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Robert Taylor  BA and MA (University of Exeter)

Mr Robert Taylor


BA and MA (University of Exeter)

Teams and roles for Robert Taylor


I am a Politics and International Relations Post-Graduate Researcher (PGR) in the Law and Politics department at Cardiff University.

My main areas of interest include:

  • The Northern Ireland conflict
  • The Provisional Irish Republican Army's (PIRA) violent campaign
  • Irish politics and contemporary history
  • The study of violence and conflict throughout modern history


My research focuses on the Northern Ireland Conflict and the Provisional Irish Republican Army's (PIRA) violent campaign. However, I also have interest in the study of violence and conflict throughout modern history, as well as Irish politics and contemporary history.

PhD Research

My current doctoral research considers PIRA bombings against civilian targets throughout the Northern Ireland conflict (1969-1998) and the extent to which the PIRA were willing to risk substantial civilian casualties in these bombings. This included analysis of responses to PIRA bombings from the press, politicians and public figures.

Within this doctoral research, I consider how and why PIRA bombings against civilian targets transformed over time, as well as geographical differences between PIRA bombings in Belfast, Derry/Londonderry, rural areas of Northern Ireland, and England.

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  • 20th Century