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I am part of the Philosophy team and I specialise in phenomenological and 4E approaches to online sociality, embodiment, intersubjectivity, affectivity, and psychopathology. 

My personal website, with more information about my research, is 









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My main interests are in phenomenological and 4E approachs to sociality, technology, and psychopathology. Currently, I am exploring the various ways we encounter others online, social inclusion and exclusion in the online world, feelings of belonging and community, and political emotions. I am also researching loneliness, depression, and eating disorders.

While I have written on a wide range of topics - including online sociality, empathy, shared emotions, depression, anorexia nervosa, social doubt - what ties my research together is an overarching interest in how we experience and connect with other people. 

Research interests:

  • phenomenology
  • 4E approaches to cognition and affectivity
  • sociality online
  • phemomenological psychopathology
  • philosophy of emotions


This year I am teaching the MA course 'Other People'. 


I did my MA in Phenomenology and Philosophy of Mind at the University of Copenhagen, writing my MA thesis on 'Depression and the Erosion of We-Experiences'. I was awarded my PhD in philosophy by the University of Exeter in 2021 for my thesis on 'Interpersonal atmospheres: an empathetic account' with Giovanna Colombetti as my primary supervisor. 

Before taking up my position as a Lecturer in philosophy at Cardiff University in September 2022, I was a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Center for Subjectivity Research at the University of Copenhagen on the FWF-funded project ‘Antagonistic Political Emotions’. 

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