Dr Neetesh Saxena
BTech, MTech, PhD
- Available for postgraduate supervision
I am a Reader with the School of Computer Science and Informatics at Cardiff University, UK having 16+ years of professional experience. Previously, I had affiliations with the Bournemouth University (UK), Georgia Institute of Technology (USA), Stony Brook University (USA) and SUNY Korea. I was a DAAD Scholar at Bonn-Aachen International Center for Information Technology (B-IT), Rheinische-Friedrich-Wilhelms Universität, Bonn (Germany) and was also a TCS Research Scholar. My current research interests include cyber security and critical infrastructure security, including cyber-physical system security: smart grid, V2G and cellular communication networks.
- Rotibi, A., Saxena, N. and Burnap, P. 2024. Winning the battle with cyber risk identification tools in industrial control systems: A review. IET Cyber-Physical Systems: Theory & Applications 9(4), pp. 350-365. (10.1049/cps2.12105)
- Prateek, K., Maity, S. and Saxena, N. 2024. QSKA: A quantum secured privacy-preserving mutual authentication scheme for energy internet-based vehicle-to-grid communication. IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management 21(6), pp. 6810-6826. (10.1109/TNSM.2024.3445972)
- Li, S., Iqbal, M. and Saxena, N. 2024. Future industry internet of things with aero-trust security. Information Systems Frontiers 26, pp. 1653-1666. (10.1007/s10796-021-10199-5)
- Alrowaili, Y., Saxena, N. and Burnap, P. 2024. Towards developing an asset-criticality identification framework in smart grids. Presented at: IEEE International Conference on Cyber Security and Resilience (CSR) Workshop on Security, Privacy and Resilience of Critical Assets in Critical Infrastructure (SPARC), London, UK, 2-4 Sept 20242024 IEEE International Conference on Cyber Security and Resilience (CSR). IEEE pp. 720-725., (10.1109/CSR61664.2024.10679477)
- Rotibi, A., Saxena, N., Burnap, P. and Reed, C. 2024. System-level operational cyber risks identification in industrial control systems. Cyber-Physical Systems (10.1080/23335777.2024.2373388)
- Afenu, D. S., Asiri, M. and Saxena, N. 2024. Industrial control systems security validation based on MITRE adversarial tactics, techniques, and common knowledge framework. Electronics 13(5), article number: 917. (10.3390/electronics13050917)
- Nafees, M. N., Saxena, N., Cardenas, A., Grijalva, S. and Burnap, P. 2023. Smart grid cyber-physical situational awareness of complex operational technology attacks: A review. ACM Computing Surveys 55(10), pp. 1-36., article number: 215. (10.1145/3565570)
- Alrowaili, Y., Saxena, N., Srivastava, A., Conti, M. and Burnap, P. 2023. Review: Monitoring situational awareness of smart grid cyber-physical systems and critical asset identification. IET Cyber-Physical Systems: Theory & Applications 8(3), pp. 160-185. (10.1049/cps2.12059)
- Verma, G., Gope, P., Saxena, N. and Kumar, N. 2023. CB-DA: Lightweight and escrow-free certificate-based data aggregation for smart grid. IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing 20(3), pp. 2011-2024. (10.1109/TDSC.2022.3169952)
- Asiri, M., Saxena, N., Gjomemo, R. and Burnap, P. 2023. Understanding indicators of compromise against cyber-attacks in industrial control systems: a security perspective. ACM transactions on cyber-physical systems 7(2), pp. 1-33. (10.1145/3587255)
- Saxena, N., Potter, C. and Maity, S. 2023. Clarity: Analysing security in web applications. Presented at: COMSNETS, Bengaluru, India, 3-8 January 20232023 15th International Conference on COMmunication Systems & NETworkS (COMSNETS). IEEE pp. 522-528., (10.1109/COMSNETS56262.2023.10041289)
- Mohammed, A. S., Anthi, E., Rana, O., Saxena, N. and Burnap, P. 2023. Detection and mitigation of field flooding attacks on oil and gas critical infrastructure communication. Computers and Security 124, article number: 103007. (10.1016/j.cose.2022.103007)
- Aljohani, R., Saxena, N. and Bhadoria, R. S. 2023. Security issues and challenges in cloud computing. In: Alharahsheh, H. H. and Mazumdar, A. eds. Handbook of Research on Cloud Computing Applications in SMES. IGI Global
- Rotibi, A., Saxena, N., Burnap, P. and Tartar, A. 2023. Extended dependency modelling technique for cyber risk identification in ICS. IEEE Access 11, pp. 37229-37242. (10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3263671)
- Nafees, M. N., Saxena, N. and Burnap, P. 2023. POSTER: Adaptive moving target defense: Enhancing dynamic perturbation through voltage sensitivity analysis in power systems. Presented at: 21st International Conference on Applied Cryptography and Network Security (ACNS 2023), Kyoto, Japan, 19-22 June 202321st International Conference on Applied Cryptography and Network Security (ACNS 2023) Proceedings.
- Asiri, M., Saxena, N. and Burnap, P. 2023. Advancing resilience of cyber-physical smart grid: An integrated co-simulation approach incorporating indicators of compromise. Presented at: International Workshop on Re-design Industrial Control Systems with Security (RICSS) in conjunction with IEEE EuroS&P, Delft, Netherlands, 3-7 July 20232023 IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy Workshops (EuroS&PW). IEEE pp. 370-378., (10.1109/eurospw59978.2023.00047)
- Rotibi, A., Saxena, N. and Burnap, P. 2023. Poster: Using causal inference to extract hidden information from dependency modelling. Presented at: IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy (Euro S&P), Delft, Netherlands, 3-7 July 2023.
- Nafees, M. N., Saxena, N. and Burnap, P. 2022. On the efficacy of physics-informed context-based anomaly detection for power system. Presented at: IEEE International Conference on Communications, Control, and Computing Technologies for Smart Grids, Singapore, 25-28 October 20222022 IEEE International Conference on Communications, Control, and Computing Technologies for Smart Grids (SmartGridComm). IEEE, (10.1109/SmartGridComm52983.2022.9961034)
- Nafees, M. N., Saxena, N. and Burnap, P. 2022. Physics-informed augmentation for contextual anomaly detection in smart grid. Presented at: ACM CCS, Los Angeles, USA, 7-11 November 2022CCS '22: Proceedings of the 2022 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security. ACM pp. 3427-3429., (10.1145/3548606.3563533)
- Althunayyan, M., Saxena, N., Li, S. and Gope, P. 2022. Evaluation of black-box web application security scanners in detecting injection vulnerabilities. Electronics 11(13), article number: 2049. (10.3390/electronics11132049)
- Khan, R., Saxena, N., Rana, O. and Gope, P. 2022. ATVSA: vehicle driver profiling for situational awareness. Presented at: IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy, ACSW, Genoa, Italy, 06-10 June 20222022 IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy Workshops (EuroS&PW). IEEE pp. 348-357., (10.1109/EuroSPW55150.2022.00042)
- Mohammed, A. S., Saxena, N. and Rana, O. 2022. Wheels on the modbus - attacking ModbusTCP communications. Presented at: 15th ACM Conference on Security and Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Networks (WiSec 2022), San Antonio, TX, United States, 16-19 May 2022WiSec '22: Proceedings of the 15th ACM Conference on Security and Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Networks. New York: ACM pp. 288-289., (10.1145/3507657.3529654)
- Merlino, J. C., Asiri, M. and Saxena, N. 2022. DDoS cyber-incident detection in smart grids. Sustainability 14(5), article number: 2730. (10.3390/su14052730)
- Kumar, A., Saxena, N., Souhwan, J. and Choi, B. J. 2022. Improving detection of false data injection attacks using machine learning with feature selection and oversampling. Electronics 15(1), article number: 212. (10.3390/en15010212)
- Ali, S. S., Ganapathi, I. I., Vu, N., Ali, S. D., Saxena, N. and Werghi, . 2022. Image forgery detection using deeplearning by recompressing the images. Electronics 11(3), article number: 403. (10.3390/electronics11030403)
- Kumar, P., Maity, S. and Saxena, N. 2022. A quantum communication based secure road condition monitoring application in intelligent internet of vehicular things. Presented at: IEEE INDICON, Kerala, India, 24-26 November 2022.
- Nafees, M. N., Saxena, N. and Burnap, P. 2021. Optimized predictive control for AGC cyber resiliency. Presented at: 2021 ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS), Seoul, South Korea, 14-19 November 2021CCS '21: Proceedings of the 2021 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security. ACM pp. 2450-2452., (10.1145/3460120.3485358)
- Orr, F., Nafees, M. N., Saxena, N. and Choi, B. J. 2021. Securing publisher-subscriber in smart grid infrastructure. Electronics 10(19), article number: 2355. (10.3390/electronics10192355)
- Liu, C., Alrowaili, Y., Saxena, N. and Konstantinou, C. 2021. Cyber risks to critical smart grid assets of industrial control systems. Energies 14(17), article number: 5501. (10.3390/en14175501)
- Asiri, M., Saxena, N. and Burnap, P. 2021. Investigating usable indicators against cyber-attacks in industrial control systems. Presented at: 17th Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security (USENIX Security 2021), Virtual, 08-10 August 2021USENIX Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security (SOUPS) 2021. USENIX
- Burke, G. and Saxena, N. 2021. Cyber risks prediction and analysis in medical emergency equipment for situational awareness. Sensors 21(16), article number: 5325. (10.3390/s21165325)
- Karunarathne, S. M., Saxena, N. and Khan, M. K. 2021. Security and privacy in IoT smart healthcare. IEEE Internet Computing 25(4), pp. 37-48. (10.1109/MIC.2021.3051675)
- Chugh, N., Tomar, G. S., Bhadoria, R. S. and Saxena, N. 2021. A novel anomaly behavior detection scheme for mobile ad hoc networks. Electronics 10(14), article number: 1635. (10.3390/electronics10141635)
- Saxena, N., Xiong, L., Chukwuka, V. and Grijalva, S. 2021. Impact evaluation of malicious control commands in cyber-physical smart grids. IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing 6(2), pp. 208-220. (10.1109/TSUSC.2018.2879670)
- Nafees, M. N., Saxena, N. and Burnap, P. 2021. Specification-based process control attack detection in substation automation. Presented at: 42nd IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy 2021, Virtual, 23-27 May 2021.
- Sharma, U., Tomer, P., Ali, S. S., Saxena, N. and Bhadoria, R. S. 2021. Optimized authentication system with high security and privacy. Electronics 10(4), article number: 458. (10.3390/electronics10040458)
- Gope, P., Millwood, O. and Saxena, N. 2021. A provably secure authentication scheme for RFID-enabled UAV applications. Computer Communications 166, pp. 19-25. (10.1016/j.comcom.2020.11.009)
- Kumar, A., Saxena, N. and Choi, B. J. 2021. FedTLG: federated learning using trusted local groups. Presented at: 16th ACM ASIA Conference on Computer and Communications Security (ACM ASIACCS 2021), Virtual, 07-11 June 2021.
- Alrowaili, Y., Saxena, N. and Burnap, P. 2021. Determining asset criticality in cyber-physical smart grid. Presented at: 26th European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS 2021), Virtual, 04-08 October 2021.
- Kumar, A., Saxena, N. and Choi, B. J. 2021. Machine learning algorithm for detection of false data injection attack in power system. Presented at: 35th International Conference on Information Networking (ICOIN 2021), Jeju Island, Korea, 13-16 January 2021.
- Saxena, N., Hayes, E., Bertino, E., Ojo, P., Choo, K. R. and Burnap, P. 2020. Impact and key challenges of insider threats on organizations and critical businesses. Electronics 9(9), article number: 1460. (10.3390/electronics9091460)
- Tung, Y., Wei, H., Ti, Y., Tsou, Y., Saxena, N. and Yu, C. 2020. Counteracting UDP flooding attacks in SDN. Electronics 9(8), article number: 1239. (10.3390/electronics9081239)
- Saxena, N., Thomas, I., Gope, P., Burnap, P. and Kumar, N. 2020. PharmaCrypt: blockchain for critical pharmaceutical industry to counterfeit drugs. Computer 53(7), pp. 29-44. (10.1109/MC.2020.2989238)
- Saxena, N., Shen, H., Komninos, N., Choo, K. R. and Chaudhari, N. S. 2020. BVPSMS: A batch verification protocol for end-to-end secure SMS for mobile users. IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing 17(3), pp. 550-565. (10.1109/TDSC.2018.2799223)
- Saxena, N., Cardenas, A. A., Beyah, R. and Lu, R. 2020. Introduction to the special issue on user-centric security and safety for CPS [Editorial]. ACM Transactions on Cyber-Physical Systems 4(3), article number: 29. (10.1145/3392715)
- Bhadoria, R. S., Nimbalkar, A. and Saxena, N. 2020. On the role of Blockchain technology in the Internet of Things. In: Kim, S. and Deka, G. C. eds. Advanced Applications of Blockchain Technology. Springer, pp. 129-140.
- Asad, B., Saxena, N. and Katos, V. 2020. Analysis of the security and privacy risks and challenges in smart cities’ traffic light system. Presented at: 3rd Smart Cities Symposium (SCS 2020), Virtual, 21-23 September 2020.
- Asad, B. and Saxena, N. 2020. On the feasibility of DoS attack on smart door lock IoT network. Presented at: 8th International Symposium on Security in Computing and Communications (SSCC 2020), Virtual, 14-17 October 2020.
- Nafees, M. N., Saxena, N., Burnap, P. and Choi, B. J. 2020. Impact of energy consumption attacks on LoRaWAN-enabled devices in industrial context. Presented at: ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS 2020), Virtual, 9-13 November 2020.
- Nafees, M. N., Saxena, N., Khan, R. and Burnap, P. 2020. Towards distance relay attack discrimination for situational awareness-based anomaly detection. Presented at: Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC 2020), Virtual, 7-11 December 2020.
- Singh, V., Saxena, N., Pathak, D., Saini, G. and Bhatnagar, D. 2020. Improving smart healthcare safety & security using Kinect. Presented at: International Conference on Cybersecurity in Emerging Digital Era (ICCEDE 2020), Greater Noida, India, 9-10 October 2020.
- Adewole, K., Saxena, N. and Bhadauria, S. 2019. Application of cryptocurrencies using Blockchain for e-commerce online payment. In: Maleh, Y. et al. eds. Blockchain for Cybersecurity and Privacy: Architectures, Challenges and Applications. C&C Press, Taylor & Francis Group, pp. 263-306.
- Saxena, N., Conti, M., Choo, K. R. and Chaudhari, N. S. 2019. BAS-VAS: A novel secure protocol for value added service delivery to mobile devices. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security 15, pp. 1470-1485. (10.1109/TIFS.2019.2940908)
- Saxena, N. and Choi, B. J. 2018. Integrated distributed authentication protocol for smart grid communications. IEEE Systems Journal 12(3), pp. 2545-2556. (10.1109/JSYST.2016.2574699)
- Saxena, N. and Grijalva, S. 2018. Efficient signature scheme for delivering authentic control commands in the smart grid. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 9(5), pp. 4323-4334. (10.1109/TSG.2017.2655014)
- Chaudhary, R., Jindal, A., Aujla, G. S., Kumar, N., Das, A. K. and Saxena, N. 2018. LSCSH: Lattice-based secure cryptosystem for smart healthcare in smart cities environment. IEEE COMMUNICATIONS MAGAZINE 56(4), pp. 24-32. (10.1109/MCOM.2018.1700787)
- Saxena, N., Grijalva, S. and Choi, B. J. 2018. Securing restricted publisher-subscriber communications in smart grid substations. Presented at: International Conference on COMmunication Systems and NETworkS (COMSNETS), Bengaluru, India, 3-7 Jan. 20182018 10th International Conference on Communication Systems & Networks (COMSNETS). IEEE pp. 364-371., (10.1109/COMSNETS.2018.8328220)
- Stone, J. A., Saxena, N. and Dogan, H. 2018. Systematic analysis: Resistance to traffic analysis attacks in Tor System for critical infrastructures. Presented at: IEEE International Conference on System, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC), Miyazaki, Japan, 7-10 Oct. 20182018 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC). IEEE pp. 2832-2837., (10.1109/SMC.2018.00482)
- Saxena, N. and Chaudhari, N. S. 2018. Secure algorithms for SAKA protocol in the GSM network. Presented at: 10th IFIP Wireless and Mobile Networking Conference (WMNC), Valencia, Spain, 25-27 Sep. 20172017 10th IFIP Wireless and Mobile Networking Conference (WMNC). IEEE pp. 1-8., (10.1109/WMNC.2017.8248853)
- Saxena, N., Chukwuka, V., Xiong, L. and Grijalva, S. 2017. CPSA: A cyber-physical security assessment tool for situational awareness in smart grid. Presented at: ACM Workshop on Cyber-Physical Systems Security & Privacy (CPS-SPC) in Conjunction with ACM CCS, Dallas, USA, 3 Nov. 2017CPS '17: Proceedings of the 2017 Workshop on Cyber-Physical Systems Security and PrivaCy. ACM pp. 69-79., (10.1145/3140241.3140246)
- Saxena, N., Grijalva, S., Chukwuka, V. and Vasilakos, A. V. 2017. Network Security and Privacy Challenges in Smart Vehicle-to-Grid. IEEE Wireless Communications 24(4), pp. 88-98. (10.1109/MWC.2016.1600039WC)
- Saxena, N. and Grijalva, S. 2017. Dynamic secrets and secret keys based scheme for securing last mile smart grid wireless communication. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 13(3), pp. 1482-1491. (10.1109/TII.2016.2610950)
- Saxena, N., Choi, B. J. and Grijalva, S. 2017. Secure and privacy-preserving concentration of meeting data in AMI networks. Presented at: IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Paris, France, 21-25 May 20172017 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC). IEEE pp. 1-7., (10.1109/ICC.2017.7996874)
- Saxena, N., Grijalva, S. and Chaudhari, N. S. 2016. Authentication Protocol for an IoT-Enabled LTE Network. ACM Transactions on Internet Technology 16(4), pp. -., article number: 25. (10.1145/2981547)
- Saxena, N. and Choi, B. J. 2016. Authentication scheme for flexible charging and discharging of mobile vehicles in the V2G networks. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security 11(7), pp. 1438-1452. (10.1109/TIFS.2016.2532840)
- Saxena, N., Choi, B. J. and Lu, R. 2016. Authentication and authorization scheme for various user roles and devices in smart grid. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security 11(5), pp. 907-921. (10.1109/TIFS.2015.2512525)
- Saxena, N. and Chaudhari, N. S. 2014. EasySMS: a protocol for end to end secure transmission of SMS. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security 9(7), pp. 1157-1168. (10.1109/TIFS.2014.2320579)
- Rotibi, A., Saxena, N. and Burnap, P. 2024. Winning the battle with cyber risk identification tools in industrial control systems: A review. IET Cyber-Physical Systems: Theory & Applications 9(4), pp. 350-365. (10.1049/cps2.12105)
- Prateek, K., Maity, S. and Saxena, N. 2024. QSKA: A quantum secured privacy-preserving mutual authentication scheme for energy internet-based vehicle-to-grid communication. IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management 21(6), pp. 6810-6826. (10.1109/TNSM.2024.3445972)
- Li, S., Iqbal, M. and Saxena, N. 2024. Future industry internet of things with aero-trust security. Information Systems Frontiers 26, pp. 1653-1666. (10.1007/s10796-021-10199-5)
- Rotibi, A., Saxena, N., Burnap, P. and Reed, C. 2024. System-level operational cyber risks identification in industrial control systems. Cyber-Physical Systems (10.1080/23335777.2024.2373388)
- Afenu, D. S., Asiri, M. and Saxena, N. 2024. Industrial control systems security validation based on MITRE adversarial tactics, techniques, and common knowledge framework. Electronics 13(5), article number: 917. (10.3390/electronics13050917)
- Nafees, M. N., Saxena, N., Cardenas, A., Grijalva, S. and Burnap, P. 2023. Smart grid cyber-physical situational awareness of complex operational technology attacks: A review. ACM Computing Surveys 55(10), pp. 1-36., article number: 215. (10.1145/3565570)
- Alrowaili, Y., Saxena, N., Srivastava, A., Conti, M. and Burnap, P. 2023. Review: Monitoring situational awareness of smart grid cyber-physical systems and critical asset identification. IET Cyber-Physical Systems: Theory & Applications 8(3), pp. 160-185. (10.1049/cps2.12059)
- Verma, G., Gope, P., Saxena, N. and Kumar, N. 2023. CB-DA: Lightweight and escrow-free certificate-based data aggregation for smart grid. IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing 20(3), pp. 2011-2024. (10.1109/TDSC.2022.3169952)
- Asiri, M., Saxena, N., Gjomemo, R. and Burnap, P. 2023. Understanding indicators of compromise against cyber-attacks in industrial control systems: a security perspective. ACM transactions on cyber-physical systems 7(2), pp. 1-33. (10.1145/3587255)
- Mohammed, A. S., Anthi, E., Rana, O., Saxena, N. and Burnap, P. 2023. Detection and mitigation of field flooding attacks on oil and gas critical infrastructure communication. Computers and Security 124, article number: 103007. (10.1016/j.cose.2022.103007)
- Rotibi, A., Saxena, N., Burnap, P. and Tartar, A. 2023. Extended dependency modelling technique for cyber risk identification in ICS. IEEE Access 11, pp. 37229-37242. (10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3263671)
- Althunayyan, M., Saxena, N., Li, S. and Gope, P. 2022. Evaluation of black-box web application security scanners in detecting injection vulnerabilities. Electronics 11(13), article number: 2049. (10.3390/electronics11132049)
- Merlino, J. C., Asiri, M. and Saxena, N. 2022. DDoS cyber-incident detection in smart grids. Sustainability 14(5), article number: 2730. (10.3390/su14052730)
- Kumar, A., Saxena, N., Souhwan, J. and Choi, B. J. 2022. Improving detection of false data injection attacks using machine learning with feature selection and oversampling. Electronics 15(1), article number: 212. (10.3390/en15010212)
- Ali, S. S., Ganapathi, I. I., Vu, N., Ali, S. D., Saxena, N. and Werghi, . 2022. Image forgery detection using deeplearning by recompressing the images. Electronics 11(3), article number: 403. (10.3390/electronics11030403)
- Orr, F., Nafees, M. N., Saxena, N. and Choi, B. J. 2021. Securing publisher-subscriber in smart grid infrastructure. Electronics 10(19), article number: 2355. (10.3390/electronics10192355)
- Liu, C., Alrowaili, Y., Saxena, N. and Konstantinou, C. 2021. Cyber risks to critical smart grid assets of industrial control systems. Energies 14(17), article number: 5501. (10.3390/en14175501)
- Burke, G. and Saxena, N. 2021. Cyber risks prediction and analysis in medical emergency equipment for situational awareness. Sensors 21(16), article number: 5325. (10.3390/s21165325)
- Karunarathne, S. M., Saxena, N. and Khan, M. K. 2021. Security and privacy in IoT smart healthcare. IEEE Internet Computing 25(4), pp. 37-48. (10.1109/MIC.2021.3051675)
- Chugh, N., Tomar, G. S., Bhadoria, R. S. and Saxena, N. 2021. A novel anomaly behavior detection scheme for mobile ad hoc networks. Electronics 10(14), article number: 1635. (10.3390/electronics10141635)
- Saxena, N., Xiong, L., Chukwuka, V. and Grijalva, S. 2021. Impact evaluation of malicious control commands in cyber-physical smart grids. IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing 6(2), pp. 208-220. (10.1109/TSUSC.2018.2879670)
- Sharma, U., Tomer, P., Ali, S. S., Saxena, N. and Bhadoria, R. S. 2021. Optimized authentication system with high security and privacy. Electronics 10(4), article number: 458. (10.3390/electronics10040458)
- Gope, P., Millwood, O. and Saxena, N. 2021. A provably secure authentication scheme for RFID-enabled UAV applications. Computer Communications 166, pp. 19-25. (10.1016/j.comcom.2020.11.009)
- Saxena, N., Hayes, E., Bertino, E., Ojo, P., Choo, K. R. and Burnap, P. 2020. Impact and key challenges of insider threats on organizations and critical businesses. Electronics 9(9), article number: 1460. (10.3390/electronics9091460)
- Tung, Y., Wei, H., Ti, Y., Tsou, Y., Saxena, N. and Yu, C. 2020. Counteracting UDP flooding attacks in SDN. Electronics 9(8), article number: 1239. (10.3390/electronics9081239)
- Saxena, N., Thomas, I., Gope, P., Burnap, P. and Kumar, N. 2020. PharmaCrypt: blockchain for critical pharmaceutical industry to counterfeit drugs. Computer 53(7), pp. 29-44. (10.1109/MC.2020.2989238)
- Saxena, N., Shen, H., Komninos, N., Choo, K. R. and Chaudhari, N. S. 2020. BVPSMS: A batch verification protocol for end-to-end secure SMS for mobile users. IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing 17(3), pp. 550-565. (10.1109/TDSC.2018.2799223)
- Saxena, N., Cardenas, A. A., Beyah, R. and Lu, R. 2020. Introduction to the special issue on user-centric security and safety for CPS [Editorial]. ACM Transactions on Cyber-Physical Systems 4(3), article number: 29. (10.1145/3392715)
- Saxena, N., Conti, M., Choo, K. R. and Chaudhari, N. S. 2019. BAS-VAS: A novel secure protocol for value added service delivery to mobile devices. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security 15, pp. 1470-1485. (10.1109/TIFS.2019.2940908)
- Saxena, N. and Choi, B. J. 2018. Integrated distributed authentication protocol for smart grid communications. IEEE Systems Journal 12(3), pp. 2545-2556. (10.1109/JSYST.2016.2574699)
- Saxena, N. and Grijalva, S. 2018. Efficient signature scheme for delivering authentic control commands in the smart grid. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 9(5), pp. 4323-4334. (10.1109/TSG.2017.2655014)
- Chaudhary, R., Jindal, A., Aujla, G. S., Kumar, N., Das, A. K. and Saxena, N. 2018. LSCSH: Lattice-based secure cryptosystem for smart healthcare in smart cities environment. IEEE COMMUNICATIONS MAGAZINE 56(4), pp. 24-32. (10.1109/MCOM.2018.1700787)
- Saxena, N., Grijalva, S., Chukwuka, V. and Vasilakos, A. V. 2017. Network Security and Privacy Challenges in Smart Vehicle-to-Grid. IEEE Wireless Communications 24(4), pp. 88-98. (10.1109/MWC.2016.1600039WC)
- Saxena, N. and Grijalva, S. 2017. Dynamic secrets and secret keys based scheme for securing last mile smart grid wireless communication. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 13(3), pp. 1482-1491. (10.1109/TII.2016.2610950)
- Saxena, N., Grijalva, S. and Chaudhari, N. S. 2016. Authentication Protocol for an IoT-Enabled LTE Network. ACM Transactions on Internet Technology 16(4), pp. -., article number: 25. (10.1145/2981547)
- Saxena, N. and Choi, B. J. 2016. Authentication scheme for flexible charging and discharging of mobile vehicles in the V2G networks. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security 11(7), pp. 1438-1452. (10.1109/TIFS.2016.2532840)
- Saxena, N., Choi, B. J. and Lu, R. 2016. Authentication and authorization scheme for various user roles and devices in smart grid. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security 11(5), pp. 907-921. (10.1109/TIFS.2015.2512525)
- Saxena, N. and Chaudhari, N. S. 2014. EasySMS: a protocol for end to end secure transmission of SMS. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security 9(7), pp. 1157-1168. (10.1109/TIFS.2014.2320579)
Book sections
- Aljohani, R., Saxena, N. and Bhadoria, R. S. 2023. Security issues and challenges in cloud computing. In: Alharahsheh, H. H. and Mazumdar, A. eds. Handbook of Research on Cloud Computing Applications in SMES. IGI Global
- Bhadoria, R. S., Nimbalkar, A. and Saxena, N. 2020. On the role of Blockchain technology in the Internet of Things. In: Kim, S. and Deka, G. C. eds. Advanced Applications of Blockchain Technology. Springer, pp. 129-140.
- Adewole, K., Saxena, N. and Bhadauria, S. 2019. Application of cryptocurrencies using Blockchain for e-commerce online payment. In: Maleh, Y. et al. eds. Blockchain for Cybersecurity and Privacy: Architectures, Challenges and Applications. C&C Press, Taylor & Francis Group, pp. 263-306.
- Alrowaili, Y., Saxena, N. and Burnap, P. 2024. Towards developing an asset-criticality identification framework in smart grids. Presented at: IEEE International Conference on Cyber Security and Resilience (CSR) Workshop on Security, Privacy and Resilience of Critical Assets in Critical Infrastructure (SPARC), London, UK, 2-4 Sept 20242024 IEEE International Conference on Cyber Security and Resilience (CSR). IEEE pp. 720-725., (10.1109/CSR61664.2024.10679477)
- Saxena, N., Potter, C. and Maity, S. 2023. Clarity: Analysing security in web applications. Presented at: COMSNETS, Bengaluru, India, 3-8 January 20232023 15th International Conference on COMmunication Systems & NETworkS (COMSNETS). IEEE pp. 522-528., (10.1109/COMSNETS56262.2023.10041289)
- Nafees, M. N., Saxena, N. and Burnap, P. 2023. POSTER: Adaptive moving target defense: Enhancing dynamic perturbation through voltage sensitivity analysis in power systems. Presented at: 21st International Conference on Applied Cryptography and Network Security (ACNS 2023), Kyoto, Japan, 19-22 June 202321st International Conference on Applied Cryptography and Network Security (ACNS 2023) Proceedings.
- Asiri, M., Saxena, N. and Burnap, P. 2023. Advancing resilience of cyber-physical smart grid: An integrated co-simulation approach incorporating indicators of compromise. Presented at: International Workshop on Re-design Industrial Control Systems with Security (RICSS) in conjunction with IEEE EuroS&P, Delft, Netherlands, 3-7 July 20232023 IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy Workshops (EuroS&PW). IEEE pp. 370-378., (10.1109/eurospw59978.2023.00047)
- Rotibi, A., Saxena, N. and Burnap, P. 2023. Poster: Using causal inference to extract hidden information from dependency modelling. Presented at: IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy (Euro S&P), Delft, Netherlands, 3-7 July 2023.
- Nafees, M. N., Saxena, N. and Burnap, P. 2022. On the efficacy of physics-informed context-based anomaly detection for power system. Presented at: IEEE International Conference on Communications, Control, and Computing Technologies for Smart Grids, Singapore, 25-28 October 20222022 IEEE International Conference on Communications, Control, and Computing Technologies for Smart Grids (SmartGridComm). IEEE, (10.1109/SmartGridComm52983.2022.9961034)
- Nafees, M. N., Saxena, N. and Burnap, P. 2022. Physics-informed augmentation for contextual anomaly detection in smart grid. Presented at: ACM CCS, Los Angeles, USA, 7-11 November 2022CCS '22: Proceedings of the 2022 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security. ACM pp. 3427-3429., (10.1145/3548606.3563533)
- Khan, R., Saxena, N., Rana, O. and Gope, P. 2022. ATVSA: vehicle driver profiling for situational awareness. Presented at: IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy, ACSW, Genoa, Italy, 06-10 June 20222022 IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy Workshops (EuroS&PW). IEEE pp. 348-357., (10.1109/EuroSPW55150.2022.00042)
- Mohammed, A. S., Saxena, N. and Rana, O. 2022. Wheels on the modbus - attacking ModbusTCP communications. Presented at: 15th ACM Conference on Security and Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Networks (WiSec 2022), San Antonio, TX, United States, 16-19 May 2022WiSec '22: Proceedings of the 15th ACM Conference on Security and Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Networks. New York: ACM pp. 288-289., (10.1145/3507657.3529654)
- Kumar, P., Maity, S. and Saxena, N. 2022. A quantum communication based secure road condition monitoring application in intelligent internet of vehicular things. Presented at: IEEE INDICON, Kerala, India, 24-26 November 2022.
- Nafees, M. N., Saxena, N. and Burnap, P. 2021. Optimized predictive control for AGC cyber resiliency. Presented at: 2021 ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS), Seoul, South Korea, 14-19 November 2021CCS '21: Proceedings of the 2021 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security. ACM pp. 2450-2452., (10.1145/3460120.3485358)
- Asiri, M., Saxena, N. and Burnap, P. 2021. Investigating usable indicators against cyber-attacks in industrial control systems. Presented at: 17th Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security (USENIX Security 2021), Virtual, 08-10 August 2021USENIX Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security (SOUPS) 2021. USENIX
- Nafees, M. N., Saxena, N. and Burnap, P. 2021. Specification-based process control attack detection in substation automation. Presented at: 42nd IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy 2021, Virtual, 23-27 May 2021.
- Kumar, A., Saxena, N. and Choi, B. J. 2021. FedTLG: federated learning using trusted local groups. Presented at: 16th ACM ASIA Conference on Computer and Communications Security (ACM ASIACCS 2021), Virtual, 07-11 June 2021.
- Alrowaili, Y., Saxena, N. and Burnap, P. 2021. Determining asset criticality in cyber-physical smart grid. Presented at: 26th European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS 2021), Virtual, 04-08 October 2021.
- Kumar, A., Saxena, N. and Choi, B. J. 2021. Machine learning algorithm for detection of false data injection attack in power system. Presented at: 35th International Conference on Information Networking (ICOIN 2021), Jeju Island, Korea, 13-16 January 2021.
- Asad, B., Saxena, N. and Katos, V. 2020. Analysis of the security and privacy risks and challenges in smart cities’ traffic light system. Presented at: 3rd Smart Cities Symposium (SCS 2020), Virtual, 21-23 September 2020.
- Asad, B. and Saxena, N. 2020. On the feasibility of DoS attack on smart door lock IoT network. Presented at: 8th International Symposium on Security in Computing and Communications (SSCC 2020), Virtual, 14-17 October 2020.
- Nafees, M. N., Saxena, N., Burnap, P. and Choi, B. J. 2020. Impact of energy consumption attacks on LoRaWAN-enabled devices in industrial context. Presented at: ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS 2020), Virtual, 9-13 November 2020.
- Nafees, M. N., Saxena, N., Khan, R. and Burnap, P. 2020. Towards distance relay attack discrimination for situational awareness-based anomaly detection. Presented at: Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC 2020), Virtual, 7-11 December 2020.
- Singh, V., Saxena, N., Pathak, D., Saini, G. and Bhatnagar, D. 2020. Improving smart healthcare safety & security using Kinect. Presented at: International Conference on Cybersecurity in Emerging Digital Era (ICCEDE 2020), Greater Noida, India, 9-10 October 2020.
- Saxena, N., Grijalva, S. and Choi, B. J. 2018. Securing restricted publisher-subscriber communications in smart grid substations. Presented at: International Conference on COMmunication Systems and NETworkS (COMSNETS), Bengaluru, India, 3-7 Jan. 20182018 10th International Conference on Communication Systems & Networks (COMSNETS). IEEE pp. 364-371., (10.1109/COMSNETS.2018.8328220)
- Stone, J. A., Saxena, N. and Dogan, H. 2018. Systematic analysis: Resistance to traffic analysis attacks in Tor System for critical infrastructures. Presented at: IEEE International Conference on System, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC), Miyazaki, Japan, 7-10 Oct. 20182018 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC). IEEE pp. 2832-2837., (10.1109/SMC.2018.00482)
- Saxena, N. and Chaudhari, N. S. 2018. Secure algorithms for SAKA protocol in the GSM network. Presented at: 10th IFIP Wireless and Mobile Networking Conference (WMNC), Valencia, Spain, 25-27 Sep. 20172017 10th IFIP Wireless and Mobile Networking Conference (WMNC). IEEE pp. 1-8., (10.1109/WMNC.2017.8248853)
- Saxena, N., Chukwuka, V., Xiong, L. and Grijalva, S. 2017. CPSA: A cyber-physical security assessment tool for situational awareness in smart grid. Presented at: ACM Workshop on Cyber-Physical Systems Security & Privacy (CPS-SPC) in Conjunction with ACM CCS, Dallas, USA, 3 Nov. 2017CPS '17: Proceedings of the 2017 Workshop on Cyber-Physical Systems Security and PrivaCy. ACM pp. 69-79., (10.1145/3140241.3140246)
- Saxena, N., Choi, B. J. and Grijalva, S. 2017. Secure and privacy-preserving concentration of meeting data in AMI networks. Presented at: IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Paris, France, 21-25 May 20172017 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC). IEEE pp. 1-7., (10.1109/ICC.2017.7996874)
My current research interests are cybersecurity, cyber-physical system security, and IoT security + AI/ML/DL.
Industrial Control System Security (Particularly, Smart Grid and Electric Vehicle Security): Secure smart grid infrastructure, securing smart grid network with plugged-in devices, decision support secure control centres in smart grid, cyber incident-response smart grid tool, developing techniques for monitoring the current health of the cyber-physical system in real-time, building cyber range capabilities under a virtual simulated environment.
Vehicular Security (including Autonomous vehicles): CAN bus system; connected autonomous vehicles (CAV), unmanned ground/ariel vehicles
Security in Quantum Communication, Satellite Communication, 5/6G: Real-time authentication and authorisation among several new actors in the system.
IoT and Smart Cities' Security: Develop automated tools for identifying security vulnerabilities and interdependencies in devices and services, and developing IoT configuration and monitoring capable tools.
Human-Centric Security: Safety and security
For more information, please visit here.
CMT310 Developing Secure Systems and Applications
Dr Neetesh Saxena is an Associate Professor at Cardiff University, UK. He has extensive research/teaching experience over 16 years in Cyber Security. His research focuses on Cyber Security, Cyber-Physical System Security, Cellular Network Security, and IoT Security. Previously, Postdoc Fellow at Georgia Tech and Stony Brook University, USA. IEEE Senior Member. Author of 100+ papers (incl. IEEE/ACM Transactions and conferences). Two Best Paper Awards. Draft committee member for IEEE Standards. Multiple research and TNE grants.
Interviewed by:
Interviewed by the Security, Privacy, Identity, Trust in the Digital Economy (SPRITE+) ( Aug 2021). https://spritehub.org/2021/08/18/sprite-member-spotlight-neetesh-saxena/
Interviewed by IEEE ComSoc Young Professionals (Sep 2017). http://cyp.committees.comsoc.org/interview-with-neetesh-saxena/
Honours and awards
RITICS Fellowship, 2024.
Best Paper Award at 35th International Conference on Information Networking (2021).
GW4 Crucible Future Research Leader Award (2021).
A paper titled "PharmaCrypt: Blockchain for Critical Pharmaceutical Industry to Counterfeit Drugs" is featured on the Front Page of the IEEE Computer Journal (2020).
European Initiative Expert Visitor Award to Singapore by EPIC – European Pacific Partnership for ICT (2018).
ComSoc YP and WICE Best Paper Award at IEEE ICC by IEEE ComSoc YP & WICE Committees (2017).
DAAD Scholarship Award (2013).
TCS Scholarship Award (2012).
Professional memberships
IEEE Senior Member
ACM Member
Academic positions
2019 - Lecturer, Senior Lecturer, Reader, Cardiff University (UK)
2016-19 - Lecturer, Bournemouth University (UK)
2015-16 - Postdoctoral Researcher, Georgia Institute of Technology (USA)
2014-15 - Postdoctoral Researcher, Stony Brook University (USA) & the State University of New York (Korea)
2005-11 - Assistant Professor, IMS
Committees and reviewing
Associate Editor - IEEE TSC, T-SUSC, IET CPS, Computer Communications (Elsevier), ACM DTRAP
Guest Editor - ACM TCPS, IEEE TII.
Track Chair - IEEE SmartGridComm 2022, TEMSCON 2018.
Workshop Chair: AloTS co-located with ACNS'24; IEEE CSR SPARC'24
Journal Reviewer – 70+ journals, e.g., IEEE TIFS, TDSC, TC, TMC, TVT, TII; ACM TOIT, TIOT, TOPS.
TPC Member – 100+ conf., e.g., ACM CCS, AsiaCCS, ESORICS, IEEE EuroS&P, ICC, TrustCom, WiMob, SmartGridComm, INFOCOM, MILCOM.
Cybersecurity Expert - Research Proposal Reviewer.
Topics for Potential Candidates:
Monitoring Critical Infrastructure Situational Awareness
Monitoring Safety Critical Systems' Situational Awareness
Cyber-Physical Smart Grid Resilience + AI/ML/DL
EV Infrastructure Security and Resilience + AI/ML/DL
Autonomous Vehicle Security and Resilience + AI/ML/DL
5/6G and Satellite Communication Network Security + AI/ML/DL
Quantum Communication Security
Improving the IoT security infrastructure of Smart Cities + AI/ML/DL
If you are looking for a PhD in one of these or similar topics and are willing to work with me, please drop me an email with your proposal including the following points:
A. Title of your PhD work
B. Motivation of the work
C. Research problem and questions (any 3) that you want to address in your work
D. Research gaps - limitations of the existing solutions/tools inline with your research problem
E. Current/existing challenges in developing a better solution
F. Initial thoughts on your proposal/idea and contributions that you will make in this work.
Contact Details
Research themes
- Cyberphysical systems and internet of things
- Cybersecurity and privacy