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Fabio Parmeggiani

Dr Fabio Parmeggiani


Lecturer, EPSRC early career fellow

School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences

Available for postgraduate supervision


My group works at the intersection between experimental and computational biology to develop novel diagnostic and therapeutic proteins, and new methods for protein engineering and selection. We combine state of the art computational tools for protein design, both physics-based and machine learning, with protein expression and characterization.


Research areas

Modular protein design: making proteins by adding and swapping validated building blocks

Carbohydrate binding: designing novel proteins to recognize sugars, oligosaccharides and glycans

Rigid and dynamic protein structures: design for controlled movement

Antimicrobial resistance: designing proteins to overcome biofilm resistance to treatments


Open positions

We are always looking for undergraduates, postgraduates and postdoc interested in protein design, both from experimental and computational/mathematical backgrounds.

Currently available:

1 PhD student position on protein design for carbohydrate recognition and antimicrobial applications, available via GW4 MRC DTP starting in September 2025, in collaboration with Dr Angela Nobbs (University of Bristol). Application deadline: Monday 4th November 2024. Info and application here.


















We are an interdisciplinary group that brings together computational design and experimental characterization of proteins. We employ state of the art software (e.g. AlphaFold, Rosetta, RFdiffusion) and develop new tools (Elfin, CLIMBS) to solve challenging problems by designing the right protein for the job.


Modular protein design

We work on designing novel proteins with custom structures, using well characterized building blocks that can be fused through known interfaces and Elfin, a software for modular assembly we have designed. The process allows to achieve high success rate experimentally. We used these modular structures, based on natural and designed repeat proteins, to build custom nanoparticles with multiple embedded functions for cell recognition and activation by clustering and co-clustering of receptors.


Carbohydrate binding

We have developed a machine learning software, CLIMBS, for recognition and ranking of carbohydrate binding, as alternative to energy-based score functions. CLIMBS can efficiently identify native-like binders, and we are using it to evaluate results of molecular docking and guide design of novel carbohydrate binding proteins as novel potential diagnostics and therapeutics.


Rigid and dynamic protein structures

We have developed computational methods to rapidly evaluate the dynamics and available conformations of modular proteins. we are using these tools to design novel proteins with specific motions, and switch between closed and open conformations under specific conditions, such as environmental changes and recognition of targets. This has potential applications in the design of nanoparticle for drug delivery and biosensors.


Current group members

Fabio Parmeggiani (PI)

Yijie (Jacky) Luo (PhD student, with Woolfson group, University of Bristol)

Srikanth Lingappa (PhD student, with Berger group, University of Bristol)

Pierpaolo Foddai (MSc student)



Ash Toye (University of Bristol): cell surface receptor binding

Louis Luk (Cardiff University): design of D-proteins

Angela Nobbs (University of Bristol):  antimicrobials for biofilms

Imre Berger (University of Bristol): engineering of snake venom proteins for vaccine production


I am a lecturer at the Cardiff School of Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences since 2024. I obtained my Ph.D. in Biochemistry from the University of Zurich working in the group of Andreas Pluckthun, then joined the group of David Baker at the University of Washington to work on computational protein design and became group leader and EPSRC early career research fellow at the University of Bristol, before joining Cardiff University. I have worked at the forefront of experimental and computational protein engineering and design and I am currently developing new methods to design proteins with modular structures, evaluating protein dynamics during design, and designing new proteins to recognize carbohydrates, both as cell surface antigens and in bacterial biofilms. The goal is to apply these tools for the development of new diagnostics and therapeutics.

Professional memberships

Rosetta Commons 

Biochemical Society 

Academic positions

Lecturer, School of Parmacy and Pahrmaceutical Sciences, Cardiff University (2024-)

Research Fellow, School of Chemistry and School of Biochemistry, University of Bristol (2016-2024)

Postdoctoral Research Fellow and Acting Instructor, Department of Biochemistry and Institute for Protein Design, University of Washington (2009-2016)


Contact Details


  • Biochemistry
  • Protein design and engineering
  • Nanobiotechnology
  • Bioinformatics and computational biology
  • Characterisation of biological macromolecules