I completed my PhD, Investigating the pharmcology of vascular responses to trace amines, at the Cardiff University School of Pharmacy in 2021. My research project gave me an in depth knowlege of vascular pharmacology and physiology as well as experience of a range of research techniques inlcluding; isolated organ baths, thin wire myography and whole organ perfusion. My research interests include the trace amines and their receptors the trace amine-associated receptors (TAARs), hypertension and cardiovascular disease.
I am a lecturer on the Medical Pharmacology BSc. programme where I bring my passion for pharmacology to my teaching through a number of inovative and engaging methods including practical workshops, interactive lectures and e-learning. I have a keen interest in technology assisted teaching & learning and I am developing innovative new resources to enhance my teaching including through virtual reality/simulation. I also have a strong interest in the use of AI not only as a tool to enhance students learning but also how it can be used in assessments, in this regard I am looking to develop a guidance framework to facilitate the use of AI across higher education.
- Voisey, A. C., Broadley, H. D., Broadley, K. J. and Ford, W. R. 2024. Is there a role for biogenic amine receptors in mediating β-phenylethylamine and RO5256390-induced vascular contraction?. European Journal of Pharmacology 981, article number: 176895. (10.1016/j.ejphar.2024.176895)
- Pearson, J. A., Voisey, A. C., Boest Bjerg, K., Wong, F. S. and Wen, L. 2021. Circadian rhythm modulation of microbes during health and infection. Frontiers in Microbiology 12, article number: 721004. (10.3389/fmicb.2021.721004)
- Voisey, A. 2021. Pharmacology of vascular responses to trace amines. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
- Dally, J. et al. 2017. Hepatocyte growth factor mediates enhanced wound healing responses and resistance to transforming growth factor-β1-driven myofibroblast differentiation in oral mucosal fibroblasts. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 18, article number: 1843. (10.3390/ijms18091843)
- Voisey, A. C., Broadley, H. D., Broadley, K. J. and Ford, W. R. 2024. Is there a role for biogenic amine receptors in mediating β-phenylethylamine and RO5256390-induced vascular contraction?. European Journal of Pharmacology 981, article number: 176895. (10.1016/j.ejphar.2024.176895)
- Pearson, J. A., Voisey, A. C., Boest Bjerg, K., Wong, F. S. and Wen, L. 2021. Circadian rhythm modulation of microbes during health and infection. Frontiers in Microbiology 12, article number: 721004. (10.3389/fmicb.2021.721004)
- Dally, J. et al. 2017. Hepatocyte growth factor mediates enhanced wound healing responses and resistance to transforming growth factor-β1-driven myofibroblast differentiation in oral mucosal fibroblasts. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 18, article number: 1843. (10.3390/ijms18091843)
- Voisey, A. 2021. Pharmacology of vascular responses to trace amines. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
Research Interests
I am interested in targetting the receptors for the trace amines, trace amine-associated receptors (TAAR) as novel thereapeutic targets for cardiovascular disease with a particular focus on hypertension. Prior to my research the vascular effects of the trace amines were largely focussed on their vasoconstrictor effects. My intital work focussed on confriming a role for TAAR1 in this regard. During these initial studies I identified that trace amines could also elicit a vasodilator response that was largely dependent on endothelium-derived nitric oxide. The role of TAARs in both vasoconstriction and vasodilation has yet to be proven. My current interests involve idenfying the different signalling mechanisms of the trace amines that drive both vasoconstriction and vasodilation with the hope of identifying a novel target for antihypertensive medication.
Teaching responsibilities
I currently teach students on the undergraduate Medical Pharmacology BSc and Medicine MBBCh (Phase 1). My teaching on the BSc covers all 3 years of the degree course and includes lectures on the physiology and pharmacology of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. More recently I have co-developed a new module Tropical Disease Pharmacology for which I run a number of workshops. Within the MBBCh I am involved in Case Base Learning (CBL) across years 1 & 2 and deliver a plenary lecture in year 1.
Medical Pharmacology Teaching
ME1013 Foundations and Principles of Pharmacology
ME2001 Clinical Anatomy (Module Lead)
ME2355 Medical Pharmacology Research Techniques
ME2360 Application of In-vitro Pharmacology in Research
ME2366 Pharmacology of Non-communicable Diseases
ME2367 Tropical Disease Pharmacology (Module Lead)
ME3055 Cardiovascular Medicine an Evidence-based Approach
Other teaching-related responsibilities
Scholarship Lead within HIVE (Hybrid and Interactive Virtual Environments) Innovation Unit
Joint route lead for BSc Pharmacology Intercalated Route
Exam Liason Officer Medical Pharmacology
Module lead for Clinical Anatomy & Tropical Disease Pharmacology
Member of extenuating circumstances comittee
School-related responsibilities
Qualified first aider
Member of C4ME EDI comittee
MEDIC public engagment champion
Career profile
I completed my undergraduate studies at the University of Manchester, graduating in 2014. I then completed my MRes. Biomedical Research at Cardiff University in 2015. Following this I worked for 2 years as a laboratory technician in the division of infection and immunity, Cardiff Univerity, School of Medicine. After this I decided to embark on a serious career in research in 2017 and undertook a PhD in Cardiff University School of Pharmacy investigating 'The pharmacology of vascular responses to trace amines'. I successfuly defended my thesis in May 2021 and I was appointed as a Lecturer on the Medical Pharmacology BSc. programme in the School of Medicine in January 2022.
I am passionate about exploring novel and innovative teaching practices with a strong focus on technology. I am interested in incorporating virtual reality and simulation into my teaching practice and I am currently developing VR and VS resources. I am also interested in the potential of Generative AI in teaching and assesment.
BSc. (Hons) 2:1 Anatomical Sciences , University of Manchester 2014
MRes (Merit) Biomedical Research, Cardiff University 2015
PhD in vascular pharmacology, Cardiff University 2021
Professional Memberships and Comittees
British Pharmacological Society (Member)
British Pharmacological Society Early Career Pharmacologists Advisory Group Member and incoming chair for 2025.
Academic appointments
Current positions
Lecturer School of Medicine - Medical Pharmacology
Contact Details
Main Hospital Building, Floor 2, Room 2TB2 154, University Hospital of Wales, Heath Park, Cardiff, CF14 4XN
Research themes
- Cardiovascular diseases
- Respiratory diseases