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Gareth Thomas

Dr Gareth Thomas


Media commentator

Teams and roles for Gareth Thomas


I am a Reader in the School of Social Sciences. I am a sociologist interested in disability, health and illness, medicine, reproduction, and stigma. My primary empirical focus in recent years has been the experiences of disabled people and their families / allies, and configurations of disability in different spaces (e.g., prenatal screening; popular media; the arts).

My research has been published across disciplines in journals including - but not limited to - Sociology of Health and IllnessThe Sociological ReviewSociology, Medical HumanitiesThe British Journal of SociologySociological Research Online, Health and Place, Health Risk and Society, Current AnthropologyMedical Anthropology Quarterlycultural geographiesJournal of Consumer Culture, and Men and Masculinities.

I have published two books: 1) Down's Syndrome Screening and Reproductive Politics: Care, Choice, and Disability in the Prenatal Clinic (2017), and; 2) Disability, Normalcy, and the Everyday (2018, with Dikaios Sakellariou). A third book - Recalibrating Stigma: Sociologies of Health and Illness - will be published with Bristol University Press in 2025 (written with Oli Williams, Tanisha Spratt, and Amy Chandler). My work has been supported by the British Academy, Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), Health and Care Research Wales, and the Foundation for the Sociology of Health and Illness, among other organisations.

I am currently Co-Editor-in-Chief of the journal Sociology of Health and Illness (with Janice McLaughlin). I am co-founder and co-convenor of the Medicine, Science and Culture Research Group (MeSC) and Cardiff Interdisciplinary Network on Disability (CIND) at Cardiff University.
















Book sections



  • Sakellariou, D. and Thomas, G. 2016. Disability and everyday worlds. Presented at: 76th annual meeting of the Society for Applied Anthropology, Vancouver, Canada, 29 March- 2 April 2016.





My broad research interests are disability, health and illness, medicine, reproduction, and stigma.

From January to December 2023, I undertook a British Academy Mid-Career Fellowship (grant MCFSS22\220015) exploring how adults with learning disabilities cultivate alternate narratives which celebrate and recognise their worth and humanity.

I have also recently completed a study on older people's involvement in walking football.


In the last few years, I have convened and taught on the modules 'Contemporary Inequalities', 'Sociology of Stigma', 'Live Theory', 'introduction to Sociology', 'Sociological Inquiries', 'Health, Medicine and Society', and 'Advanced Concepts in Contemporary Sociology'. I have also taught on various other undergraduate and postgraduate modules including 'Social Research Methods', 'Ethnography', 'Digital Society', and 'Community, Sustainable Health, and Wellbeing'. I also taught for several years in the Cardiff University School of Medicine.

I am a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.


Previous Appointments

  • Reader, Cardiff University, 2023-
  • Senior Lecturer, Cardiff University, 2019-2023
  • Lecturer, Cardiff University, 2015-2019
  • Research Associate, Cardiff University, 2014-2015
  • Ph.D. Sociology, Cardiff University, 2010-2014
  • M.Sc. Social Science Research Methods (Distinction), Cardiff University, 2009-2010
  • Econ Sociology (First Class Honours), Cardiff University, 2006-2009


I am interested in supervising students in the following areas:

  • Disability
  • Health and illness
  • Medical sociology
  • Parenthood
  • Reproduction
  • Sport (and its intersections with the above)

Current supervision

Jack Hogton

Jack Hogton

Kristina Addis

Kristina Addis

Joey Toogood

Joey Toogood

Rachael Walker

Rachael Walker

Mitchell Jones

Mitchell Jones

Melissa Martin

Melissa Martin

Past projects

  • Jimenez, Patricia. A digital competence framework in the making: perceptions, cultures, and practices [PhD, co-supervised with Jamie Lewis], 2023
  • Alnamnakani, Amani. A qualitative study exploring the lives of disabled Muslim women in the UK [PhD, co-supervised with Dikaios Sakellariou], 2023
  • Wright, Heather. What are the experiences of English NHS managers, clinicians and patients of the National cancer waiting times targets? [PD, co-supervised with Alison Bullock], 2022
  • Dearing, Kim. The (un)intended consequences of employment policy for people with learning disabilities. Cardiff University, UK [PhD, co-supervised with Phil Brown and Ralph Fevre], 2021
  • Harper, Lydia. Living with Leber Hereditary Optic Neuropathy: exploring experiences and perspectives of a disruptive mitochondrial condition. Cardiff University, UK [co-supervised with Adam Hedgecoe], 2019