I joined the School of Law and Politics at Cardiff University as a Lecturer in June 2024. I work primarily within the Clinical Education (Pro Bono) Hub and the Cardiff Law School Innocence Project overseeing student teams and supervising case work.
I am a qualified Solicitor holding a practising certificate. I qualified in January 2020 and specialised in Criminal Defence. I initially worked in a Law Firm providing specialist assistance with Criminal Appeals, before working in a firm as a Criminal Defence Solicitor undertaking Legal Aid representation. I later specialised in providing Criminal and Regulatory representation primarily on a privately funded basis.
I am a former student of the School of Law and Politics at Cardiff University, when I was part of the innocence project student team. I completed the Graduate Diploma in Law in 2014, and I then completed the Human Rights Legal Learning Masters in 2015. I completed the Legal Practice Course in 2016 before then leaving academia and working towards obtaining a Training Contract to become a qualified solicitor.
I have a keen interest in Access to Justice and the Criminal Justice System. I have joined Cardiff University to further develop my interests in teaching as well as Criminal Appeals and Human Rights.