Dr Gerwin Strobl is a specialist in Modern German and Austrian History. His main research focus has been on the Third Reich and on the politics of culture in Central Europe. His work has been published in Cultural and Social History, German Life and Letters, the Journal of Contemporary History, History Today, and the New Theatre Quarterly. He publishes in English and German.
- Strobl, G. 2020. Hitler, Wagner und die nationale Sinnsuche. In: Bier, S. et al. eds. Hitler. Macht. Oper. Propaganda und Musiktheater in Nürnberg 1920–1950. Thurnauer Schriften zum Musiktheater. Germany: Königshausen & Neumann, pp. 29-48.
- Strobl, G. 2018. Das Spiel in der Unfreiheit: Gedanken zum Theater im NS-Staat. In: Dalinger, B. and Zangl, V. eds. Theater unter NS-Herrschaft [Theatre under Pressure]. Theater - Film - Medien Göttingen: Vienna University Press, pp. 33-59.
- Strobl, G. 2017. Hitler, Wagner und die nationale Sinnsuche. In: Staatstheater Nürnberg, . ed. Hitler.Macht.Oper: Musiktheater im Dialog VI. Nürnberg: Staatstheater Nürnberg, pp. 27-37.
- Strobl, G. 2016. “Das Theater eine Waffe deutschen Geistes”: NS-Propagandastrategien im besetzten Europa. In: Ulrich, P. ed. Im Spiegel der Theatergeschichte: Deutschsprachiges Theater im Wechsel von Raum und Zeit. Berlin: Thalia Germanica 15, pp. 304-313.
- Strobl, G. 2014. Bomben auf Oberdonau: Luftkrieg und Lynchmorde im “Heimatgau des Führers”. Oberösterreich in der Zeit des Nationalsozialismus. Linz: OÖLA - Oberösterr. Landesarchiv.
- Strobl, G. 2008. The Swastika and the stage: German theatre and society, 1933-1945. Cambridge Studies in Modern Theatre. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Strobl, G. 2008. Theatre in the Third Reich: A bibliographical survey. Working paper. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
- Strobl, G. 2007. Zum Ruhme Englands: the Vorgeschichte of the Nazi film "Titanic". German Life and Letters 60(2), pp. 196-211. (10.1111/j.1468-0483.2007.00382.x)
- Strobl, G. 2005. Staging the Nazi Assault on Reason: Hanns Johst's "Schlageter" and the 'Theatre of Inner Experience'. New Theatre Quarterly 21(4), pp. 307-316. (10.1017/S0266464X05000187)
- Strobl, G. 2005. Die Landkreise Krumau und Kaplitz bei Oberdonau. In: Oberoesterreichisches Landesarchiv, L. ed. Reichsgau Oberdonau Aspekte 2. Linz: Oberoesterreichisches Landesarchiv, pp. 347-400.
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- Strobl, G. 2020. Hitler, Wagner und die nationale Sinnsuche. In: Bier, S. et al. eds. Hitler. Macht. Oper. Propaganda und Musiktheater in Nürnberg 1920–1950. Thurnauer Schriften zum Musiktheater. Germany: Königshausen & Neumann, pp. 29-48.
- Strobl, G. 2018. Das Spiel in der Unfreiheit: Gedanken zum Theater im NS-Staat. In: Dalinger, B. and Zangl, V. eds. Theater unter NS-Herrschaft [Theatre under Pressure]. Theater - Film - Medien Göttingen: Vienna University Press, pp. 33-59.
- Strobl, G. 2017. Hitler, Wagner und die nationale Sinnsuche. In: Staatstheater Nürnberg, . ed. Hitler.Macht.Oper: Musiktheater im Dialog VI. Nürnberg: Staatstheater Nürnberg, pp. 27-37.
- Strobl, G. 2016. “Das Theater eine Waffe deutschen Geistes”: NS-Propagandastrategien im besetzten Europa. In: Ulrich, P. ed. Im Spiegel der Theatergeschichte: Deutschsprachiges Theater im Wechsel von Raum und Zeit. Berlin: Thalia Germanica 15, pp. 304-313.
- Strobl, G. 2005. Die Landkreise Krumau und Kaplitz bei Oberdonau. In: Oberoesterreichisches Landesarchiv, L. ed. Reichsgau Oberdonau Aspekte 2. Linz: Oberoesterreichisches Landesarchiv, pp. 347-400.
- Strobl, G. 2007. Zum Ruhme Englands: the Vorgeschichte of the Nazi film "Titanic". German Life and Letters 60(2), pp. 196-211. (10.1111/j.1468-0483.2007.00382.x)
- Strobl, G. 2005. Staging the Nazi Assault on Reason: Hanns Johst's "Schlageter" and the 'Theatre of Inner Experience'. New Theatre Quarterly 21(4), pp. 307-316. (10.1017/S0266464X05000187)
- Strobl, G. 2014. Bomben auf Oberdonau: Luftkrieg und Lynchmorde im “Heimatgau des Führers”. Oberösterreich in der Zeit des Nationalsozialismus. Linz: OÖLA - Oberösterr. Landesarchiv.
- Strobl, G. 2008. The Swastika and the stage: German theatre and society, 1933-1945. Cambridge Studies in Modern Theatre. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Strobl, G. 2008. Theatre in the Third Reich: A bibliographical survey. Working paper. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
Dr Gerwin Strobl is a specialist in the cultural, intellectual and political history of Central Europe, and has a particular research interest in the Third Reich and the successor states of the Habsburg Empire.
Year one
- Making of the Modern World - 20 credits (HS1105)
- History in Practice: Fury, Folly and Footnotes - 20 credits (HS1107)
Year two
Year three
- Dissertation - 30 credits (HS1801)
- Germany's New Order - 30 credits (HS1832)
- Austria and Germany 1866-1918
- Austria and Germany 1918-1945
I welcome applications from potential research students with interests in the cultural, economic, social and political history of Germany and Austria. Recent PhDs supervised by me have been on:
- Shipping in Bremen, 1866-1945
- German Transatlantic Migration in the Nineteenth Century
- The Austrian Anschluss 1918-1938
- The City of Leipzig from Nazism to Communism
Postgraduate students
- Helen Bluemel, 'Identity in Transition: Leipzig's Cultural Downfall, 1943-49' (awarded)
- James Boyd, 'Structural Causes of German Emigration to the US, 1848-1900'
- Jody Manning, 'The Struggle Against The 'Anti-Christ':The Austrian Regime and The Austrian National Socialist Movement 1933-38'
Professional memberships
- DAAD-Fellow at the Freie Universität Berlin (2010)
- Member of the Austrian Government Commission on the History of Hitler's Home Region („Oberdonau Projekt")