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Dr Stephanie Theophanidou


Lecturer in Law


Stephanie is a lecturer at Cardiff School of Law and Politics. Prior to this, Stephanie worked at the Law Commission where she was a research assistant on the Simplification of the Immigration Rules project and as a lecturer at the University of South Wales. Stephanie is an interdisciplinary legal scholar who examines the work of the executive branch. Her doctoral research employed socio-legal methods to explore the role of lawyers in the UK Government and the European Commission.

Education and qualifications

  • PhD (Law)
  • MSc in Social Science Research Methods (Socio-Legal)
  • LLM in European Legal Studies
  • LLB Honours


  • Law of the European Union (LLB)
  • EU Law (GDL)
  • Public Law (LLB)
  • European Law and Governance (LLM)