Dr Enrique Uribe Jongbloed
Research Fellow (Media Cymru)
- Welsh speaking
I like to undertake research at the intersection of media, identity and language. I am currently working with Media Cymru as research associate. My goal is to discover new, innovative and unique characteristics of the Creative Industries taking place in the Cardiff Capital Region. To do so I work together with media producers, entrepreneurs and creative thinkers, learning from their craft and helping them reach their goals through research development and innovation.
I am also a founding member of the International Association for Minority Language Media Research and the Esports Research Network.
Some topics that I engage with are:
- Bilingual and multilingual media production
- Cultural transduction: Understanding what makes media products travel from one cultural market to different ones – and why some of them succeed all over the world!
- Comics and graphic novels
- International video games
- Cultural representation and identity in media products
- Latin American audiovisual markets
I love languages and hope to learn as many of them as possible! I like to think of myself as a new speaker of Welsh. Although I am still learning, I am glad to correspond in Welsh and improve my knowledge of the language every day.
- Goyeneche-Gómez, E. and Uribe-Jongbloed, E. 2025. Portrayal of state institutions in Colombian telenovelas: The mediation of citizenship. In: Contreras Saiz, M. and Rinke, S. eds. Latin America’s Contested Pasts in Telenovelas and TV Series: History as Fuel for Entertainment. Berlin and Boston: De Gruyter, pp. 57-74., (10.1515/9783111167237-002)
- Aguilar-Rodríguez, D., Goyeneche-Gómez, E. and Uribe Jongbloed, E. eds. 2025. Nostalgia audiovisual: Sentidos y Anclajes. Universidad de La Sabana and Universidad Externado de Colombia.
- Willis, C. and Uribe-Jongbloed, E. 2024. Evaluating the introduction of Scottish Gaelic public broadcaster BBC Alba. Treatises and Documents, Journal of Ethnic Studies 93(93), pp. 81-104. (10.2478/tdjes-2024-0013)
- Uribe Jongbloed, E. and Llanes, M. P. 2024. Transformation of journalism practices in Colombia. In: Volkmer, I. et al. eds. Ecologies of Global Risk Journalism: Conceptualizing Local Journalism in an Era of Deep Disruptions. London: Routledge, pp. 29-49., (10.4324/9781003431268-4)
- Gutiérrez-González, C. and Uribe-Jongbloed, E. 2024. Colombian Television in the 1980s. Media History 30(2), pp. 254-272. (10.1080/13688804.2024.2329056)
- Uribe-Jongbloed, E. and Espinosa-Medina, H. D. 2024. Is there a Colombian national superhero?: How Colombian superheroes help define ethnicity and race in a multicultural society. In: McGarry, C. et al. eds. Superheroes Beyond. University Press of Mississippi, pp. 208-225., (10.2307/jj.11981217.21)
- Uribe Jongbloed, E. and Mora Moreo, C. 2024. Policy stakeholders: Political pivots and precarity in Colombia's Orange Economy. In: Mayer, V., Lavie, N. and Banks, M. eds. Media Industries in Crisis: What COVID Unmasked. Taylor and Francis, pp. 43-54., (10.4324/9781003387794-5)
- Uribe-Jongbloed, E. 2023. The travels of media and cultural products: cultural transduction. Oxon and New York: Routledge. (10.4324/9781003380221)
- Salawu, A. et al. eds. 2023. Indigenous language for social change communication in the Global South. Lexington Books.
- Komorowski, M., Uribe Jongbloed, E. and Moore, D. 2023. Broadcasting regulation in Wales Part 1-3. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: IWA – Institute of Welsh Affairs. Available at: https://www.iwa.wales/our-work/work/broadcasting-regulations-in-wales/
- Salawu, A. et al. eds. 2022. Indigenous language for development communication in the Global South. Lexington Books.
- Uribe Jongbloed, E. 2022. ¿Pasarán? Kommunikation im Spanischen Bürgerkrieg. Interacting with the Spanish Civil War [Book Review]. Perspectives 30(4), pp. 751-752. (10.1080/0907676X.2022.2052580)
- Miller, T., Dorce, A., Uribe Jongbloed, E. and Saavedra, J. 2021. Citizenship and neoliberalism: pandemic horror in Latin America. Continuum 36(2), pp. 214-228. (10.1080/10304312.2021.2020724)
- Barker, K., Uribe Jongbloed, E. and Scholz, T. 2021. COVID-19 and the ‘myriad’: A comparative assessment of emergency responses from Europe and South America. Legalities 1(1), pp. 116-143. (10.3366/legal.2021.0009)
- Moreo Mora, C., Montoya Puccini, A. and Uribe Jongbloed, E. 2021. De los medios a la convergencia. In Mediaciones De La Comunicación 16(1), pp. 59-85. (10.18861/ic.2021.16.1.3097)
- Ramos, A. D., Uribe Jongbloed, E., Saavedra Utman, J. A. and Miller, T. 2021. Cybertarianism further exposed: Chile, Colombia, Mexico and the COVID-19 conjuncture. Journal of Digital Media & Policy 12(1), pp. 97-116. (10.1386/jdmp_00050_1)
- Roncallo-Dow, S., Uribe Jongbloed, E. and Aguilar Rodríguez, D. 2021. ¡Venimos en paz! (Bueno, ¿lo hacen?): Miedos comunicativos humanos en películas de naturaleza extraterrestre [We come in peace! (Well, do they?): Human communicative fears in films of an extra-terrestrialnNature]. Kepes 18(23), pp. 273-313. (10.17151/kepes.2021.18.23.10)
- Roncallo-Dow, S., Aguilar-Rodríguez, D. and Uribe Jongbloed, E. eds. 2021. Después del final: teorías, historias y nostalgias del rock. Universidad de La Sabana.
- Uribe-Jongbloed, E. and Miller, T. 2020. ‘After’ or back to Third Cinema? Plebeian film, the national popular, fingernails and the resilient behemoth. In: Mazierska, E. and Kristensen, L. eds. Third Cinema, World Cinema and Marxism. Bloomsbury Academic, pp. 273–289., (10.5040/9781501348303.ch-012)
- Uribe Jongbloed, E. and Corredor-Aristizábal, M. A. 2020. Creative industries policies and conditions of cinema labor in Colombia in the 21st century. Creative Industries Journal, pp. 228-243. (10.1080/17510694.2019.1709016)
- Uribe-Jongbloed, E. and Aguilar-Rodriguez, D. E. 2020. The comics scene in Colombian cities. In: Scorer, J. ed. Comics Beyond the Page in Latin America. Modern Americas London: UCL Press, pp. 75-92., (10.2307/j.ctv13xpstc.9)
- Roncallo-Dow, S., Aguilar-Rodriguez, D. and Uribe-Jongbloed, E. 2019. La Bogotá distópica: los cómics sobre una ciudad en caos. Co-herencia 16(30), pp. 27-56. (10.17230/co-herencia.16.30.2)
- Uribe-Jongbloed, E. and Corredor Aristizábal, M. A. 2019. The adaptation of Don Camillo through the cultural transduction framework: from Italian bestseller to Franco-Italian film to a Colombian TV series. Adaptation 12(1), pp. 44-57. (10.1093/adaptation/apy020)
- Uribe-Jongbloed, E. 2019. Media and contact linguistics. In: Darquennes, J., Salmons, J. and Vandenbussche, W. eds. Language Contact. Handbooks of Linguistics and Communication Science De Gruyter, pp. 418-430., (10.1515/9783110435351-035)
- Arias, O., Uribe, E. and Miller, T. 2018. Colombia y el dilema clásico del apoyo cinematográfico. Revista Internacional de Comunicación y Desarrollo 2(9), pp. 115-128. (10.15304/ricd.2.9.5570)
- Barrios, M. M., Uribe-Jongbloed, E. and Vega-Estarita, L. 2018. Colombian portrayals of the Iraq war: the views of the national newspaper El Tiempo. Catalan Journal of Communication & Cultural Studies 10(1), pp. 25-42. (10.1386/CJCS.10.1.25_1)
- Barrios, M. M., Uribe Jongbloed, E. and Vega-Estarita, L. 2018. Colombian portrayals of the Iraq war: The views of the national newspaper El Tiempo. Catalan Journal of Communication & Cultural Studies 10(1), pp. 25-42. (10.1386/cjcs.10.1.25_1)
- Uribe-Jongbloed, E. and Salawu, A. 2017. Minority languages, cultural policy and minority language media. In: Durrer, V., Miller, T. and O'Brien, D. eds. The Routledge Handbook of Global Cultural Policy. London: Routledge, pp. 181-194., (10.4324/9781315718408-12)
- Le, E. and Uribe-Jongbloed, E. 2017. Media and minority languages. In: Cotter, C. and Perrin, D. eds. The Routledge Handbook of Language and Media. London: Routledge, pp. 357-372., (10.4324/9781315673134-27)
- Uribe-Jongbloed, E., Virino, C. C., Boutet, M., Lotz, A. D., Rivera-Betancur, J., Lealand, G. and Hernandez-Perez, E. 2017. Beyond "quality television": the medium in other parts of the world. L’Atalante. Revista de estudios cinematográficos 24, pp. 115-133.
- Espinosa-Medina, H. D. and Uribe-Jongbloed, E. 2017. Latin American contraflow in global entertainment media: Kingdom Rush series and Zambo Dende as de-localised media products. Media International Australia 163(1), pp. 107-121. (10.1177/1329878X16686204)
- Uribe-Jongbloed, E. and Diez, E. P. 2017. The TV format market in Latin America: trends and opportunities. International Journal of Digital Television 8(1), pp. 99-115. (10.1386/jdtv.8.1.99_1)
- Uribe-Jongbloed, E. and Diez, E. P. 2017. The TV format market in Latin America: trends and opportunities. International Journal of Digital Television 8(1), pp. 99-115. (10.1386/JDTV.8.1.99_1)
- Uribe-Jongbloed, E. and Dow, S. R. 2017. The aesthetic of the music video: a methodological proposal for the categorization of audiovisual music products, La estética de los videoclips: Propuesta metodológica para la caracterización de los productos audiovisuales musicales. Cuadernos de Musica, Artes Visuales y Artes Escenicas 12(1) (10.11144/Javeriana.mavae12-1.evpm)
- Uribe-Jongbloed, E., Dow, S. R., Bernal, M. I. G. and Arango-Forero, G. 2017. Factors that foster engagement with television shows: Qualitative study of channel identity, product characteristics and audience appreciation (Factores que facilitan la generación de 'engagement' con programas de televisión: exploración cualitativa desde la identidad del canal, las características del producto y la valoración de las audiencias). Estudios Sobre el Mensaje Periodistico 22(2), pp. 995-1017. (10.5209/ESMP.54248)
- Roncallo-Dow, S. and Uribe-Jongbloed, E. 2017. Abstract numbers close at hand: the tactile, numbers and money in McLuhan’s works. TOPIA: Canadian Journal of Cultural Studies 38, pp. 25-45. (10.3138/topia.38.25)
- Uribe-Jongbloed, E. and Espinonsa-Medina, H. D. 2017. An introduction to cultural transduction. Palabra Clave 20(3), pp. 615-621. (10.5294/pacla.2017.20.3.1)
- Suárez, F. and Uribe-Jongbloed, E. 2016. Making comics as artisans: comic book production in Colombia. In: Brienza, C. and Johnston, P. eds. Cultures of Comics Work. Palgrave Studies in Comics and Graphic Novels New York: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 51-64., (10.1057/978-1-137-55090-3_4)
- Uribe-Jongbloed, E., Espinosa-Medina, H. D. and Biddle, J. 2016. Cultural transduction and intertextuality in video games: an analysis of three international case studies. In: Contemporary Research on Intertextuality in Video Games. Information Science Reference, pp. 143-161., (10.4018/978-1-5225-0477-1.ch009)
- Uribe Jongbloed, E. 2016. The media change in television: Netflix and television in smartphones,El cambio mediático de la televisión: Netflix y la televisión en teléfonos inteligentes. Palabra Clave 19(2), pp. 358-364. (10.5294/pacla.2016.19.2.1)
- Roncallo-Dow, S., Uribe Jongbloed, E. and Goyeneche-Gómez, E. 2016. Volver a los clásicos: Teorías de la comunicación y cultura pop. Universidad de La Sabana. (10.2307/j.ctvn1td4d)
- Roncallo-Dow, S., Uribe Jongbloed, E. and Gutiérrez, E. eds. 2016. Identidad, héroes y discursos en la modernidad tardía. Universidad de La Sabana.
- Uribe-Jongbloed, E. 2015. Issues of identity in minority language media production in Colombia and Wales. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development 37(6), pp. 615-627. (10.1080/01434632.2015.1111895)
- Arango-Forero, G., Roncallo-Dow, S. and Uribe-Jongbloed, E. 2015. Rethinking convergence: a new word to describe an old idea. In: Lugmayr, A. and Dal Zotto, C. eds. Media Convergence Handbook., Vol. 1. Media Business and Innovation Heidelberg: Springer Berlin, pp. 17-28., (10.1007/978-3-642-54484-2_2)
- Uribe-Jongbloed, E. 2015. Never judge a book by its comics. A review of considering watchmen: poetics, property, politics. The Comics Grid: Journal of Comics Scholarship 5, article number: 4. (10.5334/cg.ba)
- Uribe-Jongbloed, E., Scholz, T. M. and Espinosa-Medina, H. 2015. The joy of the easter egg and the pain of numb hands: the augmentation and limitation of reality through video games. Palabra Clave 18(4), pp. 1167-1195. (10.5294/pacla.2015.18.4.9)
- Gonzalez Bernal, M. I., Roncallo-Dow, S., Arango-Forero, G. A. and Uribe Jongbloed, E. 2015. Television content quality and engagement: Analysis of a private channel in Colombia,Calidad en contenidos televisivos y engagement: Análisis de un canal privado en Colombia. Cuadernos.Info(37), pp. 17-33. (10.7764/cdi.37.812)
- Uribe-Jongbloed, E. 2014. Minority language media studies beyond eurocentrism: cormack’s seven conditions revisited. Catalan Journal of Communication & Cultural Studies 6(1), pp. 35-54. (10.1386/CJCS.6.1.35_1)
- Uribe-Jongbloed, E. and Espinosa-Medina, H. D. 2014. A clearer picture: towards a new framework for the study of cultural transduction in audiovisual market trades. Observatorio 8(1), pp. 23-48. (10.15847/obsOBS812014707)
- Uribe-Jongbloed, E. 2014. A qualitative methodology for minority language media production research. International Journal of Qualitative Methods 13(1), pp. 135-150. (10.1177/160940691401300104)
- Uribe-Jongbloed, E. and Peña Sarmiento, M. F. 2014. Negociaciones de identidad en la radio indígena y étnica Colombiana: Tres casos de estudio [Identity negotiations on the native and ethnic Colombian radio: Three study cases. Anagramas - Rumbos y sentidos de la comunicacion 13(25), pp. 167-188. (10.22395/angr.v13n25a9)
- Uribe-Jongbloed, E. and Anderson, C. E. 2014. Minority languages in networks of overlapping, hierarchical communities in Colombia. Presented at: 2014, FEL XVIII Okinawa: Indigenous languages: Value to the community, Okinawa International University, Ginowan City, Okinawa, Japan, 17–20 September 2014 Presented at Heinrich, P. and Ostler, N. eds.Proceedings of the 18th FEL conference. Bath, U.K.: Foundation for Endangered Languages pp. 132-137.
- Roncallo-Dow, S., Uribe Jongbloed, E., Barker, K. and Scholz, T. M. 2013. Authorship in virtual worlds: Author's death to rights revival?. Journal of Virtual Worlds Research 6(3) (10.4101/jvwr.v6i3.6361)
- Roncallo-Dow, S., Uribe-Jongbloed, E. and Calderón-Reyes, I. 2013. La investigación en comunicación. Los límites y limitantes del conocimiento. Dossier 10(18), pp. 161-187. (10.17230/co-herencia.10.18.6)
- Roncallo-Dow, S. and Uribe-Jongbloed, E. 2013. El medio es el mito: entre Mcluhan y Barthes. Universitas Philosophica 30(61), pp. 177-203.
- Gruffydd Jones, E. H. and Uribe Jongbloed, E. eds. 2013. Social media and minority languages. Multilingual Matters. Bristol: Blue Ridge Summit. (10.21832/9781847699053)
- Willis, C. and Uribe-Jongbloed, E. 2024. Evaluating the introduction of Scottish Gaelic public broadcaster BBC Alba. Treatises and Documents, Journal of Ethnic Studies 93(93), pp. 81-104. (10.2478/tdjes-2024-0013)
- Gutiérrez-González, C. and Uribe-Jongbloed, E. 2024. Colombian Television in the 1980s. Media History 30(2), pp. 254-272. (10.1080/13688804.2024.2329056)
- Uribe Jongbloed, E. 2022. ¿Pasarán? Kommunikation im Spanischen Bürgerkrieg. Interacting with the Spanish Civil War [Book Review]. Perspectives 30(4), pp. 751-752. (10.1080/0907676X.2022.2052580)
- Miller, T., Dorce, A., Uribe Jongbloed, E. and Saavedra, J. 2021. Citizenship and neoliberalism: pandemic horror in Latin America. Continuum 36(2), pp. 214-228. (10.1080/10304312.2021.2020724)
- Barker, K., Uribe Jongbloed, E. and Scholz, T. 2021. COVID-19 and the ‘myriad’: A comparative assessment of emergency responses from Europe and South America. Legalities 1(1), pp. 116-143. (10.3366/legal.2021.0009)
- Moreo Mora, C., Montoya Puccini, A. and Uribe Jongbloed, E. 2021. De los medios a la convergencia. In Mediaciones De La Comunicación 16(1), pp. 59-85. (10.18861/ic.2021.16.1.3097)
- Ramos, A. D., Uribe Jongbloed, E., Saavedra Utman, J. A. and Miller, T. 2021. Cybertarianism further exposed: Chile, Colombia, Mexico and the COVID-19 conjuncture. Journal of Digital Media & Policy 12(1), pp. 97-116. (10.1386/jdmp_00050_1)
- Roncallo-Dow, S., Uribe Jongbloed, E. and Aguilar Rodríguez, D. 2021. ¡Venimos en paz! (Bueno, ¿lo hacen?): Miedos comunicativos humanos en películas de naturaleza extraterrestre [We come in peace! (Well, do they?): Human communicative fears in films of an extra-terrestrialnNature]. Kepes 18(23), pp. 273-313. (10.17151/kepes.2021.18.23.10)
- Uribe Jongbloed, E. and Corredor-Aristizábal, M. A. 2020. Creative industries policies and conditions of cinema labor in Colombia in the 21st century. Creative Industries Journal, pp. 228-243. (10.1080/17510694.2019.1709016)
- Roncallo-Dow, S., Aguilar-Rodriguez, D. and Uribe-Jongbloed, E. 2019. La Bogotá distópica: los cómics sobre una ciudad en caos. Co-herencia 16(30), pp. 27-56. (10.17230/co-herencia.16.30.2)
- Uribe-Jongbloed, E. and Corredor Aristizábal, M. A. 2019. The adaptation of Don Camillo through the cultural transduction framework: from Italian bestseller to Franco-Italian film to a Colombian TV series. Adaptation 12(1), pp. 44-57. (10.1093/adaptation/apy020)
- Arias, O., Uribe, E. and Miller, T. 2018. Colombia y el dilema clásico del apoyo cinematográfico. Revista Internacional de Comunicación y Desarrollo 2(9), pp. 115-128. (10.15304/ricd.2.9.5570)
- Barrios, M. M., Uribe-Jongbloed, E. and Vega-Estarita, L. 2018. Colombian portrayals of the Iraq war: the views of the national newspaper El Tiempo. Catalan Journal of Communication & Cultural Studies 10(1), pp. 25-42. (10.1386/CJCS.10.1.25_1)
- Barrios, M. M., Uribe Jongbloed, E. and Vega-Estarita, L. 2018. Colombian portrayals of the Iraq war: The views of the national newspaper El Tiempo. Catalan Journal of Communication & Cultural Studies 10(1), pp. 25-42. (10.1386/cjcs.10.1.25_1)
- Uribe-Jongbloed, E., Virino, C. C., Boutet, M., Lotz, A. D., Rivera-Betancur, J., Lealand, G. and Hernandez-Perez, E. 2017. Beyond "quality television": the medium in other parts of the world. L’Atalante. Revista de estudios cinematográficos 24, pp. 115-133.
- Espinosa-Medina, H. D. and Uribe-Jongbloed, E. 2017. Latin American contraflow in global entertainment media: Kingdom Rush series and Zambo Dende as de-localised media products. Media International Australia 163(1), pp. 107-121. (10.1177/1329878X16686204)
- Uribe-Jongbloed, E. and Diez, E. P. 2017. The TV format market in Latin America: trends and opportunities. International Journal of Digital Television 8(1), pp. 99-115. (10.1386/jdtv.8.1.99_1)
- Uribe-Jongbloed, E. and Diez, E. P. 2017. The TV format market in Latin America: trends and opportunities. International Journal of Digital Television 8(1), pp. 99-115. (10.1386/JDTV.8.1.99_1)
- Uribe-Jongbloed, E. and Dow, S. R. 2017. The aesthetic of the music video: a methodological proposal for the categorization of audiovisual music products, La estética de los videoclips: Propuesta metodológica para la caracterización de los productos audiovisuales musicales. Cuadernos de Musica, Artes Visuales y Artes Escenicas 12(1) (10.11144/Javeriana.mavae12-1.evpm)
- Uribe-Jongbloed, E., Dow, S. R., Bernal, M. I. G. and Arango-Forero, G. 2017. Factors that foster engagement with television shows: Qualitative study of channel identity, product characteristics and audience appreciation (Factores que facilitan la generación de 'engagement' con programas de televisión: exploración cualitativa desde la identidad del canal, las características del producto y la valoración de las audiencias). Estudios Sobre el Mensaje Periodistico 22(2), pp. 995-1017. (10.5209/ESMP.54248)
- Roncallo-Dow, S. and Uribe-Jongbloed, E. 2017. Abstract numbers close at hand: the tactile, numbers and money in McLuhan’s works. TOPIA: Canadian Journal of Cultural Studies 38, pp. 25-45. (10.3138/topia.38.25)
- Uribe-Jongbloed, E. and Espinonsa-Medina, H. D. 2017. An introduction to cultural transduction. Palabra Clave 20(3), pp. 615-621. (10.5294/pacla.2017.20.3.1)
- Uribe Jongbloed, E. 2016. The media change in television: Netflix and television in smartphones,El cambio mediático de la televisión: Netflix y la televisión en teléfonos inteligentes. Palabra Clave 19(2), pp. 358-364. (10.5294/pacla.2016.19.2.1)
- Uribe-Jongbloed, E. 2015. Issues of identity in minority language media production in Colombia and Wales. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development 37(6), pp. 615-627. (10.1080/01434632.2015.1111895)
- Uribe-Jongbloed, E. 2015. Never judge a book by its comics. A review of considering watchmen: poetics, property, politics. The Comics Grid: Journal of Comics Scholarship 5, article number: 4. (10.5334/cg.ba)
- Uribe-Jongbloed, E., Scholz, T. M. and Espinosa-Medina, H. 2015. The joy of the easter egg and the pain of numb hands: the augmentation and limitation of reality through video games. Palabra Clave 18(4), pp. 1167-1195. (10.5294/pacla.2015.18.4.9)
- Gonzalez Bernal, M. I., Roncallo-Dow, S., Arango-Forero, G. A. and Uribe Jongbloed, E. 2015. Television content quality and engagement: Analysis of a private channel in Colombia,Calidad en contenidos televisivos y engagement: Análisis de un canal privado en Colombia. Cuadernos.Info(37), pp. 17-33. (10.7764/cdi.37.812)
- Uribe-Jongbloed, E. 2014. Minority language media studies beyond eurocentrism: cormack’s seven conditions revisited. Catalan Journal of Communication & Cultural Studies 6(1), pp. 35-54. (10.1386/CJCS.6.1.35_1)
- Uribe-Jongbloed, E. and Espinosa-Medina, H. D. 2014. A clearer picture: towards a new framework for the study of cultural transduction in audiovisual market trades. Observatorio 8(1), pp. 23-48. (10.15847/obsOBS812014707)
- Uribe-Jongbloed, E. 2014. A qualitative methodology for minority language media production research. International Journal of Qualitative Methods 13(1), pp. 135-150. (10.1177/160940691401300104)
- Uribe-Jongbloed, E. and Peña Sarmiento, M. F. 2014. Negociaciones de identidad en la radio indígena y étnica Colombiana: Tres casos de estudio [Identity negotiations on the native and ethnic Colombian radio: Three study cases. Anagramas - Rumbos y sentidos de la comunicacion 13(25), pp. 167-188. (10.22395/angr.v13n25a9)
- Roncallo-Dow, S., Uribe Jongbloed, E., Barker, K. and Scholz, T. M. 2013. Authorship in virtual worlds: Author's death to rights revival?. Journal of Virtual Worlds Research 6(3) (10.4101/jvwr.v6i3.6361)
- Roncallo-Dow, S., Uribe-Jongbloed, E. and Calderón-Reyes, I. 2013. La investigación en comunicación. Los límites y limitantes del conocimiento. Dossier 10(18), pp. 161-187. (10.17230/co-herencia.10.18.6)
- Roncallo-Dow, S. and Uribe-Jongbloed, E. 2013. El medio es el mito: entre Mcluhan y Barthes. Universitas Philosophica 30(61), pp. 177-203.
Book sections
- Goyeneche-Gómez, E. and Uribe-Jongbloed, E. 2025. Portrayal of state institutions in Colombian telenovelas: The mediation of citizenship. In: Contreras Saiz, M. and Rinke, S. eds. Latin America’s Contested Pasts in Telenovelas and TV Series: History as Fuel for Entertainment. Berlin and Boston: De Gruyter, pp. 57-74., (10.1515/9783111167237-002)
- Uribe Jongbloed, E. and Llanes, M. P. 2024. Transformation of journalism practices in Colombia. In: Volkmer, I. et al. eds. Ecologies of Global Risk Journalism: Conceptualizing Local Journalism in an Era of Deep Disruptions. London: Routledge, pp. 29-49., (10.4324/9781003431268-4)
- Uribe-Jongbloed, E. and Espinosa-Medina, H. D. 2024. Is there a Colombian national superhero?: How Colombian superheroes help define ethnicity and race in a multicultural society. In: McGarry, C. et al. eds. Superheroes Beyond. University Press of Mississippi, pp. 208-225., (10.2307/jj.11981217.21)
- Uribe Jongbloed, E. and Mora Moreo, C. 2024. Policy stakeholders: Political pivots and precarity in Colombia's Orange Economy. In: Mayer, V., Lavie, N. and Banks, M. eds. Media Industries in Crisis: What COVID Unmasked. Taylor and Francis, pp. 43-54., (10.4324/9781003387794-5)
- Uribe-Jongbloed, E. and Miller, T. 2020. ‘After’ or back to Third Cinema? Plebeian film, the national popular, fingernails and the resilient behemoth. In: Mazierska, E. and Kristensen, L. eds. Third Cinema, World Cinema and Marxism. Bloomsbury Academic, pp. 273–289., (10.5040/9781501348303.ch-012)
- Uribe-Jongbloed, E. and Aguilar-Rodriguez, D. E. 2020. The comics scene in Colombian cities. In: Scorer, J. ed. Comics Beyond the Page in Latin America. Modern Americas London: UCL Press, pp. 75-92., (10.2307/j.ctv13xpstc.9)
- Uribe-Jongbloed, E. 2019. Media and contact linguistics. In: Darquennes, J., Salmons, J. and Vandenbussche, W. eds. Language Contact. Handbooks of Linguistics and Communication Science De Gruyter, pp. 418-430., (10.1515/9783110435351-035)
- Uribe-Jongbloed, E. and Salawu, A. 2017. Minority languages, cultural policy and minority language media. In: Durrer, V., Miller, T. and O'Brien, D. eds. The Routledge Handbook of Global Cultural Policy. London: Routledge, pp. 181-194., (10.4324/9781315718408-12)
- Le, E. and Uribe-Jongbloed, E. 2017. Media and minority languages. In: Cotter, C. and Perrin, D. eds. The Routledge Handbook of Language and Media. London: Routledge, pp. 357-372., (10.4324/9781315673134-27)
- Suárez, F. and Uribe-Jongbloed, E. 2016. Making comics as artisans: comic book production in Colombia. In: Brienza, C. and Johnston, P. eds. Cultures of Comics Work. Palgrave Studies in Comics and Graphic Novels New York: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 51-64., (10.1057/978-1-137-55090-3_4)
- Uribe-Jongbloed, E., Espinosa-Medina, H. D. and Biddle, J. 2016. Cultural transduction and intertextuality in video games: an analysis of three international case studies. In: Contemporary Research on Intertextuality in Video Games. Information Science Reference, pp. 143-161., (10.4018/978-1-5225-0477-1.ch009)
- Arango-Forero, G., Roncallo-Dow, S. and Uribe-Jongbloed, E. 2015. Rethinking convergence: a new word to describe an old idea. In: Lugmayr, A. and Dal Zotto, C. eds. Media Convergence Handbook., Vol. 1. Media Business and Innovation Heidelberg: Springer Berlin, pp. 17-28., (10.1007/978-3-642-54484-2_2)
- Aguilar-Rodríguez, D., Goyeneche-Gómez, E. and Uribe Jongbloed, E. eds. 2025. Nostalgia audiovisual: Sentidos y Anclajes. Universidad de La Sabana and Universidad Externado de Colombia.
- Uribe-Jongbloed, E. 2023. The travels of media and cultural products: cultural transduction. Oxon and New York: Routledge. (10.4324/9781003380221)
- Salawu, A. et al. eds. 2023. Indigenous language for social change communication in the Global South. Lexington Books.
- Salawu, A. et al. eds. 2022. Indigenous language for development communication in the Global South. Lexington Books.
- Roncallo-Dow, S., Aguilar-Rodríguez, D. and Uribe Jongbloed, E. eds. 2021. Después del final: teorías, historias y nostalgias del rock. Universidad de La Sabana.
- Roncallo-Dow, S., Uribe Jongbloed, E. and Goyeneche-Gómez, E. 2016. Volver a los clásicos: Teorías de la comunicación y cultura pop. Universidad de La Sabana. (10.2307/j.ctvn1td4d)
- Roncallo-Dow, S., Uribe Jongbloed, E. and Gutiérrez, E. eds. 2016. Identidad, héroes y discursos en la modernidad tardía. Universidad de La Sabana.
- Gruffydd Jones, E. H. and Uribe Jongbloed, E. eds. 2013. Social media and minority languages. Multilingual Matters. Bristol: Blue Ridge Summit. (10.21832/9781847699053)
- Uribe-Jongbloed, E. and Anderson, C. E. 2014. Minority languages in networks of overlapping, hierarchical communities in Colombia. Presented at: 2014, FEL XVIII Okinawa: Indigenous languages: Value to the community, Okinawa International University, Ginowan City, Okinawa, Japan, 17–20 September 2014 Presented at Heinrich, P. and Ostler, N. eds.Proceedings of the 18th FEL conference. Bath, U.K.: Foundation for Endangered Languages pp. 132-137.
- Komorowski, M., Uribe Jongbloed, E. and Moore, D. 2023. Broadcasting regulation in Wales Part 1-3. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: IWA – Institute of Welsh Affairs. Available at: https://www.iwa.wales/our-work/work/broadcasting-regulations-in-wales/
Enrique Uribe-Jongbloed received his B.A. in Film and TV studies from the National University of Colombia. He moved to Germany to do an M.A. in World Heritage Studies at BTU in Cottbus. During his M.A. he did an exchange for a semester at Saitama University in Japan, and an artistic residency, funded by GASD, with Taigh Chearsabhagh in Lochmaddy, North Uist, on the Western Isles of Scotland, where he did a video on the audiovisual consumption of TV products in Scots Gaelic.
After staring to work as a lecturer at Universidad de La Sabana in Colombia, he did his PhD in Media Studies with the Department of Theatre, Film and TV studies at Aberystwyth University. His PhD addressed identity negotiations that take place in Minority Language Media in Wales and Colombia.
He has worked for several Universities in Colombia, including Universidad de La Sabana, Universidad del Norte and Universidad de Bogotá Jorge Tadeo Lozano. He has taught subjects ranging from Comics to Audiovisual Culture, though focusing mostly on Research Methodology and Design. Since 2018 he has worked as Researcher and Lecturer at the School of Social Communication and Journalism, Universidad Externado de Colombia, where he is head of the Recasens Research Group in Communication.
He was a member of the selection committee of the India Catalina Awards for the Colombian Audiovisual Industry from 2016-2020.
Dr Uribe-Jongbloed has also been an external evaluator for the Colombian Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation, and for the National Research Foundation of South Africa.
He is currently engaged as Research Fellow with the Media Cymru project.
Contact Details
Research themes
- Television and Film
- video games
- Sociolinguistics
- Deaf-disabled and language-minority rights
- Comics