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Neetesh Saxena   BTech, MTech, PhD

Dr Neetesh Saxena


BTech, MTech, PhD


Available for postgraduate supervision


I am a Reader with the School of Computer Science and Informatics at Cardiff University, UK having 16+ years of professional experience. Previously, I had affiliations with the Bournemouth University (UK), Georgia Institute of Technology (USA), Stony Brook University (USA) and SUNY Korea. I was a DAAD Scholar at Bonn-Aachen International Center for Information Technology (B-IT), Rheinische-Friedrich-Wilhelms Universität, Bonn (Germany) and was also a TCS Research Scholar. My current research interests include cyber security and critical infrastructure security, including cyber-physical system security: smart grid, V2G and cellular communication networks.













Book sections



My current research interests are cybersecurity, cyber-physical system security, and IoT security + AI/ML/DL.

Industrial Control System Security (Particularly, Smart Grid and Electric Vehicle Security): Secure smart grid infrastructure, securing smart grid network with plugged-in devices, decision support secure control centres in smart grid, cyber incident-response smart grid tool, developing techniques for monitoring the current health of the cyber-physical system in real-time, building cyber range capabilities under a virtual simulated environment.

Vehicular Security (including Autonomous vehicles): CAN bus system; connected autonomous vehicles (CAV), unmanned ground/ariel vehicles

Security in Quantum Communication, Satellite Communication, 5/6G: Real-time authentication and authorisation among several new actors in the system.

IoT and Smart Cities' Security: Develop automated tools for identifying security vulnerabilities and interdependencies in devices and services, and developing IoT configuration and monitoring capable tools.

Human-Centric Security: Safety and security

For more information, please visit here.


CMT310 Developing Secure Systems and Applications


Dr Neetesh Saxena is an Associate Professor at Cardiff University, UK. He has extensive research/teaching experience over 16 years in Cyber Security. His research focuses on Cyber Security, Cyber-Physical System Security, Cellular Network Security, and IoT Security. Previously, Postdoc Fellow at Georgia Tech and Stony Brook University, USA. IEEE Senior Member. Author of 100+ papers (incl. IEEE/ACM Transactions and conferences). Two Best Paper Awards. Draft committee member for IEEE Standards. Multiple research and TNE grants.

Interviewed by:

Interviewed by the Security, Privacy, Identity, Trust in the Digital Economy (SPRITE+) ( Aug 2021).

Interviewed by IEEE ComSoc Young Professionals (Sep 2017).

Honours and awards

RITICS Fellowship, 2024.

Best Paper Award at 35th International Conference on Information Networking (2021).

GW4 Crucible Future Research Leader Award (2021).

A paper titled "PharmaCrypt: Blockchain for Critical Pharmaceutical Industry to Counterfeit Drugs" is featured on the Front Page of the IEEE Computer Journal (2020).

European Initiative Expert Visitor Award to Singapore by EPIC – European Pacific Partnership for ICT (2018).

ComSoc YP and WICE Best Paper Award at IEEE ICC by IEEE ComSoc YP & WICE Committees (2017).

DAAD Scholarship Award (2013).

TCS Scholarship Award (2012).

Professional memberships

IEEE Senior Member

ACM Member

Academic positions

2019 - Lecturer, Senior Lecturer, Reader, Cardiff University (UK)

2016-19 - Lecturer, Bournemouth University (UK)

2015-16 - Postdoctoral Researcher, Georgia Institute of Technology (USA)

2014-15 - Postdoctoral Researcher, Stony Brook University (USA) & the State University of New York (Korea)

2005-11 - Assistant Professor, IMS 


Committees and reviewing

Associate Editor - IEEE TSC, T-SUSC, IET CPS, Computer Communications (Elsevier), ACM DTRAP

Guest Editor - ACM TCPS, IEEE TII.

Track Chair - IEEE SmartGridComm 2022, TEMSCON 2018.

Workshop Chair: AloTS co-located with ACNS'24; IEEE CSR SPARC'24 

Journal Reviewer – 70+ journals, e.g., IEEE TIFS, TDSC, TC, TMC, TVT, TII; ACM TOIT, TIOT, TOPS.

TPC Member – 100+ conf., e.g., ACM CCS, AsiaCCS,  ESORICS, IEEE EuroS&P, ICC, TrustCom, WiMob, SmartGridComm, INFOCOM, MILCOM.

Cybersecurity Expert - Research Proposal Reviewer.


Topics for Potential Candidates:

Monitoring Critical Infrastructure Situational Awareness

Monitoring Safety Critical Systems' Situational Awareness

Cyber-Physical Smart Grid Resilience  + AI/ML/DL

EV Infrastructure Security and Resilience + AI/ML/DL

Autonomous Vehicle Security and Resilience + AI/ML/DL

5/6G and Satellite Communication Network Security + AI/ML/DL

Quantum Communication Security

Improving the IoT security infrastructure of Smart Cities + AI/ML/DL


If you are looking for a PhD in one of these or similar topics and are willing to work with me, please drop me an email with your proposal including the following points:

A. Title of your PhD work

B. Motivation of the work

C. Research problem and questions (any 3) that you want to address in your work

D. Research gaps - limitations of the existing solutions/tools inline with your research problem

E. Current/existing challenges in developing a better solution

F. Initial thoughts on your proposal/idea and contributions that you will make in this work.




Contact Details

Research themes


  • Cyberphysical systems and internet of things
  • Cybersecurity and privacy