Professor Stephen Riley
Pro-Vice Chancellor, College of Biomedical and Life Sciences
I am the Dean of Medicine and Head of SchooI here at Cardiff University. My academic interests include curriculum design, education leadership and application of systems theory to education delivery. I am passionate about the social accountability of the Higher Education Sector and addressing health and social inequalities in Wales and beyond. I continue to champion the equality, diversity and inclusivity agenda within all that we do in the School of Medicine. I have made a committment to ensuring environmental sustainability for the School as part of action against climate change.
As Professor in Medical Education I was part of the team that designed, developed and implemented the successful C21 Medicine curriculum where I led on the first 2 years and the final "harmonisation" year. I have also helped introduce Wales first Longitudinal Integrated Clerkship based upon the theory of educational continuity.
I am an alumnus of Boston's Harvard Macey Leadership programme and a Fellow of the Academy of Medical Educators.
As a Cardiff graduate I am proud to have trained in Wales and continue as a Clinical Academic in Nephrology working in the Cardiff and Vale University Health Board.
- Webb, K., Williams, F., Riley, S. and Hirsh, D. 2024. Medical apprenticeships: Using Longitudinal Integrated Clerkships to address concerns of education and training. BMJ 384, article number: q710. (10.1136/bmj.q710)
- Webb, K., Williams, F., Riley, S. and Hirsh, D. 2024. Rapid response to: Medical apprenticeships: what we know so far, and what happens next BMJ 2024; 384 doi: (Published 11 January 2024). BMJ Publishing Group.
- Webb, K., Stephens, B., Fish, S., Goodfellow, R. and Riley, S. 2023. Crossing boundaries: exploring the role of the LIC in professional identity formation using LEGO.. Presented at: Consortium of Longitudinal Integrated Clerkship (CLIC) Conference Beyond Barriers: The Value Proposition of LICs, Spokane, Washington, 21-24 September 2023.
- Carrier, J. et al. 2022. A rapid review of the effectiveness of alternative education delivery strategies in medical, dental, nursing and pharmacy education during the COVID-19 pandemic. [Online]. medRxiv: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. (10.1101/2022.03.04.22271892) Available at:
- Webb, K., Fish, S., Williams, F., Goodfellow, R., Riley, S. and Gerrard, F. 2021. COVID and LIC - The importance of educational continuity in a global pandemic. Education for Primary Care 32(6), pp. 372-373. (10.1080/14739879.2021.1930196)
- Seedat, N., Webb, K. and Riley, S. 2020. Students' transition to doctor: exploration through visual and qualitative methods. The British Student Doctor Journal 4(3), pp. 34-36. (10.18573/bsdj.205)
- Browne, J. and Riley, S. 2019. Editorial - Intercalating medical students: the future is in their hands. The British Student Doctor Journal 3(3), pp. 1-2. (10.18573/bsdj.136)
- Ham, B., Webb, K. and Riley, S. 2019. Does C21 prepare medical students for doctoring in foundation? A mixed-methods study. The British Student Doctor Journal 3(3), pp. 3-6. (10.18573/bsdj.126)
- Webb, K., Goodfellow, R., Gerrard, F., Stone, A., Fish, S., Williams, F. and Riley, S. 2019. Introduction of a longitudinal clerkship for Wales: Community Rural Education Route (CARER). Presented at: The Future of Medicine Meets Here, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 27-30 October 2019.
- Ellis, N. C., Quraishy, M., Hoskins, M., Walters, J., Riley, S. and Forty, L. 2018. Medical student attitudes to mental health and psychiatry: the use of a patient-experience short film. The British Student Doctor Journal 2(1), pp. 3-10. (10.18573/bsdj.37)
- Cole, D., Rengasamy, E., Batchelor, S., Pope, C., Riley, S. and Cunningham, A. M. 2017. Using social media to support small group learning. BMC Medical Education 17(1), article number: 201. (10.1186/s12909-017-1060-7)
- Lazenby, S., Edwards, A. G., Samuriwo, R., Riley, S. G., Murray, M. A. and Carson-Stevens, A. 2017. End-of-life care decisions for haemodialysis patients – ‘We only tend to have that discussion with them when they start deteriorating’. Health Expectations 20(2), pp. 260-273. (10.1111/hex.12454)
- Hassoulas, A., Forty, E., Hoskins, M., Walters, J. and Riley, S. 2017. A case-based medical curriculum for the 21st century: The use of innovative approaches in designing and developing a case on mental health. Medical Teacher 39(5), pp. 505-511. (10.1080/0142159X.2017.1296564)
- Aawar, N., Moore, R., Riley, S. G. and Salek, S. 2016. Interpretation of renal quality of life profile scores in routine clinical practice: an aid to treatment decision-making. Quality of Life Research 25(7), pp. 1697-1702. (10.1007/s11136-015-1191-4)
- Newton, Z., Coffey, M. and Riley, S. 2016. Large cohort case based learning: the balanced Goldilocks conundrum. Presented at: AMEE, Barcelona, 28/08/16. pp. -.
- Chater, A. M., Parham, R., Riley, S. G., Hutchison, A. J. and Horne, R. 2014. Profiling patient attitudes to phosphate binding medication: A route to personalising treatment and adherence support. Psychology & Health 29(12), pp. 1407-1420. (10.1080/08870446.2014.942663)
- Talabani, B., Zouwail, S., Pyart, R., Meran, S., Riley, S. and Phillips, A. 2014. Epidemiology and outcome of community-acquired acute kidney injury. Nephrology 19(5), pp. 282-287. (10.1111/nep.12221)
- Phillips, B. M., Milner, S., Zouwail, S., Roberts, G., Cowan, M., Riley, S. and Phillips, A. 2014. Severe hyperkalaemia: demographics and outcome. Clinical Kidney Journal 7(2), pp. 127-133. (10.1093/ckj/sft158)
- Phillips, L., Phillips, B., Meran, S., Russell, J., Zouwail, S., Riley, S. and Phillips, A. 2014. The long-term impact of eGFR reporting on referral patterns. European Journal of Internal Medicine 25(1), pp. 97-101. (10.1016/j.ejim.2013.08.001)
- Jones, N. J., Chess, J. A., Cawley, S., Phillips, A. O. and Riley, S. G. 2013. Prevalence of risk factors for foot ulceration in a general haemodialysis population. International Wound Journal 10(6), pp. 683-688. (10.1111/j.1742-481X.2012.01044.x)
- Phillips, L. A. et al. 2013. Acute kidney injury risk factor recognition in three teaching hospitals in Ethiopia. South African Medical Journal 103(6), pp. 413-418. (10.7196/samj.6424)
- Riley, S. G. et al. 2013. Renal impairment amongst acute hospital admissions in a rural Ethiopian hospital. Nephrology 18(2), pp. 92-96. (10.1111/nep.12002)
- Wonnacott, A., Meran, S., Roberts, G. W., Donovan, K., Riley, S. G. and Phillips, A. O. 2012. Applying estimated glomerular filtration rate to an ageing population: are we in danger of becoming ageist?. European Journal of Internal Medicine 23(8), pp. 705-710. (10.1016/j.ejim.2012.08.012)
- Carrington, C. P., Williams, A., Griffiths, D. F., Riley, S. G. and Donovan, K. 2011. Adult day-case renal biopsy: a single-centre experience. Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 26(5), pp. 1559-1563. (10.1093/ndt/gfq571)
- Meran, S., Don, K., Shah, N., Donovan, K., Riley, S. G. and Phillips, A. O. 2010. Impact of chronic kidney disease management in primary care. QJM 104(1), pp. 27-34. (10.1093/qjmed/hcq151)
- Parham, R., Riley, S. G., Hutchinson, A. and Horne, R. 2009. Patients’ satisfaction with information about phosphate-binding medication. Journal of Renal Care 35(Supp 1), pp. 86-93. (10.1111/j.1755-6686.2009.00063.x)
- Glover, D. A., Ushida, K., Phillips, A. O. and Riley, S. G. 2009. Acacia(sen) SUPERGUM™ (gum arabic): an evaluation of potential health benefits in human subjects. Food Hydrocolloids 23(8), pp. 2410-2415. (10.1016/j.foodhyd.2009.06.020)
- Khera, T., Martin, J., Riley, S. G., Steadman, R. and Phillips, A. O. 2006. Glucose enhances mesangial cell apoptosis. Laboratory Investigation 86(6), pp. 566-577. (10.1038/labinvest.3700418)
- Matsumoto, N. et al. 2006. Butyrate modulates TGF-beta1 generation and function: potential renal benefit for Acacia(sen) SUPERGUM (gum arabic)?. Kidney International 69(2), pp. 257-65. (10.1038/
- Craig, K. J. et al. 2005. Anemia and diabetes in the absence of nephropathy. Diabetes Care 28(5), pp. 1118-1123. (10.2337/diacare.28.5.1118)
- Craig, K. L., Riley, S. G., Thomas, B., Penney, M., Donovan, K. and Phillips, A. O. 2005. The impact of an out-reach clinic on referral of patients with renal impairment. Nephron Clinical Practice 101(4), pp. c168-c173. (10.1159/000087392)
- Webb, K., Williams, F., Riley, S. and Hirsh, D. 2024. Medical apprenticeships: Using Longitudinal Integrated Clerkships to address concerns of education and training. BMJ 384, article number: q710. (10.1136/bmj.q710)
- Webb, K., Fish, S., Williams, F., Goodfellow, R., Riley, S. and Gerrard, F. 2021. COVID and LIC - The importance of educational continuity in a global pandemic. Education for Primary Care 32(6), pp. 372-373. (10.1080/14739879.2021.1930196)
- Seedat, N., Webb, K. and Riley, S. 2020. Students' transition to doctor: exploration through visual and qualitative methods. The British Student Doctor Journal 4(3), pp. 34-36. (10.18573/bsdj.205)
- Browne, J. and Riley, S. 2019. Editorial - Intercalating medical students: the future is in their hands. The British Student Doctor Journal 3(3), pp. 1-2. (10.18573/bsdj.136)
- Ham, B., Webb, K. and Riley, S. 2019. Does C21 prepare medical students for doctoring in foundation? A mixed-methods study. The British Student Doctor Journal 3(3), pp. 3-6. (10.18573/bsdj.126)
- Ellis, N. C., Quraishy, M., Hoskins, M., Walters, J., Riley, S. and Forty, L. 2018. Medical student attitudes to mental health and psychiatry: the use of a patient-experience short film. The British Student Doctor Journal 2(1), pp. 3-10. (10.18573/bsdj.37)
- Cole, D., Rengasamy, E., Batchelor, S., Pope, C., Riley, S. and Cunningham, A. M. 2017. Using social media to support small group learning. BMC Medical Education 17(1), article number: 201. (10.1186/s12909-017-1060-7)
- Lazenby, S., Edwards, A. G., Samuriwo, R., Riley, S. G., Murray, M. A. and Carson-Stevens, A. 2017. End-of-life care decisions for haemodialysis patients – ‘We only tend to have that discussion with them when they start deteriorating’. Health Expectations 20(2), pp. 260-273. (10.1111/hex.12454)
- Hassoulas, A., Forty, E., Hoskins, M., Walters, J. and Riley, S. 2017. A case-based medical curriculum for the 21st century: The use of innovative approaches in designing and developing a case on mental health. Medical Teacher 39(5), pp. 505-511. (10.1080/0142159X.2017.1296564)
- Aawar, N., Moore, R., Riley, S. G. and Salek, S. 2016. Interpretation of renal quality of life profile scores in routine clinical practice: an aid to treatment decision-making. Quality of Life Research 25(7), pp. 1697-1702. (10.1007/s11136-015-1191-4)
- Chater, A. M., Parham, R., Riley, S. G., Hutchison, A. J. and Horne, R. 2014. Profiling patient attitudes to phosphate binding medication: A route to personalising treatment and adherence support. Psychology & Health 29(12), pp. 1407-1420. (10.1080/08870446.2014.942663)
- Talabani, B., Zouwail, S., Pyart, R., Meran, S., Riley, S. and Phillips, A. 2014. Epidemiology and outcome of community-acquired acute kidney injury. Nephrology 19(5), pp. 282-287. (10.1111/nep.12221)
- Phillips, B. M., Milner, S., Zouwail, S., Roberts, G., Cowan, M., Riley, S. and Phillips, A. 2014. Severe hyperkalaemia: demographics and outcome. Clinical Kidney Journal 7(2), pp. 127-133. (10.1093/ckj/sft158)
- Phillips, L., Phillips, B., Meran, S., Russell, J., Zouwail, S., Riley, S. and Phillips, A. 2014. The long-term impact of eGFR reporting on referral patterns. European Journal of Internal Medicine 25(1), pp. 97-101. (10.1016/j.ejim.2013.08.001)
- Jones, N. J., Chess, J. A., Cawley, S., Phillips, A. O. and Riley, S. G. 2013. Prevalence of risk factors for foot ulceration in a general haemodialysis population. International Wound Journal 10(6), pp. 683-688. (10.1111/j.1742-481X.2012.01044.x)
- Phillips, L. A. et al. 2013. Acute kidney injury risk factor recognition in three teaching hospitals in Ethiopia. South African Medical Journal 103(6), pp. 413-418. (10.7196/samj.6424)
- Riley, S. G. et al. 2013. Renal impairment amongst acute hospital admissions in a rural Ethiopian hospital. Nephrology 18(2), pp. 92-96. (10.1111/nep.12002)
- Wonnacott, A., Meran, S., Roberts, G. W., Donovan, K., Riley, S. G. and Phillips, A. O. 2012. Applying estimated glomerular filtration rate to an ageing population: are we in danger of becoming ageist?. European Journal of Internal Medicine 23(8), pp. 705-710. (10.1016/j.ejim.2012.08.012)
- Carrington, C. P., Williams, A., Griffiths, D. F., Riley, S. G. and Donovan, K. 2011. Adult day-case renal biopsy: a single-centre experience. Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 26(5), pp. 1559-1563. (10.1093/ndt/gfq571)
- Meran, S., Don, K., Shah, N., Donovan, K., Riley, S. G. and Phillips, A. O. 2010. Impact of chronic kidney disease management in primary care. QJM 104(1), pp. 27-34. (10.1093/qjmed/hcq151)
- Parham, R., Riley, S. G., Hutchinson, A. and Horne, R. 2009. Patients’ satisfaction with information about phosphate-binding medication. Journal of Renal Care 35(Supp 1), pp. 86-93. (10.1111/j.1755-6686.2009.00063.x)
- Glover, D. A., Ushida, K., Phillips, A. O. and Riley, S. G. 2009. Acacia(sen) SUPERGUM™ (gum arabic): an evaluation of potential health benefits in human subjects. Food Hydrocolloids 23(8), pp. 2410-2415. (10.1016/j.foodhyd.2009.06.020)
- Khera, T., Martin, J., Riley, S. G., Steadman, R. and Phillips, A. O. 2006. Glucose enhances mesangial cell apoptosis. Laboratory Investigation 86(6), pp. 566-577. (10.1038/labinvest.3700418)
- Matsumoto, N. et al. 2006. Butyrate modulates TGF-beta1 generation and function: potential renal benefit for Acacia(sen) SUPERGUM (gum arabic)?. Kidney International 69(2), pp. 257-65. (10.1038/
- Craig, K. J. et al. 2005. Anemia and diabetes in the absence of nephropathy. Diabetes Care 28(5), pp. 1118-1123. (10.2337/diacare.28.5.1118)
- Craig, K. L., Riley, S. G., Thomas, B., Penney, M., Donovan, K. and Phillips, A. O. 2005. The impact of an out-reach clinic on referral of patients with renal impairment. Nephron Clinical Practice 101(4), pp. c168-c173. (10.1159/000087392)
- Webb, K., Stephens, B., Fish, S., Goodfellow, R. and Riley, S. 2023. Crossing boundaries: exploring the role of the LIC in professional identity formation using LEGO.. Presented at: Consortium of Longitudinal Integrated Clerkship (CLIC) Conference Beyond Barriers: The Value Proposition of LICs, Spokane, Washington, 21-24 September 2023.
- Webb, K., Goodfellow, R., Gerrard, F., Stone, A., Fish, S., Williams, F. and Riley, S. 2019. Introduction of a longitudinal clerkship for Wales: Community Rural Education Route (CARER). Presented at: The Future of Medicine Meets Here, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 27-30 October 2019.
- Newton, Z., Coffey, M. and Riley, S. 2016. Large cohort case based learning: the balanced Goldilocks conundrum. Presented at: AMEE, Barcelona, 28/08/16. pp. -.
- Webb, K., Williams, F., Riley, S. and Hirsh, D. 2024. Rapid response to: Medical apprenticeships: what we know so far, and what happens next BMJ 2024; 384 doi: (Published 11 January 2024). BMJ Publishing Group.
- Carrier, J. et al. 2022. A rapid review of the effectiveness of alternative education delivery strategies in medical, dental, nursing and pharmacy education during the COVID-19 pandemic. [Online]. medRxiv: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. (10.1101/2022.03.04.22271892) Available at:
I still teach on the MB BCh course delivering lectures related to clinical nephrology and renal physiology. I am a Case Based Learning Facilitator for Year 1 students taking them through a series of clinical cases that integrate basic and clinical science.
Clinical placement teaching is also pasrt of my role and I supervise students undertaking Student Selected Component (SSC) research projects.