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Dafydd Rees  DPhil

Dr Dafydd Rees



Welsh speaking


I studied a BA in Philosophy and Economics and an MA in Ethics and Social Philosophy at Cardiff, before completing a doctorate at the Centre for Social and Political Thought at Sussex University. Since 2016, I've worked for the Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol alongside Cardiff University, developing philosophy teaching and research in Welsh.

My main research interests are political philosophy, philosophy of religion, Jürgen Habermas, the Frankfurt School, and deliberative democracy.

Astudiais BA mewn Athroniaeth ac Economeg ac MA mewn Moeseg ac Athronaieth Cymdeithasol ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd, cyn cwblhau doethuriaeth yng Nghanolfan Syniadaeth Cymdeithasol a Gwleidyddol Prifysgol Sussex. Ers 2016, rwyf wedi gweithio gyda'r Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol yn ogystal â Phrifysgol Caerdydd, er mwyn datblygu addysg ac ymchwil athronyddol yn y Gymraeg.

Mae fy ngwaith ymchwil yn canolbwyntio ar athroniaeth wleidyddol, athroniaeth crefydd, Jürgen Habermas, Ysgol Frankfurt, a democratiaeth trafodol.



  • Rees, D. H. and Finlayson, J. G. 2023. Jurgen Habermas. In: Zalta, E. N. and Nodelman, U. eds. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford, CA: Department of Philosophy, Stanford University, pp. [n/a].





Book sections

  • Rees, D. H. and Finlayson, J. G. 2023. Jurgen Habermas. In: Zalta, E. N. and Nodelman, U. eds. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford, CA: Department of Philosophy, Stanford University, pp. [n/a].



Select publications / Detholiad o gyhoeddiadau:

Books / Llyfrau:

The Postsecular Political Philosophy of Jürgen Habermas: Translating the Sacred (University of Wales Press, 2018)

Erthyglau / Articles:

"Habermasian Constructivism: An Alternative to the Constitutivist Argument" Kantian Review 24:5 (December 2020)

"Decolonizing Philosophy? Habermas and the Axial Age" Constellations 24:2 (June 2017)

Chapters / Penodau:

"Downed Out: Wales' Absent Public Sphere," in The Welsh Way: Essays on Neoliberalism and Devolution (Parthian Press, 2021)

"Duw Moesol Immanuel Kant," in E. Gwynn Matthews (ed.), Astudiaethau Athronyddol 8: Rheswm a Rhyddid (Y Lolfa, 2020)

"Europe" and "Constitutional Patriotism," in Amy Allen and Eduardo Mendieta (eds.), The Cambridge Habermas Lexicon (Cambridge University Press, 2019)

"Y Llwyfan Diderfyn: Benjamin, Habermas a Comedi," in E. Gwynn Matthews (ed.), Astudiaethau Athronyddol 7: Gwleidydda, Llenydda a Pherfformio (Y Lolfa, 2018)

"Y genedl mewn hanes (a hanes yn y genedl) - J. R. Jones a Hegel," in E. Gwynn Matthews (ed.), Astudiaethau Athronyddol 6: Argyfwng Hunaniaeth a Chred - Ysgrifau ar Athroniaeth J. R. Jones (Y Lolfa, 2017)

Translations / Cyfieithiadau:

Friedrich Nietzsche, Achyddiaeth Moeseg, traethwad cyntaf: "Da a Drwg," "Da a Gwael" (Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol, 2017) (Translation of Zur Genealogie der Moral, Erste Abhandlung: "Gut und Böse," "Gut und Schlecht.")

Immanuel Kant, "Ateb i'r Cwestiwn: 'Beth yw Goleuedigaeth?'," in E. Gwynn Matthews (ed.), Astudiaethau Athronyddol 8: Rheswm a Rhyddid (Y Lolfa, 2020) (Translation of "Beantwortung der Frage: Was ist Aufklärung?")

My research interests include:

  • The Frankfurt School
  • Jürgen Habermas
  • political philosophy
  • philosophy of religion
  • deliberative democracy

Mae fy ngwaith ymchwil yn cynnwys:

  • Ysgol Frankfurt
  • Jürgen Habermas
  • athroniaeth wleidyddol
  • athroniaeth crefydd
  • democratiaeth trafodol


1st Year / Blyddyn 1af

  • Y Da, Y Drwg, Y Gwleidyddol
  • Moeseg yn y Byd Go Iawn

2nd Year / 2ail Flwyddyn

  • Ancient Philosophy
  • Damcaniaethu a Dadfeilio'r Gymdeithas Gyfalafol

3rd Year / 3ydd Flwyddyn

  • Modern German Philosophy
  • Athroniaeth Crefydd

Contact Details

Telephone +44 29208 75413
Campuses John Percival Building, Room 1.53, Colum Drive, Cardiff, CF10 3EU