I am a Dentist, Specialist in Prosthodontics (Fixed, Removable and Implant), Senior Clinical Lecturer and Consultant in Restorative Dentistry. I completed specialist clinical training in Restorative Dentistry and Prosthodontics with Distinction.
I completed my clinical PhD within two years in 2012. This investigated Tooth Wear and Dentine Hypersensitivity. I have particular clincial and research expertise in Tooth Wear and Restorative Dentistry have continued research in these areas for over 15 years. I have also produced clinical guidelines.
I have been teaching for over 16 years. I also undertake research and have experience of working within industry.
I have extensive experience in teaching and in clinical practice within Restorative Dentistry.
I have received several awards including National and International 1st Prizes, Grants and Publications for Tissue Research and Developmental Biology, Clinical Trials and Public Health. I have lectured internationally.
I undertook extensive Research to improve Oral and Dental Health, including in Craniofacial Science and Tooth Tissue Regeneration, Public Health, Clinical Trials and Restrative Dentistry at King's College London, University of Dundee and Cardiff University. I continue to undertake multiple further collaborative Clinical and Scientific work in Restorative Dentistry.
I have written over 40 journal publications and books.
I am also a RC Psychiatry accredited Positive Mental Health and Wellbeing Practitioner.
Dr Ryan Olley PhD (KCL) BDS BSc Hons (Lond) GCAP (KCL) AFHEA MJDF MClinDent Hons (Lond) MPROS RCS (Edin)
- Sen, N. and Olley, R. C. 2024. Retrospective evaluation of factors affecting long-term clinical performance of CAD-CAM laminate veneers. International Journal of Prosthodontics 37(4), pp. 411-416. (10.11607/ijp.8499)
- Rose, C. and Olley, R. C. 2024. Patient preventive advice to mitigate signs and symptoms of tooth wear. Dental Update 51(6), pp. 422-426. (10.12968/denu.2024.51.6.422)
- Olley, R. C., Renton, T. F. and Frost, P. M. 2021. 15-year unique observational study of intraligamentary local anaesthesia for posterior mandibular extractions. British Dental Journal (10.1038/s41415-020-2350-8)
- Olley, R. C., Mohsen, B. M., Alhaij, S. and Appleton, P. L. 2020. Measurement of eroded dentine tubule patency and roughness following novel dab-on or brushing abrasion. Journal of Dentistry 98, article number: 103358. (10.1016/j.jdent.2020.103358)
- Olley, R., Alhaij, S., Mohsen, B. M., Appleton, P. L., Chadwick, R. G. and Ball, G. 2020. Novel Confocal-Laser-Scanning-Microscopy and conventional measures investigating eroded dentine following dentifrice dab-on and brushing abrasion. Heliyon 6(3), article number: e03282. (10.1016/j.heliyon.2020.e03282)
- Olley, R. C., Renton, T. F. and Frost, P. M. 2020. Intraligamentary local anaesthesia for posterior mandibular extractions. Dental Update 47(3), pp. 213-216. (10.12968/denu.2020.47.3.213)
- Ak, G., Gunay, A. Y., Olley, R. C. and Sen, N. 2020. Managing emerging challenges of Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in dentistry. European Oral Research 54(2), pp. 101-107. (10.26650/eor.20200056)
- Olley, R. C. and Frost BEM, P. M. 2019. Clinical and academic recommendations for primary dental care prosthodontics. British Dental Journal 227(6), pp. 451-455. (10.1038/s41415-019-0785-6)
- Frost, P. and Olley, R. 2019. Observational 16-year study of posterior tooth fracture in dental practice. Presented at: International Association for Dental Research 2019 Continental European and Scandinavian Divisions Meeting, Madrid, Spain, 19-21 September 2019.
- Olley, R. C., Andiappan, M. and Frost, P. M. 2018. An up to 50-year follow-up of crown and veneer survival in a dental practice. Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry 119(6), pp. 935-941. (10.1016/j.prosdent.2017.06.009)
- Olley, R. C. and Sehmi, H. 2017. The rise of dentine hypersensitivity and tooth wear in an ageing population. British Dental Journal 223(4), pp. 293-297. (10.1038/sj.bdj.2017.715)
- Olley, R. C., Renton, T. and Frost, P. M. 2017. Observational study investigating tooth extraction and the shortened dental arch approach. Journal of Oral Rehabilitation 44(8), pp. 610-616. (10.1111/joor.12523)
- Mullan, F., Paraskar, S., Bartlett, D. and Olley, R. 2017. Effects of tooth-brushing force with a desensitising dentifrice on dentine tubule patency and surface roughness. Journal of Dentistry 60, pp. 50-55. (10.1016/j.jdent.2017.02.015)
- Sehmi, H. and Olley, R. 2015. The effect of toothbrush abrasion force on dentine hypersensitivity in-vitro. Journal of Dentistry 43(12), pp. 1442-1447. (10.1016/j.jdent.2015.10.014)
- Olley, R. C., Moazzez, R. and Bartlett, D. 2015. Effects of dentifrices on subsurface dentin tubule occlusion: An in situ study. International Journal of Prosthodontics 28(2), pp. 181-187. (10.11607/ijp.4154)
- Olley, R. C., Moazzez, R. and Bartlett, D. 2015. The relationship between incisal/occlusal wear, dentine hypersensitivity and time after the last acid exposure in vivo. Journal of Dentistry 43(2), pp. 248-252. (10.1016/j.jdent.2014.11.002)
- Olley, R. 2015. Corrigendum to: Expression analysis of candidate genes regulating successional tooth formation in the human embryo. [Front. Physiol. 5, (2014), 445]. DOI: 10.3389/fphys.2014.00445. Frontiers in Physiology 6 (10.3389/fphys.2015.00041)
- Olley, R. and Bartlett, D. 2015. Aetiology and clinical features of dentine hypersensitivity. In: Gillam, D. G. ed. Dentine Hypersensitivity: Advances in Diagnosis, Management, and Treatment. Springer, Cham, pp. 49-62., (10.1007/978-3-319-14577-8_4)
- Sehmi, H., Bartlett, D. and Olley, R. 2015. The effect of toothbrush abrasion force on dentine hypersensitivity in-vitro. Presented at: International Association for Dental Research British Division Meeting, Cardiff, Wales, 16 September 2015.
- Olley, R. C., Xavier, G., Seppala, M., Volponi, A., Geoghegan, F., Sharpe, P. and Cobourne, M. 2014. Expression analysis of candidate genes regulating successional tooth formation in the human embryo. Frontiers in Physiology 5, article number: 445. (10.3389/fphys.2014.00445)
- Olley, R. C., Parkinson, C. R., Wilson, R., Moazzez, R. and Bartlett, D. 2014. A novel method to quantify dentine tubule occlusion applied to in situ model samples. Caries Research 48(1), pp. 69-72. (10.1159/000354654)
- Olley, R., Wilson, R., Bartlett, D. and Moazzez, R. 2014. Validation of the basic erosive wear examination. Caries Research 48(1), pp. 51-56. (10.1159/000351872)
- Olley, R., Moazzez, R. and Bartlett, D. 2014. Tooth wear, dentine hypersensitivity and time since dietary acid in-vivo. Presented at: International Association of Dental Research Pan European Meeting, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 25-28 June 2014.
- Frost, P. and Olley, R. 2014. Observational 13-year study of posterior tooth fracture in dental practice. Presented at: International Association of Dental Research Pan European Meeting, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 25-28 June 2014.
- Olley, R., Wilson, R., Moazzez, R. and Bartlett, D. 2013. Validation of a Cumulative Hypersensitivity Index (CHI) for dentine hypersensitivity severity. Journal of Clinical Periodontology 40(10), pp. 942-947. (10.1111/jcpe.12144)
- Frost, P. and Olley, R. 2013. Reasons for the extraction of teeth in one dental practice. Presented at: BSODR 2013 British Division Meeting, Bath, England, 9 Sep 2013. SAGE Publications
- Olley, R. C., Parkinson, C. P., Moazzez, R. and Bartlett, D. 2013. An in-situ study investigating sub-surface dentine tubule occlusion of dentifrices following an acidic challenge (number 75). Presented at: 60th ORCA Congress 2013, Liverpool, England, 3-6 July 2013. , (10.1159/000350670)
- Abualsaoud, D., Sipahi Ogretme, M., Olley, R. C. and Hosey, M. 2013. Children treated under conscious sedation: their parents' views on oral-health promotion. Presented at: 24th Congress of the International Association of Pediatric Dentistry, Seoul, South Korea, 12-15 June 2013. Wiley
- Ray-Chaudhuri, A., Olley, R. C., Austin, R. S. and Gallagher, J. E. 2012. The oral health needs of older people in general medical practice: an overview. Innovait 5(10), pp. 614-619. (10.1093/innovait/inr216)
- Olley, R., Wilson, R., Parkinson, C., Moazzez, R. and Bartlett, D. 2012. New methods for in-situ quantitative measurement of dentine tubule occlusion. Presented at: 2012 IADR Pan European Region Meeting, Helisinki, Finland, 12-15 September 2012. SAGE Publications
- Olley, R. C., Pilecki, P., Hughes, N., Jeffery, P., Austin, R. S., Moazzez, R. and Bartlett, D. 2012. An in situ study investigating dentine tubule occlusion of dentifrices following acid challenge. Journal of Dentistry 40(7), pp. 585-593. (10.1016/j.jdent.2012.03.008)
- Olley, R., Wilson, R., Moazzez, R., Austin, R. and Bartlett, D. 2012. Validation of the basic erosive wear examination for tooth wear. Presented at: 2012 IADR/LAR General Session, Iguaçu Falls, Brazil, 20-23 June 2012. SAGE Publications
- Olley, R. 2012. Measuring erosive enamel loss in vitro after single-application surface treatments. Presented at: 2012 IADR/LAR General Session, Iguaçu Falls, Brazil, 20-23 June 2012. SAGE Publications
- Olley, R., Pilecki, P., Austin, R., Hughes, N. L., Jeffery, P., Moazzez, R. and Bartlett, D. 2011. An in-situ study investigating dentine tubule occlusion. Presented at: IADR 2011 British Division Meeting, Sheffield, England, September 2011. SAGE Publications
- Austin, R., Olley, R., Ray-Chaudhuri, A. and Gallagher, J. 2011. Oral disease prevention for older people.. Primary dental care : journal of the Faculty of General Dental Practitioners (UK) 18(3), pp. 101-106.
- Olley, R. C., Hosey, M. T., Renton, T. and Gallagher, J. 2011. Summary of: Why are children still having preventable extractions under general anaesthetic? A service evaluation of the views of parents of a high caries risk group of children. British Dental Journal 210(8), pp. 360-361., article number: E13. (10.1038/sj.bdj.2011.289)
- Olley, R., Hosey, M., Renton, T. and Gallagher, J. 2011. Why are children still having preventable extractions under general anaesthetic? A service evaluation of the views of parents of a high caries risk group of children. British Dental Journal 210(8), article number: E13. (10.1038/sj.bdj.2011.313)
- Pau, A., Olley, R., Murray, S., Chana, B. and Gallagher, J. 2011. Dental hygienists' self-reported performance of tobacco cessation activities. Oral Health and Preventive Dentistry 9(1), pp. 29-36.
- Olley, R. C. and Gallagher, J. E. 2010. Tobacco usage and control: information and advice for primary dental care practitioners.. Dental Update 37(1) (10.12968/denu.2010.37.1.40)
- Olley, R. 2008. The role of sonic hedgehog signalling in tooth root development. Presented at: American Dental Association Annual Meeting 2008, San Antonio, TX, United States, 16-19 Octover 2008.
- Sen, N. and Olley, R. C. 2024. Retrospective evaluation of factors affecting long-term clinical performance of CAD-CAM laminate veneers. International Journal of Prosthodontics 37(4), pp. 411-416. (10.11607/ijp.8499)
- Rose, C. and Olley, R. C. 2024. Patient preventive advice to mitigate signs and symptoms of tooth wear. Dental Update 51(6), pp. 422-426. (10.12968/denu.2024.51.6.422)
- Olley, R. C., Renton, T. F. and Frost, P. M. 2021. 15-year unique observational study of intraligamentary local anaesthesia for posterior mandibular extractions. British Dental Journal (10.1038/s41415-020-2350-8)
- Olley, R. C., Mohsen, B. M., Alhaij, S. and Appleton, P. L. 2020. Measurement of eroded dentine tubule patency and roughness following novel dab-on or brushing abrasion. Journal of Dentistry 98, article number: 103358. (10.1016/j.jdent.2020.103358)
- Olley, R., Alhaij, S., Mohsen, B. M., Appleton, P. L., Chadwick, R. G. and Ball, G. 2020. Novel Confocal-Laser-Scanning-Microscopy and conventional measures investigating eroded dentine following dentifrice dab-on and brushing abrasion. Heliyon 6(3), article number: e03282. (10.1016/j.heliyon.2020.e03282)
- Olley, R. C., Renton, T. F. and Frost, P. M. 2020. Intraligamentary local anaesthesia for posterior mandibular extractions. Dental Update 47(3), pp. 213-216. (10.12968/denu.2020.47.3.213)
- Ak, G., Gunay, A. Y., Olley, R. C. and Sen, N. 2020. Managing emerging challenges of Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in dentistry. European Oral Research 54(2), pp. 101-107. (10.26650/eor.20200056)
- Olley, R. C. and Frost BEM, P. M. 2019. Clinical and academic recommendations for primary dental care prosthodontics. British Dental Journal 227(6), pp. 451-455. (10.1038/s41415-019-0785-6)
- Olley, R. C., Andiappan, M. and Frost, P. M. 2018. An up to 50-year follow-up of crown and veneer survival in a dental practice. Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry 119(6), pp. 935-941. (10.1016/j.prosdent.2017.06.009)
- Olley, R. C. and Sehmi, H. 2017. The rise of dentine hypersensitivity and tooth wear in an ageing population. British Dental Journal 223(4), pp. 293-297. (10.1038/sj.bdj.2017.715)
- Olley, R. C., Renton, T. and Frost, P. M. 2017. Observational study investigating tooth extraction and the shortened dental arch approach. Journal of Oral Rehabilitation 44(8), pp. 610-616. (10.1111/joor.12523)
- Mullan, F., Paraskar, S., Bartlett, D. and Olley, R. 2017. Effects of tooth-brushing force with a desensitising dentifrice on dentine tubule patency and surface roughness. Journal of Dentistry 60, pp. 50-55. (10.1016/j.jdent.2017.02.015)
- Sehmi, H. and Olley, R. 2015. The effect of toothbrush abrasion force on dentine hypersensitivity in-vitro. Journal of Dentistry 43(12), pp. 1442-1447. (10.1016/j.jdent.2015.10.014)
- Olley, R. C., Moazzez, R. and Bartlett, D. 2015. Effects of dentifrices on subsurface dentin tubule occlusion: An in situ study. International Journal of Prosthodontics 28(2), pp. 181-187. (10.11607/ijp.4154)
- Olley, R. C., Moazzez, R. and Bartlett, D. 2015. The relationship between incisal/occlusal wear, dentine hypersensitivity and time after the last acid exposure in vivo. Journal of Dentistry 43(2), pp. 248-252. (10.1016/j.jdent.2014.11.002)
- Olley, R. 2015. Corrigendum to: Expression analysis of candidate genes regulating successional tooth formation in the human embryo. [Front. Physiol. 5, (2014), 445]. DOI: 10.3389/fphys.2014.00445. Frontiers in Physiology 6 (10.3389/fphys.2015.00041)
- Olley, R. C., Xavier, G., Seppala, M., Volponi, A., Geoghegan, F., Sharpe, P. and Cobourne, M. 2014. Expression analysis of candidate genes regulating successional tooth formation in the human embryo. Frontiers in Physiology 5, article number: 445. (10.3389/fphys.2014.00445)
- Olley, R. C., Parkinson, C. R., Wilson, R., Moazzez, R. and Bartlett, D. 2014. A novel method to quantify dentine tubule occlusion applied to in situ model samples. Caries Research 48(1), pp. 69-72. (10.1159/000354654)
- Olley, R., Wilson, R., Bartlett, D. and Moazzez, R. 2014. Validation of the basic erosive wear examination. Caries Research 48(1), pp. 51-56. (10.1159/000351872)
- Olley, R., Wilson, R., Moazzez, R. and Bartlett, D. 2013. Validation of a Cumulative Hypersensitivity Index (CHI) for dentine hypersensitivity severity. Journal of Clinical Periodontology 40(10), pp. 942-947. (10.1111/jcpe.12144)
- Ray-Chaudhuri, A., Olley, R. C., Austin, R. S. and Gallagher, J. E. 2012. The oral health needs of older people in general medical practice: an overview. Innovait 5(10), pp. 614-619. (10.1093/innovait/inr216)
- Olley, R. C., Pilecki, P., Hughes, N., Jeffery, P., Austin, R. S., Moazzez, R. and Bartlett, D. 2012. An in situ study investigating dentine tubule occlusion of dentifrices following acid challenge. Journal of Dentistry 40(7), pp. 585-593. (10.1016/j.jdent.2012.03.008)
- Austin, R., Olley, R., Ray-Chaudhuri, A. and Gallagher, J. 2011. Oral disease prevention for older people.. Primary dental care : journal of the Faculty of General Dental Practitioners (UK) 18(3), pp. 101-106.
- Olley, R. C., Hosey, M. T., Renton, T. and Gallagher, J. 2011. Summary of: Why are children still having preventable extractions under general anaesthetic? A service evaluation of the views of parents of a high caries risk group of children. British Dental Journal 210(8), pp. 360-361., article number: E13. (10.1038/sj.bdj.2011.289)
- Olley, R., Hosey, M., Renton, T. and Gallagher, J. 2011. Why are children still having preventable extractions under general anaesthetic? A service evaluation of the views of parents of a high caries risk group of children. British Dental Journal 210(8), article number: E13. (10.1038/sj.bdj.2011.313)
- Pau, A., Olley, R., Murray, S., Chana, B. and Gallagher, J. 2011. Dental hygienists' self-reported performance of tobacco cessation activities. Oral Health and Preventive Dentistry 9(1), pp. 29-36.
- Olley, R. C. and Gallagher, J. E. 2010. Tobacco usage and control: information and advice for primary dental care practitioners.. Dental Update 37(1) (10.12968/denu.2010.37.1.40)
Book sections
- Olley, R. and Bartlett, D. 2015. Aetiology and clinical features of dentine hypersensitivity. In: Gillam, D. G. ed. Dentine Hypersensitivity: Advances in Diagnosis, Management, and Treatment. Springer, Cham, pp. 49-62., (10.1007/978-3-319-14577-8_4)
- Frost, P. and Olley, R. 2019. Observational 16-year study of posterior tooth fracture in dental practice. Presented at: International Association for Dental Research 2019 Continental European and Scandinavian Divisions Meeting, Madrid, Spain, 19-21 September 2019.
- Sehmi, H., Bartlett, D. and Olley, R. 2015. The effect of toothbrush abrasion force on dentine hypersensitivity in-vitro. Presented at: International Association for Dental Research British Division Meeting, Cardiff, Wales, 16 September 2015.
- Olley, R., Moazzez, R. and Bartlett, D. 2014. Tooth wear, dentine hypersensitivity and time since dietary acid in-vivo. Presented at: International Association of Dental Research Pan European Meeting, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 25-28 June 2014.
- Frost, P. and Olley, R. 2014. Observational 13-year study of posterior tooth fracture in dental practice. Presented at: International Association of Dental Research Pan European Meeting, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 25-28 June 2014.
- Frost, P. and Olley, R. 2013. Reasons for the extraction of teeth in one dental practice. Presented at: BSODR 2013 British Division Meeting, Bath, England, 9 Sep 2013. SAGE Publications
- Olley, R. C., Parkinson, C. P., Moazzez, R. and Bartlett, D. 2013. An in-situ study investigating sub-surface dentine tubule occlusion of dentifrices following an acidic challenge (number 75). Presented at: 60th ORCA Congress 2013, Liverpool, England, 3-6 July 2013. , (10.1159/000350670)
- Abualsaoud, D., Sipahi Ogretme, M., Olley, R. C. and Hosey, M. 2013. Children treated under conscious sedation: their parents' views on oral-health promotion. Presented at: 24th Congress of the International Association of Pediatric Dentistry, Seoul, South Korea, 12-15 June 2013. Wiley
- Olley, R., Wilson, R., Parkinson, C., Moazzez, R. and Bartlett, D. 2012. New methods for in-situ quantitative measurement of dentine tubule occlusion. Presented at: 2012 IADR Pan European Region Meeting, Helisinki, Finland, 12-15 September 2012. SAGE Publications
- Olley, R., Wilson, R., Moazzez, R., Austin, R. and Bartlett, D. 2012. Validation of the basic erosive wear examination for tooth wear. Presented at: 2012 IADR/LAR General Session, Iguaçu Falls, Brazil, 20-23 June 2012. SAGE Publications
- Olley, R. 2012. Measuring erosive enamel loss in vitro after single-application surface treatments. Presented at: 2012 IADR/LAR General Session, Iguaçu Falls, Brazil, 20-23 June 2012. SAGE Publications
- Olley, R., Pilecki, P., Austin, R., Hughes, N. L., Jeffery, P., Moazzez, R. and Bartlett, D. 2011. An in-situ study investigating dentine tubule occlusion. Presented at: IADR 2011 British Division Meeting, Sheffield, England, September 2011. SAGE Publications
- Olley, R. 2008. The role of sonic hedgehog signalling in tooth root development. Presented at: American Dental Association Annual Meeting 2008, San Antonio, TX, United States, 16-19 Octover 2008.
Honours and awards
- British Dental Association and Dentsply United Kingdom and Ireland Clinician 1st prize
for craniofacial sciences and periodontology
- International Association of Oral & Dental Research Johnson & Johnson Clinical Research 1st prize
for restorative dentistry and tissue research
- Royal Society of Medicine Odontology President's 1st prize
for Patient & Population Health, Paediatric dentistry, Oral Surgery & Restorative Dentistry
- Emslie Award, 1st Prize
for periodontology
- Science 1st prize
for oral biology and biomedical sciences
- Alpha Omega Travel Scholarship
for education
- Jean Shanks Foundation Scholarship
for research