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Mr Neil Thomas

Senior Lecturer: Adult Nursing


I have a background interest in learning and education after undertaking a PGCE in 2001. I have since taught on various University Modules, as well as speaking in local and national conferences on the subject of Clinical Case Management and Chronic Conditions Management.



I am currently undertaking various research projects within my clinical environment associated with hospital discharge planning and tele-health care within primary care.


  • Programme Manager Non-Medical Prescribing
  • April 1997 -  October 2001: Staff Nurse, Coronary Care Unit, Royal Glamorgan Hospital, Llantrisant.
  • October 2001 -   January 2003: Cardiology Research Nurse/ Nurse Specialist in Cardiovascular Risk and Hypertension, Wales Heart Research Institute, Cardiff.
  • January 2003 -   September 2004: Clinical Research Nurse/ Ward Manager, Marix Drug Development, Llantrisant.
  • September 2004 -   October 2006: Nurse Advisor/ Practice Development Coach, NHS Direct, Wales, Swansea.
  • October 2006 -  May 2008: Chronic Conditions Nurse Manager, Swansea Local Health Board.
  • May 2008 -   Present Date: Team Leader-   Clinical Case Manager, Cardiff and Vale University Health Board.

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