Dr Juan Pereiro Viterbo
Director of Learning and Teaching
- Available for postgraduate supervision
Teaching and Learning: I am Deputy Director of Learning and Teaching at the School of Physics and Astronomy in Cardiff University. I am also the module organiser of the Atomic and Nuclear Physics module and deputy module organiser of Optics module.
Research: I am the Principal investigator of the Low Energy Electron Microscopy Laboratory at Cardiff University.
My main goal is to assist the development of new technologies based on the understanding of epitaxial dynamics, in particular epitaxial growth and stability of thin films and nanostructures.
I am also interested in the development of experimental techniques that facilitate the goal described above. For example development of Artificial Intelligence methods to potentiate Low Energy Electron Microscopy capabilities.
For more information about current research you can visit: https://leemlab.cf.ac.uk
Other interests: I am a member of the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion committee. I participate in outreach opportunities promoting STEM education and the research taking place at Cardiff University (I have participated in initiatives such as: Innovation in Isolation, Science Cafe, I am a Scientist get me out of here, the night of the researchers, etc.)
- Ivanov, M. and Pereiro, J. 2024. Autoencoder latent space sensitivity to material structure in convergent-beam low energy electron diffraction. Ultramicroscopy 266, article number: 114021. (10.1016/j.ultramic.2024.114021)
- Ivanov, M., Gomez, D., Hannikainen, K., Niu, Y. and Pereiro Viterbo, J. 2022. Unified method for measuring entropy differences between coexisting surface phases using low energy electron microscopy. Physical Review Research 4, article number: 33163. (10.1103/PhysRevResearch.4.033163)
- Zheng, C. X., Hannikainen, K., Niu, Y. R., Tersoff, J., Gomez, D., Pereiro, J. and Jesson, D. E. 2019. Mapping the surface phase diagram of GaAs(001) using droplet epitaxy. Physical Review Materials 3(12), article number: 124603. (10.1103/PhysRevMaterials.3.124603)
- Hannikainen, K., Gomez, D., Pereiro, J., Niu, Y. R. and Jesson, D. E. 2019. Surface phase metastability during Langmuir evaporation. Physical Review Letters 123, article number: 186102. (10.1103/PhysRevLett.123.186102)
- Niu, Y. R., Pereiro Viterbo, J., Gomez Sanchez, D. and Jesson, D. E. 2019. Selected energy dark-field imaging using low energy electrons for optimal surface phase discrimination. Ultramicroscopy 200, pp. 79-83. (10.1016/j.ultramic.2019.02.017)
- Leng, X. et al. 2017. Insulator to metal transition in WO3 induced by electrolyte gating. npj Quantum Materials 2, article number: 35. (10.1038/s41535-017-0039-2)
- Navarro, E., Monton, C., Pereiro, J., Basaran, A. C. and Schuller, I. K. 2015. Enhancements of pinning by superconducting nanoarrays. Physical Review B 92(14), article number: 144512. (10.1103/PhysRevB.92.144512)
- Pereiro, J., Saerbeck, T. and Schuller, I. K. 2015. Effect of increasing disorder on superconductivity of Mo/Nb superlattices. Superconductor Science and Technology 28(8), article number: 85001. (10.1088/0953-2048/28/8/085001)
- Leng, X., Pereiro, J., Strle, J., Bollinger, A. T. and Bozovic, I. 2015. Epitaxial growth of high quality WO3 thin films. APL Materials 3(9), article number: 96102. (10.1063/1.4930214)
- Huh, Y. et al. 2015. Effect of Co substitution on the magnetic and electron-transport properties of Mn2PtSn. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 27, pp. 76002., article number: 76002. (10.1088/0953-8984/27/7/076002)
- Ramirez, J. G., Basaran, A. C., De La Venta, J., Pereiro, J. and Schuller, I. K. 2014. Magnetic field modulated microwave spectroscopy across phase transitions and the search for new superconductors. Reports on Progress in Physics 77(9), article number: 93902. (10.1088/0034-4885/77/9/093902)
- Saerbeck, T., Pereiro Viterbo, J., Wampler, J., Stanley, J., Shpyrko, O. and Schuller, I. 2013. Ferromagnetism in partially oxidized CuCl. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 346, pp. 161-165. (10.1016/j.jmmm.2013.07.036)
- Pereiro Viterbo, J., Bollinger, A., Logvenov, G., Gozar, A., Panagopoulos, C. and Bozovic, I. 2012. Insights from study of high-temperature interface superconductivity. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 370, pp. 4890-4903. (10.1098/rsta.2012.0219)
- Pereiro Viterbo, J., Sadowski, J., Lin, B., Panagopoulos, C. and Bozovic, I. 2012. Low-energy electron microscope study of tobacco mosaic viruses. Journal of Nanoscience Letters 2, pp. 29.
- Dean, M. P. M. et al. 2012. Spin excitations in a single La2CuO4 layer. Nature Materials 11, pp. 850-854. (10.1038/NMAT3409)
- Grandal, J. et al. 2011. InN/InGaN multiple quantum Wells emitting at 1.5 mu grown by molecular beam epitaxy. Applied Physics Letters 98, article number: 61901. (10.1063/1.3552195)
- Pereiro Viterbo, J., Petrovic, A., Panagopoulos, C. and Bozovic, I. 2011. Interface superconductivity: History, developments and prospects. Physics Express 1, pp. 208-241.
- Pereiro Viterbo, J. et al. 2010. Mg doping of InGaN layers grown by PA-MBE for the fabrication of Schottky barrier photodiodes. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 43, article number: 335101.
- Ivanov, M. and Pereiro, J. 2024. Autoencoder latent space sensitivity to material structure in convergent-beam low energy electron diffraction. Ultramicroscopy 266, article number: 114021. (10.1016/j.ultramic.2024.114021)
- Ivanov, M., Gomez, D., Hannikainen, K., Niu, Y. and Pereiro Viterbo, J. 2022. Unified method for measuring entropy differences between coexisting surface phases using low energy electron microscopy. Physical Review Research 4, article number: 33163. (10.1103/PhysRevResearch.4.033163)
- Zheng, C. X., Hannikainen, K., Niu, Y. R., Tersoff, J., Gomez, D., Pereiro, J. and Jesson, D. E. 2019. Mapping the surface phase diagram of GaAs(001) using droplet epitaxy. Physical Review Materials 3(12), article number: 124603. (10.1103/PhysRevMaterials.3.124603)
- Hannikainen, K., Gomez, D., Pereiro, J., Niu, Y. R. and Jesson, D. E. 2019. Surface phase metastability during Langmuir evaporation. Physical Review Letters 123, article number: 186102. (10.1103/PhysRevLett.123.186102)
- Niu, Y. R., Pereiro Viterbo, J., Gomez Sanchez, D. and Jesson, D. E. 2019. Selected energy dark-field imaging using low energy electrons for optimal surface phase discrimination. Ultramicroscopy 200, pp. 79-83. (10.1016/j.ultramic.2019.02.017)
- Leng, X. et al. 2017. Insulator to metal transition in WO3 induced by electrolyte gating. npj Quantum Materials 2, article number: 35. (10.1038/s41535-017-0039-2)
- Navarro, E., Monton, C., Pereiro, J., Basaran, A. C. and Schuller, I. K. 2015. Enhancements of pinning by superconducting nanoarrays. Physical Review B 92(14), article number: 144512. (10.1103/PhysRevB.92.144512)
- Pereiro, J., Saerbeck, T. and Schuller, I. K. 2015. Effect of increasing disorder on superconductivity of Mo/Nb superlattices. Superconductor Science and Technology 28(8), article number: 85001. (10.1088/0953-2048/28/8/085001)
- Leng, X., Pereiro, J., Strle, J., Bollinger, A. T. and Bozovic, I. 2015. Epitaxial growth of high quality WO3 thin films. APL Materials 3(9), article number: 96102. (10.1063/1.4930214)
- Huh, Y. et al. 2015. Effect of Co substitution on the magnetic and electron-transport properties of Mn2PtSn. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 27, pp. 76002., article number: 76002. (10.1088/0953-8984/27/7/076002)
- Ramirez, J. G., Basaran, A. C., De La Venta, J., Pereiro, J. and Schuller, I. K. 2014. Magnetic field modulated microwave spectroscopy across phase transitions and the search for new superconductors. Reports on Progress in Physics 77(9), article number: 93902. (10.1088/0034-4885/77/9/093902)
- Saerbeck, T., Pereiro Viterbo, J., Wampler, J., Stanley, J., Shpyrko, O. and Schuller, I. 2013. Ferromagnetism in partially oxidized CuCl. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 346, pp. 161-165. (10.1016/j.jmmm.2013.07.036)
- Pereiro Viterbo, J., Bollinger, A., Logvenov, G., Gozar, A., Panagopoulos, C. and Bozovic, I. 2012. Insights from study of high-temperature interface superconductivity. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 370, pp. 4890-4903. (10.1098/rsta.2012.0219)
- Pereiro Viterbo, J., Sadowski, J., Lin, B., Panagopoulos, C. and Bozovic, I. 2012. Low-energy electron microscope study of tobacco mosaic viruses. Journal of Nanoscience Letters 2, pp. 29.
- Dean, M. P. M. et al. 2012. Spin excitations in a single La2CuO4 layer. Nature Materials 11, pp. 850-854. (10.1038/NMAT3409)
- Grandal, J. et al. 2011. InN/InGaN multiple quantum Wells emitting at 1.5 mu grown by molecular beam epitaxy. Applied Physics Letters 98, article number: 61901. (10.1063/1.3552195)
- Pereiro Viterbo, J., Petrovic, A., Panagopoulos, C. and Bozovic, I. 2011. Interface superconductivity: History, developments and prospects. Physics Express 1, pp. 208-241.
- Pereiro Viterbo, J. et al. 2010. Mg doping of InGaN layers grown by PA-MBE for the fabrication of Schottky barrier photodiodes. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 43, article number: 335101.
I am interested in assisting the development of new technologies by creating basic understanding of epitaxial mechnisms as well as of the stability of metallic and semiconducting thin films.
Along my career I have worked with a wide range of material systems and physical properties in world leading groups. My research interests include:
- III-V semiconductors and nanostructures.
- Integration of dissimilar materials.
- Metal-Semiconductor interfaces.
- Magnetic materials (magnetic semiconductors in particular).
- 2D materials epitaxial growth and properties.
- Heterostructures that enable interface superconductivity.
My current research focuses on the study of nucleation and relaxation phenomena in thin films and nanostructures of III-As semiconductors, as well as their integration on dissimilar substrates.
Cardiff University LEEM laboratory hosts a unique Molecular Beam Epitaxy/Low Energy Electron Microscope system that allows real-time imaging of real and reciprocal space of the surface of the sample during epitaxial growth with atomic resolution in z axis and 5 nanometer resolution in x-y directions. A number of in-situ characterization tools are being developed to facilitate our interaction with academic and industrial partners.
I have strong expertise developing instrumentation and experiments dedicated to the growth and characterisation of electronic and physical properties of thin films. I am currently interested in the development of Artificial Intelligence methods to potentiate Low Energy Electron Microscopy capabilities.
I am also member of the Institute of Physics' Semiconductors Physics group committee. Member of the EPSRC peer review college and regularly review for IOP, AIP, APS and Elsevier journals.
Currently I am also guest editor for a special issue of MDPI Sensors.
I am Director of Learning and Teaching at the School of Physics and Astronomy in Cardiff University.
I am module organiser of 3rd year Atomic and Nuclear Physics module (20 credit) and deputy module organiser of Optics module.
I am very interested in Learning and Teaching methodology for Higher Education. I am fellow of the Higher Education Academy (now Advanced Higher Education) and recently completed a Post-graduate certificate on University Learning and Teaching at Cardiff University.
I am a member of the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion committee. I participate in outreach opportunities promoting STEM education and the research taking place at Cardiff University (I have participated in initiatives such as: Innovation in Isolation, Science Cafe, I am a Scientist get me out of here, the night of the researchers, etc.)
I received a PhD in Physics at Universidad Politecnica de Madrid (UPM-ISOM) in November 2009. My research was based on: the epitaxial growth of III-N by Molecular Beam Epitaxy; the characterisation of the thin films and heterostructures using mainly scanning electron microscopy, atomic force microscopy, photoluminescence and x-ray diffraction growth; fabrication of devices in a cleanroom environment; characterization of photodetectors and assessment and re-design of heterostructures.
Following my PhD, I was appointed as a research fellow in Nanyang Technological University in Singapore, and worked as a visiting scientist in Brookhaven National Laboratory (NY, USA) at Dr. Ivan Bozovic's Molecular Beam Epitaxy group. My work was focused on building understanding of interface superconductivity and the search for new superconducting mechanisms which could potentially enable higher superconducting critical temperatures. In particular, I studied La2-xSrxCuO4 nanostructure formation, participated in the discovery of a metal to insulator transition in WO3 thin films, and applied Low Energy Electron Microscopy (LEEM) to the imaging of viruses.
Next, I was appointed as a post-doctoral fellow at UCSD (San Diego, CA, USA) in Prof. Ivan K. Schuller's group, where I worked on the growth and characterization of superconductors and magnetic materials. I participated in the discovery of a new magnetic material and in the development of understanding on the characterisation of superconductor materials and the effect of disorder in traditional supercondutors.
I arrived to Cardiff University in November 2014, attracted by the potential of the III-As Low Energy Electron Microscopy system. In 2016 I was granted a Marie Sokolowska Curie fellowship.
Honours and awards
FPI fellowship (Researcher Personnel Training) from Madrid government (Granted: 2004, duration: 4 years)
Awarded with IBS young scientist fellowship in 2014
Memberships: Institute of Physics
Member of Committee Semiconductors Physics Group IOP
Marie Curie Fellow starting September 2016
Fellow of the EPSRC peer review college
Referee in peer reviewed publications for American Institute of Physics, American Physical Society, Institute of Physics, IEEE and Elsevier.
Current supervision

Matyo Ivanov
Contact Details
+44 29208 70933
Queen's Buildings - North Building, Floor First, Room WX/1.08, 5 The Parade, Newport Road, Cardiff, CF24 3AA
Research themes
- Epitaxy
- Electron microscopy
- Compound semiconductors
- Condensed matter characterisation technique development