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Rhys Tranter  BA, MA, PhD, AFHEA

Dr Rhys Tranter


University Teacher in Humanities, Media and Culture


Rhys Tranter is a writer and teacher who specialises in modern and contemporary literature and culture.

He is the author of Beckett's Late Stage: Trauma, Language, and Subjectivity (2018), and has written essays and reviews for the Times Literary Supplement, The San Francisco Chronicle, The Spectator, The Quarterly Conversation, 3:AM Magazine, and a number of books and periodicals.

He has been invited to speak at the University of Oxford, the University of St Andrews, and Trinity College Dublin.

His website at covers literature, philosophy, and the arts, and is part of the British Library's UK Web Archive.


Rhys Tranter teaches several modules at the Centre for Continuing and Professional Education, including:

  • Zombie, Ray-gun, Unicorn: Exploring Horror, Sci-Fi and Fantasy Films for How to Navigate the Apocalypse


Books and Edited Volumes

  • Beckett's Late Stage: Trauma, Language, and Subjectivity (Stuttgart: Ibidem Press, 2018). Distributed by Columbia University Press.
  • (Co-Editor) The Beckett Circle/Le Cercle De Beckett. Issues: 40:1 (2018), 39:2 (2018), 39:1 (2017), 38:2 (2016), 38:1 (2016), 37:2 (2014), 37:1 (2014), 36:2 (2013), 36:1 (2012).
  • (Co-Editor) Assuming Gender. Issues: 1:1 (2010), 1:2 (2010).

Articles and Book Chapters

  • Without solution of continuity": Beckett's That Time and Trauma Memoir', Samuel Beckett Today / Aujourd 'hui, Vol.27 (2015), pp.115-128.
  • Late Stage: Trauma, Time and Subjectivity in Samuel Beckett's Footfalls' in Samuel Beckett & The Encounter of Philosophy and Literature, ed. Arka Chattopadhyay and James Martell (London: Roman Books, 2013), pp.118-135.

Selected Reviews

  • The short of it, Michael Chabon, Bookends: Collected Intros and Outros, in the San Francisco Chronicle, 23 January 2019.
  • A Life of the Mind, Cynthia L. Haven, Evolution of Desire: A Life of René Girard, in the San Francisco Chronicle, 1 July 2018, p.32. [Online]
  • George Craig, Martha Dow Fehsenfeld, Dan Gunn and Lois More Overbeck (eds.), The Letters of Samuel Beckett 1966-1989, in Studies in Theatre and Performance (2017).
  • Roberto del Valle Alcalcá, British Working-Class Fiction: Narratives of Refusal and the Struggle Against Work, in The Times Literary Supplement, 24 February 2017, p.31. [Online]
  • Jean-Michel Rabaté, Think, Pig! Beckett at the Limit of the Human, in The Times Literary Supplement, 14 October 2016, p.34. [Online]
  • Joseph Anderton, Beckett's Creatures: The Art of Failure After the Holocaust, in Studies in Theatre and Performance, 38:1, pp.97-8. October 2016. [Online]
  • Reading Research Day Seminar', The Beckett Circle/Le Cercle De Beckett, 34:2 (Fall 2011), pp.12-13.


  • Spanish translation of 'San Quentin and Samuel Beckett: An Interview with Rick Cluchey'. 'San Quintin y Samuel Beckett: una entrevista con Rick Cluchey', trans. José Eduardo Latapi Zapata, Paso De Gato, October/December 2016, pp.44-5.
  • Spanish translation of 'An Interview with Professor Robert Darnton'. 'La República Digital del Conocimiento. Entrevista and Robert Darnton', trans. Mercedes García Lenberg, Trama &Texturas, Vol. 17, May 2012, pp.21-34.

Selected Shorter Pieces

  • @SamuelBBeckett: Tweets for Everyday Life', Lincoln Center, NYC, 10 October 2016. [Online]
  • Pieces in The Spectator (Author Page)

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