Dr Clea Rees
Philosophy tutor
Darllenais Fathemateg ac Athroniaeth yng Ngholeg Iesu, Rhydychen, cyn cyflawni doethuriaeth mewn Athroniaeth ym Mhrifysgol Gogledd Carolina, Chapel Hill.
Ar ôl addysgu ym Mhrifysgol California, Berkeley a Santa Cruz, dychwelais i Gaerdydd yn 2006, a dechrau addysgu cyrsiau rhan-amser yn 2008. Mae fy nghyrsiau’n cynnwys Cyflwyniad i Athroniaeth Foesol, Alice ar gyfer Athronwyr a Ffuglen Athronyddol a Ffantasi.
Mae fy nghyrsiau rhagarweiniol, yn enwedig mewn moeseg, yn seiliedig ar enghreifftiau ffuglennol a ffeithiol i ddarlunio syniadau athronyddol. Mae gennyf ddiddordeb mewn galluogi myfyrwyr i werthfawrogi athroniaeth ac ymgysylltu â’r pwnc.
- Rees, C. F. and Webber, J. 2014. Automaticity in virtuous action. In: Snow, N. and Trivigno, F. eds. The Philosophy and Psychology of Character and Happiness. Routledge Studies in Ethics and Moral Theory London: Routledge, pp. 75-90.
- Rees, C. F. 2014. Better lie!. Analysis 74(1), pp. 59-64. (10.1093/analys/ant104)
- Rees, C. F. 2014. Are intelligible agents square?. Philosophical Explorations 17(1), pp. 17-34. (10.1080/13869795.2013.808692)
- Rees, C. F. and Webber, J. 2013. Constancy, fidelity, and integrity. In: van Hooft, S. ed. The Handbook of Virtue Ethics. Acumen Handbooks Abingdon: Acumen, pp. 399-408.
- Rees, C. F. 2014. Better lie!. Analysis 74(1), pp. 59-64. (10.1093/analys/ant104)
- Rees, C. F. 2014. Are intelligible agents square?. Philosophical Explorations 17(1), pp. 17-34. (10.1080/13869795.2013.808692)
Book sections
- Rees, C. F. and Webber, J. 2014. Automaticity in virtuous action. In: Snow, N. and Trivigno, F. eds. The Philosophy and Psychology of Character and Happiness. Routledge Studies in Ethics and Moral Theory London: Routledge, pp. 75-90.
- Rees, C. F. and Webber, J. 2013. Constancy, fidelity, and integrity. In: van Hooft, S. ed. The Handbook of Virtue Ethics. Acumen Handbooks Abingdon: Acumen, pp. 399-408.
Rwy’n arbenigo mewn moeseg a seicoleg foesol gyda diddordebau ychwanegol mewn athroniaeth ffeministaidd, athroniaeth y meddwl a rhesymeg.
Mae fy nghyhoeddiadau’n cynnwys Reclaiming the Conscience of Huckleberry Finn a The Visitors.
Mae’r prosiectau presennol yn cynnwys A Problem with Moral Perfection ac Are Intelligible Agents Square?