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Kate Precious

Dr Kate Precious

University Teacher


My research straddles Politics and Social Policy and seeks to understand how marginalised groups interact with the government and how these interactions can be improved. Specifically, I'm interested in the political empowerment of marginalised groups and particularly the disabled community. My research to date has focused on autistic people and autism policy remains an area of particular interest. 


My Research Interests

During my PhD, I developed what I call 'the Underdog Theory'. The underdog theory argues that the social policy influence of marginalised groups is systematically underestimated and that this has a far-reaching impact, but can be challenged through self-advocacy. Through a case study of autistic self-advocates in England, I showed that autistic people in England had more policy influence than they realised. I identified certain behaviours displayed by successful autistic self-advocates and proposed that these behaviours were associated with lobbying success. While collaboration and awareness of the policy environment has long been known to support lobbying success, self-awareness and the promotion of a positive framing of oneself as a target group are new and potentially counterintuitive. 

The next stage of my research will involve testing my underdog theory on autistic self-advocates in other countries, before moving on to other invisible disabilities and other marginalised groups, should the theory continue to be supported. 

More generally, I am interested in how autistic people, disabled people and people from other marginalised groups interact with the government and how they can maximise their involvement and lobbying success. 

Current Research

2023 - date

Part-Time Research Associate with the University of Kent, working on the NIHR funded Improving Communication with Adults with Learning Disabilities (ICALD) research project. I am involved in a realist review of literature concerning interventions designed to improve communication with adults with learning disabilities in care settings.

I am also in the planning stage of the next iteration of my own research into the wider applicability of my underdog theory.  

Previous Research

2021 - 2022

Research Assistant on the PEPIC-19 project, an international project looking at palliative care for people with learning disabilities during COVID-19. 


Research Assistant on the WhoGetsMyVoteUK research project at Oxford Brookes University. Mapping position statements on political topics to the manifestos of UK political parties. 



I currently teach on the following modules:

  • British Politics since 1945
  • Latin American Politics
  • Doing Political Research
  • Introduction to Government
  • Introduction to Globalisation


PhD Politics, University of Bath 2018 - 2022 

My PhD thesis, examined by Prof. Mark Priestley and Dr. Jeremy Dixon, set out to create a lobbying strategy for marginalised groups who are traditionally excluded from much of the policymaking process, through a case study of autistic self-advocates in England. 

Previous Study

MRes Politics, University of Bath 2017 - 2018

BA (Hons) European Studies with French and Italian (First), University of Bath 2002-2006

Professional Experience

Prior to returning to academia, I worked in local government as a Special Educational Needs Officer and as a Deputy SENCo in a secondary school. I have also been a district councillor. 

Academic positions

2022 - 2023

Lecturer in Social Policy, University of Bath

  • I convened and taught units on political power, the welfare state and qualitative research methods, including planning and delivering lectures, seminars and assessments and maintaining the Virtual Learning Environment
  • I also acted as Admissions Tutor and supervised undergraduate dissertations
  • I ran tutorials and acted as personal tutor 

During my PhD, I taught seminars and lectures on a range of units in both the Politics and Social Policy departments. 


Contact Details


Campuses Law Building, Room 3.10, Museum Avenue, Cardiff, CF10 3AX


  • Social policy
  • Autism
  • Advocacy
  • Lobbying
  • Democracy