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Laura Spencer

Miss Laura Spencer


Teams and roles for Laura Spencer


I am a geochemistry PhD student investigating what novel stable isotope systems can tell us about the formation, differentiation, and temporal evolution of sanukitoid magmas. I am working in collaboration with the Geological Survey of Western Australia, the University of Bristol, and Monash University (Australia).

Previously I have completed a BA (hons) in Natural Sciences (2017-2020) and a MSci in Earth Sciences (2020-2021), both at the University of Cambridge. The title of my MSci project was "Thallium Stable Isotopes as a Tracer of Early Continental Crust Formation".                                  





    I have demonstated on the following undergraduate modules within the School of Earth and Environmental Sciences:

    • EA1304 - Earth Science Fieldwork
    • EA1306 - Earth Materials
    • EA2301 - Geological Fieldwork, Data Analysis and Professional Skills
    • EA2302 - Applied Geological Fieldwork, Data Analysis and Professional Skills
    • EA2303 - Sedimentary Facies and Environments
    • EA2304 - Petrology and Volcanology
    • EA3325 - Advanced Petrology and Geochemistry


    • 2021 - present: PhD student - School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Cardiff University
    • 2020 - 2021: MSci in Earth Sciences - Newnham College, University of Cambridge
    • 2017 - 2020: BA (hons) in Natural Sciences - Newnham College, University of Cambridge

    Contact Details


    Campuses Main Building, Room 2.28, Park Place, Cardiff, CF10 3AT

    Research themes


    • Geochemistry
    • Isotope geochemistry
    • Igneous and metamorphic petrology