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Professor Anthony Whitworth

M.A. (Oxon), Ph.D. (Manchester), F.R.A.S.

Astronomy Group
Cardiff Hub for Astrophysics Research and Technology


I am in charge of Postgraduate Admissions. I have previously been in charge of Undergraduate Admissions, Examinations and Timetabling. I have served on the Departmental Board, the Course Committee, the Library Committee, the Staff-Student Panel, and the Computing Committee.































  • Whitworth, A. P. and Clarke, C. J. 1997. Cooling behind mildly supersonic shocks in molecular clouds. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 291(3), pp. 578-584. (10.1093/mnras/291.3.578)
  • Watkins, S. J., Bhattal, A. S., Francis, N. and Whitworth, A. P. 1997. Binary Star Formation in Disc-Disc Encounters. Presented at: Accretion phenomena and related outflows : IAU Colloquium 163, Queensland, Australia, 15-19 July 1996 Presented at Wickramasinghe, D. T., Bicknell, G. V. and Ferrario, L. eds.Accretion phenomena and related outflows : IAU Colloquium 163 : Colloquium held in Port Douglas, Queensland, Australia, 15-19 July 1996. ASP Conference Series Vol. 121. San Francisco, CA: Astronomical Society of the Pacific pp. 826-827.
  • Watkins, S., BhattaL, A., Francis, N. and Whitworth, A. P. 1997. Binary multiplication: The formation of close binaries from wide ones. Presented at: Star formation, near and far : seventh Astrophysics Conference, College Park, MD, 14-16 October 1996 Presented at Holt, S. S. and Mundy, L. G. eds.Star Formation, Near and Far: Seventh Astrophysics Conference (AIP Conference Proceedings). AIP Conference Proceedings Vol. 393. Woodbury, N.Y.: American Institute of Physics pp. 367-370., (10.1063/1.52772)




  • Whitworth, A. P., Bhattal, A. S., Chapman, S. J., Disney, M. and Turner, J. A. 1994. The preferential formation of high-mass stars in shocked interstellar gas layers. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 268(1), pp. 291-298. (10.1093/mnras/268.1.291)
  • Turner, J. A., Bhattal, A. S., Chapman, S. J., Disney, M. J., Pongracic, H. and Whitworth, A. P. 1994. The formation of a 'protocluster'. Presented at: Numerical simulations in astrophysics : 1st UNAM-CRAY supercomputing workshop entitled 'Numerical simulations in astrophysics: modelling the dynamics of the universe, Mexico City, México, 26-30 July 1993 Presented at Franco, J. et al. eds.Numerical simulations in astrophysics : proceedings of the first UNAM-CRAY supercomputing workshop, Numerical Simulations in Astrophysics : Modelling the Dynamics of the Universe held in Mexico City, México, July 26-30, 1993. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press pp. 31-32.
  • Pongracic, H., Chapman, J., Disney, M. J., Nelsoni, A. H., Turner, J. and Whitworth, A. P. 1994. Star formation via interaction of shocks with molecular clouds. Presented at: Proceedings of the First UNAM-CRAY Supercomputing Workshop, 'Numerical Simulations in Astrophysics: Modelling the Dynamics of the Universe' held in, Mexico City, Mexico, 26-30 July 1993Numerical simulations in astrophysics : proceedings of the first UNAM-CRAY supercomputing workshop, Numerical Simulations in Astrophysics : Modelling the Dynamics of the Universe held in Mexico City, México, July 26-30, 1993. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press pp. 316-327.
  • Chapman, S. J., Bhattal, S. S., Disney, M. J., Pongracic, H., Turner, J. A. and Whitworth, A. P. 1994. Two formation mechanisms for binary (and multiple) protostars in shocked interstellar gas layers. Presented at: 1st UNAM-CRAY Supercomputing Workshop on Numerical Simulations in Astrophysics : Modelling the Dynamics of the Universe, Mexico City, México, 26-30 July 1993Numerical Simulations in Astrophysics: Proceedings of the First UNAM-CRAY Supercomputing Workshop, 'Numerical Simulations in Astrophysics : Modelling the Dynamics of the Universe' Held in Mexico City, México, July 26-30, 1993. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press pp. 206-224.
  • Chapman, S. J., Bhattal, A. S., Disney, M. J., Turner, J. A. and Whitworth, A. P. 1994. The formation of OB subgroups. Presented at: Proceedings of the First UNAM-CRAY Supercomputing Workshop, 'Numerical Simulations in Astrophysics : Modelling the Dynamics of the Universe' ,, Mexico City, México, 26-30 July 1993 Presented at Franco, J. ed.Numerical Simulations in Astrophysics: Proceedings of the First UNAM-CRAY Supercomputing Workshop, 'Numerical Simulations in Astrophysics : Modelling the Dynamics of the Universe' Held in Mexico City, México, July 26-30, 1993. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press pp. 206-224.
  • Chapman, S. J., Bhattal, A. S., Disney, M. J., Pongracic, H., Turner, J. A. and Whitworth, A. P. 1994. The formation of hierarchical binary systems in turbulent GMCs.. Presented at: The1st UNAM-CRAY supercomputing workshop, Numerical Simulations in Astrophysics : Modelling the Dynamics of the Universe, Mexico City, México, 26-30 July 1993 Presented at Franco, J. ed.Numerical simulations in astrophysics : proceedings of the first UNAM-CRAY supercomputing workshop, Numerical Simulations in Astrophysics : Modelling the Dynamics of the Universe held in Mexico City, México, July 26-30, 1993. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press pp. 206-224.
  • Turner, J. A. and Whitworth, A. P. 1994. An interstellar thermostat: gas temperature regulated by grain charge. Astrophysics and Space Science 216(1-2), pp. 239-240. (10.1007/BF00982500)
  • Turner, J., Chapman, S., Bhattal, A., Disney, M. J. and Whitworth, A. P. 1994. Binary and multiple star formation. Astrophysics and Space Science 216(1-2), pp. 323-324. (10.1007/BF00982512)
  • Chapman, S., Bhattal, A., Disney, M. J., Turner, J. and Whitworth, A. P. 1994. Star formation in shocked layers. Astrophysics and Space Science 216(1-2), pp. 317-321. (10.1007/BF00982511)
  • Whitworth, A. P., Bhattal, A. S., Chapman, S. J., Disney, M. J. and Turner, J. A. 1994. Fragmentation of shocked interstellar gas layers. Astronomy and Astrophysics 290, pp. 421-427.


  • Pongracic, H., Chapman, S., Davies, J., Disney, M. J., Nelson, A., Turner, J. and Whitworth, A. P. 1993. Formation of single and binary protostars. Presented at: Star formation, galaxies and the interstellar medium : the 4th EIPC Astrophysical Workshop, Elba Island, Italy, 1- 6 June 1992 Presented at Franco, J., Ferrini, F. and Tenorio-Tagle, G. eds.Star formation, galaxies and the interstellar medium : proceedings of the 4th EIPC Astrophysical Workshop held at the Elba International Physics Center, Marciana Marina, Elba Island, Italy, June 1- 6, 1992. Cambridge ; New York: Cambridge University Press pp. 316-327.
  • Whitworth, A. P. 1993. A positive pregnancy test?. Nature 363(6427), pp. 304-305. (10.1038/363304a0)



  • Whitworth, A. P. 1991. Cool and out of sight. Nature 352(6337), pp. 662-663. (10.1038/352662a0)
  • Whitworth, A. P. 1991. Why do stars become giants?. Annales de Physique 16(4), pp. 515-526. (10.1051/anphys:01991001604051500)
  • Whitworth, A. P. and Pongracic, H. 1991. Cloud-cloud collisions and fragments. Presented at: Fragmentation of molecular clouds and star formation : 147th Symposium of the International Astronomical Union, Grenoble, France, 12–16 June 1990 Presented at Falgarone, E., Boulanger, F. and Duvert, G. eds.Fragmentation of Molecular Clouds and Star Formation Proceedings of the 147th Symposium of the International Astronomical Union, Held in Grenoble, France, June 12–16, 1990. International Astronomical Union / Union Astronomique Internationale Vol. 147. Netherlands: Springer pp. 523-525., (10.1007/978-94-011-3384-5_95)
  • Whitworth, A. P. 1991. Gravitational virilization of molecular cloud fragments. Presented at: Fragmentation of molecular clouds and star formation :147th Symposium of the International Astronomical Union, Grenoble, France, 12-16 June 1990 Presented at Falgarone, E., Boulanger, F. and Duvert, G. eds.Fragmentation of molecular clouds and star formation : proceedings of the 147th Symposium of the International Astronomical Union, held in Grenoble, France, June 12-16, 1990. International Astronomical Union / Union Astronomique Internationale Vol. 147. Netherlands: Springer pp. 515-518., (10.1007/978-94-011-3384-5_93)
  • Whitworth, A. P. 1991. Turbulent amplification of interstellar magnetic fields. Presented at: Fragmentation of molecular clouds and star formation : the 147th Symposium of the International Astronomical Union, Grenoble, France, 12-16 June 1990 Presented at Falgarone, E., Boulanger, F. and Duvert, G. eds.Fragmentation of molecular clouds and star formation : proceedings of the 147th Symposium of the International Astronomical Union, held in Grenoble, France, June 12-16, 1990. International Astronomical Union / Union Astronomique Internationale Vol. 147. Netherlands: Springer pp. 519-522., (10.1007/978-94-011-3384-5_94)
  • Pongracic, H., Chapman, S. J., Davies, J. R., Disney, M. J., Nelson, A. H. and Whitworth, A. P. 1991. Computer simulation of the formation of protostars. Presented at: Dynamics of disc galaxies, Varberg Castle, Sweden, 25-30 May 1991 Presented at Sundelius, B. ed.Dynamics of disc galaxies: the proceedings of a conference at Varberg Castle in Sweden, 25-30 May 1991. Göteborgs, Sweden: Department of Astronomy/Astrophysics, Göteborgs University pp. 405.
  • Chapman, S. J. and Whitworth, A. P. 1991. Does dust mean gas?. Presented at: Molecular Clouds: a Conference at the Department of Astronomy, University of Manchester, UK, 26-30 March 1990 Presented at James, R. . and Millar, T. J. eds.Molecular Clouds, Proceedings of a Conference at the Department of Astronomy, University of Manchester, March 26-30, 1990. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge Univerversity Press pp. 323.


  • Whitworth, A. P. 1990. Removing the seventh veil?. Nature 344(6266), pp. 489. (10.1038/344489a0)
  • Whitworth, A. P. 1990. Stellar birth control. Nature 346(6282), pp. 316-317. (10.1038/346316a0)
  • Pongracic, H., Chapman, S., Davies, R., Nelson, A., Disney, M. J. and Whitworth, A. P. 1990. Numerical simulations of dynamical protostar formation. Presented at: Vulcano Workshop on Young Star Clusters and Early Stellar Evolution, Vulcano, Italy, 16-20 Sept. 1991Vulcano Workshop on Young Star Clusters and Early Stellar Evolution, Vulcano, Italy, Sept. 16-20, 1991, Proceedings. MEMORIE della Società Astronomica Italiana Vol. 62 (4). Trieste, Italy: Italian Astronomical Society pp. 851-858.



  • Whitworth, A. P. 1988. Cosmochemical constraints on the production of graphite grains. Presented at: Dust in the Universe, University of Manchester, UK, 14-18 Dec 1987 Presented at Bailey, M. E. and Williams, D. A. eds.Dust in the Universe : the proceedings of a conference at the Department of Astronomy, University of Manchester. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press pp. 337-341.







  • Whitworth, A. P. 1980. On the Jeans criterion. Presented at: Giant molecular clouds in the Galaxy; the 3rd Gregynog Astrophysics Workshop, Cardiff, Wales, August 1977 Presented at Solomon, P. M. and Edmunds, M. G. eds.Giant molecular clouds in the Galaxy; Proceedings of the Third Gregynog Astrophysics Workshop, Cardiff, Wales, August 1977. Oxford and New York: Pergamon Press pp. 285-288.
  • Whitworth, A. P. 1980. Amplification of protostellar magnetic fields.. The Observatory 100, pp. 179.







Book sections



  • Stamatellos, D., Hubber, D. and Whitworth, A. P. 2012. Episodic accretion, radiative feedback, and their role in low-mass star formation. Presented at: 9th Pacific Rim Conference on Stellar Astrophysics (PRCSA 2011), Lijian, China, 14-20 April 2011 Presented at Qian, S. ed.9th Pacific Rim Conference on Stellar Astrophysics (PRCSA 2011), Lijian, China, 14-20 April 2011. Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series Vol. 451. San Francisco: Astronomical Society of the Pacific pp. 213-218.
  • Stamatelos, D. and Whitworth, A. P. 2010. The formation of Low-Mass Stars and Brown Dwarfs. Presented at: 9th International Conference of the Hellenic Astronomical Society, Athens, Greece, 20-24 September 2009 Presented at Tsinganos, K., Hatzidimitriou, D. and Matsakos, T. eds.Advances in Hellenic astronomy during the IYA09: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference of the Hellenic Astronomical Society held in Athens, Greece, 14-20 September 2009. Astronomical Society of the Pacific (ASP) conference series Vol. 424. San Francisco: Astronomical Society of the Pacific pp. 159.
  • Stamatelos, D. and Whitworth, A. P. 2009. The formation of brown dwarfs and low-mass stars by disc fragmentation. Presented at: Cool stars, stellar systems and the sun, St. Andrews, UK, 21–25 July 2008 Presented at Stempels, E. ed.Proceedings of the 15th Cambridge Workshop on Cool Stars, Stellar Systems and the Sun, St Andrews, UK, 21-25 July 2008, Vol. 1094. AIP Conference Proceedings Melville, USA: American Institute of Physics pp. 557-560., (10.1063/1.3099172)
  • Forgan, D., Rice, K., Stamatelos, D. and Whitworth, A. P. 2009. Introducing a hybrid method of radiative transfer in smoothed particle hydrodynamics. Presented at: Cool stars, stellar systems and the sun, St. Andrews, UK, 21-25 July 2008 Presented at Stempels, E. ed.Proceedings of the 15th Cambridge Workshop on Cool Stars, Stellar Systems and the Sun, St Andrews, UK, 21-25 July 2008. AIP Conference Proceedings Vol. 1094. Melville, NY: American Institute of Physics pp. 377-380., (10.1063/1.3099124)
  • Whitworth, A. P. 2007. Triggered formation and collapse of molecular cloud cores. Presented at: Symposium S237 at Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, Prague, Czech Republic, 14-18 August 2006Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, Vol. 2. Vol. S237. Cambridge University Press pp. 251-257., (10.1017/S1743921307001561)
  • Hennebelle, P., Belloche, A., André, P. and Whitworth, A. P. 2007. Strongly triggered collapse model confronts observations. Presented at: Proceedings of the IAU Symposium no 237, 2006, Prague, Czech Republic, 14-18 August 2006Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, Vol. 2. Vol. S237. Cambridge University Press pp. 265-269., (10.1017/S1743921307001585)
  • Whitworth, A. P., Bate, M. R., Nordlund, A., Reipurth, B. and Zinnecker, H. 2007. The formation of brown dwarfs: theory. Presented at: Protostars and Planets V, Hawaii, USA, October 24 - 28 2005 Presented at Reipurth, B., Jewitt, D. and Keil, K. eds. Tuscon: University of Arizona Press pp. 459-476.
  • Stamatellos, D., Whitworth, A. P., Ward-Thompson, D. and Goodwin, S. P. 2007. Observational characteristics of very young protostars. Presented at: Protostars and Planets V, Hawaii, USA, 24-28 October 2005 Presented at Reipurth, B., Jewitt, D. and Keil, K. eds.Protostars and Planets, Vol. V. Tucson, Arizona: University of Arizona Press
  • Kitsionas, S., Jappsen, A., Klessen, R. S. and Whitworth, A. P. 2007. Studying the star formation efficiency of cloud collisions and gravo-turbulent fragmentation. Presented at: Protostars and Planets V, Hawaii, USA, 24-28 October 2005Protostars And Planets, Vol. V. Tuscon, Arizona: University of Arizona Press
  • Whitworth, A. 2007. Formation of brown dwarf companions by disc fragmentation. Presented at: Multiplicity in Star Formation, Ontario, Canada, 16-18 May 2007.
  • Whitworth, A. P. and Goodwin, S. P. 2005. How do brown dwarves form?. Presented at: Low-mass stars and brown dwarfs: IMF, accretion and activity, Volterra, Italy, 17-20 October 2004 Presented at Testi, L. and Natta, A. eds.Low-mass Stars and Brown Dwarfs: IMF, Accretion and Activity: Volterra, October 17 - 20, 2004 ; [Workshop "Low-mass Stars and Brown Dwarfs: IMF, Accretion and Activity]. Memorie della Società astronomica italiana Vol. 76 (2). Pisa, Italy: Italian Astronomical Society pp. 211-216.
  • Stamatellos, D. and Whitworth, A. P. 2004. Dust temperatures in asymmetric prestellar cores. Presented at: Young Local Universe: XXIVth Moriond Astrophysics Meeting, La Thuile, Italy, 21-28 March 2004.
  • Goodwin, S., Whitworth, A. P. and Ward-Thompson, D. 2004. The origin of the IMF from core mass functions. Presented at: The Young Local Universe: XXIVth Moriond Astrophysics Meeting, La Thuile, Italy, 21-28 March 2004.
  • Goodwin, S., Whitworth, A. P. and Ward-Thompson, D. 2003. Multiple star formation in isolated cores. Presented at: International Astronomical Union Symposium 221, Sydney, Australia, 22-25 July 2003.
  • Stamatellos, D. and Whitworth, A. P. 2003. Monte Carlo radiative transfer in prestellar cores. Presented at: International Astronomical Union Symposium 221, Sydney, Australia, 22-25 July 2003.
  • Kitsionas, S. and Whitworth, A. P. 2003. Star Formation Triggered by Low-Mass Clump Collisions. Presented at: International Astronomical Union Symposium no 221, Sydney, Australia, 22-25 July 2003Star Formation at High Angular Resolution.
  • Goodwin, S. P., Ward-Thompson, D. and Whitworth, A. P. 2003. The three-dimensional shapes of molecular cores. Presented at: International Astronomical Observatories in Chile, workshop, La Serena, Chile, 11-15 March 2002 Presented at De Buizer, J. M. and van der Bliek, N. S. eds.In Galactic Star Formation Across the Stellar Mass Spectrum: Proceedings of the 2002 International Astronomical Observatories in Chile workshop, held 11-15 March 2002 at La Serena, Chile. ASP Conference Series Vol. 287. San Francisco: Astronomical Society of the Pacific pp. 52-56.
  • Whitworth, A. P. 2003. Does the distribution of clump masses determine the Imf?. Presented at: 221st Symposium of the International Astronomical Union, Sydney, Australia, 22-25 July 2003 Presented at Burton, M. G., Jayawardhana, R. and Bourke, T. L. eds.Star Formation at High Angular Resolution: Proceedings of the 221st Symposium of the International Astronomical Union Held During the Iau General Assembly XXV, Sydney, Australia, 22-25 July 2003. IAU Symposium Vol. 221. San Francisco: International Astronomical Union pp. 221.
  • Goodwin, S. and Whitworth, A. P. 2003. The survival of substructure in clumpy clusters. Presented at: 25th Meeting of the International Astronomical Union, Sydney, Australia, 18th July 2003.
  • Goodwin, S. P., Whitworth, A. P. and Ward-Thompson, D. 2003. The evolution of triaxial molecular cores. Presented at: Astrophysical Supercomputing Using Particle Simulations: 208th Symposium of the International Astronomical Union, Tokyo, Japan, 10-13 July 2001 Presented at Makino, J. and Hut, P. eds.Astrophysical Supercomputing Using Particle Simulations: Proceedings of the 208th Symposium of the International Astronomical Union Held in Tokyo, Japan, 10-13 July 2001, Issue 208. IAU symposium Vol. 208. San Francisco, CA: IAU by the Astronomical Society of the Pacific pp. 395-396.
  • Boffin, H. M. J., Francis, N. and Whitworth, A. P. 2003. High resolution simulations of star formation. Presented at: Astrophysical supercomputing using particle simulations : 208th Symposium of the International Astronomical Union, Tokyo, Japan, 10-13 July 2001 Presented at Makino, J. and Hut, P. eds.Astrophysical supercomputing using particle simulations : proceedings of the 208th Symposium of the International Astronomical Union held in Tokyo, Japan, 10-13 July 2001. IAU symposium Vol. 208. San Francisco, CA: IAU by the Astronomical Society of the Pacific pp. 379.
  • Whitworth, A. P. 2001. Impulsively triggered binary star formation. Presented at: Proceedings of IAU Symposium 200, Potsdam, Germany, 10-15 April 2000The Formation of Binary Stars. pp. 33.
  • Boffin, H. M. J., Francis, N. and Whitworth, A. P. 2001. High resolution simulations of star formation. Presented at: International Astronomical Union no. 208, Tokyo, Japan, July 10-13, 2001 Presented at Makino, J. and Hut, P. eds. Astrophycisal Supercomputing Using Particle Simulations International Astronomical Union
  • Whitworth, A. P. 2001. Collapse Models. Presented at: Cover image Title From darkness to light : origin and evolution of young stellar clusters, Corsica, France, 3-8 April 2000 Presented at Montmerle, T. and André, P. eds.Cover image Title From darkness to light : origin and evolution of young stellar clusters : proceedings of a meeting held in Cargèse, Corsica, France, 3-8 April 2000. Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series Vol. 243. San Francisco, CA: Astronomical Society of the Pacific pp. 171.
  • Kitsionas, S. and Whitworth, A. P. 2001. High resolution simulations of clump-clump collisions using SPH with Particle Splitting. Presented at: 5th Hellenic Astronomical Conference, Crete, Greece, 20-22 Sept 2001.
  • Whitworth, A. P., Boffin, H. M. J. and Francis, N. 1998. The thermodynamics of dense cores. Presented at: Star Formation with the Infrared Space Observatory, Lisbon, Portugal, 24-26 June, 1997 Presented at Yun, J. and Liseau, R. eds.Star Formation with the Infrared Space Observatory, Vol. 132. Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series pp. 183.
  • Whitworth, A. P., Boffin, H. M. J. and Francis, N. 1998. Violent star formation in W49A. Presented at: Star Formation with the Infrared Space Observatory, Lisbon, Portugal, 24-26 June 1997 Presented at Yun, J. and Liseau, R. eds.Star Formation with the Infrared Space Observatory, Vol. 132. Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series pp. 318.
  • Kitsionas, S., Gladwin, P. P., Whitworth, A. P. and Liseau, L. 1998. The structure of young star clusters: Chamaeleon I. Presented at: Star Formation with the Infrared Space Observatory, Lisbon, Portugal, 24-26 June 1997Star Formation with the Infrared Space Observatory (ISO), Vol. 132. Astronomical Society of the Pacific pp. 434.
  • Watkins, S. J., Boffin, H. M. J., Francis, N. and Whitworth, A. P. 1998. Binary multiplication: the formation of close binaries from wide ones. Presented at: Star Formation with the Infrared Space Observatory, Lisbon, Portugal, 24-26 June 1997Star Formation with the Infrared Space Observatory, Vol. 132. ASP Conference Series Astronomical Society of the Pacific pp. 430.
  • Francis, N., Boffin, H. M. J., Watkins, S. J. and Whitworth, A. P. 1998. Star formation in shells swept up by HII regions. Presented at: Star formation with the Infrared Space Observatory (ISO), Lisbon, Portugal, 24-26 June 1997 Presented at Yun, J. L. and Liseau, R. eds.Star formation with the Infrared Space Observatory (ISO) : meeting held in Lisbon, Portugal, 24-26 June 1997. ASP Conference Series Vol. 132. San Francisco, CA: Astronomical Society of the Pacific pp. 346-349.
  • Watkins, S. J., Bhattal, A. S., Francis, N. and Whitworth, A. P. 1997. Binary Star Formation in Disc-Disc Encounters. Presented at: Accretion phenomena and related outflows : IAU Colloquium 163, Queensland, Australia, 15-19 July 1996 Presented at Wickramasinghe, D. T., Bicknell, G. V. and Ferrario, L. eds.Accretion phenomena and related outflows : IAU Colloquium 163 : Colloquium held in Port Douglas, Queensland, Australia, 15-19 July 1996. ASP Conference Series Vol. 121. San Francisco, CA: Astronomical Society of the Pacific pp. 826-827.
  • Watkins, S., BhattaL, A., Francis, N. and Whitworth, A. P. 1997. Binary multiplication: The formation of close binaries from wide ones. Presented at: Star formation, near and far : seventh Astrophysics Conference, College Park, MD, 14-16 October 1996 Presented at Holt, S. S. and Mundy, L. G. eds.Star Formation, Near and Far: Seventh Astrophysics Conference (AIP Conference Proceedings). AIP Conference Proceedings Vol. 393. Woodbury, N.Y.: American Institute of Physics pp. 367-370., (10.1063/1.52772)
  • Whitworth, A. P., Bhattal, A. S., Chapman, S. J., Disney, M. J., Pongracic, H. and Turner, J. A. 1996. Numerical simulations of the formation of binary and multiple protostellar disks, starting from dynamic initial conditions. Presented at: Outflows Around Young Stars, Heidelberg, Germany, 6–9 September 1994 Presented at Beckwith, S. ed.Disks and Outflows Around Young Stars: Proceedings of a Conference Honouring Hans Elsässer Held at Heidelberg, Germany, 6–9 September 1994. Lecture Notes in Physics Vol. 465. Springer Berlin Heidelberg pp. 132-142., (10.1007/BFb0102631)
  • Turner, J. A., Bhattal, A. S., Chapman, S. J., Disney, M. J., Pongracic, H. and Whitworth, A. P. 1994. The formation of a 'protocluster'. Presented at: Numerical simulations in astrophysics : 1st UNAM-CRAY supercomputing workshop entitled 'Numerical simulations in astrophysics: modelling the dynamics of the universe, Mexico City, México, 26-30 July 1993 Presented at Franco, J. et al. eds.Numerical simulations in astrophysics : proceedings of the first UNAM-CRAY supercomputing workshop, Numerical Simulations in Astrophysics : Modelling the Dynamics of the Universe held in Mexico City, México, July 26-30, 1993. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press pp. 31-32.
  • Pongracic, H., Chapman, J., Disney, M. J., Nelsoni, A. H., Turner, J. and Whitworth, A. P. 1994. Star formation via interaction of shocks with molecular clouds. Presented at: Proceedings of the First UNAM-CRAY Supercomputing Workshop, 'Numerical Simulations in Astrophysics: Modelling the Dynamics of the Universe' held in, Mexico City, Mexico, 26-30 July 1993Numerical simulations in astrophysics : proceedings of the first UNAM-CRAY supercomputing workshop, Numerical Simulations in Astrophysics : Modelling the Dynamics of the Universe held in Mexico City, México, July 26-30, 1993. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press pp. 316-327.
  • Chapman, S. J., Bhattal, S. S., Disney, M. J., Pongracic, H., Turner, J. A. and Whitworth, A. P. 1994. Two formation mechanisms for binary (and multiple) protostars in shocked interstellar gas layers. Presented at: 1st UNAM-CRAY Supercomputing Workshop on Numerical Simulations in Astrophysics : Modelling the Dynamics of the Universe, Mexico City, México, 26-30 July 1993Numerical Simulations in Astrophysics: Proceedings of the First UNAM-CRAY Supercomputing Workshop, 'Numerical Simulations in Astrophysics : Modelling the Dynamics of the Universe' Held in Mexico City, México, July 26-30, 1993. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press pp. 206-224.
  • Chapman, S. J., Bhattal, A. S., Disney, M. J., Turner, J. A. and Whitworth, A. P. 1994. The formation of OB subgroups. Presented at: Proceedings of the First UNAM-CRAY Supercomputing Workshop, 'Numerical Simulations in Astrophysics : Modelling the Dynamics of the Universe' ,, Mexico City, México, 26-30 July 1993 Presented at Franco, J. ed.Numerical Simulations in Astrophysics: Proceedings of the First UNAM-CRAY Supercomputing Workshop, 'Numerical Simulations in Astrophysics : Modelling the Dynamics of the Universe' Held in Mexico City, México, July 26-30, 1993. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press pp. 206-224.
  • Chapman, S. J., Bhattal, A. S., Disney, M. J., Pongracic, H., Turner, J. A. and Whitworth, A. P. 1994. The formation of hierarchical binary systems in turbulent GMCs.. Presented at: The1st UNAM-CRAY supercomputing workshop, Numerical Simulations in Astrophysics : Modelling the Dynamics of the Universe, Mexico City, México, 26-30 July 1993 Presented at Franco, J. ed.Numerical simulations in astrophysics : proceedings of the first UNAM-CRAY supercomputing workshop, Numerical Simulations in Astrophysics : Modelling the Dynamics of the Universe held in Mexico City, México, July 26-30, 1993. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press pp. 206-224.
  • Pongracic, H., Chapman, S., Davies, J., Disney, M. J., Nelson, A., Turner, J. and Whitworth, A. P. 1993. Formation of single and binary protostars. Presented at: Star formation, galaxies and the interstellar medium : the 4th EIPC Astrophysical Workshop, Elba Island, Italy, 1- 6 June 1992 Presented at Franco, J., Ferrini, F. and Tenorio-Tagle, G. eds.Star formation, galaxies and the interstellar medium : proceedings of the 4th EIPC Astrophysical Workshop held at the Elba International Physics Center, Marciana Marina, Elba Island, Italy, June 1- 6, 1992. Cambridge ; New York: Cambridge University Press pp. 316-327.
  • Pongracic, H., Chapman, S. J., Davies, J. R., Turner, J. A., Disney, M. J., Nelson, A. H. and Whitworth, A. P. 1992. Numerical simulations of the formation of protostellar discs. Presented at: Dusty Discs: 9th RAL (Rutherford Appleton Laboratory) Workshop on Astronomy and Astrophysics, Didcot, UK, 26-28 May, 1992 Presented at Gondhalekar, P. M. ed.Dusty Discs, Proceedings of the 9th RAL Workshop on Astronomy and Astrophysics.
  • Whitworth, A. P. and Pongracic, H. 1991. Cloud-cloud collisions and fragments. Presented at: Fragmentation of molecular clouds and star formation : 147th Symposium of the International Astronomical Union, Grenoble, France, 12–16 June 1990 Presented at Falgarone, E., Boulanger, F. and Duvert, G. eds.Fragmentation of Molecular Clouds and Star Formation Proceedings of the 147th Symposium of the International Astronomical Union, Held in Grenoble, France, June 12–16, 1990. International Astronomical Union / Union Astronomique Internationale Vol. 147. Netherlands: Springer pp. 523-525., (10.1007/978-94-011-3384-5_95)
  • Whitworth, A. P. 1991. Gravitational virilization of molecular cloud fragments. Presented at: Fragmentation of molecular clouds and star formation :147th Symposium of the International Astronomical Union, Grenoble, France, 12-16 June 1990 Presented at Falgarone, E., Boulanger, F. and Duvert, G. eds.Fragmentation of molecular clouds and star formation : proceedings of the 147th Symposium of the International Astronomical Union, held in Grenoble, France, June 12-16, 1990. International Astronomical Union / Union Astronomique Internationale Vol. 147. Netherlands: Springer pp. 515-518., (10.1007/978-94-011-3384-5_93)
  • Whitworth, A. P. 1991. Turbulent amplification of interstellar magnetic fields. Presented at: Fragmentation of molecular clouds and star formation : the 147th Symposium of the International Astronomical Union, Grenoble, France, 12-16 June 1990 Presented at Falgarone, E., Boulanger, F. and Duvert, G. eds.Fragmentation of molecular clouds and star formation : proceedings of the 147th Symposium of the International Astronomical Union, held in Grenoble, France, June 12-16, 1990. International Astronomical Union / Union Astronomique Internationale Vol. 147. Netherlands: Springer pp. 519-522., (10.1007/978-94-011-3384-5_94)
  • Pongracic, H., Chapman, S. J., Davies, J. R., Disney, M. J., Nelson, A. H. and Whitworth, A. P. 1991. Computer simulation of the formation of protostars. Presented at: Dynamics of disc galaxies, Varberg Castle, Sweden, 25-30 May 1991 Presented at Sundelius, B. ed.Dynamics of disc galaxies: the proceedings of a conference at Varberg Castle in Sweden, 25-30 May 1991. Göteborgs, Sweden: Department of Astronomy/Astrophysics, Göteborgs University pp. 405.
  • Chapman, S. J. and Whitworth, A. P. 1991. Does dust mean gas?. Presented at: Molecular Clouds: a Conference at the Department of Astronomy, University of Manchester, UK, 26-30 March 1990 Presented at James, R. . and Millar, T. J. eds.Molecular Clouds, Proceedings of a Conference at the Department of Astronomy, University of Manchester, March 26-30, 1990. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge Univerversity Press pp. 323.
  • Pongracic, H., Chapman, S., Davies, R., Nelson, A., Disney, M. J. and Whitworth, A. P. 1990. Numerical simulations of dynamical protostar formation. Presented at: Vulcano Workshop on Young Star Clusters and Early Stellar Evolution, Vulcano, Italy, 16-20 Sept. 1991Vulcano Workshop on Young Star Clusters and Early Stellar Evolution, Vulcano, Italy, Sept. 16-20, 1991, Proceedings. MEMORIE della Società Astronomica Italiana Vol. 62 (4). Trieste, Italy: Italian Astronomical Society pp. 851-858.
  • Whitworth, A. P. 1988. Cosmochemical constraints on the production of graphite grains. Presented at: Dust in the Universe, University of Manchester, UK, 14-18 Dec 1987 Presented at Bailey, M. E. and Williams, D. A. eds.Dust in the Universe : the proceedings of a conference at the Department of Astronomy, University of Manchester. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press pp. 337-341.
  • Whitworth, A. P. 1980. On the Jeans criterion. Presented at: Giant molecular clouds in the Galaxy; the 3rd Gregynog Astrophysics Workshop, Cardiff, Wales, August 1977 Presented at Solomon, P. M. and Edmunds, M. G. eds.Giant molecular clouds in the Galaxy; Proceedings of the Third Gregynog Astrophysics Workshop, Cardiff, Wales, August 1977. Oxford and New York: Pergamon Press pp. 285-288.
  • Whitworth, A. P. 1974. Star formation and contraction/fragmentation problems. Presented at: Eighth ESLAB Symposium, Frascati, Italy, 4-7 June 1974 Presented at Moorwood, A. F. M. ed.H II Regions and the Galactic Centre : Proceedings of the Eighth ESLAB Symposium. Neuilly, France: European Space Research Organisation pp. 209-220.


Research interests

My main research interest is the theory of the formation of stars, brown dwarfs and planets, in particular the roles played by impulsive dynamical processes, magnetic fields, thermal physics, radiation transport and feedback, in determining the masses, clustering and binary properties of stars. I make extensive use of computer simulations, combined with other theoretical and statistical tools, and I enjoy close collaborations with the observers in the School. I am also interested in stellar evolution, interstellar matter, and galactic structure.


My main research interest is the theory of the formation of stars, brown dwarfs and planets, in particular the roles played by impulsive dynamical processes, magnetic fields, thermal physics, radiation transport and feedback, in determining the masses, clustering and binary properties of stars. I make extensive use of computer simulations, combined with other theoretical and statistical tools, and I enjoy close collaborations with the observers in the School. I am also interested in stellar evolution, interstellar matter, and galactic structure.


I teach a 1st-year course on 'Mathematical Physics', a 3rd-year course on 'Stellar Structure', a 4th-year course on 'The Interstellar Medium and Star Formation', and a postgraduate course on 'Star Formation'.. I give tutorials to 1st- and 2nd-year undergraduates, and supervise 3rd- and 4th-year undergraduate projects.


I obtained my first degree from Oxford University in 1968, and my PhD from Manchester University in 1972. I was a Royal Society Postdoctoral Fellow in Leiden in the Netherlands from 1972 to 1974, before being appointed to a lectureship at Cardiff University in 1974. I was awarded a personal chair in 2000.

Honours and awards

I have been invited to present papers at many international conferences, including 'IAU Symposium 237: Triggered Star Formation in a Turbulent IsM' in Prague in 2006; 'Protostars and Planets V' in Hawai'i in 2005; 'The Young Local Universe' in Aosta in 2004;'Cores to clusters: star formation with next generation telescopes' in Porto in 2004, 'IAU Symposium 208: Astrophysical Supercomputing using particle simulations' in Tokyo in 2001; and 'From darkness to light: the origin of young star clusters' in Corsica in 2001. I have served on several research committees, panels etc., including the European Commission Physics Panel, the PPARC Astronomy Theory Sub Panel, the HECToR Science Committee, and the UKAFF TAC. I have been Visiting Professor at the Ecole Normale Superieure in Paris.

Contact Details

Telephone +44 29208 74798
Campuses Queen's Buildings - North Building, Room N/3.27, 5 The Parade, Newport Road, Cardiff, CF24 3AA