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Petar Popov

Mr Petar Popov

Teams and roles for Petar Popov

  • Teaching Associate

    School of Biosciences

  • Research student

    School of Biosciences


I am a Cardiff University graduate with extensive postgraduate experience in facilitating human anatomy teaching. After completing my Biomedical Sciences BSc, I joined Emeritus Professor Daniela Riccardi's lab, where I investigated in vitro the activity of compounds aimed at treating pulmonary disorders like asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis.

I then took the post of Teaching Associate at Cardiff University School of Biosciences, which included a half split of my responsibilities as a PhD position in the lab of Dr Renata Jurkowska. Here, I am investigating the role of novel regulators of repair and regeneration in human lung fibroblasts, hoping to discover the role of candidate genes strongly implicated in pulmonary disease dysfunctional repair.

Contact Details


Campuses Sir Martin Evans Building, Room C/3.15, Museum Avenue, Cardiff, CF10 3AX

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