anaesthesia for posterior mandibular extractions. Dental Update 47(3), pp. 213-216. (10.12968/denu.2020.47.3.213)
- Ak, G., Gunay, A. Y., Olley, R. C. and Sen, N. 2020. Managing emerging challenges of Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in dentistry. European Oral Research 54(2), pp. 101-107. (10.26650/eor.20200056)
- Olley, R. C. and Frost BEM, P. M. 2019. Clinical and academic recommendations for primary dental care prosthodontics. British Dental Journal 227(6), pp. 451-455. (10.1038/s41415-019-0785-6)
- Olley, R. C., Andiappan, M. and Frost, P. M. 2018. An up to 50-year follow-up of crown and veneer survival in a dental practice. Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry 119(6), pp. 935-941. (10.1016/j.prosdent.2017.06.009)
- Olley, R. C. and Sehmi, H. 2017. The rise of dentine hypersensitivity and tooth wear in an ageing population. British Dental Journal 223(4), pp. 293-297. (10.1038/sj.bdj.2017.715)
- Olley, R. C., Renton, T. and Frost, P. M. 2017. Observational study investigating tooth extraction and the shortened dental arch approach. Journal of Oral Rehabilitation 44(8), pp. 610-616. (10.1111/joor.12523)
- Mullan, F., Paraskar, S., Bartlett, D. and Olley, R. 2017. Effects of tooth-brushing force with a desensitising dentifrice on dentine tubule patency and surface roughness. Journal of Dentistry 60, pp. 50-55. (10.1016/j.jdent.2017.02.015)
- Sehmi, H. and Olley, R. 2015. The effect of toothbrush abrasion force on dentine hypersensitivity in-vitro. Journal of Dentistry 43(12), pp. 1442-1447. (10.1016/j.jdent.2015.10.014)
- Olley, R. C., Moazzez, R. and Bartlett, D. 2015. Effects of dentifrices on subsurface dentin tubule occlusion: An in situ study. International Journal of Prosthodontics 28(2), pp. 181-187. (10.11607/ijp.4154)
- Olley, R. C., Moazzez, R. and Bartlett, D. 2015. The relationship between incisal/occlusal wear, dentine hypersensitivity and time after the last acid exposure in vivo. Journal of Dentistry 43(2), pp. 248-252. (10.1016/j.jdent.2014.11.002)
- Olley, R. 2015. Corrigendum to: Expression analysis of candidate genes regulating successional tooth formation in the human embryo. [Front. Physiol. 5, (2014), 445]. DOI: 10.3389/fphys.2014.00445. Frontiers in Physiology 6 (10.3389/fphys.2015.00041)
- Olley, R. C., Xavier, G., Seppala, M., Volponi, A., Geoghegan, F., Sharpe, P. and Cobourne, M. 2014. Expression analysis of candidate genes regulating successional tooth formation in the human embryo. Frontiers in Physiology 5, article number: 445. (10.3389/fphys.2014.00445)
- Olley, R. C., Parkinson, C. R., Wilson, R., Moazzez, R. and Bartlett, D. 2014. A novel method to quantify dentine tubule occlusion applied to in situ model samples. Caries Research 48(1), pp. 69-72. (10.1159/000354654)
- Olley, R., Wilson, R., Bartlett, D. and Moazzez, R. 2014. Validation of the basic erosive wear examination. Caries Research 48(1), pp. 51-56. (10.1159/000351872)
- Olley, R., Wilson, R., Moazzez, R. and Bartlett, D. 2013. Validation of a Cumulative Hypersensitivity Index (CHI) for dentine hypersensitivity severity. Journal of Clinical Periodontology 40(10), pp. 942-947. (10.1111/jcpe.12144)
- Ray-Chaudhuri, A., Olley, R. C., Austin, R. S. and Gallagher, J. E. 2012. The oral health needs of older people in general medical practice: an overview. Innovait 5(10), pp. 614-619. (10.1093/innovait/inr216)
- Olley, R. C., Pilecki, P., Hughes, N., Jeffery, P., Austin, R. S., Moazzez, R. and Bartlett, D. 2012. An in situ study investigating dentine tubule occlusion of dentifrices following acid challenge. Journal of Dentistry 40(7), pp. 585-593. (10.1016/j.jdent.2012.03.008)
- Austin, R., Olley, R., Ray-Chaudhuri, A. and Gallagher, J. 2011. Oral disease prevention for older people.. Primary dental care : journal of the Faculty of General Dental Practitioners (UK) 18(3), pp. 101-106.
- Olley, R. C., Hosey, M. T., Renton, T. and Gallagher, J. 2011. Summary of: Why are children still having preventable extractions under general anaesthetic? A service evaluation of the views of parents of a high caries risk group of children. British Dental Journal 210(8), pp. 360-361., article number: E13. (10.1038/sj.bdj.2011.289)
- Olley, R., Hosey, M., Renton, T. and Gallagher, J. 2011. Why are children still having preventable extractions under general anaesthetic? A service evaluation of the views of parents of a high caries risk group of children. British Dental Journal 210(8), article number: E13. (10.1038/sj.bdj.2011.313)
- Pau, A., Olley, R., Murray, S., Chana, B. and Gallagher, J. 2011. Dental hygienists' self-reported performance of tobacco cessation activities. Oral Health and Preventive Dentistry 9(1), pp. 29-36.
- Olley, R. C. and Gallagher, J. E. 2010. Tobacco usage and control: information and advice for primary dental care practitioners.. Dental Update 37(1) (10.12968/denu.2010.37.1.40)
Book sections
- Olley, R. and Bartlett, D. 2015. Aetiology and clinical features of dentine hypersensitivity. In: Gillam, D. G. ed. Dentine Hypersensitivity: Advances in Diagnosis, Management, and Treatment. Springer, Cham, pp. 49-62., (10.1007/978-3-319-14577-8_4)
- Frost, P. and Olley, R. 2019. Observational 16-year study of posterior tooth fracture in dental practice. Presented at: International Association for Dental Research 2019 Continental European and Scandinavian Divisions Meeting, Madrid, Spain, 19-21 September 2019.
- Sehmi, H., Bartlett, D. and Olley, R. 2015. The effect of toothbrush abrasion force on dentine hypersensitivity in-vitro. Presented at: International Association for Dental Research British Division Meeting, Cardiff, Wales, 16 September 2015.
- Frost, P. and Olley, R. 2014. Observational 13-year study of posterior tooth fracture in dental practice. Presented at: International Association of Dental Research Pan European Meeting, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 25-28 June 2014.
- Olley, R., Moazzez, R. and Bartlett, D. 2014. Tooth wear, dentine hypersensitivity and time since dietary acid in-vivo. Presented at: International Association of Dental Research Pan European Meeting, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 25-28 June 2014.
- Frost, P. and Olley, R. 2013. Reasons for the extraction of teeth in one dental practice. Presented at: BSODR 2013 British Division Meeting, Bath, England, 9 Sep 2013. SAGE Publications
- Olley, R. C., Parkinson, C. P., Moazzez, R. and Bartlett, D. 2013. An in-situ study investigating sub-surface dentine tubule occlusion of dentifrices following an acidic challenge (number 75). Presented at: 60th ORCA Congress 2013, Liverpool, England, 3-6 July 2013. , (10.1159/000350670)
- Abualsaoud, D., Sipahi Ogretme, M., Olley, R. C. and Hosey, M. 2013. Children treated under conscious sedation: their parents' views on oral-health promotion. Presented at: 24th Congress of the International Association of Pediatric Dentistry, Seoul, South Korea, 12-15 June 2013. Wiley
- Olley, R., Wilson, R., Parkinson, C., Moazzez, R. and Bartlett, D. 2012. New methods for in-situ quantitative measurement of dentine tubule occlusion. Presented at: 2012 IADR Pan European Region Meeting, Helisinki, Finland, 12-15 September 2012. SAGE Publications
- Olley, R., Wilson, R., Moazzez, R., Austin, R. and Bartlett, D. 2012. Validation of the basic erosive wear examination for tooth wear. Presented at: 2012 IADR/LAR General Session, Iguaçu Falls, Brazil, 20-23 June 2012. SAGE Publications
- Olley, R. 2012. Measuring erosive enamel loss in vitro after single-application surface treatments. Presented at: 2012 IADR/LAR General Session, Iguaçu Falls, Brazil, 20-23 June 2012. SAGE Publications
- Olley, R., Pilecki, P., Austin, R., Hughes, N. L., Jeffery, P., Moazzez, R. and Bartlett, D. 2011. An in-situ study investigating dentine tubule occlusion. Presented at: IADR 2011 British Division Meeting, Sheffield, England, September 2011. SAGE Publications
- Olley, R. 2008. The role of sonic hedgehog signalling in tooth root development. Presented at: American Dental Association Annual Meeting 2008, San Antonio, TX, United States, 16-19 Octover 2008.
Honours and awards
- British Dental Association and Dentsply United Kingdom and Ireland Clinician 1st prize
for craniofacial sciences and periodontology
- International Association of Oral & Dental Research Johnson & Johnson Clinical Research 1st prize
for restorative dentistry and tissue research
- Royal Society of Medicine Odontology President's 1st prize
for Patient & Population Health, Paediatric dentistry, Oral Surgery & Restorative Dentistry
- Emslie Award, 1st Prize
for periodontology
- Science 1st prize
for oral biology and biomedical sciences
- Alpha Omega Travel Scholarship
for education
- Jean Shanks Foundation Scholarship
for research