Professor Helen Walker
Professor of Operations and Supply Management
- Available for postgraduate supervision
I am a Professor of Operations and Supply Management in the Logistics and Operations Management section at Cardiff Business School. I was previously Deputy Head of Section at CRiSPS, University of Bath School of Management, and at the OM Group, Warwick Business School. My main research interests are sustainable procurement, sustainable supply chain management, ethical issues in purchaisng and supply, collaborative procurement and supply strategy.
I was President of the International Purchasing and Supply Education and Research Association (2014-17). I have been a member of the Chartered Institute of Procurement and Supply Sustainable / Responsible Procurement Group, and the cross-government Sustainable Procurement Task Force.
I have provided advice, conducted research or participated in policy-making on sustainable procurement issues with public sector bodies such as the United Nations, the NHS, the ODPM, DEFRA, defence and local government. I have also conducted research with private firms such as PepsiCo and Boots.
Helen is a Research Affiliate of the Sustainable Places Research Institute at Cardiff University interested in Sustainable Supply Chain Management
- Walker, H. and Flynn, A. 2025. Public Procurement Strategy. In: Dimanda, A., Brunjes, B. and Patrucco, A. eds. Teaching Public Procurement: Bridging Theory and Practice. Taylor & Francis Group
- Alexander, A., Kumar, M., Walker, H. and Gosling, J. 2024. Innovation for zero-deforestation sustainable supply chain management services: a performance measurement and management approach. Supply Chain Management 29(3), pp. 620-641. (10.1108/SCM-02-2023-0088)
- Strand, V., Lotfi, M., Flynn, A. and Walker, H. 2024. Tackling modern slavery in supply chains through B2N collaborations. Presented at: POMS 2023: Production and Operations Management Society International Conference, Paris, France, 18-20 July 2023.
- Alexander, A., Walker, H. and Delabre, I. 2022. A decision theory perspective on wicked problems, SDGs and stakeholders: the case of deforestation. Journal of Business Ethics 180, pp. 975-995. (10.1007/s10551-022-05198-8)
- Strand, V., Lotfi, M., Flynn, A. and Walker, H. 2022. A systematic literature review of modern slavery risk management in the global supply chains: State of the art and research opportunities. Presented at: IPSERA 2022 Conference, Jönköping, Sweden, 10 -13 April 2022.
- Moretto, A., Patrucco, A. S., Walker, H. and Ronchi, S. 2022. Procurement organisation in project-based setting: a multiple case study of engineer-to-order companies. Production Planning and Control 33(9-10), pp. 847-862. (10.1080/09537287.2020.1837938)
- Lotfi, M., Walker, H. and Rendon-Sanchez, J. 2021. Supply chains’ failure in workers’ rights with regards to the SDG compass: a doughnut theory perspective. Sustainability 13, article number: 12526. (10.3390/su132212526)
- Wontner, K. L., Walker, H., Harris, I. and Lynch, J. 2020. Maximising “community benefits” in public procurement: tensions and trade-offs. International Journal of Operations and Production Management 40(12), pp. 1909-1939. (10.1108/IJOPM-05-2019-0395)
- Flynn, A. and Walker, H. 2020. Corporate responses to modern slavery risks: An institutional theory perspective. European Business Review 33(2), pp. 295-315. (10.1108/EBR-05-2019-0092)
- Patrucco, A. S., Walker, H., Luzzini, D. and Ronchi, S. 2019. Which shape fits best? Designing the organizational form of local government procurement. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management 25(3), article number: 100504. (10.1016/j.pursup.2018.06.003)
- Alexander, A., Kumar, M. and Walker, H. 2018. A decision theory perspective on complexity in performance measurement and management. International Journal of Operations and Production Management 38(11), pp. 2214-2244. (10.1108/IJOPM-10-2016-0632)
- Lu, H., Potter, A. T., Sanchez Rodrigues, V. and Walker, H. L. 2018. Exploring sustainable supply chain management: A social network perspective. Supply Chain Management 23(4), pp. 257-277. (10.1108/SCM-11-2016-0408)
- Pettit, S., Abouarghoub, W., Harris, I., Walker, H. and Veskova, B. 2018. Theoretical developments in humanitarian aid supply chain management. Presented at: 9th European Decision Science Institute Conference, Udine, Italy, 3-6 June 2018.
- Meehan, J., Touboulic, A. and Walker, H. 2016. Time to get real: The case for critical action research in purchasing and supply management. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management 22(4), pp. 255-257. (10.1016/j.pursup.2016.08.006)
- Alexander, A. E. and Walker, H. 2016. Symbolic or substantive claims: an analysis of planetary boundary impacts from tracing supply chains of UK based companies. Presented at: Euroma Sustainable Operations and Supply Chain Forum, Lancaster UK, 11-12 April 2016Euroma Sustainable Operations and Supply Chain Forum.
- Alexander, A. E. and Walker, H. L. 2016. Decision making in sustainable supply chain management: cross-sector case studies of implementation. Presented at: IPSERA 2016, Dortmund, Germany, 20-24 March 2016IPSERA 2016 Proceedings. Dortmund, Germany:
- Touboulic, A. and Walker, H. 2016. A relational, transformative and engaged approach to sustainable supply chain management: the potential of action research. Human Relations 69(2), pp. 301-343. (10.1177/0018726715583364)
- Touboulic, A. and Walker, H. L. 2015. Love me, love me not: A nuanced view on collaboration in sustainable supply chains. Journal of Purchasing & Supply Management 21(3), pp. 178-191. (10.1016/j.pursup.2015.05.001)
- Walker, H., Chicksand, D., Radnor, Z. and Watson, G. 2015. Theoretical perspectives in operations management: an analysis of the literature. International Journal of Operations and Production Management 35(8), pp. 1182-1206. (10.1108/IJOPM-02-2014-0089)
- Lu, H., Potter, A. T., Sanchez Rodrigues, V. and Walker, H. L. 2015. Informal relationships and their impacts on supply chain management. Presented at: 20th International Symposium on Logistics, Bologna, Italy, 5-8 July 2015Proceedings of the 20th International Symposium on Logistics, Bologna, 5th - 8th July. pp. 195-202.
- Wontner, K., Walker, H. L., Harris, I. and Lynch, J. 2015. Barriers and enablers to "living wage" in public sector contracts. Presented at: 24th Annual IPSERA Conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 30 March - 2 April 2015.
- Touboulic, A. and Walker, H. L. 2015. Theories in sustainable supply chain management: a structured literature review. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management 45(1/2), pp. 16-42.
- Walker, H. L. 2015. New development: Public procurement research at IPSERA: aligning research and practice, and future trends. Public Money and Management 35(2), pp. 141-144. (10.1080/09540962.2015.1007710)
- Alexander, A., Walker, H. L. and Naim, M. M. 2014. Decision theory in sustainable supply chain management: a literature review. Supply Chain Management 19(5/6), pp. 504-522. (10.1108/SCM-01-2014-0007)
- Touboulic, A., Chicksand, D. and Walker, H. 2014. Managing imbalanced supply chain relationships for sustainability: A power perspective. Decision Sciences 45(4), pp. 577-619. (10.1111/deci.12087)
- Nordigarden, D., Rehme, J., Brege, S., Chicksand, D. and Walker, H. 2014. Outsourcing decisions - the case of parallel production. International Journal of Operations and Production Management 34(8), pp. 974-1002. (10.1108/IJOPM-06-2012-0230)
- Walker, H., Seuring, S., Sarkis, J. and Klassesn, R. 2014. Sustainable operations management: recent trends and future directions [Editorial]. International Journal of Operations and Production Management 34(5) (10.1108/IJOPM-12-2013-0557)
- Alexander, A., Touboulic, A. and Walker, H. L. 2014. Making sense of SSCM: How companies express sustainable supply chain management issues in their public reports. Presented at: 1st Euroma Sustainability Forum, Groningen, The Netherlands, 24-25 March 2014.
- Walker, H. L., Alexander, A. and Touboulic, A. 2013. An overview of sustainable public procurement research. In: Balancing Social, Environmental and Economic Considerations in Procurement. Supplement to the Annual Statistical Report on United Nations Procurement Vol. 2012. United Nations, pp. 8-14.
- Alexander, A. and Walker, H. L. 2013. Sustainable supply chain management: achieving optimal performance and outcomes. Presented at: 20th EurOMA Conference 2013, Dublin, Ireland, 7-12 June 2013.
- Alexander, A. and Walker, H. L. 2013. Sustainable supply chain management and decision making: A literature review of decision analysis, stakeholders and systems theory. Presented at: IPSERA2013, Nantes, France, 24-27 March 2013.
- Schneller, E., Harland, C., Walker, H. L. and Forrest, S. 2013. Systems of exchange: cooperative purchasing in the UK and US health sectors. In: Harland, C., Nassimbeni, G. and Schneller, E. eds. The SAGE Handbook of Strategic Supply Management. SAGE Publications, pp. 214-238.
- Walker, H. L., Schotanus, F., Bakker, E. and Harland, C. 2013. Collaborative procurement: a relational view of buyer-buyer relationships. Public Administration Review 73(4), pp. 588-598. (10.1111/puar.12048)
- Walker, H. L. and Brammer, S. 2012. The relationship between sustainable procurement and e-procurement in the public sector. International Journal of Production Economics 140(1), pp. 256-268. (10.1016/j.ijpe.2012.01.008)
- Chicksand, D., Watson, G., Walker, H. L., Radnor, Z. J. and Johnston, R. 2012. Theoretical perspectives in purchasing and supply chain management: an analysis of the literature. Supply Chain Management: an International Journal 17(4), pp. 454 -472. (10.1108/13598541211246611)
- Walker, H. L. and Jones, N. 2012. Sustainable supply chain management across the UK private sector. Supply Chain Management 17(1), pp. 15-28. (10.1108/13598541211212177)
- Touboulic, A. and Walker, H. L. 2012. Action research in sustainable SCM. Presented at: Academy of Management Conference, Boston, MA, USA, 3-7 August 2012.
- Nordigården, D., Rehme, J., Walker, H. L. and Bregge, S. 2012. Outsourcing strategies – combining outsourcing with in-house production. Presented at: IPSERA Conference, Naples, Italy, 1-4 April 2012.
- Touboulic, A., Chicksand, D. and Walker, H. L. 2012. Power in sustainable supply chain management. Presented at: IPSERA Conference, Naples, Italy, 1-4 April 2012.
- Brandon-Jones, E., Brandon-Jones, A. and Walker, H. L. 2011. Sustainable services: A conceptual framework. Presented at: 18th International Annual EurOMA Conference: Exploring Interfaces, Cambridge, UK, 3-6 July 2011.
- Walker, H. L., Brandon-Jones, E. and Brandon-Jones, A. 2011. Exploring service sustainability. Presented at: 22nd Annual POMS Conference, Reno, Nevada, USA, 29 April - 2 May 2011.
- Touboulic, A., Walker, H. L., Barlow, J. and Pettigrew, M. 2011. Theoretical perspectives on sustainable supply chain management: A review of the literature. Presented at: 20th Annual IPSERA Conference 2011, Maastricht, the Netherlands, 10-13 April 2011.
- Schotanus, F., Bakker, E., Walker, H. L. and Essig, M. 2011. Development of purchasing groups during their life cycle: from infancy to maturity. Public Administration Review 71(2), pp. 265-275. (10.1111/j.1540-6210.2011.02337.x)
- Preuss, L. and Walker, H. L. 2011. Psychological barriers in the road to sustainability: evidence from public sector procurement. Public Administration 89(2), pp. 493-521. (10.1111/j.1467-9299.2010.01893.x)
- Walker, H. L., Brandon-Jones, A. and Brandon-Jones, E. 2011. Exploring service sustainability. Presented at: EUROMA Conference, Cambridge, UK, 3-6 July 2011.
- Brammer, S. and Walker, H. L. 2011. Sustainable procurement in the public sector: an international comparative study. International Journal of Operations & Production Management 31(4), pp. 452-476. (10.1108/01443571111119551)
- Walker, H. L., Chicksand, D., Radnor, Z. J. and Johnston, R. 2010. Theoretical perspectives in operations management: an analysis of the literature. Presented at: 17th International Annual EurOMA Conference, Porto, Portugal, 6-9 June 2010.
- Walker, H. L. and Walley, P. 2010. Sustainability as a sixth performance. Presented at: 17th International Annual EurOMA Conference, Porto, Portugal, 6-9 June 2010.
- Walley, P. and Walker, H. L. 2010. Sustainability as a sixth performance. Presented at: 17th International Annual EurOMA Conference, Porto, Portugal, 6-9 June 2010.
- Chicksand, D., Walker, H. L., Radnor, Z. J. and Johnston, R. 2010. Theoretical perspectives in supply chain management. Presented at: 19th Annual IPSERA Conference, Lappeenranta, Finland, 16–19 May, 2010.
- Chicksand, D., Watson, G., Walker, H. L., Radnor, Z. J., Johnston, B. and Liyange, K. 2010. Theoretical perspectives in purchasing and supply: An analysis of the literature. Presented at: 19th Annual IPSERA Conference: Supply Management - Missing Link in Strategic Management?, Lappeenranta, Finland, 6-19 May 2010.
- Walker, H. L. 2009. Sustainable procurement: An analysis of constructs in the literature. Presented at: 16th International Annual EurOMA Conference, Gothenburg, Sweden, 14-17 June 2009.
- Walker, H. L. and Bakker, E. 2009. Collaborative procurement across the UK public sector. Presented at: 18th Annual IPSERA Conference, Wiesbaden, Germany, 5- 8 April 2009.
- Hampson, J., MacKenzie, N. and Walker, H. L. 2009. Case studies in sustainable and responsible procurement. Presented at: 18th IPSERA Conference Supply Management – Towards an Academic Discipline?, Wiesbaden, Germany, 5 – 8 April 2009Proceedings of the 18th IPSERA Conference: Supply Management – Towards an Academic Discipline?, Wiesbaden, Germany, 5–8 April 2009. International Purchasing and Supply Education and Research Association (IPSERA) pp. 1112-1123.
- Walker, H. L. and Bakker, E. 2009. Collaborative procurement: A relational view across the UK public sector. Presented at: 18th IPSERA Conference: Supply Management – Towards an Academic Discipline?, Wiesbaden, Germany, 5–8 April 2009Proceedings of the 18th IPSERA Conference: Supply Management – Towards an Academic Discipline?, Wiesbaden, Germany, 5–8 April 2009. International Purchasing and Supply Education and Research Association (IPSERA) pp. 757-772.
- Walker, H. L. 2009. Sustainable procurement: a literature review. Presented at: 18th IPSERA Conference: Supply Management – Towards an Academic Discipline?, Wiesbaden, Germany, 5–8 April 2009Proceedings of the 18th IPSERA Conference: Supply Management – Towards an Academic Discipline?, Wiesbaden, Germany, 5–8 April 2009. International Purchasing and Supply Education and Research Association (IPSERA) pp. 742-756.
- Walker, H. L. and Phillips, W. 2009. Sustainable procurement: emerging issues. International Journal of Procurement Management 2(1), pp. 41-61. (10.1504/IJPM.2009.021729)
- Walker, H. L. and Brammer, S. 2008. Sustainable procurement and management commitment. Presented at: 14th Annual International Sustainable Development Research Conference, New Delhi, India, 21-23 September 2008.
- Walker, H. L., Knight, L. and Gough, S. 2008. Sustainable procurement and learning. Presented at: 3rd International Public Procurement Conference, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 28-30 August 2008.
- Walker, H. L. and Brammer, S. 2008. Sustainable e-procurement: An international study. Presented at: 17th Annual IPSERA Conference, Perth, Australia, 9-12 March 2008.
- Walker, H. L., Bakker, E., Schotanus, F. and Harland, C. 2008. Choosing an organisational form: the case of collaborative procurement initiatives. International Journal of Procurement Management 1(3), pp. 297-317. (10.1504/IJPM.2008.017527)
- Walker, H. L., Di Sisto, L. and McBain, D. 2008. Drivers and barriers to environmental supply chain management practices: lessons from the public and private sectors. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management 14(1), pp. 69-85. (10.1016/j.pursup.2008.01.007)
- Walker, H. L. and Harland, C. 2008. E-procurement in the United Nations: influences, issues and impact. International Journal of Operations & Production Management 28(9), pp. 831-857. (10.1108/01443570810895276)
- Walker, H. L. and Preuss, L. 2008. Fostering sustainability through sourcing from small businesses: public sector perspectives. Journal of Cleaner Production 16(15), pp. 1600-1609. (10.1016/j.jclepro.2008.04.014)
- Walker, H. L., Gough, S., Bakker, E. F., Knight, L. A. and McBain, D. 2008. Greening operations management: an online sustainable procurement course for practitioners.. Journal of Management Education 33(3), pp. 348-371. (10.1177/1052562908323190)
- Walker, H. L., Harland, C., Knight, L., Uden, C. and Forrest, S. 2008. Reflections on longitudinal action research with the English National Health Service. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management 14(2), pp. 136-145. (10.1016/j.pursup.2008.02.003)
- Walker, H. L., Harland, C. and Warrington, J. 2008. Commissioning and procurement. Presented at: Third International Public Procurement Conference, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 28-30 August 2008.
- Chicksand, D., Kumar, N., Rehme, J. and Walker, H. L. 2001. Global sourcing: implications for purchasing and logistics – a research synthesis. Presented at: Global Sourcing Workshop, Courchevel, France, 14-17 March 2011.
- Alexander, A., Kumar, M., Walker, H. and Gosling, J. 2024. Innovation for zero-deforestation sustainable supply chain management services: a performance measurement and management approach. Supply Chain Management 29(3), pp. 620-641. (10.1108/SCM-02-2023-0088)
- Alexander, A., Walker, H. and Delabre, I. 2022. A decision theory perspective on wicked problems, SDGs and stakeholders: the case of deforestation. Journal of Business Ethics 180, pp. 975-995. (10.1007/s10551-022-05198-8)
- Moretto, A., Patrucco, A. S., Walker, H. and Ronchi, S. 2022. Procurement organisation in project-based setting: a multiple case study of engineer-to-order companies. Production Planning and Control 33(9-10), pp. 847-862. (10.1080/09537287.2020.1837938)
- Lotfi, M., Walker, H. and Rendon-Sanchez, J. 2021. Supply chains’ failure in workers’ rights with regards to the SDG compass: a doughnut theory perspective. Sustainability 13, article number: 12526. (10.3390/su132212526)
- Wontner, K. L., Walker, H., Harris, I. and Lynch, J. 2020. Maximising “community benefits” in public procurement: tensions and trade-offs. International Journal of Operations and Production Management 40(12), pp. 1909-1939. (10.1108/IJOPM-05-2019-0395)
- Flynn, A. and Walker, H. 2020. Corporate responses to modern slavery risks: An institutional theory perspective. European Business Review 33(2), pp. 295-315. (10.1108/EBR-05-2019-0092)
- Patrucco, A. S., Walker, H., Luzzini, D. and Ronchi, S. 2019. Which shape fits best? Designing the organizational form of local government procurement. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management 25(3), article number: 100504. (10.1016/j.pursup.2018.06.003)
- Alexander, A., Kumar, M. and Walker, H. 2018. A decision theory perspective on complexity in performance measurement and management. International Journal of Operations and Production Management 38(11), pp. 2214-2244. (10.1108/IJOPM-10-2016-0632)
- Lu, H., Potter, A. T., Sanchez Rodrigues, V. and Walker, H. L. 2018. Exploring sustainable supply chain management: A social network perspective. Supply Chain Management 23(4), pp. 257-277. (10.1108/SCM-11-2016-0408)
- Meehan, J., Touboulic, A. and Walker, H. 2016. Time to get real: The case for critical action research in purchasing and supply management. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management 22(4), pp. 255-257. (10.1016/j.pursup.2016.08.006)
- Touboulic, A. and Walker, H. 2016. A relational, transformative and engaged approach to sustainable supply chain management: the potential of action research. Human Relations 69(2), pp. 301-343. (10.1177/0018726715583364)
- Touboulic, A. and Walker, H. L. 2015. Love me, love me not: A nuanced view on collaboration in sustainable supply chains. Journal of Purchasing & Supply Management 21(3), pp. 178-191. (10.1016/j.pursup.2015.05.001)
- Walker, H., Chicksand, D., Radnor, Z. and Watson, G. 2015. Theoretical perspectives in operations management: an analysis of the literature. International Journal of Operations and Production Management 35(8), pp. 1182-1206. (10.1108/IJOPM-02-2014-0089)
- Touboulic, A. and Walker, H. L. 2015. Theories in sustainable supply chain management: a structured literature review. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management 45(1/2), pp. 16-42.
- Walker, H. L. 2015. New development: Public procurement research at IPSERA: aligning research and practice, and future trends. Public Money and Management 35(2), pp. 141-144. (10.1080/09540962.2015.1007710)
- Alexander, A., Walker, H. L. and Naim, M. M. 2014. Decision theory in sustainable supply chain management: a literature review. Supply Chain Management 19(5/6), pp. 504-522. (10.1108/SCM-01-2014-0007)
- Touboulic, A., Chicksand, D. and Walker, H. 2014. Managing imbalanced supply chain relationships for sustainability: A power perspective. Decision Sciences 45(4), pp. 577-619. (10.1111/deci.12087)
- Nordigarden, D., Rehme, J., Brege, S., Chicksand, D. and Walker, H. 2014. Outsourcing decisions - the case of parallel production. International Journal of Operations and Production Management 34(8), pp. 974-1002. (10.1108/IJOPM-06-2012-0230)
- Walker, H., Seuring, S., Sarkis, J. and Klassesn, R. 2014. Sustainable operations management: recent trends and future directions [Editorial]. International Journal of Operations and Production Management 34(5) (10.1108/IJOPM-12-2013-0557)
- Walker, H. L., Schotanus, F., Bakker, E. and Harland, C. 2013. Collaborative procurement: a relational view of buyer-buyer relationships. Public Administration Review 73(4), pp. 588-598. (10.1111/puar.12048)
- Walker, H. L. and Brammer, S. 2012. The relationship between sustainable procurement and e-procurement in the public sector. International Journal of Production Economics 140(1), pp. 256-268. (10.1016/j.ijpe.2012.01.008)
- Chicksand, D., Watson, G., Walker, H. L., Radnor, Z. J. and Johnston, R. 2012. Theoretical perspectives in purchasing and supply chain management: an analysis of the literature. Supply Chain Management: an International Journal 17(4), pp. 454 -472. (10.1108/13598541211246611)
- Walker, H. L. and Jones, N. 2012. Sustainable supply chain management across the UK private sector. Supply Chain Management 17(1), pp. 15-28. (10.1108/13598541211212177)
- Schotanus, F., Bakker, E., Walker, H. L. and Essig, M. 2011. Development of purchasing groups during their life cycle: from infancy to maturity. Public Administration Review 71(2), pp. 265-275. (10.1111/j.1540-6210.2011.02337.x)
- Preuss, L. and Walker, H. L. 2011. Psychological barriers in the road to sustainability: evidence from public sector procurement. Public Administration 89(2), pp. 493-521. (10.1111/j.1467-9299.2010.01893.x)
- Brammer, S. and Walker, H. L. 2011. Sustainable procurement in the public sector: an international comparative study. International Journal of Operations & Production Management 31(4), pp. 452-476. (10.1108/01443571111119551)
- Walker, H. L. and Phillips, W. 2009. Sustainable procurement: emerging issues. International Journal of Procurement Management 2(1), pp. 41-61. (10.1504/IJPM.2009.021729)
- Walker, H. L., Bakker, E., Schotanus, F. and Harland, C. 2008. Choosing an organisational form: the case of collaborative procurement initiatives. International Journal of Procurement Management 1(3), pp. 297-317. (10.1504/IJPM.2008.017527)
- Walker, H. L., Di Sisto, L. and McBain, D. 2008. Drivers and barriers to environmental supply chain management practices: lessons from the public and private sectors. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management 14(1), pp. 69-85. (10.1016/j.pursup.2008.01.007)
- Walker, H. L. and Harland, C. 2008. E-procurement in the United Nations: influences, issues and impact. International Journal of Operations & Production Management 28(9), pp. 831-857. (10.1108/01443570810895276)
- Walker, H. L. and Preuss, L. 2008. Fostering sustainability through sourcing from small businesses: public sector perspectives. Journal of Cleaner Production 16(15), pp. 1600-1609. (10.1016/j.jclepro.2008.04.014)
- Walker, H. L., Gough, S., Bakker, E. F., Knight, L. A. and McBain, D. 2008. Greening operations management: an online sustainable procurement course for practitioners.. Journal of Management Education 33(3), pp. 348-371. (10.1177/1052562908323190)
- Walker, H. L., Harland, C., Knight, L., Uden, C. and Forrest, S. 2008. Reflections on longitudinal action research with the English National Health Service. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management 14(2), pp. 136-145. (10.1016/j.pursup.2008.02.003)
Book sections
- Walker, H. and Flynn, A. 2025. Public Procurement Strategy. In: Dimanda, A., Brunjes, B. and Patrucco, A. eds. Teaching Public Procurement: Bridging Theory and Practice. Taylor & Francis Group
- Walker, H. L., Alexander, A. and Touboulic, A. 2013. An overview of sustainable public procurement research. In: Balancing Social, Environmental and Economic Considerations in Procurement. Supplement to the Annual Statistical Report on United Nations Procurement Vol. 2012. United Nations, pp. 8-14.
- Schneller, E., Harland, C., Walker, H. L. and Forrest, S. 2013. Systems of exchange: cooperative purchasing in the UK and US health sectors. In: Harland, C., Nassimbeni, G. and Schneller, E. eds. The SAGE Handbook of Strategic Supply Management. SAGE Publications, pp. 214-238.
- Strand, V., Lotfi, M., Flynn, A. and Walker, H. 2024. Tackling modern slavery in supply chains through B2N collaborations. Presented at: POMS 2023: Production and Operations Management Society International Conference, Paris, France, 18-20 July 2023.
- Strand, V., Lotfi, M., Flynn, A. and Walker, H. 2022. A systematic literature review of modern slavery risk management in the global supply chains: State of the art and research opportunities. Presented at: IPSERA 2022 Conference, Jönköping, Sweden, 10 -13 April 2022.
- Pettit, S., Abouarghoub, W., Harris, I., Walker, H. and Veskova, B. 2018. Theoretical developments in humanitarian aid supply chain management. Presented at: 9th European Decision Science Institute Conference, Udine, Italy, 3-6 June 2018.
- Alexander, A. E. and Walker, H. 2016. Symbolic or substantive claims: an analysis of planetary boundary impacts from tracing supply chains of UK based companies. Presented at: Euroma Sustainable Operations and Supply Chain Forum, Lancaster UK, 11-12 April 2016Euroma Sustainable Operations and Supply Chain Forum.
- Alexander, A. E. and Walker, H. L. 2016. Decision making in sustainable supply chain management: cross-sector case studies of implementation. Presented at: IPSERA 2016, Dortmund, Germany, 20-24 March 2016IPSERA 2016 Proceedings. Dortmund, Germany:
- Lu, H., Potter, A. T., Sanchez Rodrigues, V. and Walker, H. L. 2015. Informal relationships and their impacts on supply chain management. Presented at: 20th International Symposium on Logistics, Bologna, Italy, 5-8 July 2015Proceedings of the 20th International Symposium on Logistics, Bologna, 5th - 8th July. pp. 195-202.
- Wontner, K., Walker, H. L., Harris, I. and Lynch, J. 2015. Barriers and enablers to "living wage" in public sector contracts. Presented at: 24th Annual IPSERA Conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 30 March - 2 April 2015.
- Alexander, A., Touboulic, A. and Walker, H. L. 2014. Making sense of SSCM: How companies express sustainable supply chain management issues in their public reports. Presented at: 1st Euroma Sustainability Forum, Groningen, The Netherlands, 24-25 March 2014.
- Alexander, A. and Walker, H. L. 2013. Sustainable supply chain management: achieving optimal performance and outcomes. Presented at: 20th EurOMA Conference 2013, Dublin, Ireland, 7-12 June 2013.
- Alexander, A. and Walker, H. L. 2013. Sustainable supply chain management and decision making: A literature review of decision analysis, stakeholders and systems theory. Presented at: IPSERA2013, Nantes, France, 24-27 March 2013.
- Touboulic, A. and Walker, H. L. 2012. Action research in sustainable SCM. Presented at: Academy of Management Conference, Boston, MA, USA, 3-7 August 2012.
- Nordigården, D., Rehme, J., Walker, H. L. and Bregge, S. 2012. Outsourcing strategies – combining outsourcing with in-house production. Presented at: IPSERA Conference, Naples, Italy, 1-4 April 2012.
- Touboulic, A., Chicksand, D. and Walker, H. L. 2012. Power in sustainable supply chain management. Presented at: IPSERA Conference, Naples, Italy, 1-4 April 2012.
- Brandon-Jones, E., Brandon-Jones, A. and Walker, H. L. 2011. Sustainable services: A conceptual framework. Presented at: 18th International Annual EurOMA Conference: Exploring Interfaces, Cambridge, UK, 3-6 July 2011.
- Walker, H. L., Brandon-Jones, E. and Brandon-Jones, A. 2011. Exploring service sustainability. Presented at: 22nd Annual POMS Conference, Reno, Nevada, USA, 29 April - 2 May 2011.
- Touboulic, A., Walker, H. L., Barlow, J. and Pettigrew, M. 2011. Theoretical perspectives on sustainable supply chain management: A review of the literature. Presented at: 20th Annual IPSERA Conference 2011, Maastricht, the Netherlands, 10-13 April 2011.
- Walker, H. L., Brandon-Jones, A. and Brandon-Jones, E. 2011. Exploring service sustainability. Presented at: EUROMA Conference, Cambridge, UK, 3-6 July 2011.
- Walker, H. L., Chicksand, D., Radnor, Z. J. and Johnston, R. 2010. Theoretical perspectives in operations management: an analysis of the literature. Presented at: 17th International Annual EurOMA Conference, Porto, Portugal, 6-9 June 2010.
- Walker, H. L. and Walley, P. 2010. Sustainability as a sixth performance. Presented at: 17th International Annual EurOMA Conference, Porto, Portugal, 6-9 June 2010.
- Walley, P. and Walker, H. L. 2010. Sustainability as a sixth performance. Presented at: 17th International Annual EurOMA Conference, Porto, Portugal, 6-9 June 2010.
- Chicksand, D., Walker, H. L., Radnor, Z. J. and Johnston, R. 2010. Theoretical perspectives in supply chain management. Presented at: 19th Annual IPSERA Conference, Lappeenranta, Finland, 16–19 May, 2010.
- Chicksand, D., Watson, G., Walker, H. L., Radnor, Z. J., Johnston, B. and Liyange, K. 2010. Theoretical perspectives in purchasing and supply: An analysis of the literature. Presented at: 19th Annual IPSERA Conference: Supply Management - Missing Link in Strategic Management?, Lappeenranta, Finland, 6-19 May 2010.
- Walker, H. L. 2009. Sustainable procurement: An analysis of constructs in the literature. Presented at: 16th International Annual EurOMA Conference, Gothenburg, Sweden, 14-17 June 2009.
- Walker, H. L. and Bakker, E. 2009. Collaborative procurement across the UK public sector. Presented at: 18th Annual IPSERA Conference, Wiesbaden, Germany, 5- 8 April 2009.
- Hampson, J., MacKenzie, N. and Walker, H. L. 2009. Case studies in sustainable and responsible procurement. Presented at: 18th IPSERA Conference Supply Management – Towards an Academic Discipline?, Wiesbaden, Germany, 5 – 8 April 2009Proceedings of the 18th IPSERA Conference: Supply Management – Towards an Academic Discipline?, Wiesbaden, Germany, 5–8 April 2009. International Purchasing and Supply Education and Research Association (IPSERA) pp. 1112-1123.
- Walker, H. L. and Bakker, E. 2009. Collaborative procurement: A relational view across the UK public sector. Presented at: 18th IPSERA Conference: Supply Management – Towards an Academic Discipline?, Wiesbaden, Germany, 5–8 April 2009Proceedings of the 18th IPSERA Conference: Supply Management – Towards an Academic Discipline?, Wiesbaden, Germany, 5–8 April 2009. International Purchasing and Supply Education and Research Association (IPSERA) pp. 757-772.
- Walker, H. L. 2009. Sustainable procurement: a literature review. Presented at: 18th IPSERA Conference: Supply Management – Towards an Academic Discipline?, Wiesbaden, Germany, 5–8 April 2009Proceedings of the 18th IPSERA Conference: Supply Management – Towards an Academic Discipline?, Wiesbaden, Germany, 5–8 April 2009. International Purchasing and Supply Education and Research Association (IPSERA) pp. 742-756.
- Walker, H. L. and Brammer, S. 2008. Sustainable procurement and management commitment. Presented at: 14th Annual International Sustainable Development Research Conference, New Delhi, India, 21-23 September 2008.
- Walker, H. L., Knight, L. and Gough, S. 2008. Sustainable procurement and learning. Presented at: 3rd International Public Procurement Conference, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 28-30 August 2008.
- Walker, H. L. and Brammer, S. 2008. Sustainable e-procurement: An international study. Presented at: 17th Annual IPSERA Conference, Perth, Australia, 9-12 March 2008.
- Walker, H. L., Harland, C. and Warrington, J. 2008. Commissioning and procurement. Presented at: Third International Public Procurement Conference, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 28-30 August 2008.
- Chicksand, D., Kumar, N., Rehme, J. and Walker, H. L. 2001. Global sourcing: implications for purchasing and logistics – a research synthesis. Presented at: Global Sourcing Workshop, Courchevel, France, 14-17 March 2011.
- Walker, H. L., Alexander, A. and Touboulic, A. 2013. An overview of sustainable public procurement research. In: Balancing Social, Environmental and Economic Considerations in Procurement. Supplement to the Annual Statistical Report on United Nations Procurement Vol. 2012. United Nations, pp. 8-14.
- Walker, H. L., Schotanus, F., Bakker, E. and Harland, C. 2013. Collaborative procurement: a relational view of buyer-buyer relationships. Public Administration Review 73(4), pp. 588-598. (10.1111/puar.12048)
- Walker, H. L. and Brammer, S. 2012. The relationship between sustainable procurement and e-procurement in the public sector. International Journal of Production Economics 140(1), pp. 256-268. (10.1016/j.ijpe.2012.01.008)
- Chicksand, D., Watson, G., Walker, H. L., Radnor, Z. J. and Johnston, R. 2012. Theoretical perspectives in purchasing and supply chain management: an analysis of the literature. Supply Chain Management: an International Journal 17(4), pp. 454 -472. (10.1108/13598541211246611)
- Walker, H. L. and Jones, N. 2012. Sustainable supply chain management across the UK private sector. Supply Chain Management 17(1), pp. 15-28. (10.1108/13598541211212177)
- Schotanus, F., Bakker, E., Walker, H. L. and Essig, M. 2011. Development of purchasing groups during their life cycle: from infancy to maturity. Public Administration Review 71(2), pp. 265-275. (10.1111/j.1540-6210.2011.02337.x)
- Preuss, L. and Walker, H. L. 2011. Psychological barriers in the road to sustainability: evidence from public sector procurement. Public Administration 89(2), pp. 493-521. (10.1111/j.1467-9299.2010.01893.x)
- Brammer, S. and Walker, H. L. 2011. Sustainable procurement in the public sector: an international comparative study. International Journal of Operations & Production Management 31(4), pp. 452-476. (10.1108/01443571111119551)
- Walker, H. L., Di Sisto, L. and McBain, D. 2008. Drivers and barriers to environmental supply chain management practices: lessons from the public and private sectors. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management 14(1), pp. 69-85. (10.1016/j.pursup.2008.01.007)
- Walker, H. L. and Harland, C. 2008. E-procurement in the United Nations: influences, issues and impact. International Journal of Operations & Production Management 28(9), pp. 831-857. (10.1108/01443570810895276)
Research and PhD supervision interests
- sustainable procurement
- sustainable supply chain management
- strategic purchasing and supply chain management
- public procurement
- corporate social responsibility
- business ethics
- outsourcing, off-shoring and in-sourcing
- supply strategy
- global supply chains
- ethical issues in supply chains
- modern slavery
- theoretical approaches to operations and supply
Teaching commitments
- UG - BS3006 Responsible Strategic Supplier Management
- PG - BST805 Strategic SCM module
- PhD - BST211 Advanced Issues in Logistics and Operations Management
Research and funding
Research focus has been on sustainable procurement, corporate social responsibility and sustainable supply chain management in the public and private sector. Conducted both quantitative and qualitative research, including case studies, interviews, focus groups and surveys. Refereed publications include journal articles, book chapters, conference papers, some of which have won best paper awards. Raised over £1 million funding for research.
Leadership, teaching and supervision
Taught a variety of PhD, MBA and undergraduate courses and won teaching excellence awards.
Honours and awards
Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management Best Paper Award (2015) for Touboulic, A. & Walker, H. (2015) Love me, love me not: Collaboration in sustainable supply chains. JPSM, 21(3), 178-191.
International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management 2015. Highly Commended Literati Award. Touboulic, A. & Walker, H. (2015) Theories in sustainable supply chain management: A structured literature review. IJPDLM, 45 (1/2), pp. 16-42
Public Administration Review 2014 Louis Brownlow Award: Walker, H., Schotanus, F., Bakker, E., & Harland, C. (2013)“Collaborative Procurement: A Relational View of Buyer-Buyer Relationships, Vol. 73, Issue 4, 588-598.
IPSERA Conference Nantes 2013 IFPSM Best Paper Relevant to Practice Award: Touboulic, A. & Walker, H. Sensemaking In Sustainable Supply Chains: Exploring Inter-organisational Processes and Meanings Through Stakeholders’ Perspective’
Supply Chain Management: An International Journal. Highly Commended Literati Award: Walker, H. & Jones, N. (2012) Sustainable supply chain management across the UK private sector, Vol 17, Issue 1, 15-28.
International Journal of Operations & Production Management. Outstanding Paper Literati Award: Brammer, S. & Walker, H. (2011) Sustainable procurement in the public sector: an international comparative study, Vol 31, Issue 4, 452-476.
Public Administration Review 2012 Louis Brownlow Award: Schotanus, F., Bakker, E., Walker, H. & Eßig, M. (2011) Development of Purchasing Groups during Their Life Cycle: From Infancy to Maturity, Vol. 71, Issue 2, 265-275.
IPSERA Conference Wiesbaden 2009 Best Paper Award (2500 Euros): Walker, H. Sustainable procurement; a literature review.
Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management 2008 Best Paper Award: Walker, H., Di Sisto, L., & McBain, D. (2008) Drivers and barriers of environmental supply chain practices: lessons from the public and private sectors, Vol 14, No 1, pp 69-85.
International Public Procurement Conference Fort Lauderdale 2004 Best Manuscript Award ($1,500): Caldwell, N., Walker, H., Harland, C., Knight, L., & J. Zheng (2004) Promoting Competitive Markets: The role of public procurement.
Professional memberships
- Chartered Institute of Procurement and Supply
- Academy of Management
Contact Details
+44 29208 76570
Aberconway Building, Room B50/C50, Colum Road, Cathays, Cardiff, CF10 3EU