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Dr Li Sun

Available for postgraduate supervision

Teams and roles for Li Sun


I have been serving as a Lecturer in Civil Engineering at School of Engineering of Cardiff University, since 06/2023. Before joining Cardiff, I have been working as a (Senior) Research Fellow at the Department of Civil, Environmental & Geomatic Engineering of University College London, UK, and as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Data Science Institute, at Columbia University, USA. I earned my PhD in Resilience Engineering at ETH Zurich, Switzerland, in July 2017.

My research focuses on bottom-up approaches to digital twinning of interwoven urban infrastructure systems. I aim to enable the multi-time scale, artificial intelligence-informed resilience and sustainability planning of those dynamic systems subjected to climate hazards.







My research is now focusing upon (but not limited to) the following issues:

·    Resilience-oriented emergency responses of urban systems under catastrophes;

·    Risk- and resilience-informed decision support systems for emergency management;

·    Data-driven approaches to the enhancement of climate readiness of future cities.  

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