I am a Reader in Social Sciences - Education. I joined the School of Social Sciences at Cardiff in October 2022.
My research sits largely within Political Sociology applied to international higher education and focuses on three interrelated areas: a) Internationalisation in higher education, academic mobility and migration; b) International research collaboration, global (in)equity, and public policies; c) Universities and knowledge exchange with their international and local communities and networks.
- Papatsiba, V. and Koller, V. 2025. Brexit metaphors in UK higher education: Loss, agency and interconnectedness. Higher Education (10.1007/s10734-024-01388-7)
- Bennett, B., Papatsiba, V. and Stephens, S. 2024. Presidential leadership in higher education: balancing collaboration and competition in a time of systemic change. Higher Education Quarterly 78(4), article number: e12527. (10.1111/hequ.12527)
- Highman, L., Marginson, S. and Papatsiba, V. 2023. Strategic European partnerships for UK universities post-Brexit: navigating a globally contested field of world-class universities. Tertiary Education and Management 29(3), pp. 295-314. (10.1007/s11233-023-09123-0)
- Highman, L., Marginson, S. and Papatsiba, V. 2023. Higher education and research: Multiple negative effects and new no opportunities after Brexit. Contemporary Social Science 18(2), pp. 216-234. (10.1080/21582041.2023.2192044)
- Papatsiba, V. and Cohen, E. 2020. Knowledge with Impact in Higher Education Research. In: Huisman, J. and Tight, M. eds. Theory and Method in Higher Education Research., Vol. 6. Theory and Method in Higher Education Research Leeds: Emerald Publishing Limited, pp. 203-224., (10.1108/s2056-375220200000006013)
- Marginson, S., Papatsiba, V. and Xu, X. 2020. Feeling the Brexit shock. In: Callender, C., Locke, W. and Marginson, S. eds. Changing Higher Education for a Changing World. Bloomsbury Higher Education Research London: Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, pp. 67-83., (10.5040/9781350108448.0012)
- Papatsiba, V. 2020. European Union, Higher Education in. In: David, M. E. and Amey, M. J. eds. The SAGE Encyclopedia of Higher Education., Vol. 4. London: SAGE Publications, Inc., pp. 497-500., (10.4135/9781529714395)
- Papatsiba, V. and Cohen, E. 2019. Institutional hierarchies and research impact: new academic currencies, capital and position-taking in UK higher education. British Journal of Sociology of Education 41(2), pp. 178-196. (10.1080/01425692.2019.1676700)
- Lebeau, Y. and Papatsiba, V. 2016. Conceptions and expectations of research collaboration in the European social sciences: research policies, institutional contexts and the autonomy of the scientific field. European Educational Research Journal 15(4), pp. 377-394. (10.1177/1474904116642777)
- Brennan, J., Papatsiba, V., Sousa, S. B. and Hoffman, D. M. 2016. Diversity of Higher Education Institutions in Networked Knowledge Societies: A Comparative Examination. In: Hoffman, D. M. and Välimaa, J. eds. Re-becoming universities? Higher Education Institutions in Networked Knowledge Societies., Vol. 15. The Changing Academy – The Changing Academic Profession in International Comparative Perspective Dordrecht: Springer, pp. 115-139., (10.1007/978-94-017-7369-0_5)
- Välimaa, J., Papatsiba, V. and Hoffman, D. M. 2016. Higher Education in Networked Knowledge Societies. In: Hoffman, D. M. and Välimaa, J. eds. Re-becoming universities? Higher Education Institutions in Networked Knowledge Societies., Vol. 15. The Changing Academy – The Changing Academic Profession in International Comparative Perspective Dordrecht: Springer, pp. 13-39., (10.1007/978-94-017-7369-0_2)
- Lomer, S., Papatsiba, V. and Naidoo, R. 2016. Constructing a national higher education brand for the UK: positional competition and promised capitals. Studies in Higher Education 43(1), pp. 134-153. (10.1080/03075079.2016.1157859)
- Papatsiba, V. 2014. Policy goals of european integration and competitiveness in academic collaborations: an examination of joint master's and erasmus mundus programmes. Higher Education Policy 27(1), pp. 43-64. (10.1057/hep.2013.13)
- Papatsiba, V. 2013. The idea of collaboration in the academy: its epistemic and social potentials and risks for knowledge generation. Policy Futures in Education 11(4), pp. 436-448. (10.2304/pfie.2013.11.4.436)
- Papatsiba, V. 2009. European higher education policy and the formation of entrepreneurial students as future European citizens. European Educational Research Journal 8(2), pp. 189-203. (10.2304/eerj.2009.8.2.189)
- Biesta, G. et al. 2009. What is the public role of the university? A proposal for a public research agenda. European Educational Research Journal 8(2), pp. 249-254. (10.2304/eerj.2009.8.2.249)
- Papatsiba, V. 2006. Making higher education more European through student mobility? Revisiting EU initiatives in the context of the Bologna Process. Comparative Education 42(1), pp. 93-111. (10.1080/03050060500515785)
- Papatsiba, V. 2006. Chapter 6. Study Abroad and Experiences of Cultural Distance and Proximity: French Erasmus Students. In: Byram, M. and Feng, A. eds. Living and Studying Abroad: Research and Practice. Languages for Intercultural Communication and Education Clevedon: Multilingual Matters, pp. 108-133., (10.21832/9781853599125-008)
- Papatsiba, V. 2005. Student Mobility in Europe: An Academic, Cultural and Mental Journey? Some Conceptual Reflections and Empirical Findings. In: Tight, M. ed. International Relations., Vol. 3. International Perspectives on Higher Education Research Leeds: Emerald Group Publishing Limited, pp. 29-65., (10.1016/S1479-3628(05)03003-0)
- Papatsiba, V. 2005. Student mobility in Europe: an academic, cultural and mental journey? some conceptual reflections and empirical findings. In: Tight, M. ed. International Relations., Vol. 3. Emerald Group Publishing Limited, pp. 29-65., (10.1016/S1479-3628(05)03003-0)
- Papatsiba, V. 2005. Political and individual rationales of student mobility: A case-study of Erasmus and a French regional scheme for studies abroad. European Journal of Education 40(2), pp. 173-188. (10.1111/j.1465-3435.2004.00218.x)
- Papatsiba, V. Gohard-Radenkovic, A. ed. 2003. Des étudiants européens "Erasmus" et l'aventure de l'altérité. Transversales. Bern: Peter Lang Group Ag.
- Papatsiba, V. 2002. Écrire pour une commande administrative : le destinataire, son rôle et son influence sur l’écriture d’une expérience étudiante. Spirale - Revue de recherches en éducation 29(1), pp. 221-245. (10.3406/spira.2002.1446)
- Papatsiba, V. and Koller, V. 2025. Brexit metaphors in UK higher education: Loss, agency and interconnectedness. Higher Education (10.1007/s10734-024-01388-7)
- Bennett, B., Papatsiba, V. and Stephens, S. 2024. Presidential leadership in higher education: balancing collaboration and competition in a time of systemic change. Higher Education Quarterly 78(4), article number: e12527. (10.1111/hequ.12527)
- Highman, L., Marginson, S. and Papatsiba, V. 2023. Strategic European partnerships for UK universities post-Brexit: navigating a globally contested field of world-class universities. Tertiary Education and Management 29(3), pp. 295-314. (10.1007/s11233-023-09123-0)
- Highman, L., Marginson, S. and Papatsiba, V. 2023. Higher education and research: Multiple negative effects and new no opportunities after Brexit. Contemporary Social Science 18(2), pp. 216-234. (10.1080/21582041.2023.2192044)
- Papatsiba, V. and Cohen, E. 2019. Institutional hierarchies and research impact: new academic currencies, capital and position-taking in UK higher education. British Journal of Sociology of Education 41(2), pp. 178-196. (10.1080/01425692.2019.1676700)
- Lebeau, Y. and Papatsiba, V. 2016. Conceptions and expectations of research collaboration in the European social sciences: research policies, institutional contexts and the autonomy of the scientific field. European Educational Research Journal 15(4), pp. 377-394. (10.1177/1474904116642777)
- Lomer, S., Papatsiba, V. and Naidoo, R. 2016. Constructing a national higher education brand for the UK: positional competition and promised capitals. Studies in Higher Education 43(1), pp. 134-153. (10.1080/03075079.2016.1157859)
- Papatsiba, V. 2014. Policy goals of european integration and competitiveness in academic collaborations: an examination of joint master's and erasmus mundus programmes. Higher Education Policy 27(1), pp. 43-64. (10.1057/hep.2013.13)
- Papatsiba, V. 2013. The idea of collaboration in the academy: its epistemic and social potentials and risks for knowledge generation. Policy Futures in Education 11(4), pp. 436-448. (10.2304/pfie.2013.11.4.436)
- Papatsiba, V. 2009. European higher education policy and the formation of entrepreneurial students as future European citizens. European Educational Research Journal 8(2), pp. 189-203. (10.2304/eerj.2009.8.2.189)
- Biesta, G. et al. 2009. What is the public role of the university? A proposal for a public research agenda. European Educational Research Journal 8(2), pp. 249-254. (10.2304/eerj.2009.8.2.249)
- Papatsiba, V. 2006. Making higher education more European through student mobility? Revisiting EU initiatives in the context of the Bologna Process. Comparative Education 42(1), pp. 93-111. (10.1080/03050060500515785)
- Papatsiba, V. 2005. Political and individual rationales of student mobility: A case-study of Erasmus and a French regional scheme for studies abroad. European Journal of Education 40(2), pp. 173-188. (10.1111/j.1465-3435.2004.00218.x)
- Papatsiba, V. 2002. Écrire pour une commande administrative : le destinataire, son rôle et son influence sur l’écriture d’une expérience étudiante. Spirale - Revue de recherches en éducation 29(1), pp. 221-245. (10.3406/spira.2002.1446)
Book sections
- Papatsiba, V. and Cohen, E. 2020. Knowledge with Impact in Higher Education Research. In: Huisman, J. and Tight, M. eds. Theory and Method in Higher Education Research., Vol. 6. Theory and Method in Higher Education Research Leeds: Emerald Publishing Limited, pp. 203-224., (10.1108/s2056-375220200000006013)
- Marginson, S., Papatsiba, V. and Xu, X. 2020. Feeling the Brexit shock. In: Callender, C., Locke, W. and Marginson, S. eds. Changing Higher Education for a Changing World. Bloomsbury Higher Education Research London: Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, pp. 67-83., (10.5040/9781350108448.0012)
- Papatsiba, V. 2020. European Union, Higher Education in. In: David, M. E. and Amey, M. J. eds. The SAGE Encyclopedia of Higher Education., Vol. 4. London: SAGE Publications, Inc., pp. 497-500., (10.4135/9781529714395)
- Brennan, J., Papatsiba, V., Sousa, S. B. and Hoffman, D. M. 2016. Diversity of Higher Education Institutions in Networked Knowledge Societies: A Comparative Examination. In: Hoffman, D. M. and Välimaa, J. eds. Re-becoming universities? Higher Education Institutions in Networked Knowledge Societies., Vol. 15. The Changing Academy – The Changing Academic Profession in International Comparative Perspective Dordrecht: Springer, pp. 115-139., (10.1007/978-94-017-7369-0_5)
- Välimaa, J., Papatsiba, V. and Hoffman, D. M. 2016. Higher Education in Networked Knowledge Societies. In: Hoffman, D. M. and Välimaa, J. eds. Re-becoming universities? Higher Education Institutions in Networked Knowledge Societies., Vol. 15. The Changing Academy – The Changing Academic Profession in International Comparative Perspective Dordrecht: Springer, pp. 13-39., (10.1007/978-94-017-7369-0_2)
- Papatsiba, V. 2006. Chapter 6. Study Abroad and Experiences of Cultural Distance and Proximity: French Erasmus Students. In: Byram, M. and Feng, A. eds. Living and Studying Abroad: Research and Practice. Languages for Intercultural Communication and Education Clevedon: Multilingual Matters, pp. 108-133., (10.21832/9781853599125-008)
- Papatsiba, V. 2005. Student Mobility in Europe: An Academic, Cultural and Mental Journey? Some Conceptual Reflections and Empirical Findings. In: Tight, M. ed. International Relations., Vol. 3. International Perspectives on Higher Education Research Leeds: Emerald Group Publishing Limited, pp. 29-65., (10.1016/S1479-3628(05)03003-0)
- Papatsiba, V. 2005. Student mobility in Europe: an academic, cultural and mental journey? some conceptual reflections and empirical findings. In: Tight, M. ed. International Relations., Vol. 3. Emerald Group Publishing Limited, pp. 29-65., (10.1016/S1479-3628(05)03003-0)
- Papatsiba, V. Gohard-Radenkovic, A. ed. 2003. Des étudiants européens "Erasmus" et l'aventure de l'altérité. Transversales. Bern: Peter Lang Group Ag.
I have earned competitive research funding from European bodies and UK Research Councils. I was the PI of the EU-funded project titled ‘European Universities in Knowledge Societies: Collaboration and Networks in research and teaching’ (EuKnow, 2009-2013) and held a Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowship (EIF) at the University of Oxford on the topic of European Universities and Rationales of Tradition and Change- (EURoTaC, 2006-2008). I participated in the European Science Foundation-funded project ‘Change in Networks, Higher Education and Knowledge Societies (CINHEKS)’ and was a Co-Investigator in the ESRC-funded research ‘Brexit, migration and higher education’ (June 2017- June 2019).
I have significant leadership experience. I served on the Steering Group of the Global Challenges in Higher Education and Research (GHEAR) of the World Universities Network (WUN) (2018-2022) and led the OECD’s Country Review on Knowledge Exchange in Lithuanian Universities and Research Institutes (2021). I was on the Research Management Committee of the ESRC-funded Centre for Global Higher Education (CGHE) (2018-2020). While at the University of Sheffield, I provided strategic direction to the Knowledge Systems and Practices Research Cluster, and earlier, to the Centre for the Study of Higher Education (2017 to 2020).
I hold a PhD in Social Sciences (Higher Education studies) from the University of Paris X, France. Prior to moving to the UK, I held University lectureships in France and also served for five years as a National Expert for the French Unit of Eurydice at the Department of International Relations and Cooperation of the French Ministry of Education in Paris.
I have extensive experience in the leadership of Postgraduate Research Degrees. In 2010, I set up the ‘Education Pathway’ of the White Rose Doctoral Training Centre (Leeds, Sheffield and York). I co-directed the Research Degrees (2014-2017) in the School of Education at Sheffield with oversight for around 340 students. I have directed two professional doctoral programmes focusing on higher education and an ESRC-accredited Master’s course.
I am an experienced doctoral supervisor with a track record of helping students obtain competitive doctoral scholarships and, since 2011, have worked with twenty-nine doctoral students to successful completion.
I have supervised the following doctoral students to completion (sole supervisor unless co-supervision is indicated).
- Allsopp, Nick - The search for good practice in learning and teaching in one specific higher education institution in England.
- Birds, Rachel - Changing Communities and Challenging Identities: An ethnography of a university spinout company.
- LePlay, Deborah - Rethinking ‘the rules of the game’: first year undergraduate transitional experiences viewed through a Bourdieuian lens.
- Al-Abri, Ahmed - Risk management for Ministry of Health educational institutions in Oman.
- Conway, Ann - The effects of change on culture and identities: A case study of a higher educational institution undergoing transition.
- Hanrahan, Martin- Considering Citizenship Education. A Conceptual Approach to Planning for Citizenship Education Within a Higher Level Educational Environment.
- McCormick, Irene- Navigating Learning Outcomes: tensions and potentials in Media Higher Education.
- Fitzsimons, Mary Claire - Irish Nursing Students’ Experiences And Understanding Of Reflective Practice: A Narrative Inquiry.
- Lomer, Sylvie - International students in UK policy from 1999 to 2013: rationales for recruitment and representations of students.
- Temple Clothier, Anne - An exploration of professional learning, and revised ‘internal careers’ experienced by higher education teaching practitioners undertaking the journey to the Doctorate in Education.
- Murphy, Finbarr - Striving for innovation – A Triple Helix exploration of how one Irish College is pursuing this goal.
- Baker, Zoe - Perceptions, choice and decision-making processes of socio-economically underrepresented students in the changing English higher education landscape
- Mitchell, Diana - The experiences of professional staff working in Irish third level institutions while studying for their professional doctorate in education.
- Soubes, Sandrine - Conceptualisation of researcher development: exploring the habitus of postdoctoral researchers and principal investigators in the Sciences.
- Lewis, Dina - Conceptualisations of higher education internationalisation in China and England.
- Al Abri, Salim - Transnational Education in Oman: A Case Study of Private Higher education providers.
- Ó hAnnracháin, Ciarán - A Policy Trajectory Analysis of the National Strategy for Higher Education to 2030 in Ireland - An Institutes of Technology Perspective (with Prof Gareth Parry).
- Mulvey, Markita - Further Education and Training in Ireland: Eight Decades to a Unified Sector (with Prof Gareth Parry)
- Richards-Kennedy, Stacy - Researchers contributing to societal impact in Caribbean SIDS: A case study of the RDI Fund.
- Cremen, Patricia - Personal Development in the Higher Education and Training of Social Care Workers in Ireland (with Prof Gareth Parry)
- Best, Karen - Gauging Stakeholders Perceptions on Policy Shifts in the Financing of Tertiary Education at the University of the West Indies -Cave Hill Campus, Barbados.
- Cohen, Eliel - Academic 'Boundaries' in the Context of the UK Impact Agenda: A Study of 'Power' and 'Control' in Academic STEMM Research.
- Gayl Wall - Governance of Scottish Higher Education: an Analysis of Institutional Governance Reform (2011-2017).
- William Bennett - Leadership in Higher Education – A Study of Leadership among Presidents in Ireland’s Technological Higher Education Sector. (with Prof Gareth Parry).
- Caroline Chaffer - Understanding the role of pedagogy in the re-reproduction of social inequalities within Higher Education: a Bernsteinian analysis.
- Colin Lawlor - A Bourdieusian Analysis of Professional Military Education for Irish Army Officers.
- Matthew Willets - A Hermeneutical Investigation of the Impact of University Performative Culture on Student-Nominated Teaching Award Winners (co-direction with Prof Paul Latreille – School of Management).
- Fatma Altintug - Multimodal Literacy Experiences of Kurdish Migrant Children in Northern Cyprus (co-direction with Dr Nadena Doherty).
- Suhaili Jalil - Academics’ Engagement in the Internationalisation of Higher Education at Public Universities in Malaysia.