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Daniel Talkes  BA BArch (Hons) DipArch RIBA AABC

Daniel Talkes

BA BArch (Hons) DipArch RIBA AABC

Lecturer in Design and Construction


A recipient of the Welsh Gold Medal for Architecture, Dan is an award-winning practitioner, educator, and accredited conservation architect (AABC).

With a recognised specialism in adaptive re-use and the creation of contemporary architecture in historic contexts, Dan has taught at WSA since 2009, primarily as Design Unit Leader in BSc3. He has also been an invited critic at the Universities of Bath and Newcastle, and a guest lecturer at the University of Bristol.


Emerging from his conservation accreditation, Dan’s research is multidisciplinary and includes: design responses to hidden and past contexts; heritage significance; the performance upgrade of traditional and early modernist structures; contested heritage and, particularly, the fabric legacies of Bristol’s involvement in the Transatlantic Slave Trade.

This work has benefitted from close collaboration with Local Authorities; Heritage Organisations, including Historic England, SAVE Britain’s Heritage, the Church Buildings Council; and end-user clients, including St Mary Redcliffe, with whom Dan has undertaken extensive fabric, archival, and design research to assist in the development of new facilities for the interpretation of the church’s hidden and contested heritage.


Dan teaches Design and Construction across the BSc and MArch programmes, and is particularly interested in the creative synergies between concept, materiality and making.

Contact Details

Telephone +44 29225 14824
Campuses Bute Building, Room 309, King Edward VII Avenue, Cardiff, CF10 3NB