Dr Catherine Phelps
Pathways Co-ordinator
I completed my PhD in English Literature at Cardiff University in 2013. I was researching Welsh crime fiction in English, and shedding light on forgotten writers and texts.
My research interests include Welsh writing in English, crime fiction, Gothic literature, feminism and post-colonial theory.
I returned to education as a mature student, through evening classes. I went on to undergraduate studies at what was then called the University of Glamorgan, before enrolling as a postgraduate student at Cardiff University. There, I completed a Master's degree before eventually researching Welsh crime fiction in English, for a doctoral thesis.
Since graduating, I have had experience of engaging with a wide range of students: from running workshops for visiting teachers from Europe, as a Postgraduate Tutor at Cardiff University, volunteering at ACE Trebwt homework club, lecturing on an English Literature degree course at the University of South Wales, and as a Community Tutor for the Department of Continuing and Professional Education at Cardiff University.
Professional memberships
- I am an Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.
- I am currently a member of a bursaries panel for Literature Wales.
- Also, I'm a reader for Palgrave Macmillan, WBC, Studies in Gothic Fiction and [sic]: Journal of Literature, Culture and Literary Translation.