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Michelle Park  PhD (Cardiff)

Dr Michelle Park

PhD (Cardiff)



I am a teacher at the School of Journalism, Media and Culture (JOMEC) here at Cardiff University. 

My research and teaching interests include journalism, investigative journalism, data journalism, digital media, AI journalism and research methods. With a background as a former journalist, I teach not only theories in journalism and media studies but also journalistic practices - writing news stories, data collection, analysis and visualisation through programmes like Excel and Tableau. 

I was recently awarded my PhD degree from Cardiff University. In my doctoral research, I explored the development, mission, challenge and practice of nonprofit investigative journalism organisations. I conducted ethnographic field research at two newsrooms in the United Kingdom and South Korea. My PhD thesis was shortlisted for the 2023 Media, Communication and Cultural Studies Association (MeCCSA) Outstanding Achievement Award in the Doctoral Research of the Year category.

I am both a co-editor of the book about investigative journalism and a co-author of chapters within the book, "Hybrid Investigative Journalism". I am currently writing academic journals and contributing scholarly chapters for various books. 




Book sections




Lecturer / Module Co-ordinator

  • Media and Democracy (BA)

Guest Lecturer

  • Data Journalism in Theory and Practice (BA)

 Teaching Assistant

  • Data Journalism in Theory and Practice (BA)
  • The Making and Shaping of News (BA)
  • History of Mass Communication and Culture (BA)
  • Media, Power and Society (BA)
  • War, Politics and Propaganda II (BA)
  • Putting Research into Practice I (MA)

I became a Fellow in the Higher Education Academy (FHEA) in 2024. 



  • PhD in Journalism Studies, Cardiff University, UK
  • MA in Journalism, Media and Communications, Cardiff University, UK

Honours and awards

  • 2023 My PhD thesis was shortlisted for the Media, Communication and Cultural Studies Association (MeCCSA) Outstanding Achievement Award in the Doctoral Research of the Year category. 
  • 2013 School of Journalism, Media & Cultural Studies Postgraduate Scholarship, Cardiff University, UK


Contact Details


Campuses Two Central Square, Central Square, Cardiff, CF10 1FS