Professor Chris Taylor
Academic Director, SPARK
- Media commentator
- Available for postgraduate supervision
Chris is Professor of Social Sciences at Cardiff University and is the Academic Director of the Cardiff University Social Science Research Park (SPARK). Prior to this he was a Co-Director of the Wales Institute of Social & Economic Research & Data (WISERD).
Chris has published extensively on a wide range of educational and social issues and has undertaken research across all education sectors, from early years to higher education. This has included government-funded evaluations of the Foundation Phase for all 3-7 year olds in Wales, the Pupil Development Grant and the Welsh Baccalaureate qualification, an ESRC Fellowship studying the geography of growing up in the UK and an ESRC Large Grant on the political economy of school exclusions across the UK. He recently established the WISERD Education Data Lab, utilising education administrative data to support education priorities in Wales and helps convene the annual WISERDEducation Multi-Cohort Study (WMCS). He is also part of the PISA 2021 team for England and Wales, working with the University of Oxford and Pearson. Chris is also a member of the ESRC Large Centre on Civil Society in WISERD, leading on a number of work packages on civil society including the impact of graduates on civil society, the intergenerational transmission of civic attitudes and engagement, the role of grandparents in children’s formative years and the opportunities and barriers to children’s participation in civil society.
Chris was formerly the editor of Teaching and Teacher Education and the British Educational Research Journal and is currently on the editorial board of the Journal of Education Policy, the British Journal of Sociology of Education and the British Journal of Educational Studies. He is a member of the Higher Education Funding Council for Wales (HEFCW) Student Opportunities and Achievement Committee and is the independent chair of the Centre for Longitudinal Studies, UCL, Strategic Advisory Board.
- Lowthian, E. et al. 2024. Receipt of social services intervention in childhood, educational attainment and emergency hospital admissions: longitudinal analyses of national administrative health, social care, and education data in Wales, UK. BMC Public Health 24, article number: 2912. (10.1186/s12889-024-20204-6)
- Power, S. and Taylor, C. 2024. Classroom exclusions: patterns, practices, and pupil perceptions. International Journal of Inclusive Education 28(12), pp. 2698-2712. (10.1080/13603116.2022.2121434)
- Tseliou, F., Taylor, C. and Power, S. 2024. Formal school exclusions over the educational lifecourse in Wales. Oxford Review of Education 50(6), pp. 854-875. (10.1080/03054985.2024.2379918)
- Power, S., Bridgeman, J. and Taylor, C. 2024. Psychosocial disorder or rational action? Contrasting professional and pupil narratives of school exclusion. Oxford Review of Education 50(6), pp. 817-833. (10.1080/03054985.2024.2373061)
- Rodriguez-Pose, A., Sandu, A., Taylor, C. and Hampton, J. M. 2024. Children's subjective well-being during the Coronavirus pandemic. Child Indicators Research 17, pp. 309-347. (10.1007/s12187-023-10089-z)
- Sandu, A. and Taylor, C. 2024. Digital learning technologies usage during Covid-19 lockdowns. British Educational Research Journal (10.1002/berj.4092)
- Tseliou, F., Taylor, C. and Power, S. 2023. Recent trends in formal school exclusions in Wales. British Journal of Educational Studies (10.1080/00071005.2023.2276404)
- Fox, S., Taylor, C., Evans, C. and Rees, G. 2023. The positional effects of education on social capital in the UK. International Journal of Sociology (10.1080/00207659.2023.2227457)
- Huxley, K., Davies, R., Foster, C. and Taylor, C. 2022. Comparing socio-economic measures as predictors of educational attainment.. International Journal of Population Data Science 7(3) (10.23889/ijpds.v7i3.1988)
- Lowthian, E. et al. 2022. Maternal mental health and children's development: a bi-directional relationship?. International Journal of Population Data Science 7(3), article number: 162. (10.23889/ijpds.v7i3.1936)
- Evans, C., Rees, G., Taylor, C. and Fox, S. 2021. A liberal higher education for all? The massification of higher education and its implications for graduates' participation in civil society. Higher Education 81, pp. 521-535. (10.1007/s10734-020-00554-x)
- Power, S. and Taylor, C. 2021. School exclusions in Wales: policy discourse and policy enactment. Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties 26(1), pp. 19-30. (10.1080/13632752.2021.1898761)
- Muddiman, E., Power, S. and Taylor, C. 2020. Civil society and the family. Civil Society and Social Change. Policy Press.
- Lyons, J. et al. 2020. Understanding and responding to COVID-19 in Wales: protocol for a privacy protecting data platform for enhanced epidemiology and evaluation of interventions. BMJ Open 10(10), article number: e043010. (10.1136/bmjopen-2020-043010)
- Taylor, C., Fox, S., Evans, C. and Rees, G. 2020. The ‘civic premium’ of university graduates: the impact of massification on associational membership. Studies in Higher Education 45(7), pp. 1351-1366. (10.1080/03075079.2019.1637837)
- Taylor, C. and Power, S. 2020. Re-educating the nation? The development of a new curriculum for Wales. Curriculum Journal 31(2), pp. 177-180. (10.1002/curj.41)
- Taylor, C. and Power, S. 2020. Ailaddysgu’r genedl? Datblygu cwricwlwm newydd i Gymru. Curriculum Journal 31(2), pp. e1-e4. (10.1002/curj.45)
- Power, S., Taylor, C. and Newton, N. 2020. ‘Dyfodol llwyddiannus’ i bawb yng Nghymru? Yr heriau wrth ddiwygio cwricwla i ymdrin ag anghydraddoldeb addysgol. Curriculum Journal 31(2), pp. e148-e165. (10.1002/curj.44)
- Power, S., Taylor, C. and Newton, N. 2020. ‘Successful futures’ for all in Wales? The challenges of curriculum reform for addressing educational inequalities. Curriculum Journal 31(2), pp. 317-333. (10.1002/curj.39)
- Power, S. and Taylor, C. 2020. Not in the classroom, but still on the register: Hidden forms of school exclusion. International Journal of Inclusive Education 24(8), pp. 867-881. (10.1080/13603116.2018.1492644)
- Power, S., Rhys, M., Taylor, C. and Waldron, S. 2019. How child-centred education favours some learners more than others. Review of Education 7(3), pp. 570-592. (10.1002/rev3.3137)
- Fox, S., Hampton, J. M., Muddiman, E. and Taylor, C. 2019. Intergenerational transmission and support for EU membership in the United Kingdom: the case of Brexit. European Sociological Review 35(3), pp. 380-393. (10.1093/esr/jcz005)
- Evans, C., Rees, G., Taylor, C. and Wright, C. 2019. 'Widening Access' to higher education: the reproduction of university hierarchies through policy enactment. Journal of Education Policy 34(1), pp. 101-116. (10.1080/02680939.2017.1390165)
- Muddiman, E., Taylor, C., Power, S. and Moles, K. 2019. Young people, family relationships and civic participation. Journal of Civil Society 15(1), pp. 82-98. (10.1080/17448689.2018.1550903)
- Taylor, C., Wright, C., Davies, R., Rees, G., Evans, C. and Drinkwater, S. 2018. The effect of schools on school leavers' university participation. School Effectiveness and School Improvement 29(4), pp. 590-613. (10.1080/09243453.2018.1484776)
- Power, S., Muddiman, E., Moles, K. and Taylor, C. 2018. Civil society: Bringing the family back in. Journal of Civil Society 14(3), pp. 193-206. (10.1080/17448689.2018.1498170)
- Taylor, C. 2018. The reliability of free school meal eligibility as a measure of socio-economic disadvantage: evidence from the Millennium Cohort Study in Wales. British Journal of Educational Studies 66(1), pp. 29-51. (10.1080/00071005.2017.1330464)
- Pearce, S., Power, S. and Taylor, C. M. 2018. Private tutoring in Wales: patterns of private investment and public provision. Research Papers in Education 33(1), pp. 113-126. (10.1080/02671522.2016.1271000)
- Power, S., Taylor, C. and Horton, K. 2017. Sleepless in school? The social dimensions of young people's bedtime rest and routines. Journal of Youth Studies 20(8), pp. 945-958. (10.1080/13676261.2016.1273522)
- Davies, O., Taylor, C. and Huxley, K. 2017. Learners leaving Sixth Form before Year 13: characteristics and further education enrolment. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: Welsh Government. Available at:
- Taylor, C. M. et al. 2016. Evaluating the Foundation Phase: technical report. Technical Report.
- Yhnell, E., Wood, H., Baker, M. D., Amici-Dargan, S., Taylor, C. M., Randerson, P. and Shore, A. 2016. The impact of attaining the Welsh Baccalaureate Advanced Diploma on academic performance in bioscience higher education. International Journal of Science Education 38(1), pp. 156-169. (10.1080/09500693.2015.1135353)
- Taylor, C. M., Rhys, M. and Waldron, S. 2016. Implementing curriculum reform in Wales: the case of the Foundation Phase. Oxford Review of Education 42(3), pp. 299-315. (10.1080/03054985.2016.1184872)
- Pye, J., Mollidor, C., Taylor, C. M. and Huxley, K. 2015. Evaluation of the Pupil Deprivation Grant: 2nd Interim report, December 2015. Project Report. [Online]. Welsh Government. Available at:
- Taylor, C., Joshi, H. and Wright, C. 2015. Evaluating the impact of early years educational reform in Wales to age seven: the potential use of the UK Millennium Cohort Study. Journal of Education Policy 30(5), pp. 688-712. (10.1080/02680939.2014.963164)
- Taylor, C. et al. 2015. Evaluating the Foundation Phase: final report. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: Welsh Government. Available at:
- Waldron, S., Rhys, M. and Taylor, C. M. 2015. Evaluating the Foundation Phase: Key findings on practitioner and stakeholder views on the future of the Foundation Phase. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: Welsh Government. Available at:
- Rhys, M., Waldron, S. and Taylor, C. M. 2015. Evaluating the Foundation Phase: Key findings on literacy and numeracy. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: Welsh Government. Available at:
- Taylor, C. M., Davies, O. R., Rhys, M., Waldron, S. and Blackaby, D. 2015. Evaluating the Foundation Phase: The outcomes of Foundation Phase pupils up to 2011/12 (Report 2). Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: Welsh Government. Available at:
- Hudson, K. J., Taylor, C. M. and Henley, A. 2015. Trends in the management of registered sexual offenders across England and Wales: a geographical approach to the study of sexual offending. Journal of Sexual Aggression 21(1), pp. 56-70. (10.1080/13552600.2014.949314)
- Rees, G. and Taylor, C. M. 2015. Is there a 'crisis' in Welsh education?. Transactions of the Honourable Society of Cymmrodorion, pp. 97-113.
- Rees, G., Taylor, C., Davies, O., Drinkwater, S., Evans, C. and Wright, C. 2015. Access to higher education in Wales: a report to the Higher Education Funding Council for Wales. Technical Report.
- Waldron, S., Rhys, M. and Taylor, C. M. 2015. Evaluating the Foundation Phase key findings on practitioner and stakeholder views on the future of the Foundation Phase. Project Report. [Online]. Welsh Government. Available at:
- Power, S., Taylor, C. and Lewis, J. 2015. Independent review of assessment and the national curriculum (the Donaldson Review). Analysis of questionnaire responses. The final report:. Technical Report.
- Waldron, S., Rhys, M. and Taylor, C. M. 2014. Evaluating the Foundation Phase: key findings on children and families. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: Welsh Government. Available at:
- Taylor, C. M., Waldron, S. and Rhys, M. 2014. Evaluating the Foundation Phase: key findings on staffing. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: Welsh Government. Available at:
- Pye, J., Hardy, C. and Taylor, C. M. 2014. Evaluation of the Pupil Deprivation Grant - Year 1 Report. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: Welsh Government. Available at:
- Waldron, S., Rhys, M. and Taylor, C. M. 2014. Evaluating the Foundation Phase: key findings on transitions and assessment. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: Welsh Government. Available at:
- Taylor, C. M., Waldron, S. and Rhys, M. 2014. Evaluating the Foundation Phase: key findings on management And leadership. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: Welsh Government. Available at:
- Rhys, M., Waldron, S. and Taylor, C. M. 2014. Evaluating the Foundation Phase: key findings on Welsh language. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: Welsh Government. Available at:
- Taylor, C. M., Waldron, S. and Rhys, M. 2014. Evaluating the Foundation Phase: key findings on management and leadership. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: Welsh Government. Available at:
- Rhys, M., Waldron, S. and Taylor, C. M. 2014. Evaluating the Foundation Phase: Key findings on the environment (indoor/outdoor). Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: Welsh Government. Available at:
- 2014. Evaluating the Foundation Phase: Key findings on training, support and guidance. Project Report. [Online]. Welsh Government. Available at:
- Waldron, S., Rhys, M. and Taylor, C. M. 2014. Evaluating the Foundation Phase: key findings on pedagogy and understanding. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: Welsh Government. Available at:
- Taylor, C. M. et al. 2014. Evaluating the Foundation Phase: Annual Report 2011/12. Project Report. [Online]. Welsh Government. Available at:
- Taylor, C. M. et al. 2014. Evaluating the Foundation Phase: Update and Technical Report 2012/13. Technical Report.
- Waldron, S., Rhys, M. and Taylor, C. M. 2014. Evaluating the Foundation Phase: key findings on reported impacts. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: Welsh Government. Available at:
- Waldron, S., Rhys, M. and Taylor, C. M. 2014. Evaluating the Foundation Phase: key findings on child involvement and wellbeing. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: Welsh Government. Available at:
- Taylor, C. M., Rees, G. M. and Davies, O. R. 2013. Devolution and geographies of education: the use of the Millennium Cohort Study for 'home international' comparisons across the UK. Comparative Education 49(3), pp. 290-316. (10.1080/03050068.2013.802927)
- Maynard, T., Taylor, C. M., Waldron, S., Rhys, M., Smith, R., Power, S. and Clement, J. 2013. Evaluating the Foundation Phase: policy logic model and programme theory. Project Report. [Online]. Welsh Government. Available at:
- Taylor, C. M., Rees, G. M., Sloan, L. and Davies, R. 2013. Creating an inclusive Higher Education system? Progression and outcomes of students from low participation neighbourhoods at a Welsh university. Contemporary Wales 26, pp. 138-161.
- Power, S. A. R. and Taylor, C. M. 2013. Social justice and education in the public and private spheres. Oxford Review of Education 39(4), pp. 464-479. (10.1080/03054985.2013.821854)
- Davies, R., Taylor, C. M., Maynard, T., Rhys, M., Waldron, S. and Blackaby, D. 2013. Evaluating the Foundation Phase: The outcomes of Foundation Phase pupils (Report 1). Project Report. [Online]. Welsh Government. Available at:
- Davies, O. R., Taylor, C., Maynard, T., Rhys, M., Waldron, S. and Blackaby, D. 2013. Evaluating the Foundation Phase: the outcomes of Foundation Phase pupils (Report 1). Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: Welsh Government. Available at:
- Scourfield, J. B., Taylor, C. M., Moore, G. and Gilliat-Ray, S. 2012. The intergenerational transmission of Islam in England and Wales: evidence from the Citizenship Survey. Sociology 46(1), pp. 91-108. (10.1177/0038038511419189)
- Taylor, C. M., Power, S. A. R. and Rees, G. 2010. Out-of-school learning: the uneven distribution of school provision and local authority support. British Educational Research Journal 36(6), pp. 1017-1036. (10.1080/01411920903342046)
- Power, S. A., Taylor, C. M., Lewis, J. T., Connolly, M., Thomas, G. and Jones, S. W. 2010. Realizing the ‘learning country'? Research activity and capacity within Welsh local authorities. Contemporary Wales 23(1), pp. 71-92.
- Johnson, S. A. et al. 2010. Impact of compound heterozygous complement factor H mutations on development of atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome - A pedigree revisited. Molecular Immunology 47(7-8), pp. 1585-1591. (10.1016/j.molimm.2009.12.001)
- Taylor, C. M. and Coffey, A. J. 2009. Editorial -- Special issue: qualitative research and methodological innovation. Qualitative Research 9(5), pp. 523-526. (10.1177/1468794109350355)
- Taylor, C. M. 2009. Towards a geography of education. Oxford Review of Education 35(5), pp. 651-669. (10.1080/03054980903216358)
- Taylor, C. M. 2009. Choice, competition, and segregation in a United Kingdom urban education market. American Journal of Education 115(4), pp. 549-568. (10.1086/599781)
- Evans, R. J., Hillman, A., Rees, G. M., Ross, N., Taylor, C. M. and Williams, G. H. 2009. Qualitative research, deliberative inquiry and policy making. Qualitative Researcher(10), pp. 10-11.
- Power, S., Lewis, J. T., Taylor, C., Connolly, M., Thomas, G. and Wyn Jones, S. 2009. Local authorities and education research in Wales. The final report of LINK-Wales: the learning in Wales network. Technical Report.
- Power, S. A., Taylor, C. M., Rees, G. M. and Jones, K. 2009. Out-of-school learning: variations in provision and participation in secondary schools. Research Papers in Education 24(4), pp. 439-460. (10.1080/02671520802584095)
- Freedman, E., Bedward, J., Hazlehurst, S., Piper, H. and Taylor, C. M. 2008. The 2008 BERA charter for research staff: Promoting quality conditions for conducting quality research. Macclesfield, UK: British Educational Research Association (BERA). Available at:
- Taylor, C. M. and CRG Research Limited, . 2008. Assessment of capacity and viability of local authority outdoor education centres: Final report. Project Report. Cardiff: CRG Research Limited.
- Bannan-Ritland, B., Gorard, S., Middleton, J. and Taylor, C. M. 2008. The "compleat" design experiment: from soup to nuts. In: Kelly, A. E., Lesh, R. A. and Baek, J. Y. eds. Handbook of design research methods in education: innovations in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics learning and teaching. London: Routledge, pp. 21-46.
- Power, S. A. R., Taylor, C. M., Rees, G. M. and Jones, K. 2008. Out-of-school learning: variations in provision and participation in secondary schools: Final report to the Campaign For Real World Learning. Project Report. Shrewsbury: Field Studies Council.
- Taylor, C. M., Connolly, M., Power, S. A. R. and Rees, G. M. 2007. Formative evaluation of the applied educational research scheme (AERS). Project Report. [Online]. Edinburgh: Education Information and Analytical Services, Scottish Government. Available at:
- Taylor, C. M. 2007. Geographical information systems (GIS) and school choice: the use of spatial research tools in studying educational policy. In: Gulson, K. N. and Symes, C. eds. Spatial Theories of Education: Policy and Geography Matters. Routledge Research in Education London: Routledge, pp. 77-93.
- Fitz, J., Taylor, C., Pugsley, L., Madden, L., Stephens, N., Lewis, J. T. and Smith, M. 2005. Attitudes towards participation in higher education in Wales. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff University. Available at:
- Fitz, J., Gorard, S. and Taylor, C. M. 2002. School Admissions after the School Standards and Framework Act: Bringing the LEAs Back In?. Oxford Review of Education 28(2-3), pp. 373-394. (10.1080/03054980220143487)
- Fitz, J., Taylor, C. M. and Gorard, S. 2002. Local Education Authorities and the regulation of educational markets: four case studies. Research Papers in Education 17(2), pp. 125-146. (10.1080/02671520210122900)
- Taylor, C. M. 2002. Geography of the "new" education market: secondary school choice in England and Wales. Aldershot: Ashgate.
- Taylor, C. M. and Gorard, S. 2001. The role of residence in school segregation: placing the impact of parental choice in perspective. Environment and Planning A 33(10), pp. 1829-1852. (10.1068/a34123)
- Taylor, C. M. 2001. Hierarchies and 'Local' Markets: the Geography of the 'Lived' Market Place in Secondary Education Provision. Journal of Education Policy 16(3), pp. 197-214. (10.1080/02680930110041024)
- Lowthian, E. et al. 2024. Receipt of social services intervention in childhood, educational attainment and emergency hospital admissions: longitudinal analyses of national administrative health, social care, and education data in Wales, UK. BMC Public Health 24, article number: 2912. (10.1186/s12889-024-20204-6)
- Power, S. and Taylor, C. 2024. Classroom exclusions: patterns, practices, and pupil perceptions. International Journal of Inclusive Education 28(12), pp. 2698-2712. (10.1080/13603116.2022.2121434)
- Tseliou, F., Taylor, C. and Power, S. 2024. Formal school exclusions over the educational lifecourse in Wales. Oxford Review of Education 50(6), pp. 854-875. (10.1080/03054985.2024.2379918)
- Power, S., Bridgeman, J. and Taylor, C. 2024. Psychosocial disorder or rational action? Contrasting professional and pupil narratives of school exclusion. Oxford Review of Education 50(6), pp. 817-833. (10.1080/03054985.2024.2373061)
- Rodriguez-Pose, A., Sandu, A., Taylor, C. and Hampton, J. M. 2024. Children's subjective well-being during the Coronavirus pandemic. Child Indicators Research 17, pp. 309-347. (10.1007/s12187-023-10089-z)
- Sandu, A. and Taylor, C. 2024. Digital learning technologies usage during Covid-19 lockdowns. British Educational Research Journal (10.1002/berj.4092)
- Tseliou, F., Taylor, C. and Power, S. 2023. Recent trends in formal school exclusions in Wales. British Journal of Educational Studies (10.1080/00071005.2023.2276404)
- Fox, S., Taylor, C., Evans, C. and Rees, G. 2023. The positional effects of education on social capital in the UK. International Journal of Sociology (10.1080/00207659.2023.2227457)
- Huxley, K., Davies, R., Foster, C. and Taylor, C. 2022. Comparing socio-economic measures as predictors of educational attainment.. International Journal of Population Data Science 7(3) (10.23889/ijpds.v7i3.1988)
- Lowthian, E. et al. 2022. Maternal mental health and children's development: a bi-directional relationship?. International Journal of Population Data Science 7(3), article number: 162. (10.23889/ijpds.v7i3.1936)
- Evans, C., Rees, G., Taylor, C. and Fox, S. 2021. A liberal higher education for all? The massification of higher education and its implications for graduates' participation in civil society. Higher Education 81, pp. 521-535. (10.1007/s10734-020-00554-x)
- Power, S. and Taylor, C. 2021. School exclusions in Wales: policy discourse and policy enactment. Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties 26(1), pp. 19-30. (10.1080/13632752.2021.1898761)
- Lyons, J. et al. 2020. Understanding and responding to COVID-19 in Wales: protocol for a privacy protecting data platform for enhanced epidemiology and evaluation of interventions. BMJ Open 10(10), article number: e043010. (10.1136/bmjopen-2020-043010)
- Taylor, C., Fox, S., Evans, C. and Rees, G. 2020. The ‘civic premium’ of university graduates: the impact of massification on associational membership. Studies in Higher Education 45(7), pp. 1351-1366. (10.1080/03075079.2019.1637837)
- Taylor, C. and Power, S. 2020. Re-educating the nation? The development of a new curriculum for Wales. Curriculum Journal 31(2), pp. 177-180. (10.1002/curj.41)
- Taylor, C. and Power, S. 2020. Ailaddysgu’r genedl? Datblygu cwricwlwm newydd i Gymru. Curriculum Journal 31(2), pp. e1-e4. (10.1002/curj.45)
- Power, S., Taylor, C. and Newton, N. 2020. ‘Dyfodol llwyddiannus’ i bawb yng Nghymru? Yr heriau wrth ddiwygio cwricwla i ymdrin ag anghydraddoldeb addysgol. Curriculum Journal 31(2), pp. e148-e165. (10.1002/curj.44)
- Power, S., Taylor, C. and Newton, N. 2020. ‘Successful futures’ for all in Wales? The challenges of curriculum reform for addressing educational inequalities. Curriculum Journal 31(2), pp. 317-333. (10.1002/curj.39)
- Power, S. and Taylor, C. 2020. Not in the classroom, but still on the register: Hidden forms of school exclusion. International Journal of Inclusive Education 24(8), pp. 867-881. (10.1080/13603116.2018.1492644)
- Power, S., Rhys, M., Taylor, C. and Waldron, S. 2019. How child-centred education favours some learners more than others. Review of Education 7(3), pp. 570-592. (10.1002/rev3.3137)
- Fox, S., Hampton, J. M., Muddiman, E. and Taylor, C. 2019. Intergenerational transmission and support for EU membership in the United Kingdom: the case of Brexit. European Sociological Review 35(3), pp. 380-393. (10.1093/esr/jcz005)
- Evans, C., Rees, G., Taylor, C. and Wright, C. 2019. 'Widening Access' to higher education: the reproduction of university hierarchies through policy enactment. Journal of Education Policy 34(1), pp. 101-116. (10.1080/02680939.2017.1390165)
- Muddiman, E., Taylor, C., Power, S. and Moles, K. 2019. Young people, family relationships and civic participation. Journal of Civil Society 15(1), pp. 82-98. (10.1080/17448689.2018.1550903)
- Taylor, C., Wright, C., Davies, R., Rees, G., Evans, C. and Drinkwater, S. 2018. The effect of schools on school leavers' university participation. School Effectiveness and School Improvement 29(4), pp. 590-613. (10.1080/09243453.2018.1484776)
- Power, S., Muddiman, E., Moles, K. and Taylor, C. 2018. Civil society: Bringing the family back in. Journal of Civil Society 14(3), pp. 193-206. (10.1080/17448689.2018.1498170)
- Taylor, C. 2018. The reliability of free school meal eligibility as a measure of socio-economic disadvantage: evidence from the Millennium Cohort Study in Wales. British Journal of Educational Studies 66(1), pp. 29-51. (10.1080/00071005.2017.1330464)
- Pearce, S., Power, S. and Taylor, C. M. 2018. Private tutoring in Wales: patterns of private investment and public provision. Research Papers in Education 33(1), pp. 113-126. (10.1080/02671522.2016.1271000)
- Power, S., Taylor, C. and Horton, K. 2017. Sleepless in school? The social dimensions of young people's bedtime rest and routines. Journal of Youth Studies 20(8), pp. 945-958. (10.1080/13676261.2016.1273522)
- Yhnell, E., Wood, H., Baker, M. D., Amici-Dargan, S., Taylor, C. M., Randerson, P. and Shore, A. 2016. The impact of attaining the Welsh Baccalaureate Advanced Diploma on academic performance in bioscience higher education. International Journal of Science Education 38(1), pp. 156-169. (10.1080/09500693.2015.1135353)
- Taylor, C. M., Rhys, M. and Waldron, S. 2016. Implementing curriculum reform in Wales: the case of the Foundation Phase. Oxford Review of Education 42(3), pp. 299-315. (10.1080/03054985.2016.1184872)
- Taylor, C., Joshi, H. and Wright, C. 2015. Evaluating the impact of early years educational reform in Wales to age seven: the potential use of the UK Millennium Cohort Study. Journal of Education Policy 30(5), pp. 688-712. (10.1080/02680939.2014.963164)
- Hudson, K. J., Taylor, C. M. and Henley, A. 2015. Trends in the management of registered sexual offenders across England and Wales: a geographical approach to the study of sexual offending. Journal of Sexual Aggression 21(1), pp. 56-70. (10.1080/13552600.2014.949314)
- Rees, G. and Taylor, C. M. 2015. Is there a 'crisis' in Welsh education?. Transactions of the Honourable Society of Cymmrodorion, pp. 97-113.
- Taylor, C. M., Rees, G. M. and Davies, O. R. 2013. Devolution and geographies of education: the use of the Millennium Cohort Study for 'home international' comparisons across the UK. Comparative Education 49(3), pp. 290-316. (10.1080/03050068.2013.802927)
- Taylor, C. M., Rees, G. M., Sloan, L. and Davies, R. 2013. Creating an inclusive Higher Education system? Progression and outcomes of students from low participation neighbourhoods at a Welsh university. Contemporary Wales 26, pp. 138-161.
- Power, S. A. R. and Taylor, C. M. 2013. Social justice and education in the public and private spheres. Oxford Review of Education 39(4), pp. 464-479. (10.1080/03054985.2013.821854)
- Scourfield, J. B., Taylor, C. M., Moore, G. and Gilliat-Ray, S. 2012. The intergenerational transmission of Islam in England and Wales: evidence from the Citizenship Survey. Sociology 46(1), pp. 91-108. (10.1177/0038038511419189)
- Taylor, C. M., Power, S. A. R. and Rees, G. 2010. Out-of-school learning: the uneven distribution of school provision and local authority support. British Educational Research Journal 36(6), pp. 1017-1036. (10.1080/01411920903342046)
- Power, S. A., Taylor, C. M., Lewis, J. T., Connolly, M., Thomas, G. and Jones, S. W. 2010. Realizing the ‘learning country'? Research activity and capacity within Welsh local authorities. Contemporary Wales 23(1), pp. 71-92.
- Johnson, S. A. et al. 2010. Impact of compound heterozygous complement factor H mutations on development of atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome - A pedigree revisited. Molecular Immunology 47(7-8), pp. 1585-1591. (10.1016/j.molimm.2009.12.001)
- Taylor, C. M. and Coffey, A. J. 2009. Editorial -- Special issue: qualitative research and methodological innovation. Qualitative Research 9(5), pp. 523-526. (10.1177/1468794109350355)
- Taylor, C. M. 2009. Towards a geography of education. Oxford Review of Education 35(5), pp. 651-669. (10.1080/03054980903216358)
- Taylor, C. M. 2009. Choice, competition, and segregation in a United Kingdom urban education market. American Journal of Education 115(4), pp. 549-568. (10.1086/599781)
- Evans, R. J., Hillman, A., Rees, G. M., Ross, N., Taylor, C. M. and Williams, G. H. 2009. Qualitative research, deliberative inquiry and policy making. Qualitative Researcher(10), pp. 10-11.
- Power, S. A., Taylor, C. M., Rees, G. M. and Jones, K. 2009. Out-of-school learning: variations in provision and participation in secondary schools. Research Papers in Education 24(4), pp. 439-460. (10.1080/02671520802584095)
- Fitz, J., Gorard, S. and Taylor, C. M. 2002. School Admissions after the School Standards and Framework Act: Bringing the LEAs Back In?. Oxford Review of Education 28(2-3), pp. 373-394. (10.1080/03054980220143487)
- Fitz, J., Taylor, C. M. and Gorard, S. 2002. Local Education Authorities and the regulation of educational markets: four case studies. Research Papers in Education 17(2), pp. 125-146. (10.1080/02671520210122900)
- Taylor, C. M. and Gorard, S. 2001. The role of residence in school segregation: placing the impact of parental choice in perspective. Environment and Planning A 33(10), pp. 1829-1852. (10.1068/a34123)
- Taylor, C. M. 2001. Hierarchies and 'Local' Markets: the Geography of the 'Lived' Market Place in Secondary Education Provision. Journal of Education Policy 16(3), pp. 197-214. (10.1080/02680930110041024)
Book sections
- Bannan-Ritland, B., Gorard, S., Middleton, J. and Taylor, C. M. 2008. The "compleat" design experiment: from soup to nuts. In: Kelly, A. E., Lesh, R. A. and Baek, J. Y. eds. Handbook of design research methods in education: innovations in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics learning and teaching. London: Routledge, pp. 21-46.
- Taylor, C. M. 2007. Geographical information systems (GIS) and school choice: the use of spatial research tools in studying educational policy. In: Gulson, K. N. and Symes, C. eds. Spatial Theories of Education: Policy and Geography Matters. Routledge Research in Education London: Routledge, pp. 77-93.
- Muddiman, E., Power, S. and Taylor, C. 2020. Civil society and the family. Civil Society and Social Change. Policy Press.
- Taylor, C. M. 2002. Geography of the "new" education market: secondary school choice in England and Wales. Aldershot: Ashgate.
- Davies, O., Taylor, C. and Huxley, K. 2017. Learners leaving Sixth Form before Year 13: characteristics and further education enrolment. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: Welsh Government. Available at:
- Taylor, C. M. et al. 2016. Evaluating the Foundation Phase: technical report. Technical Report.
- Pye, J., Mollidor, C., Taylor, C. M. and Huxley, K. 2015. Evaluation of the Pupil Deprivation Grant: 2nd Interim report, December 2015. Project Report. [Online]. Welsh Government. Available at:
- Taylor, C. et al. 2015. Evaluating the Foundation Phase: final report. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: Welsh Government. Available at:
- Waldron, S., Rhys, M. and Taylor, C. M. 2015. Evaluating the Foundation Phase: Key findings on practitioner and stakeholder views on the future of the Foundation Phase. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: Welsh Government. Available at:
- Rhys, M., Waldron, S. and Taylor, C. M. 2015. Evaluating the Foundation Phase: Key findings on literacy and numeracy. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: Welsh Government. Available at:
- Taylor, C. M., Davies, O. R., Rhys, M., Waldron, S. and Blackaby, D. 2015. Evaluating the Foundation Phase: The outcomes of Foundation Phase pupils up to 2011/12 (Report 2). Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: Welsh Government. Available at:
- Rees, G., Taylor, C., Davies, O., Drinkwater, S., Evans, C. and Wright, C. 2015. Access to higher education in Wales: a report to the Higher Education Funding Council for Wales. Technical Report.
- Waldron, S., Rhys, M. and Taylor, C. M. 2015. Evaluating the Foundation Phase key findings on practitioner and stakeholder views on the future of the Foundation Phase. Project Report. [Online]. Welsh Government. Available at:
- Power, S., Taylor, C. and Lewis, J. 2015. Independent review of assessment and the national curriculum (the Donaldson Review). Analysis of questionnaire responses. The final report:. Technical Report.
- Waldron, S., Rhys, M. and Taylor, C. M. 2014. Evaluating the Foundation Phase: key findings on children and families. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: Welsh Government. Available at:
- Taylor, C. M., Waldron, S. and Rhys, M. 2014. Evaluating the Foundation Phase: key findings on staffing. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: Welsh Government. Available at:
- Pye, J., Hardy, C. and Taylor, C. M. 2014. Evaluation of the Pupil Deprivation Grant - Year 1 Report. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: Welsh Government. Available at:
- Waldron, S., Rhys, M. and Taylor, C. M. 2014. Evaluating the Foundation Phase: key findings on transitions and assessment. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: Welsh Government. Available at:
- Taylor, C. M., Waldron, S. and Rhys, M. 2014. Evaluating the Foundation Phase: key findings on management And leadership. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: Welsh Government. Available at:
- Rhys, M., Waldron, S. and Taylor, C. M. 2014. Evaluating the Foundation Phase: key findings on Welsh language. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: Welsh Government. Available at:
- Taylor, C. M., Waldron, S. and Rhys, M. 2014. Evaluating the Foundation Phase: key findings on management and leadership. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: Welsh Government. Available at:
- Rhys, M., Waldron, S. and Taylor, C. M. 2014. Evaluating the Foundation Phase: Key findings on the environment (indoor/outdoor). Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: Welsh Government. Available at:
- 2014. Evaluating the Foundation Phase: Key findings on training, support and guidance. Project Report. [Online]. Welsh Government. Available at:
- Waldron, S., Rhys, M. and Taylor, C. M. 2014. Evaluating the Foundation Phase: key findings on pedagogy and understanding. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: Welsh Government. Available at:
- Taylor, C. M. et al. 2014. Evaluating the Foundation Phase: Annual Report 2011/12. Project Report. [Online]. Welsh Government. Available at:
- Taylor, C. M. et al. 2014. Evaluating the Foundation Phase: Update and Technical Report 2012/13. Technical Report.
- Waldron, S., Rhys, M. and Taylor, C. M. 2014. Evaluating the Foundation Phase: key findings on reported impacts. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: Welsh Government. Available at:
- Waldron, S., Rhys, M. and Taylor, C. M. 2014. Evaluating the Foundation Phase: key findings on child involvement and wellbeing. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: Welsh Government. Available at:
- Maynard, T., Taylor, C. M., Waldron, S., Rhys, M., Smith, R., Power, S. and Clement, J. 2013. Evaluating the Foundation Phase: policy logic model and programme theory. Project Report. [Online]. Welsh Government. Available at:
- Davies, R., Taylor, C. M., Maynard, T., Rhys, M., Waldron, S. and Blackaby, D. 2013. Evaluating the Foundation Phase: The outcomes of Foundation Phase pupils (Report 1). Project Report. [Online]. Welsh Government. Available at:
- Davies, O. R., Taylor, C., Maynard, T., Rhys, M., Waldron, S. and Blackaby, D. 2013. Evaluating the Foundation Phase: the outcomes of Foundation Phase pupils (Report 1). Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: Welsh Government. Available at:
- Power, S., Lewis, J. T., Taylor, C., Connolly, M., Thomas, G. and Wyn Jones, S. 2009. Local authorities and education research in Wales. The final report of LINK-Wales: the learning in Wales network. Technical Report.
- Freedman, E., Bedward, J., Hazlehurst, S., Piper, H. and Taylor, C. M. 2008. The 2008 BERA charter for research staff: Promoting quality conditions for conducting quality research. Macclesfield, UK: British Educational Research Association (BERA). Available at:
- Taylor, C. M. and CRG Research Limited, . 2008. Assessment of capacity and viability of local authority outdoor education centres: Final report. Project Report. Cardiff: CRG Research Limited.
- Power, S. A. R., Taylor, C. M., Rees, G. M. and Jones, K. 2008. Out-of-school learning: variations in provision and participation in secondary schools: Final report to the Campaign For Real World Learning. Project Report. Shrewsbury: Field Studies Council.
- Taylor, C. M., Connolly, M., Power, S. A. R. and Rees, G. M. 2007. Formative evaluation of the applied educational research scheme (AERS). Project Report. [Online]. Edinburgh: Education Information and Analytical Services, Scottish Government. Available at:
- Fitz, J., Taylor, C., Pugsley, L., Madden, L., Stephens, N., Lewis, J. T. and Smith, M. 2005. Attitudes towards participation in higher education in Wales. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff University. Available at:
Research interests
- The geography of education
- Education and neighbourhoods
- School choice and diversity
- Social justice and education policy
- Participation in Higher and Further Education
- Evaluation of education policy
- Inter-disciplinary research methods
- Combining qualitative and quantitative research methods
- Research capacity building
Recent and selected funded research
- Apr 2022 - Mar 2026 Administrative Data Research Wales 2022 - 2026 (Part of ADR UK) (with Prof D Ford et al), ESRC (Grant Ref: ES/W012227/1) £13.2M
- Apr 2021 - Mar 2022 WISERD Education Data Lab 2021-22, Welsh Government (with Dr Jen Hampton). £97k
- Nov 2020 - Oct 2022 International Public Policy Observatory (IPPO), ESRC (with Prof Jo Chattaway et al) £2M
- Aug 2020 – Jul 2021 Controlling COVID19 through enhanced population surveillance and intervention (Con-COV): a platform approach, UKRI COVID-19 Rapid Response Rolling Call (with Prof R Lyons et al). £1.03M
- Sep 2020 – Jul 2022 WISERD Education Multi-Cohort Study (WMCS) (Sweeps 8 and 9), Welsh Government (with Prof S Power), £239k
- Feb 2020 – Jan 2022 Comparisons of cognitive skills and educational attainment across the UK, Nuffield Foundation (with L Sibieta (Education Policy Institute) and J Jerrim (UCL)) £163k
- Oct 2019 – Sep 2023 The political economies of school exclusion and their consequences, ESRC Large Grant (with Prof H Daniels, University of Oxford, et al) £2.5M
- Oct 2019 – Sep 2024 WISERD/Civil Society: Changing perspectives on Civic Stratification and Civil Repair, ESRC Large Centre (with Prof I R Jones et al) £7.9M
- Feb 2019 – Mar 2019 Top-line Analysis and Feasibility Study on More Able and Talented Pupils in Wales Using Millennium Cohort Study Data, funded by the Welsh Government (with Prof S Power), £5k
- Dec 2018 – Apr 2021 Administrative Data Research Centre 2018, ESRC (with Prof D Ford et al), £5.9M
- May 2018 – Feb 2019 Evidence review and research support for the Commissioner’s ‘What Now?’, funded by Children’s Commissioner for Wales (with R Barrance, S Power, G Rees), £25k
- Oct 2018 – Apr 2020 Does local authority care make a difference to the lives of vulnerable children? Longitudinal analyses of a retrospective electronic cohort, funded by the ESRC (with S Long, D Farewell, G Moore, D Fone, J Scourfield, R Lyons), £192k
- Dec 2017 – Feb 2018 Contract for the provision of public consultation services as part of Professor Graham Donaldson’s independent review of Estyn, funded by Estyn (with S Power), £14k
- Aug 2017 – Mar 2019 Successful futures for all, funded by HEFCW and Welsh Government (with S Power), £125k
- July 2017 – July 2018 The Political and Civic Engagement and Participation of Children in England and Wales, funded by WISERD (with S Fox, S Pearce and P Chaney), £40k
- July 2017 – July 2018 Participation in the international Children’s World Survey, funded by WISERD and Welsh Government (with S Power), £15k
- May 2017 – May 2018 Disparities in rates of permanent exclusion from schools across the UK, funded by the John Fell Fund (University of Oxford) (with I Thompson, H Daniels, A Gallacher, S Power, G McClusky, et al), £39k
- Analysis of Destinations and Retention of Year 12 Students in Sixth Form Schools, funded by the Welsh Government (with R Davies), £25k
- WISERD/Civil Society ESRC Large Centre, (with Prof I Jones, Cardiff University et al), £7M
- Evaluation of Foundation Phase Flexibility Pilots, funded by the Welsh Government (with Dr M Rhys and Dr S Waldron), £119k
- Centre for Administrative Data Research and Evaluation (CADRE) - an ESRC Administrative Data Research Centre (with Prof D Ford, Swansea University, et al), £10M
- Evaluation of the Pupil Deprivation Grant, funded by the Welsh Government (with Ipsos-MORI), £119k (Extension awarded for 2015/16 £121k
- Impact and Effectiveness of Widening Access to HE in Wales, funded by the ESRC Secondary Data Analysis Initiative and HEFCW (with Prof G Rees), £288k (ESRC: £187k; HEFCW: £101k)
- WISERDEDUCATION, funded by HEFCW (with Prof S Power), £930k
- Growing up in 21st Century Britain: spatial analysis of the Millennium Cohort Study (Mid-Career Fellowship), funded by the ESRC, £136k
- Evaluating the Foundation Phase – tender to evaluate the Foundation Phase in Wales, funded by the Welsh Government (with Prof T Maynard, Canterbury Christchurch University, and WISERD), £990k
- REAL-net, funded by the European Commission (with Prof S Power), €235k per annum
- A Social and Professional Network for Early Career Researchers in Education, funded by the ESRC (with Dr P Carmichael, University of Cambridge), £79k
- Welsh Institute of Social and Economic Data, Research and Methods (WISERD), funded by the ESRC and the Welsh Assembly Government (with Prof H Beynon et al), £4.8M
- LINK-Wales: The Learning in Wales Network, funded by ESRC/HEFCW Wales Education Research Network (WERN) (with Prof S Power and Mr G Thomas, University of Wales, Aberystwyth), £39k
- NCRM Networks for Methodological Innovation: Measuring segregation: methods, tools and data, funded by ESRC National Centre for Research Methods (with Dr R Harris, University of Bristol), £6.5k
- Assessment of Capacity and Viability of Local Authority Outdoor Education Centres, funded by the Department of Children, Schools and Families (with CRG Research Ltd, Prof S Power and Prof G Rees), £62k
- Formative Evaluation of the Applied Educational Research Scheme (AERS), funded by the Scottish Executive (with Prof S Power, Prof G Rees), £30k
- Scoping Study to Identify Quantitative Methods Capacity Building Needs in Wales, funded by the ESRC and HEFCW (with Prof L Moore, Prof K Whitfield, Prof G Maio, Dr A Robinson), £30k
Research project links
Research supervision
Chris has supervised many Masters and PhD students and on a wide range of research topics including: school truancy, school vouchers, higher education participation, paid employment among undergraduates, the emotional geographies of museums (with the National Museum of Wales, intergenerational justice, wellbeing in the Foundation Phase (with the Welsh Government), schools and volunteering, citizenship education in Malaysia (with the Malaysian Government), the effectiveness of early family interventions (with Home-Start UK) and children's and young people's subjective wellbeing.
Chris is particularly keen to develop collaborative studentships with non-academic external partners.
I do not currently convene any modules but I have taught on all of the following modules:
- Dissertation (UG Year 3 module)
- Conflict and Change in Education Policy (UG Year 3 module)
- Education in Practice (UG Year 2 module)
- Education and Society (UG Year 1 module)
- Research Methods (Masters and Professional Doctorate modules)
- Research and Evidence-Based Policy and Practice (Professional Doctorate module)
- Social Context of Education (Professional Doctorate module)
- Strategies of Applied Research (Masters module in MSc Social Science Research Methods (ESRC 1+3))
Education and qualifications
- 2000: PhD (Human Geography), University of Leicester, UK
- 1995: BA Geography (First), University of Leicester, UK
Career overview
- 2018 - Academic Director, Cardiff University Social Science Research Park (secondment)
- 2000 - present: Cardiff University, School of Social Sciences
- 1995 - 1999: University of Leicester, Geography Department
Awards and recognition
- Research Fellow, Education Policy Institute, Oct 2021
- Elected Fellow of the Learned Society of Wales, Jne 2018
- Awarded Hugh Owen Medal from the Learned Society of Wales in recognition of significant contributions to educational research, May 2017
- Research Impact Award, Wales Social Research Awards in recognition of the impact of the Foundation Phase evaluation, Dec 2017
Honours and awards
- 2018: Fellow of the Learned Society of Wales
- 2017: Awarded the Hugh Owen Medal by the Learned Society of Wales in recognition of significant contributions to educational research
- 2017: Research Impact Award at the Wales Social Research Awards in recognition of the impact of the Foundation Phase three-year evaluation
Professional memberships
- Society for Longitudinal and Lifecourse Studies
- Society for Educational Studies
- Former member of the British Educational Research Association
- Former member of the American Educational Research Association
Academic positions
- 2019 – present: Academic Director, Cardiff University Social Science Research Park
- 2013 - 2019: Cardiff Co-Director of the Wales Institute of Social & Economic Research, Data & Methods, Cardiff University
- 2012 - present: Professor of Education, School of Social Sciences, Cardiff University
- 2011 - present: Visiting Research Associate at the Institute of Education, University College London (UCL)
- 2009 - 2012: Reader in Education, School of Social Sciences, Cardiff University
- 2006 - 2009: Senior Lecturer in Education, School of Social Sciences, Cardiff University
- 2003 - 2006: Lecturer in Education, School of Social Sciences, Cardiff University
- 2000 - 2003: Research Associate, School of Social Sciences, Cardiff University
- 1997 - 1999: Lecturer in Human Geography, Department of Geography, University of Leicester
Committees and reviewing
- 2019 - present: Member of the AHRC/ESRC/MRC Research and Stakeholder Advisory Board for Adolescence, Mental Health and the Developing Mind
- 2015 - present: Member of the Higher Education Funding Council for Wales (HEFCW) Student Opportunity and Achievement Committee (SOAC)
- 2015 - present: Chair of the ESRC Centre for Longitudinal Studies’ Strategic Advisory Group
- 2016 - 2019: Chair of the Institute of Welsh Affairs (IWA) Education Group
- 2015 - 2019: Member of the Millennium Cohort Study (MCS) Age 17 Scientific Advisory Group
- 2010 - 2016: Member of the ESRC Capabilities Committee (formerly the Training and Skills Committee)
- 2015 - 2016: Member of the ESRC Infrastructure Working Group
- 2015 - 2016: Member of the Welsh Government Digital Competence Framework Quality Assurance Group